JWfKIv NEWSPAPER DEVOTEX) TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED .1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1918. vol. xxn :;o. "5 ALLIED LINES IMPROVED; Ameanand FincCapturerlm- lortant Ground fromGe rm an s ': 7Hq at the tip. of the salient driven into-?4ne .allied line by theGermans late in .May, the; Americans ; and French-lbave won lm portant ground near Ch at 7eau Thierry; The attack was local in character, bat its success may . prove important in the future op erations in that part of the .battle ' The - assault was r aimed at the hamlet of Yaux, which is situated Ipnlthe south side of : the Chateau Thierry- Paris jroad and; on the i riortbern slopes of Hiir 01? Yaux isutr tw$mileajf rbm Chateau Thierrhlsjwas carried by the frupftHerench and Americans. IwhctaJsPedtwa small patch es qf woods in the immediate vi : cihity. - . - - . :The Germans almost immediate- $01 yfiSaaiif cou n te r-attacks in- an at ?vIieS positions; ; i -bdt their efforts failed in every in tancelln jtEe i initial ;i attack v and :;;y' in their, repeated f assaults against by the allies; the Germans have iuffexjedvelry heavy - losses at least 500 prisoners "hav ing been taken by the French and Americans.iOne J entire German f regimenfris officially reported to have beeiirtuallanriihilated itf the-batileX i:. TeachS tior teachers will begmnMondayj Xfftly Sthi? at beMaribiiraded ycouy'v superb Bowel fan3;Missi Susie-Fulgh 4itfiw iin'e;:cbj3uctqrs i: g is to ; f ; Miss Fulghumi the lead- f2fiiit& Sha has had coiisiderable - : - ; mary departments in several of the leading systems of North Carolina! t SQe has bad; considerable ' success in institute w'orkCand :Fwill Idoubt? : ' less li ve u p to her repu talion in the institutewdrfcfoxxMQW ITfaielafrequi jrs teaci ing,m the4 attend jvthese nsti tuiSs.-p" ;Eyery teacher .expecting to teach in Mc- H -vDowell Vwho has not attended a legally authorized institute within thelast;twdears:: willbe: expects ed to be on hand. SlS Chairman Harris ; is now busy : checking up1 the reports Vof the - canvassers " drive and while-ho' Bgures , are'' a- mailable at present, ' it is "estimated "that liUle(mbrevftHan lha! iallotmentf or the county 1 has been subscribed. . Buck Creek has subt " scribed 90 jpercen t of its quota and -. will orobably be the first; precinct in the county to go over the top. r The annualf conf erence iOftbe - Methods t rbles the Marion district will convene at Forest CifyThursday morning J uly 11 'at ; 9 VcFock ' with Rev. -Parker;' Holmegpresidi presiding. The conference: will continue through Sunday! The delegates from the Marion Metho dist church are - Messrs. : C. F. Jfxvdes; M: B. Gilliey, D. E. Hud gins and O. H B umgarner v 4 GF; McKesson Dies at Morganton t Morganton July 1. Early this morhing'5C.; F. McKesson, well known throughout the state and one of Mbrganton's most promi nent' citizens, passed away. He had been gradually gailing for oyer a year but a remarkably Strong vi tality made his family and friends hopeful; up until the last week or two that be would recover. Since last Thursday ; hej had been in a stupor, the greater part of the time unconscious. - Death came easily and at fno J time during his illness had he aDpeared to suffer pain. ; The funeral and burial ser? vices will.be lield tomorrow. " i His. wife, who "was a daughter of the late.T.. G. Walton, and . five children survive Dr. Louis Mc Kesson, of Statesville, Mrs. W. A. Xieslie, Mrs. W.r 1. Davis, Mrs Norman Chaffee, of- Morganton, and Mrs. Paul McNeel, of Rich mond.. All : were at his bedside when the end came.1 - : Possibly no man ; in Morganton was better known 'throughout the state than "Charlie McKesson," as hie, was known, to his friends. He was an orator of marked abili ty and his services as a speaker on public occasions Were frequently in-demand. He had been honored with federal and state offices, the last position. he held being that of Morganton' postmaster. " Highly educated, he .had a remarkably wide command of language and his contributions to the pa pers of , the state and to ; pe riodicals'. have al ways attracted attention.. Mr. McKesson was 68" years of age, He was a member, of the Episcopal church, and of a num ber of the fraternal orders' of the town. His death is deenly de plored and today all Morganton mourns with the bereaved J family. Summer Schools Open July 29. ; The County board of Education met In regular session'on Monday. A. number of roatine matters were passed upon by the board. Com mitteemen for the various districts ,wer appointed; a list of which will be .published iri this paper next week. The; date of opening the schools was d iscussed and it was decidedithat in those districts de siring summer school -should- be permitted to open on Monday, July 29th ; provided cohditions are favorablo.and that the vacation for harvest season be as short as pos sible. w'vv;.'C-" '"w" ' IJhe board will meet again next Monday, for the pur pose of off e r- ingJor sale the $20,000.00 ; bond issue on Nebo High choordistrict. County Supt. N. FSteppe states that there is already a number of bids omfile and he expects to be able to sell this" issue at a fair premium''-;;.';:Jx":t:; m f ibbitts-Grayson. i: ;: T Mrs. Lillie Brooke' Tibbitts -announces the mar ri age of her.dkugh-ter,-Miss Florence, to Mr. George Henry Grayson on SaturdayJune 29tb7 in .Washington, ; T, C. f Mr, Grayson is a son of Mrs. ;M.V I. Grayson of Nealsville and a broth er of, A. .W. Grayson .of 'Marion. For the past twenty years he : : Has held a responsible position - in the postofiice department in Washing ton. ri He has many friends in : this countylwho -wish, him a long and happy wedded life. . x . - N EWS FROM TH E COUNTY Brief Mention of Some of the Hap penings in McDowell County t Jtems About Home People. . ?::iYSAnTviLLE:.".,;; Dysartrille, Jolr 1. T. E. Stter whito has been oxthd dckllst for seT eral days." " ' J ,'; - " : Key Landis left Saturday for'New; port News, Va., where h expects to work for the gOTernment for a few weelcsl. - ' ' , 'V : Clyde Satterwhite, Herbert ilangnia and Keet Fortune, all of this place hare arrived in France, according to notice to relatives here. V V -.. . Thomas Satterwhite of Glenr 'Alpine, visited his son, T. E. Satterwhite, dur ing the week. . - ;; Pack Walker has bonght out Herbert Daves stock of goods. and has rented his store house. ;" " J. B, Mangnui of near ; Bridgewater was a pleasant visitor here last Sunday. John Landis lost a fine milk cow a few days ago, valued at $100. B. H.' Laos bridge left last week for Camp Jackson 8. C Most people have their wheat up and are ready to lay by their corn. Corn' is looking fine. The committee on War Savings stamps canyassed every house in this township last week and report about $10,000.00 raised. - Court Next Week. The Superior Court of McDowell County will convene next Monday Judge Justice presiding. It is necessary to hayo jurors for the first week on account of jail and criminal cases; -There will be no court the second week. Strong pressure has-beea brotrght by : the farmers upon the lawyers in Ma rion and the lawyers have met and agreed that farming conditions are such that jurors and litigants ought' not to be required to leave the farms at this critical time and have done as other lawyers have done in other counties. " There will be no causes tried where a consider able number of witnesses are re quired to attend. A few cases, requiring few witnesses, will be tried after the criminal docket is tried the first week. The lawyers will notify their clients of these cases and, unless litigants and wit nesses get notice from their attor neys, they need not attend " .any civil cases at this term, jurors drawn for the second week need not come to court. 7 Some litigants are anxious to try their cases, but the McDowell Bar feel that even the most anxious would be willing to make this sac rifice for the good of the farming interests and the country? It is hoped by the Bar that we can have full two weeks term in October. The people will realize that the lawyers of course must make sacri fice as well as litigants, as lawyers usually get little or no compensa tion until cases are tried.-. McDoweix Countt Bak. Food Administration Inspectors, Th e system o f i n s p ect i on r ece n t ly announced by the food adminis tration was inaugurated July 1st. Food Administrator Page has se lected eight field men who will be charged with this new and im portant activity of the food ad ministration. Those selected are W. M. Nasb, Hamlet; N. Lunsford, Boxboro; Carlos McLcod, Car thage; L. A. Martin, Lexington; J. L: C. Bird, Marion; E. L. Har ris, Raleigh: K. C. Deal, Elizabeth ton, and P. E. - Davenport, Ply mouth. : ' . Building- and Loan Meetin ; The annual meeUDgof the stock holders of the McDowell Bniling and Loan Association was hcl J &t the court house Monday night. The meeting was well attended acd the stockholders expressed them selves as highly pleased with the annual report of Secretary Ncal. The association made a splendid showing for tfie year. .The report showed that at the close of the year in June the number of shares in force totaled 2,539 and that $39,400 in matured stcck was paid out to ' shareholders" during the year. . Apolications hare already been made for, 175. sharts in the new series opened the first of the month and a good number will be added before this series is closthd. The next series "will mature in Oc tober. Officers and directors of the as sociation were re-elected as fellows: Thomas Morris, president; IL F. Barton, vice-president; J. E Neal, secretary and treasurer; and D. K. Hudgins, attorney; J. X. Morgan, Geo. I. White, J. Q: Gilkey, G. S. Kir by, W. M. 'Sweeney, liomis Morris, K. F. Burton, D. E. Hud gins and J. liNeal, directors, Singing Convention, The McDowell County Singing convention held aYCherry Springs last Saturday and Sunday was one of the greatest conventions in the history of the organization. The attendance was largr, considericg the condition of the weather, as the heavy rain Sunday deprived several choirs and many visitors from attending. "Choirs from Old Fort, Cherry Springs, Clear Creek and EasVMarioo sang to the con test. The singing was thoroughly enjoyed and many present declared that the: singing by these four choirs was the best they had ever heard. ... .. .... : . Much oraise is due the, people of Cherry Springs for their hos pitality. AU. choirs and visitors were well cared for and dinner was served on the ground both days. ' Another convention will be held the latter part of the aumtner, xhe time and place to be announced later. , Million Marjc Passed, . , Washington, July 2 American troops ient overseas, numbered 1, 019,115 on July 1. : " This was made known tonight by President Wjlsoo, who gave to the public a letter from Secretary; Baker disscussiog a record of achievements which the President said lmust cause universal satls faction,w and which will give ad ditional zest to our national cele bration of he Fourth of July." Lieut. Cox Cited; The name of Lieut. Geo. C Cox of Cullowheev N. C.t (Jackson county), appears among the names of 35 officers and mco who have been cited for bravery inaction by the general commanding the French army, with which the American unit is scrvicg - As an investment, the Building & "Loan Association- has no equal. Your savings am tax free and net you 6 per cent on yocr money. Whether you wish to build or not, now is thts tirna to begin rivcaal shares. ICevr series open.s July 1. See J. E. Nel, Secretary. 2t STAT E N EVSOFT H E W EE!! Items Concerning Events cf In tcrest and lm:crhnce T.w.r:-.--n-. cut the State. Bears arts adoring the fir trs in Duplin county by c cs re j;r. stock ard crops," Mr. J. Worth EUIet & ttl ktowa cillren of Hickcry. Monday a Tver a long innts, It is estimated that 03 cr z : : 1 persons were rendered Ler.:!;!! Tuesday when fire sweri iczr blocks of a cero $t::!c- -; In Charlotte.. Ber. W W. Way I ts r(-::l as rector of Su Likes :.! church, SiHsburr, to z:::; th: recto rship (which is the r rt s ! : z :j ) of SU Mary a school at iVr-ht position recently resign, r-J Vy Dr. Lay - " 1 La5t season B cncxVo c : u : : r commissioners bocght csns l r -ear load and dlstritti tl--.: among tha people u ccsu fcr tin ning pcrpcs-eaT The rnns rim h in. operation this year. A iz--r days ago the cosrty rewltei a c..n of cans ZIJXX) for dlstrlb-iien. Work or Fight Prcgam Put' Eftect ?i!cnd2r. WashingtonrJcly LW;;L 4, 500 local boards acting at trnint officers, the goremnierri Kcrk cr fight relations were nz lzo cf. feet today with the cljfnl cf c:nn pelling every , tztn In th? trrr draft regi s traii on lis is . to c 3 lit part toward winning the tr till it by entering the amy cr tngtxing in some c ecessi ry one z r : ": rn. . Since the ansoencemf-: c f th regulations s-oxe wrks zz?. re ports receired at the cZz cf Vr vost M a rs h al Gene ml Crc wztt show many registrants tre c: plied with the crr'er. The rf.rr't has been a general teems in th arailahle supply of lah-or fcrt-c -n:.s-sary isdnstric5, and a still zm'.'r increase ta ex pre ted wh?r. thr tcz olattons are pat Into fl f r; , Ko cffinlal conjj :-stitI;o ': t l: 'n made as to the cuabercf r-n vha will beaiTected, bzl est.nnf.rs ly the best informed oCni's rn frcn sck,o3o to i,o:o.o:a - " "i Germin Terms An n :-. .pi Paris, July 1. Gret Brltt'n mcst turn orcr its war Ccl ta G e r many , rttataGibrsJtartoirr asd restore Ezjr l and the er z : z canal to Turkey. G re 1 1 F r; u :. , France asd the United Sl .rs u 1 1 pay Germany an inicrnn;. cf it least forty - fire bliUcD u:l!irr. Belgium. and French territory zzzii bts surrendered. Tt: cs e a re an: ong th c e n i. ; n of thcr German pesne rrcrtn:, published iaYhe KshrlchUD Yc! ksrcitucg, by ..a member cf the Frus-slan hon&a cf lord, irccriir to an Exchange Telegraph els; itch from BseJ, St?itn:rUni. Ths alTcrt'.f-jrst c tht Kc:h Cr who poeasM it, trzt t-3 cc:..r;- s.zZ ... Th e cell ezs tZr t:zr j tr.t x frhs; rl II-.". -' : - ZZ-Z: