I ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N.v C, -THURSDAY, AUG 15, 1918. VOL XXII-r-NO. 51 DEMOCRATS NAME TICKET T J. Gibbs Selected by Conven tion for Legislature W. W( Heal Elected Chairman. The County Democratic conven - - ' "' - tioa met at the court boose last Saturday af tem6on for the pur- pose of selection the candidates on MarIon Precillct, Mfg.rOom the Democratic ticket to make the pany'a Store: 8. I. Corpenlug and J. F. race in the NovembereTection. ItlPArker. ; : - ; ; was one of the most satisfactory I Harion Precinct, Local Board Office: convention, in the history of local Democratic politics, harmony' be ing the keynote. Mr.'JD. Blah- ton called the house order, Mr. D. E. IIudgic3 being made cbair- r TTt. , i-.n nir. riuagios maue a soots aaarcss . m wnicn De empnasizea me im- portance of the war, . saying thatiLonon. thrt winn'inir nf tho war te num. mnnnt tn AtrPiMrthinrr lc t thi "7 T i " V" 'I nujo; luait tuts war ujus wuu at any cost or sacrifice, regardless . of party or politics. - Messrs. Thomas Morris, D. T. Harris, AW. Grayson and Mil lard Poteat having no opposition f or . nomination, were . made the nominees for Clerk of Court, Sheriff, Register of Deeds -and! Treasurer in tha order named. r m i Viuu - j ..I pariy s canaiaaio lor me riousa or Representatives jn the next Legis-1 lature: L. A. Haney, county sur- .r,rs an n .T R JTrViner .coroner ilers, ;H.:Taj!or,. vv CMorris and James -Gibson wr 4 nnnrnin.Ki7 -lfAf! " n count v commissioners.- TMivMiles P. Flack was then offered for recommendation to tho Legislature fl3 a member of the Conntv Board endorsed. The question of delegate to the Constitutional convention was next introduced. Mr. D. R Hudgins being named from Mc- r,n . - " All candidates were voted on by acclamation and iiT no caso was there a dissenting vote offered. Chairman W. M. : McNairv hav- inrr heon drafted intn thft rvn nftU-mnntrv. ?t U4m n J fiafv to elect a new chairman '-of rfl I tho county executive committee. saIt Possibly m ine forced evacua Mr. W. W. Neal, one of the Tead- tl0Q by the Germans of theoyon ing Democrats of the county, was Roye-Cbaulnes line, but also would tho unanimous choice of the con- . : " - - - one of the best known and most trf?nnfil Tlomn Mto nf fr KHito I His oninion and advice is often M a i a a. ia aa a, a xai m aL aaA a ta awa V-a1 av B u bl bia a.ai a sought by some of thoState'i lead- inc politicians. It is expected that hv rrrnfhktnfln unrl . sociation that bo will .be able -to lead tho party to triumphant vic toryJn the county in tho coming November election. Mr. W.-E. Landis was made I secretary. Mr. Landis is very ac tivcin local politics and will be able to render very valued service in the position of secretary. II. F, Little, J, W. Winsome r.nd D. E. Hodgins were appoint ed committee on resolutions, a copy of ..which will be published nest week.' ' British aircraft havo brought covrn a uerman airsaip ou tne serve tne gooa wisnes or tne peo cc23& of Hollind. according to an ole, 'so I decline , accepting- the announcement by tho British ad-:-.:iraUy. An unodclal report an r. ;uncca that a Zeppelin of tho lar- ; r.nd cerret typo ha3 been Lrourbt doT?n of! the English cist Registrat.onTIaces and Registrars ; in McDowell County; 1 The Local Board of McDowell County recommends the appointment of the men named below as registrars ; in the proposed eelectiye service registration 1 to be held in September, at the" places la a : cet oeiow: , "J? recinci cnneia iore: l?:?- ilarion Precinct, , at Court House: D. T- Harris, J. E. ITeal, M. G. Poteat, A- W. Grayson and N..P. Steppe. Buck Creek: J. . Jimerson and J. G. Pattern." - ' ' :,A .- . . -. . ' , : - l Turkey Core: M. L. Good, D. C. tnd Dock Hicks. i Korth Cove: R. H. Hennessee, B. J, L Cedar Cove: J. C. Connelly, E. & I English. Nebor J. Frank Wilson, George Nebor J. Frank Wilson. George , D. Taylor. Higgins: K. H. Cowan, W. H. Tay lor.Herbert Darea. . Bracketts: M. P. Flack, P. D. Nan ney. - ' Glenwood: T. W. Wilson, John Go- forth, A. P. Poteat. Surar Hill: W. M. Wilson, Morris iNanney Crocked Creek: J. L. Bird, J. M: Gihson. Broad Blver: T. B. Ledbetter,' Andy old Fort: F. M. Bradley, J. L,.Nich- ols. J. N. Nesbltt, J. F. Harmon. Wm. Treverton, J. M. Kanipe LOCAI, BOABT FOR MCDO WELL. i,V:-AUes siighecked. J The strength of the German bp- Position against the allied troops, rom immediately' north of the Somme river to to region just be Iow. Koye, apparently has checked for ? the' moment', at least, their mai:ch eastward in the process qf clearing the Amiens - Montdidier sector of the enemy. 11 has not Jowew- Prevented theTrench )n the extreme south: em end of the line from winning additional points of great strategic value in the hill and forest region between the Oise and the Matz. wnere liissigny ana iNoyon are me ultimate objectives, and the cap lre or wnicn noi aione wouia re !. A 11 P70 euect on me. oauie lliaaav , iatMlM a M 4 F Ail m A V ffl So'ssons and.thence along the Vesle lVer. ri. . & The.battlo linei in the north; and on inQ center remains yinuany as Monft aHhough all the aiiiea iroops naye Deuerea siigniiy their stands and taken, additional prisoners.- The Americans and French at last accounts still were in the environs of Bray, north ? of lDe nver' wnue soo or me river, . t n . i ij lDQ oermaos coouuueu in posses- Sl0n or ooamnes ana i;oye, wnicn seemingly iney intena wr aeiena n at all hazards. Notice to4he Democratic Party of J :r McDowell County; ' I want to thank you for thohon- or that you tendered me in the Convention last Saturday. My condition is such that I cannot nomination as jseprescntauve or LIcDowell County ; - , i Very respectfully, ' 1 ' " z T. J." Gibbs.:-; Two negroes in Wilmington died Sunday night from heat. v THREE CALLS ANNOUNCED v LocatBoard M akes Cal I for 27 Col ored Men and 43 White Men ' During August. J , The local exemption board has ordered twenty-seven colored men to teport on August 21st, to been- trained on one of tbo three days beE.nn.nKAngus 22od orCamp Greene.T.Tha following arecalled: ufA m 8lu i ' vm Wright, Fred Mackentire, John Jones, George Cnthbertson. Wil- ham McKinley Otutherford; Char- r.ai ' r rrrM .-A he --IiVtle. Joe1 Wilson. vEmmett Fowler, William Brady. Bynum, George Walter Davidson, Ed Falls. Herbert Belmer, Harbld sBrown, .TmM r!r,n A,1ni F..l!nt.t .T.- san Rhodes. William Carson rial- , , - w r, " Vr , Beam, Isaac Vaughn, Hugh Henderson, Ehiah W wens, ; Floyd oynunvj onn rianKs, Artnur iiar- dy and jLonzo Smith. ; Alternates arer -James Vinfield, George miscoeii tiaiju oiiney man, unarne Jains, vvnns itogers, Lee Cooper, Jno.' William Cor- pening. The local board has also received a call for forty-three white men qnahfled for general military Mr - vice but had only forty-one, and . . , . x , ' . s all of them have been called to re- wth the resnlt that both , locomo oort on -August 25th, to be. en- tiveswero disabled sothat they 1 .1 . J I . lows: Astor'Xelton, Lree Arthur Can non, Blanton-Autryv Charles Wil liam Painter, George, Watson Wil- son, .Lrfonon-. iiouineia, ueorge Washington Laughter, . Martin Luther Cu r lis,-Fred Koscoe Berry, James Hugh Conley, John Thomas Myers, Erastus Fleetwood Lyda, Thomas Franklin Loftis, Mills Lee Morgan, Adolphus Npblitt, Ernest Koon, Vernon Lee Bradley, John Downs Carrigan; Daniel L. Rowe Thomas Samuel Stafford, Hicks Wiite,- Reuben Arthur Allison, Moses Grayson ReeKHermon Sto- vall Taylor, William Huffman, George Filmore Bailey, - Harvey B. Moore, Robert McKinley Reel, u. -Moore, xvooerx mcruniey rieej, ..w-. :v r Jesse Tnard Quinn. Geo Ben mittee, which is ver uoweu ureeniee. xicnoias- mc- tt;i R; ntW trnl a.u.ur Wuvwv0,..YJ i VaAj t t.. a i r- i... JL . , Kiester irwin. uivde Koscoe Kartlw?vo ; - - v " - ... Ifttt. TJovd Earhr: Frank McK&I S. Clyde Davi and Joseph E. Hall, v Thft local hoard hmt inst received call for two limited service " white men to be entrained on one of the two days' beginning (August 30th for Camn Greene. The hoard has kccordinlv issued "call for John Poteat and Thomas.Harlow Nob- Htt to report bn August 29th, to lead the district and" state m : the : By proclamation of the Presi fill this call, - - - ; t sale of War Savings stamps, hav- dent all youug men who have bo Til frfarrrnrr noiio aTr.oncf. all ing sold more' than- three times come 1 years of age since Juno of the white men in class bne .whb fmin tn i nlifipd f or rrAn. eral military service under -the 1017 nd 1918 recristrfltions. The call for colored men above exhausts all of the . colored men ' placed in Tce on nnrlAr thft 1 917 i rPlstra-I tlonJ who were found nualified for geneimilitary servico: local board now has only about eighteen coloreden in" tho: 1918 registration whb'have not yetn called. ; -It is expecting a tKrm fin v time. -; : " ; tall for There are in class-one: a good many men who have been found to bo qualified only for limited mili- taryervice.: Calls have only been men so far, but the local board is informed from -now; od fjondo nl A no- 1 o -U v o Af n' trn-Snplr?no. t'cJt day at Newport, Monmouthshire, pr(,mier UoydGeOrge emphasized the importance of the pusbinc otthe Qe-rmaas from within nntrn nt th Am!e " HnT " - ; tn Arr,iflne;;i r inrpugh Amiens dailyr-the . pre- - . .v-.s"' r--- jy deor ved of Its use nniirrecen - h " Wp pL t Sj fcenratns dTilv ' wf t' dly. ; ' i ate trough fcoe Tecens aiaea inumpns on toe Marbe and the Somme, which were due ta the - unity of command! Tbese ;two great - victories have resulted in the capture of between 50,000 and 60v000 prisoners and between 800 and 900 guns.'!. E. C. Giles Iniured in' Wreck at Connelly Springs. - .:-:'v&: Twofreight engines backed into ir.uZ "Zll I vwUlM UUU.- LUJ V V3 VliCI 1 - tiniuo nUU carried to , StatesvilJe, where the member was amputated by c Dr Long; i Brakeman E. C: Giles of Marion suffered a slight bruise on the head. .- V- - The engine of train 88 eastbound was returning from, the coaling station: when the engine of train 61 westbound started for the chute and the two backed into eaW other with the result mentioned Fine Record, Af .T TT Tofoi rifle f&nt v r a North Carolina Merchants Divi- c?on NTinnkl Wr SvinaS : Hom "y. m -i:--:'; "that the eighth district is alloted , . .. . r , ...... v -M 4: antnor izea agenis. out u p io a t. OAK ' TTtA ?r. rrorrl owuv V ts sales vour district is making; fine record, as it appears that you have already sod $106,000 against your quota or $ibvuuu.. , x ms is fa best showing any aistnct m ine siaie so lar, we beg to congratulate you.' Marion merchants continue to tbeir allotm01t6tales last month amounted to $5,041.50, McCa amounting; $3,281.50 This; firm sold 6il95;5) anjha vrew- ed the; flowing, message , f rom neaaquarfcera. f ing sale of -Warr Sayings stamps. Continuation of. you r efforts will v,qc "The 28th "anntial reunion of the United,nfederate, veteran; 11 bo held in Tulsa, OklaT September 25-27tb;Jgg STATE NEWS OF TH E WEEK Item? ' Concerningr Events of. In 'M itxilt: o : m -: !:-.-..- yui me-o taie." countyf from hail and winflRtnrmc Jsiepwtd. V'v- " Several horses and . mnles died in Wilson; cbuntythe past .week from excessive heat ,: Over 2,000 crates of peaches .uLj j! Pe,acDes "Zr " ru :Z?Z 'ui says the Elkin Tribune. -'r- n?""" v p lS?V tr?m?tnfrn P'nes tht surveys indicate that inCdmberlan and Hoke counties will include an area of aboye 100000 acres. s in the v JNewton ' section were damageby cwind and rain Fridajr afternoon The belfry on a colored church: in:Ne wton :was struck and destroyed by lightning. Two cars of S6uther,nlpassenger. train No. y 16 were derailed 'twa mi,es Statesville; Thursday mgni. , jmo one was.injured. Tha derailment was caused by a bVoken rail, it is caimed.: : ;Gas from ofl discharged on -he water by' the German submarine operating off the s midd le ; . Atlantic cqasfe'pyercai coast guard station and lighthouse Saturday the nary department wca lsi-i Ill?ncu Pi ve will filed with the last : willed testament . with codicil attached of the ; late R; J:: Reynolds leaves the sum of $240,- Winstob-Salenv ; to pjovide a jospital; building fpr nL P60?!6 another for colored people, each building to ; c Freight Wreck at Den 3 rori Ah engine and three freight cars were derailea. at uendron,: near as ; a consequence .traffic on that Ime was considerably deranged for : mi.iwr-oi "f . hours, ana -Xrain o. j.o ; was v sens . . ? r r; i : around by Spartanburg. AW 43 ICV t-W Vv aau, "MW was riding on a car of lumber, was injured. His legjwas' badly crushed He Vas carried to Old I Fort for t reatmen tSThe) inju redl mail Re fused to give his name. Registration August 24th For - MeV- 21 YearsOld. 5thilanwho years of age on' or -before August 24tbT 1918, are hereby required to register at the offiice of the " local rcliinMariohoS August X24th, k i9i8. County. The call for this . rcci; tration has just been issued , r ,,: WSXf30 .WZtf; uxa. vu x x..,. tt W. vi v . V J A 1 P-'1" i -oerry,: or uriagewaxcn I store room formerly "occupied by f r i.

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