V ESTABLISHED ; 18961 MARIONIN TPURSDAYiAUG29ll?18; VOL. XXIII NO. 1 t - -i V I REPU BL1CAN CONVENTION : Fu I j ticket Named at Meeting here Saturday-VV. J. Souther Se-:. f lected forXeffisIatu're.' f ." The Republican county, cdnven- -1 Ion - Was held in tfre cou rt house on last Saturday afternoon, being called to order by Chairman JV Lr. Morgan. .Mrv C. C. Lisenbee was made chairman ofhe; convention and C' Mi'Poolsecretary. ; ;Mr XisenbeeTmade a short address In which be emphasized the import ance of tbe times, the winning of the warand tbe election of the "Republican ticket The i 'conveh- - tidh then proceeded with the nomi nation - of ;; the ticket. The ticket as; nominated follows: - i"1 ; ' Ifor Rep -. Souther. ; - '-.C '.; ": ' " V"'-. " Clerk of Court: Wv H.' Hawkins. 'I Sheriff : Jos. M; Mashburn. ;TRegister of Deeds: T. L; Epleyy Treasurer: W. Arthur McCall. - Surveyor: J ohn M. Houck. J " J Ctoronef: Dr. James Reynolds. " Commissioners: L. - WV. Gettys, I. W. Davis and Rob ti JLbnon.v C. C. Lisenbee was named as a delegate tor the Constitutional con tention, and j. MrKanipe of Old Fort -was ? recommended ,to tbe .Legislature as a member' of the : County Board of Education. " - -After ; the nomination ; of the ticket,-C. F. J ames ; was elected cbairmab; of the county "executive committee and E.VK Hild was re elected; secretary v , From a f Republican ;. political standpoint the convention was in every 'sense ' a complete success, absolute tharmbny being s in eyi ; dence. - All nominations, with one exception, were made by acclama tion,, being" unanimous. J In the case of county commissioners four men, Gettys, -Davis, IXonbn ! and C, M. Banning, ? were- placed-be-fore the convention. The town ship delegates, after a short; . con ference, cast their ballots in favof of Gettys, Davis" and Lonon,- 1 Gov. Bickett to SpealO in Marion : - ; Von September 30thr We are gratiGed to report . that Governor Bickett will niake a ; pa triotic speech in Marion on Sep tember ;30thn; Governor Bickett writes Mr. J.: VV. Pless that this will probably be the only speech he will be . able to " make,; in Ithis county this year. It is to be a " Warspeech." , - Itis possible that in the wholq country there can be found np speaker superior to Gov ernor' Bickett, ;and the greatest speeches of" bis life are being made in this war campaign.; There should be the greatest crowd ever assem bled inT the' county to 1 hear " this speech, as Governor Bickett is a great speaker who is speaking -on the greatest theme the . world has ever known. He especially de sires to reach the people from the country. The hour of Jhe speak ing will be annbuncid later. Jr : r i America's aircraft program calls for 350 complete squadrons of planes, and the main parti of the program already is ahead of sched ule with 3,O0Q pilots ;t rained.' This information and many other ' facts hitherto held secret, were disclosed when the Senate military commit tee made public testimony I taken behind closed doors, during three months of investigations by the aviation sub-committee. - v Cornmunjty Labor , Board Created ?:for4McboweI.I County.; The United States ' Government is reaching outlj to assist);war f in d ustries and agriculture by branch organizations of the Labor ; De partment under the Public Service Reserve : in every, commuhi tyin the country; arid requirinlg the im- med iate listing ; and re porting (of the names of all men from; 18 to 45 years of age who", do " not" ; keep Constantly employed in some work essential to the maintenance of the war. :Ship yards and all govern ment work must, have men;' food must U be v produced , and various other" necessary .-.work ' must be 'done, and unnecessary; worfc must cease till the war is over, - v t Those who continue to idle or vruv iuu auuun nuu . nut u wibt from job to job, or who .continue to do non-essential. work, will iBnd themselves at an early date ' in class one and on their way to the war. v - . ' ;,; " J; The Community Labor Board for CMcDowell County has - been created wi th W. Ti Morgan, ch air mao, aDd.H. F Little and- H. . H. Tate as members, and enlisting agents; Have . been ; appoipted f or the several townsips in the county as follows; Marion township, J. E. Jimerson ; North Cqye, XXr Ai McK Call; XNebo, Vance Wilson; Dy sartsville, W.H.vTaylor; Brack etts, , W;" C. RaburnV Glenwbod, Wilson; Crooked. Creek, -Jas. - M. Gibson; Broad titer, Johnson Led better ; -.Old FbrtVI. H; Greene. ; This-notice is published to4 give all persons an opportunity to settle down to continuous essential work which all men who do not - go to the ' war must devote themselves to until the war is over, as this -is one of the things the government has emphatically settled. : ComUNrrr Labor Board. ' Fairs Aplenty. With a total of 202 fairs making aoplication to date for State : aid, the : fair- season " of 1918 gives promise of being one of the largest yet had in the State and presum ably in the South. - To date 20 nb grp fairs, 138 cbmmunity fairs; 37 county-fairs, 6 district fairs and one State fair, or a total of 202 have been registered w ith; the fair committee of the agricultural ex tension service. Mr.,S G. Rub inow, chairman of this; committee, states that around, fifty ' more "are expected to come an within the next dair or two.'". y '' "' ' .' Added to this record is the fact that a total of 16 judging contests have been planned f Or the fairs. In;' these, young people will: be taught the essentials of judging a good farm animal.; Liberal prizes will be offered and such animals as hogs; poultry, beef cattle, dairy cattle and iheep will be judged. 3ne butter fat contest - will be staged, .this being at the State JFair and held under; the auspices of the dairy, field office. J. l Ten ships with a total j dead weight tonnage of 51i 7.00" were ad ded to theAmericanjinerchant ma rine in the week ending August 15, the shipping board: ? announced. Seven of the ships were steel and three wood.7 Eight Nsteel vessels and two' wooden ships, a total ton nsgo of 53,850 were launched dur ing the week. . - ; ; HUN-LINE HAS GIVEN WAY Capture (J Large" NumbeVof- "S.Towrisiand :r Frenziecl counter-attacks by the foe have'failed to hold Vback the British : .and French ;armies ; who are hard after the; Germans on the seventy-fi ye mile battle fron t from the north of Arras - to ; the . region of JSoissons., V J:. All along the front "the German, line has given way before the pres sure of- the British and French troops at points where the falling back of the enemy or; the capture of towns ano! roads running; east ward adds greatly to his already serious. J predicament I; from- the standpoint of strategy. : , - V Numerous towns, villages and hamlets have fallen into the hands of the British and French in the continuation of the fighting, 4 and scarcely any where along the bat tle front have the Germans been able to do ' more than - delay- the allies wheii they knock; for admittance to the; German line. Rearguard ac tions. also are serving merely to keepthV allied advance slowed dpwn as far as: possible while: the main German bodies .make their way eastward in retreat toward new; positions.:" 3 ? ? - ;'-- In the region firound Arras the British now are well artride: the brai and f other south valong, the bomme: they have-pressedforwam until they are almost at the v gates of Peronne. : . ' " .. ' ' Between the Somme and the Oise the French bave broken the backbone of the German resistance at Roy e, capturing this pivotal pointr to an invasion eastward of the plains of PicardyVand advanc ing iheirjines north; and south of the town oyer- a front of about twelve and a half iniies to a depih of more than two and a half miles at certain points. North of Soissbns, .the - French although the Germans are fighting them .bitterly, again have advanced slightly their; line in the ontflank- ing movement .both r against th Chemin-Des-Dames region and the Noyon'ectoKnyf? Everywhere the Germans ha,ye lost heavily in men killed or jnade prisoner and in addition the; allied troops again have captured numer- ous suns machme guns and ,war the British from . last Wednesday tb Monday of the resen weekjag gregated 21,000; fIn Hhe fighting Tuesday around St.. Mard, west of Roye, the French sectired 1,100 captives. . , " , ' ; Llme tandiLegumeSjand Lime the land to grow clover to reduce the demand -for . labor ! on the f armV also for .profit, and soil fertility. Let me know the amount of lime you; need, : and- when , and whereyou want deliveryv;; .; - How abdutv wheat? A. land? owner. can increase acreage, 'but it takes a f armer toncrease yield.; ;7It' me ' know wbbn fyou Jwant terring surveyed to saye yohr land from washing. ' Call for me. "'. ;V. J. fj. TotTBMAN, Buy War Savings ;StamtJs; ;buy them today.; c r -; : v ' :l Wrec k Near M arion. IfMrgrJBladJgfo Greensboro, but recently of New Ber ni N waSlganJac cident to his own automobile while driving a!one;on the f public higb5 way aboutbne and bne-hal f r miles west of Marion o ning about 7:30 o'clock. : Just hp w the accident occurred? is not and probably will never be ;known, as there w ere o eyew i t n esses ; to the tragedy heSfirsMinfbl'matibn was brought to town by Mr.; Lucius Bidd ix:, who Was driying to Marion. Noticing thJlortu several yards froW the road at the foot of an embankment a short dis tance below the d rinking ; fountain on the !,rbadsid e "between - Marion and ; AGanleff g tMrJBiddr stopped his car and 'went down to investigate ' He f ou dd Mr. Blades fastened in the - steering-wheel of his car, which was afheayy touring Cadilac of recent model. The dead man's neck had ' been broken - and otherwise suffered bodily injury in the ; accident.- Death . must haye beenjinstahtaneousras the car bad rolled down and turned oyer bn a steep bank imrhediately after mak ing the shar p cu r veiiea ft he scene of :the tragedy. !. v -; ' ' xlRf WWr - Immediately after news - of the accident reached town several bea ple went to the scene; The - body was brought to town and placed in ft ha mt a of MftOjil I . Rrnth Ars. ; n nrlpr- j T ; identifying the dead man d in identifying lth dead man locating his family, who were spending J the summer at; Moun tain. It ; seemsT; that Mr. Blades and his family had left New Bern in his car recen tly f and that after reaching! Statesville, upon being caught in a rain, that the car was abandoned and the party made the; tri p f rbm Statesville r to Black Mountain by railroad. Af ter the roads dried up Mr i Blades went to Statesyille for the purpose of driving y his car. .on to 'Black Mountain. '' Mr Blades was 62; years, of .age He was pro rii nen t in busi n ess and social ci rclesj being one of the of ficials of the Dixie Fi re Insurance Company and at the head of ; one of the large banking and trust com panies of New Bern..: He is survived; bybls " wife and two sons, wbo were associated with him'T'in F . - -mfexr yffiyy is Newspape Not in Owino' tn th KfiTions nhortasre bf Government Orders of Paid War Industries Board has issned-an order to-newspapers to discontinue i at once any free copies and to discontinue sending papers to any but paid- -in-advance 8ubscribers,not later than October lst. ? " - . This order gives only one month in' which subscribers in arrears must pay np in order that we may' continue sending t the papers to- any- sub-;-scribers now in arrears. .n.m ' : - -Will you not, therefore, examine the date after ..your Jiame, which "" shows the time when your subscription expired, or will expire.- If your time has" run out, please send in your renewal at once, for we expect to abide strictlyjbxthe government order.f;;- y - " The.conmptibn-bf print pair Hhe TVar" Industries ; Boards says, : 1 must be reduced at least 15 per cent, or there will be a paper famine. ; .The. government orders relating to weekly newspapers and -which f must be complied .witti' mtF0: - ' . ; Firs1r--Td ;IMscbntinue all1sample or free copies.' . S' SesondTo discontinue sending paper after date of expiration of eub scription, unless, the subscription is renewed and paid for. (This ruling to be effective Oetober4 1918). '-'--. - : r u - ' ' - T7e must comply-with this ruling in order to secure supplies with which to continue businesi.- Notice your label,, and if your subscription --is not paid in advance; remit at. once, please: , ; . , ' ' STATE NEWS 0FTHE WEEK Ipobcern i ngi Everitsfof I n- hSta ; Rifles to - the! number of 2.000 sent to Adjutant General for the use of civilian sold iers of the State. : . : T.8 operation of passenger trains from Black Mountain to Mt. Mitch- elibefd peesent; bh account -of war con- ditjpnBlllplliii ' The merchants of Raleigh have signed a petition to the city ? comn missioners, asking l them ; to: keep carnivals from the city during the i-f7:V.'-"','-'-r?';i--'-v ; i ; - , .-a . .. , Wari?-?''-'W kJv":1S 's0i:y-m'yy, IA oe(regis)irant called'a halt in the mustering in program of tha local board of - Rutherford : county dntil be could bearriedStHe was giyen the4ime. A severe storm visited the , east- .1 ern ;part Jof ltfiSi StatefSaturdaylSS night, doing considerable damage. The stbrm was severe about More- ' Head CHy, New : Berne : and Kins ton. ' John Crabtree, city aider-, man of New.Berne was killed when , the roof of a shanty was ' blown on him. ' rr s y ' : ' ... , : The age Hmit bill extendmg ages to 18 an3 45 has ; been A passed W and no w, ; goes ,.to vconf erence - be- ; : tWnTtKe conferenoe itSeifferences areez-? & pected to be com promised and tto ? bill will be; transmitted to Presi- , dent Wilson for his signature this - week. : The War' department . baa' I taken stepsto make eyery prepara-V tibri f pruthef igistratibn f andhas I forwarded to. the , local board the i JS necessary forms, so that there will 1 be oo dejay inl complete registration on the short est notice o? the . com pletibn of the ": bill Every- man between 18 and 45 should watch the papers and be r ready Jo registerjwithinbe few days bf;Septem;berff::;'SS - Nat B. Dial,; of Laurens has F ieen nominated for the long term in the United States senate to suc- ceed B. R. Tillmani idefeating both Cole LBBIease ; and James F. Rica in" the South i Carolina primary Tuesdayf?Dil had a majorUy of 3 aj)proximately 1O,OO0; oyer, both bis opponehts,.according to - late . returns. ; ; For governbr, Robert A. ; , Cooper seems to have been nomi nated, r- news Drint paper, the Government Discontinuance to Subscribers Advance 1 1

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