: V ". f V . v. -ii - vi' '"? -w 1 ''s.----,iu-'." ' -.7- V ESTABLISHED 1896. GERMANY GETS A POSER " G ermany M ust Evacuate . Territory Before America Can Discuss Armistrce. - - ;The complete withdrawal of the troops of the Teutonic allies from ; occupied territories is essential ; to - the'cominebcement of. any rpeace ' discussions- with Germany. , This fact has been made known to.Ger many and Austria-Hungary '.by President Wilson in answer to He recent appeal ot the, German im perial chancellor for aa.. armistice . on land and sea and in the air and the tJiscussion- of possibie .means ; ; ; ' for endin'ff the ' war. r 'rf '::ff';,. '7: . : In' addition President Wilson! ! is ' desirous of knowing, and" has di rectly asked the question for whom the imperiarchancellor .was" speak ; ing when he advanced his proposal whether it was for the constitu : ted authorities of the empire who have been conductingthe : war of for the whole, German people. The :t ; president also desires to know ; if C Germany in seeking peace accepts 'the terms already laid down by the '.. president as a "basis :f or' the ending of hostilities. ' ; V Meanwhile the entente; allied forces eyerywhero-k'ro defeating " the armies of the Teutonic allies. . In France, they are fast carrying forward maneuvers w hich ; are . re r suiting in the enemy's vjine-giviDg iand Verdun, v Likewise in ";MaceV , ."donia and Turkish : theatres: the cleaning up process continues tfu? i abated.':'- l": ? ' ' 7 Spread of Epidemic Has Not Been ; 1 ' : Ch ecked As : Yet. J . , JvWashington (t. 8. While a - continued decrease in the number !: of new cases of Spanish influenza at. army camps was shown in re - ports ' tod ay to the office of the surgeon-general of the' army, the ; spread of the malady among the civilian population oyer the coun try apparently still is far from be . ing checked. , ' :. , . . 1 Beports to the public health serr vice showed that the disease : was . - spreading rapidly in the; south. ; The. total number of cases of .in v , fluenza, reported 'from, - all army ; r camps - since .: the disease became V; epidemic last month is placedAat more than 182,000 while pneumo ; nia cases total 19,283 and deaths, v.-'l;5,67l:VrV-.TH..;;U HrJ.VV Pfess Admitted to" Su-v'v'.-; rpreme'.Court Practice. : s Washington; ; Oct. T.- On; mo : tiqn of Senator Overman two North Carolina attorneys, J; W. Plessi of - Marion, and J." Snead 'Adams, of : y'; Asheville, were admitted to pracr tice before the Supreme' court qf '" the United States ioday. Mr. Pless is here to argue a case as attorney for the Black' Mountain railway. - i 1 Ir I CaihounrWillis. Mr., Glen Calhoun of Poplar, N. C, and Miss Pearl .iW'iliisi of Spjuce Pine, : were married near r Garden City on' Friday evening, Sept. 27, Key; W. ; H. McMahan officiating. The ceremony : was witnessed by Mr., and ' Mrs. Keid McCurry, who accom panied j the - couple from Clarion. : Mr. Cal houn is foreman and shippingclerk .'-at the Carolina Hosiery Mill. See that your subscription is pid in adv, r r ir Board of : Health C loses : Sch ob I s d Stops Public Gatherings.' Upon the suggestion and recom mendation of the' State v Board of Health, the Governor, and State Superintendent of Public Instruc tion', the County Bparof Health of ''McDowell ; County at a l call meeting on last Mondays ordered all schools, churches and'allpublic meetings discontinued until further notice." This action of the Board of Health was taken after 3 uecon sideration of the 'epidemic of Span ish influenza, which is raging over the entire country, i ; - ; - ; " It is said there is at present about ten thousand cases in the States and that the disease continues to spread! A number of death have been '. re ported; - ; . l-'c " 1 - There are a number of cases in different parts of McDowel jcoun typThe County Board ofHeaith Is; doing everything 'possible to keep downt an epidemic in Mc Dowell, and to this end passed an Order," as follows: - ' "Whereas, at the. present time a high ly contagions epidemic of "Spanish in fluenza is raging all over the State and entire country, and --"Whereas, said epidemic is a great menace and is dangerous to the public health of the country: ' , The County Board "of Healthy at a call meetiog on Monday, Oct, 7th, 1918, passed the following order: fThat alT8chools, ; churches, moving picture snows, ana an pu duc gatnerings he ordered closed and remafn closed un til such peri6d6r.in;i Board of Health considers it safe for the public health that such public institu tions and public gatherings "be permitted to reopen -' V p . -' '1t is recommended'' that , municipal pfiacers prohibit public gatherings" on the streets, around depots and ? in. all public places It is also recommended that the parents of children see fchat the 'children do not frequent public places and that, the children remain at home until such time as maysbe safe for them to go in public. V. This order is made upon recommenda tion of the State Board of Health, Gov ernor of the State; and State Superin tendent of Public Instruction, and goes into effect as of this October, 7th, 1918. It is also approved by the leading citi zens and the medical profession of the State and Countyl The full co-operation of the'public If Requested in this matter . The teachers of. the county axe requested to give full publicity to this order and to instruct the school children and the public of the necessity of ob serving same.' . ., -v.' . i-C.-- pi ; , , ; . - The Crawley's Purchase Twin Oaks. 11 who remember. "Miss Corrie Camp as a popular teacher of music at Greenlee. Academy some' years ago, will be interested in the" fol lowing ' item from the; Charlotte Observer of October 3rd:' ;';V ; :5 'Mr: and Mrs. J. T. Cra wley haye purchased : Twin Oaks, the Ii3anthe7multi-millionareJ owner of The Washington Postr a JLees burg. There are more than 400 acres in the tract and it is well equipped with baildin.'Mf.tc; Lean used it for a race-horse farm, but Mr. Crawley will grow corn, wheat and grasses, as well as cat tle 'and hpei-: "i Mrs. Crawley was ! ' Miss", Corrie Camp of Rutherford county. Mr." Oraley.isa well-known engineer and contractor.. . -He was . born ; in South- Carolina The' Crawley's havei also," an attractive - home r in Clevelancl yPark, where : theyr will nvanM tkn nrinfnv . .: :.'A ' Put Your Dollars into Khaki 1 Buy Liberty Bond3 " ; - NEWS:FR0M TH E -COUNTY Brief f. penings in McD I terns About Home Petpie. U "DAETSVILiiE v llA iC. pysartsville, Octi 7-T-Miles PJ Flack and family were visitors here Sunday, e Misses Lillie Landis and Lucy Boper folks here. ' ': c. y: mim:-: c v , y. Crawford Landis of Newport News Va , is home for -.a"' month's furlow to help his father do up(the fall work. " Several wVnt tq Marion last Monday to hear ; Gov, Bicketfc speak. .' His ad dress was well worth the trip, v : :? : r Mrs; EcU Foster ah aged lady of this community died' last week. ;v.v k -, T; B. Landis made; a business trip to Nebo last" week. f '-v fKfi : Presiding Elder Holmes, of the Marion district, preached three fine sermons here Saturday and Sunday. r: . :; v";' ,W. Taylor attended the commis sioners' meeting in Marion today. " - The Baptist revival has been postponed from the second till the third Sunday in this month." Rev. Mr. Bennett is- ex pected to be here for the services. ' : . NEBO ' , Nebo. Oct. 8.- The revival services at the Baptist church closed. Tuesday night. , The meeting was a great suc cess, being attended by large . crowds. There were nineteen , additions ; to j the church. . Rev. Reese won the hearts f the people by . his strong messages of Divine: truth. , -r- - .f -. .-f; : -irt ' Misses Estelle Wilson and Mamie Stacy of Rutherford ton and Elsie Stacy of Glen wood, spent the week-end with homef oiks here. . - X r Crawford Landis of Newport .News, Mrs. G. p. Taylor. 4Nebo High School Items a Tuesday morning as - the school was marching in for opening exercises a nor tice was received' from Superintendent Steppe to close the school till after the epidemic of Influenza abates. ? -r After reading Josh fillings' definition of VA Hero", singing the Star Spangled Banner and giving the different 'class yells the school formed a circle around the. auditorium, joined';; hands, sang Blest be the Tie That Binds J and , then all pledged, themselves ; . to return v . to school as soon as it opens- again: The -principal theu passed- around blanks for taking subscription 8 for Lib erty Loan Bbnds and five hundred dol lars was taken a -' The Boneria Literary Society of . the High School bought a fifty dollar" bond; We now have forty boarding pupils in the club. 1 " , j;J'; -;i " We are arranging for four more , girls and. two more boysl If, you wanV a room write the principal at once. One, dollar will hold -the room, for you. 1 ' Key Landis joined the navy last week at Asheville. He will remain in school The english classes are delighted with their newt literature, "The Spirit of Democracy." 1 .V Notice will be given in .the Marion Progress of the date of re'-opening of school . -.c s:':-' Oliver Arrested dn v J. Oliver, mill ionaire manu facturer, and itefi employes were arrested at Knbxville, Tenn., . on a warrants wprn out. a) military intelliince ofilcer, xhargihg jcoh; s piracy, fraud and 'sabotage in th e manufacture of "shells, which the worrant alleges did not - fi re true and were dangerous to United States soldierisilgMo 000 is alleged to have been obtain- ed illegally; Tho gOTernment seiz- thei,antof the W.-j. Oliver Manufacturing CompanyVpf which' the individual defendants areoffi cers'"an:fbremen.fH The condition of J)r. and; Mrs. J F, Jonas' little ; child ; was i re- portci yesterday to be improving ientfori of ;SWe1oif thVrta'b V-.-" -V-.-." ;s' LieutK KAUKirhvXQTATP MtfO nrTUCuccff - - - -,. - " v "Sftm auha ral in fronnA IJ. ; i wyiiiuniiyi w III ; J. I ailbQl UManci Mrs. J Kir hae receiving an interesting letter from by, who is somewhere in France. Tbeietterphlpartilpwl 'I hope you have received some of, my letters by ' this time that were written qh the boat and after rfiretJandelWh ed we inarcheii to, a rest camp ?f or a short atl atel trained and moyejd .a gain!ttii time toourtraTSln X; ani Jiuatanim the different homes about the vil- I lage. U I have a room i n achateau owned by a very aristocratic old 'FrencKa3yl-Thehou of stone is co vered wi th slate; Aroun(,the house there is a high fence of stone ; and plaster with vines growing all o veri it. My room- is a wondeh s The bed ; is built real lo'w and has two mat tresses on it, the bottom one about two jfeet thick with springs ihT it, and the top one, x which is just as Ihiclsymade of feathersjahj tfie covering is of somekind Josof t "flejr'stfiffSofyoh nice comfortable be(; v The furni ture is old mahogany ; There is no such- thing as water or light system, so we have ' a candle for .wasning purposes. . ,"N6w as to the country- It is a wonderful: place. v-- lre;?climate Js ver much like bu r good old North Carolina climateand tKe scenery is fine. . On each sidefe rbads aliovertbe of tall Italian trees . and they are kept trimmed i up allv the .; time. This Httl e fvil I age i h which we are stationed is a; very old one. J One ot the churches, the largest ybuild ipg here, was built in the eleventh ceaturj'. I went sight-seeing: the other day and explored the ruins of an Old castle which is; said to have beehccupied by King(Iuis XIV. It certain! v .) w as i h terest ing. I also . went "inside the "old church The statues and paintings were grand. K. man X was buried in the floor, o f the churchih j the year 1500, So you see the build ing is an old one alright.' : ; : The streets in the village are verry narrow and you" should see kthe trams and .street cars. They look like to vs. The passenger cars are funny looking thi ngs; Ithey on ly have four' W heels with spikes in; them(fieseatS;face eacbother like our summer street cars, vtwo seatsjtpa compart cpmpartmen ts to a car.. .The doors open on each side of the com part ment, ; making teVoprsa carV I wishc X VTo see the shepherds with their sheep and dogs put on) the hillside is; a pretty ight.lIt rmihdsjiie of.an old Bible picture. - The dogs are trained to know just ; what to do andwhen to, do ffit. J, he f jsnep herd keeps sheep;fpr all the village folks- In the evening when he comes in he blows an old horn and the people come out and bpen their gates)fprthe aheepj to go in. If one goes" ih to ;a iplace whereit does ? 2beong9Jthe dogs come ran jt out. tr. r v t r:&ir "When we were marching from (Contintrcd on page three) : w . j XXIII NO. 7 wini t-:ii LiiO'Ur I 1 1 ti,iif rr u Cfbncernirig:; Events oft In ierestnolmp gTynod Ipftb e;Appalachia meetingJwhich was ? scheduled to eeldnJshlBville has be postpohed Indefinitely, tinnie -Thomas, daughter of ihojpasrof Mable, --iitao ga county , was found dead in ) the v .podslBearSfceS honied Death is t reported toy have been caused by d dyrjmiteapung paher xhest and JBij.herown llgistionjat lihe rrsity oft rth-Gali& Has passed the o thousand mark 1,067 students hav ing beeii enrolled up to date. Ap proximately ; 800 of this n haetf-mductedf dents ; Armjr Training Corps bou t&thers NonS A. T. C. men whose physical con dition;or other - requirements hayo prevented induction are takinc tfiejreguto The annual meeting of the West ern North Carbliha conference of the;:Methodist: Episcopal churchy south, will be held -the week of NoyembeV 6; at M ference mcludes atout one-half thQ stated t a)id t alibestern :NorthD rplillpisnop IJyi ' Gar-: HjpgynVjbfxW elected last May,f has charge of this con ference, and presides over the two. North Carolina conferences and thci two South Carolina conferences. r J E :Shipmah Appofh Solicitor ; J; Shipman of Henderson villp has lieen Spoointed by Gov, Bick-r ettispHcftprgf district, to succeed Major Michael Schenck,;wbb hasentered'the judge advocate general's department.- r ' A' number' of applications had been filed'with Gov. !Bickett, and u pon his return from the- western; section of Nortbi Carolina, he took, tip the matter of appointing a suc cessor to Maior Schenck. ' . " Bulletinjon Spanish Influenza. - .The Surgeon General '.of tha United States Plibc; Health, Ser vicV has just issued aps pecial bul letin dealing with Spanish Influen za' which cOntaihs all known avail-, able information regarding this disease. Simpler methods reJativQ tmtsprenttbnV manherbf sprcad And care Of patients, are also given. Copies of this )ulletin , v?ill be fu r- nished free bf charge upon request -: 4by writing to the State Board of Health, Raleigh,; North Carolina. According to a -French official statement irbci Seiafember 10 to -September 3p;tbe,,allied; armies in I France and lgium ; captured 2,- 88bfficersi02 cannon and mbre. than ,6,000 ma-; chine guns. jFromJuly 15 to Ssp tember 30 the allies have captured 518 office cannon; more4 than 23,0(XVmschin2 ; guns and hundreds of mine throw- ... . . , . .. . . . ers. Kfr$xc&$:i 1 v - ft Fridayf the YLmericans ' refsrcd the attaclrwcst of JtheZIcuc3 end advahccdltheirlihes' from -tTO; -to fiye kilometcrs?Th6y csptarcd 1 Hill 210, north of Escrmont, end thevillngcs of Gc-nb, FIsy ill : Chchcry and lau ore- Chchcry end LoFon