A ; WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOYELL COUNTY." ESTABLISHED 1896. -1 CLARION, N. C.; THURSDAY, OCT. 17, 1918 VOL XXIII KO. S THF PRFSinFNT'S ANSWFR Makes Cleat Statement That There HCan BeiNoArmistice While -ther g 0 uns Conti nue Atrocities. - xa an ebbcn-making document President Wilson Monday after- with li ftlAnr nd unmistakable an swer to the Cierman peace note, de- m mm w v u Ka m w w a - m m w w m m w - Vial tus, luaw iuoi j wu.u u uv itli ad "autocracy that persisted .. . . -' - . . . ' in its course of 1 nantiai atrocities .sea. w niiesucn. autocracy exisiea - A 1 . A l . . me presiaeniaeciarea in suosuiace, : Tri final rofA nnnlrl n.nmfti .v The chief executive of the Unit ed Rtatps also made -it Dlain .that ae terms oi'au arujistiue,- stuuui one come, would be laid . down by t, h a - m i I i tarxr ariviSArs of thft Unit- -ed States and her allies." 3Jbe al lied armies would fishtbn. so that they would los& no military advan- . pi COtUCU UUWI UOill. UUMUU Mnnaeirianr 11 ri arbitrary power maKes it impos sible for the recurrence of another world slauehter. In' face, the snarp, incisive note sent oy iue TTnited States in answer to Ger- jinany s .apparent ;accepsauce ui .terms is a clear, unmisxakable de mand for unconditional surrender. That the president's reply met the highest expectations of the . American people wa? evidenced at Washineton last nisht when con gratulatory telegrams from all sec tions of tne country poured in. The American press, too, ' with : phenotoenat; unanimity warmly ap " proved the president's course. f : NO PEACE WITH KAISEBlSM. Washington, Oct. 14. President Wilson 4 has answered Germany's peace ' proposal with "a decision which not only fulfils the expecta 'tion of supporters of his diplomacy t)ut also dispels the fears "of those who predicted he.would substitute victories at arms with defeats at ;:'No peace with kaiser ism ! -vAuto - cracy must; go ; no . armistice can ever be thought of while Germany continues her atrocities on land and ; sea; one cannot be considered un less it is fully dictated by the al ,' lied commanders in the field i n sucb terms as absolutely provide safe guards and guarantees that Ger- ; many's part wilLnot be'a scrap 6 - paperI! This is in a f ewwords the presi dent -.answer. WM--lM&-: If it does hot bring a -capitula tion which may be more than un conditionat surrender allied . diplo mats and American officials believe : ' it may cause a re vol ution " i n Gr : many?g 0$MM,i000 Bey ond questron" it speaks for the entente allies as well as "the United ' " Theispatchfpf ! reply was followecT by the issue of this formal statement at the white V house by SecrefaryvTumulty: Jj "The government will continue I to send over 250,000 men with their supplies every month : and - there will be'no relaxation of any kind." - '-Quite outside ; of the formal phrases of a diplomatic document that was President Wilson's word . to the world that he had no thought of ' stopping the fightin g at this stage. - :: . - The ssnato chamber rang -with applause of csnators C3 the presi dent's answer was" read a few min- utes after it had been arinohnced at the'state department. . Senator Lodge, the-'president's chief critic in bis course until today,, issued a statement expressing his. gratifica tion ! at "the president's decision. Opinldn at the capitol and through out official Washington was unani mously, in approval. The official note which will con vey the" president's decision to the German government, "and more important, to the German people. was delivered today by Secretary Lansing to the charge of the Swiss egation who has been acting as the intermediary. It was given out publicly by Mr. Lansing at the state department at 6 o'clock this evening. One outstanding point which does not appear in the president's note a point on which the world has. been asking questions can be. answered tonight. When the president declared that the wrong done, to France, when Germany : took , Alsace - Lorraine should be righted, he meant that Alsace-Lorraine should be returned : W m to France. , Those who contend that the president's decision arranges the situation for.something more than an unconditional surrender base it on the-argument that he has now passed the stage where he might have accepted a surrender of the Ger mn military and naval forces land left the Hobensollern auto cracy, on its throne. . Mr.. Wilson, according to this view; has now finally informed the German people that if they want peace, they can only attain it by getting rid of the kaiser and bis system. Dr. Terrell Dies from Pneumonia. , - - Dr. Albert J. Terrell, of Black Mountain, died Sunday afternoon at the Meriwether hospital in Ashe ville of pneumonia, which follow ed an attack of influenza. He had been ill for ten days. Dr. Terrell was borned at Old nr 1875. " He was" graduated .at Wake Forest college, studied medi cine at Richmond Medical college, Eichmond' Va., for one year and graduated in medicine at the medi cal school of the University of North' Carolina. r As a doctor he was. widely known in .this section of the jstate, both by his skill as a. practiorierjind his readiness to re spond to the. needs of those who were suffering, regardless of per sonal sacrifice. He was a Blue Lodge Mason and held the thirty- second degree in the Scottish Rite. He is survived by his Iwife and a son, Albert, J r. ; by his . father, W: P. Terrell of Old Forti : and two brothers and three sisters. 7 The; funeral services were con ducted Tuesday mbrnpg at, the residence in Black. Mo un tain and the body , was taken to Old Fort for the interment.. " ' - v: American Soldiers Lost. ' -Probably 372 America:n soldiers were lost Sunday, 6th, on the North channel between the Scottish ' and Irishfcoasts, when' the transport Otranto' and the steamer Kashmir collided.': ; Qt thie 699 American soldiers on board the Otranto, 310 YTcro landed. Seventeen were res cued alite at Islay, leaving 372 un accounted for. STILL' DRIVING THE HUNS tntente rorces n oeizium ana France Continue to Successfully Drive Enemy Before Them. The entente force in Belgiumjaod at prnt U thrted with and France continue successfully I tndrivft thA'ftnftmv.'bAfafu thpm . -r . . t. , .i i . In Belgian Flinders the advance is somewnat rapid but on all tne sec tors in' France the Germans are fighting with desperation to bold back their foes. J. ne great wedge tnat w wing driven by the Belgian, British and French troops in Flanders now threatens seriously the tenure bylwwr felins. for It waa, tbs rtt u- lL r, , . - . -j . north Belgium from the Lys river to tne sea, inciuaing nis 'SOOmi- . 1 w-m-mw-m-mu rine and other bases aloDg the coast, while to the south the Lille salient gradually is being enmeshed and doubtless soon will receive" at tention from the pincers, which are being oiled for tne tass of re claiming this important tract of territory as far as Valenciennes for France TEN THOUSAND PRISONERS TAKEN. With the Allied Forces in Bel mum. wet. ia. untisn. r rencn and Belgian troops in their offen- , . i . sive begun yesterday m Belgium, have captured more tban 1U.UUU prisoners and have taken more tban 100 guns. a j nailed that they are from stz to seven miles inside the German positions. . Five Hundred People Oead andtheserricesUoa want, Ifcnehelpicg Many Towns Wiped Out by rire. -J r 1 Dulutb, Minn. Oct. 13. With probably 500 persons dead, thous- ands homeless and without cloth- inct. and with DroDerty damage mounting far into millions of dol- . , . . t iars, wuuio. icguvius.ui u"rwuoru .Wisconsin and Minnesota timber- land tonight are smouldering tire- stricken areas, with only the, charr- Uweawr. coat, orercoat and Ufe-pre-A mine of .honHnnp rWnUt . etrer and am soon goiog below for two ; A ... 4 4. , ea wwds u scceuMe iuo seuora. desolation, loe oodles oi seventy- nvevvictims he in Dulutb morgues, Hundreds more along the roads leadics to Doloth and Superior lay wnere wey, ie wueu uver- taken by the fare. Twelve thousand homeless and penniless refugees are quartered in nospitais, enurencs, scnoois, private homes and in the armory here." Reports that the holocaust re sulted from the work of enemy agents were circulated here tonight, Crop Report Shows Improvement. The crop report October 1st cHntra a oreat lmnrbvement in con- ditiou, daring Septe.W. - corn crop, esumatea at a oig in proauciiou us a ruu 01 ouij and August weather, is cow esti- mated at ' 2,717,775000 bushels, which would be 441,000,000 bush. ... t , ; ry m els less than . last year. Reports from the spring wheat crop show an increase over last year and the toUl wheat! yield in prospect is , , , r T . 918,920, (K)0 bushels, very close to the billion bushel mark set by the government a year ago to'meetthe war needs. 1 J. M. Tyler, who has been con fined home for the post week on cc-1 count of sicknee, is able to ha out again. ' From GranonC. Bird to his Mother On Ship XkartJ, Oct" Dearest Mother: Your darling boy is now oa tiJ? hdd to France, or otswber of ickcjt. Hr bia tar qalte a time so far. Tht Zzhh- taa hare a peer) peculiar - brogue Kach momlogaboutC or T o'clock we are erred with coUse, tha at 7:3 to 8:03 "we bare breakfast. At nooa luocb. at 4 p. m. tea (tar), and "at 6 dinoer. The fare ia fine, . kt ,ln onr cabia and aald: I he TOar pardon, but would you like a' Ui of cofTeer Now yoq can iiuarice bow Rooa nlchts aleep we had ha4 Iorx tiro weeks, for we bad been twice the 0ne f fell0W! .OBSS that he et oat and he t. Hdnt show op this morning, but we looked f him. Tnere are only tnree neia ciersa on our boat i no o inert were stnex ca some of the other boats. We are all In the same state room, trareliing second class. n - SECOND INST AILMENT. I started this letter two days ago, but couldn't finish it at that time, X did cot feel equal to the task, but after I was in bed a few hours I felt better. Hare not been too sea-sick yet. We bare so far bad splendid 'weather. The sea bat v va itm - knight I was on tbe top deck and was renr comfortaUe imnr beary iwff Uouw, oreroat. I Seema fannr to hare to wear all that in Aogust, doesn't it? According to rules, I cant tell you cne-fif thoi the. thines 1 woald Uke-t. I guess in about a week I will be on "yon side" of the pond. I ant enjoying myself. Four and fire meals a dar Is telling on me, too- I am getting fatter already. Thevf ood Is well prepared and , - VCJ Hope you ate enjojing the mountain breexes now. Please write me when too can. Your son. . - G. C B. Dearest Mother: Once more I hare the pleaaure cf stating that we hare so far. eluded all pacing "snbs- and are in the midt of Ldens fojf. iust off the North Pole, I hare on heary under clothes, shirts. or three blank eU Bawther cniUT. you . k u iptert yon to know that I bare only had mr clothes off one tinis since I left , then i wss taking a bath, and if I bare good lack !g771yZ2: . thocxht X T?as tticg i bnt when I tried to rabe a lather with some of my soap it wonldn't work. I d I had to disregard the dirt and ccn- -7-; lt stock to me like a brother. There are two 'TarHeeli" on this boat, a Mr. Giles from Charlotte and Mr. Bailey from "Wilmington. Both are with Che Y. IL C. A. I am stndyiog military tactics read inir infantrr drill regulations, etc A UeatBmnt troa Pr8t u '- Icr, &f?Z to bay out a magme stand. I bauj a.Post, but It Is gone now. ny lie time we bit our destination we will be greatly behind the times- w to like the ocean and can always be found waichlBg the uh come up at mai tin iot adlr bread and other thic Take it from me, after the war thrte will be sowbaBgry fhln the Atlsn. tio ocean. Think of all the extra meaa ey bare bad. .please' write some Umns, and dnl forget to send me scma new?73?ers- Tour son, Grafton C Bikix ' 'Mr. and Mrs. S. C. RoberU find children, of Bristol, Tcsn., arc vis- iUnj: ff-5 Rnlvrts1 1 irczls Mr. and Mrs, K. II. Bo mar. A liberty Lean A;;cxl fr:- z f , - D:e!I Scy in C:-;. oose lis: s t.s cltpi i: UaccMr of the Crtl liberty L.: drirc v Hstjc rrs-i cu escrows re ports of whit ciber sUtrs are c teg acd of wbtl a few r.trrt la North Csrc!is.t are dcirr, I cf::n wonder wbu McDowell ecctiy. cr rather taj hose peo?f, ire cr.:; in ihl$ which is dVlrrd ty b; greatest Labirtjdnre rrrcrit-.i in history. Wfcea I lVz cf Ut Mclawcll cozzij has coze to fcr ward crtry caUo2wie me ti.it has ercr bea prcstzl&d lo b:r, 1 am procd to ssjr thtt she It zzt borne- jOiere is no other s:i dear to me. Her people are to people, Her fcrarslert afe rxy hzt dens, a.nd co cse ccs!d ba pro-icr than I to know thtt I htTc il honor of beisg ia the catsp to ca r her, as wcJl tt fcr til the world. Let me cre upon etery woman, boy asd girl of McDowell the great importance cf quklly giving to the limit of their ability in the great drirc cow on. Don't stop and I hare iczt zzt b;t. Do yocr best aod be tt tsfied with cotbiag sbort cf yo-r bet. Think oi the bojs frcn among you no lozxj are cutr 00 the battle field of 5srope or In our Ttrious camps, Satse of them. hate already piii ibeir .liberty XS&n In full acd others "will c!iIy do so if ceccisary. . Dire yoa for one minute thick tbey are cclzz what they are for their own ber,e Ct! They are doing what yea ex pec Co f tbem their best. Ycz will not be content with them cc'.zz less, bhoold one of them ciro turn his back in bat lie, or refers tajjive his life's b!ooi fcr ycc, you would at olcc gczqzzz b:m as a slacker yellow thru ssi thra. Tbea hire we cot as mcch t'iztx to expect you to do your bett I Is your money worth more to yea than oar life if to est If yes ct!l ut yellow for refcticg to Cbt, bare we cot a greater rctin ta call you yellow for falling lo bzj bonds to the limit of your ability I Whn thm Krttt Kr t r n can you clasp their" htza. tzi t.zy I did my best to seed ycu f.afc!y to victorr," or will you harg ycur bead and say I hare failed to my part. Yoa hare ncr-Xr-:-! Jcrerything while I hsre rat ;!y iby until cow, when it's too Ut;,1 Look aroocd j-oa at those liitla bright-eyed girls ard boys- D you wish them to be slarr fcr Germany! flow abect that wifa who bis made your home tbe mail hallowed plat on earth,- sri thtt mother whose head is crow ced w;ih silrcry locks; shall they lire iz lbs ban pi cess they deserre, cr thtll they be treated ts the mo the rs cf Bclgi c m an d Frac ce ! Ycz rzzz?y can decide tbelc fate! Whtt you do! - , ' Your boys are goirg orr r tha inn la rirtrr ta mit? t;a trc a decent p!ac in wbicb lite Tl:ey will cct heiuta ts rr tlr.r Liberty bonis in f-jlL Hotr thrct - pi y ate Lrx La vr r ' As a result cf m ciri Saturday, HO lircs trcr For to Rico.. Tbe zrz-- life frcm ths rbr:b tt:.s z . .. V . guci trl Ag-ctii.2, t;c; citico, tni in tL: iz'.:::z:r z ritcry. -