A' 1 H I ' '' ),ir. V,... K:: A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED' TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. - V 'ESTABLISHED189& MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, OCT- 3L 1918 VOL. XXIII KO. 10 J PROGRESSION ALL FRONTS S Al I les Ariel D riving"- the Austro- -Hungarians from: Passes :To- ! In the Italian theater over a front a S S f nearly 40 miles from the Brenta to the middle reaches1 of the Piave j A :M tivervh British afldltal-.- ; ' ian armies are developyijEr with suc ' V ' " cess, an offensive against the Ans . ; r " troTHangarianSv arid are swiftly Xzf- :'A J5vBdriyinff: thenrjf romH the f moantain A A yA fetieKandiacrassthe plainseasV jbf : the Piive in northern Italy. 4 Amer Icah reserves arehind ' the lines ; prepared to. kid the allies when the ' : oppoftahe moment arrives. u ?y M On'all ofltoibttieHbattle fronts . V ; the allied arms; continue r to i be : i seryedi ; Int Belginm there . has : ; : - been little fighting, expept by a the AA WM feartillery wings fpfB ' :r5:- rl' 5 "amiesilwhilffanthe region around V . . Valencienhes the engagements be- ! tween theiiBritish and. the Germans - - have savoredmore of .outpost en . ; counters than 'pitched battles. ; In " whatever fighting there has been, ' . .'.'-"'men' have retained the upper - hand . and taken more prisoners and ; ad- . ; ; : 15,000 AUSTBTS CAPTUKEJ?. . , 'M lTtalian T lHead Quarters S on A the 1 : PiaeMondafe;d : thusaiidrlsonelrs' hadbeehtekeri- by the British, Italians and French .up to late today in? the advance -a- ?cr6ss the HPiave hich for, the third time in :one year is the scene;"of a desperate battle. . This time how ; ever, the tables are turnedjagainsi the Austrians who are steadily be- S ingpreedback' f rjomhef eastern ; Ship Coes Down 343 Lives Lost -Yahcouven: Oct.:. -26:: The 268 passengers and crew o f 75 men were lost when the steamship Princess, Sophie foundered ; last night, the Canadian P'acific railway announced tod ay. Not a soul sur vived, .according to a Juneaa wirer less message .which' t said ktbeli ship - 'apparently iwas picked u p by the f gale, huried across jyiarider bii t reef and sent to the bottom of the deep " . waters on theotner side. : ; ; v : : "rleavy Rains Swelled Catawba. A dispatch from Hickory, 26tb; says that i serious freshets -in I the Catawba,' 'South' Fork "and ;other t rivers 'and streams, ; caused thous ands of dollars' damage to corri; it was estimated, but all streams were t receding rapidly 'and the loss may r . not be as cirat as expected. ; Dam igevasparticularlyfreat mxthe fdul&rkjbpttom the nyer overflowed and covered com ? pletely It as said'not more than half the cropouW beavei 'Reportslf romjloir- state 8.5 inched ain iell t S6 hurs ending at JS.m.Satur day. withi the result that several buildingSxwere damaged by cave A ins. Above Lenoir: three small railroad bridges were . washed out, :, ;but fr Superintendent Niciols said repairs could be niado in 4 a few The Catawba was 18 f eet aboye low level at Ehpdhiss, f abdut 10 V ; f cot above hear! Hickory and 35 feet hishat TcrrclUi Uwhcro ; the -banks are unusually highi and the stream narrow J$?;- Committees for United War Work Vampaign in iiicuowBiii The great United War Work campaign of the seven military re lief orgrnizations 'will occur as planned the week of November 11 to 18, ' it is Y omcially arihouncedl ThetQ wai some thought of 5 post poriement on account of ; influenza but this has been dismiissejd. ; - M North Carolina's qnota is $1,- 035,617' of the $170,000,000 to be raised in America for the seven national, relief organizations, the r. m.; c: A;ir w; c. a.v Na tional Catholic War Council, War Camp (immunity Service, Ameri- can ljibrary association, jewisn Welfare" board and Salvitiori Army i this um to be apportioned among them in amounts to which thev have already agreed. Mr. Clayton C. Codrington, di rector for this district, was here last Thursday and at ta meeting at the court house he outlined the plan of the campaign," after which the organization for McDowell was completed; The campaigd body is composed of John M. Tate, county chairman; J. E. Neal, treasurer; S.rE: Whitten, public ity iWV.T. Morgan, -speakers' bu reau; J. W; Wjnborhe, boys work; Mrs. i ."Eugene ; Cross, woman's work;".' D.' E. "Hudgiris, colored work bureaui assisted by S. R. Greenlee; colored, as leader, i .Chairmen of working teams - foV .the various pjecincts in the ;cbun- ty with allotment for. each pre cinct, are as follows: Maron;lr$25,C00:, D. El' Hud- gins, chairman. Nebb; $300; Sut. F. A. Pen land, chairman; Miss Mary Green lee assistant. T Dvsartsville, $160;. W. H. Tay lor, chairman, J. N. Yelton and B. E. 'Roper,1 assistants. .Higgins, $50; Frank Withero w. Gleriwood, $300; E. G. Gofortb, chairman; J. M. Haney and T W. Wilson, assistants.1 MontfordsCove, $100; J. C. CrawfordCbr. W. M; Wilson. Broad River, $50; Johnson Led- better. : :' Crookee Creek, $200; J ames'M. Gibson, chairman, Jplius Bird ,d01d Fort, $1,250; W. P. Artz, chairman; J; S. Bradley. Buck Creek, $300;: J. E. Jimer son, chairman, G. B. Woody. Cedar Cove,"' $200; M. C. Caldwell. Turkey Cove; $200f M. L. Good, chairman,' R; C. -Haywood and G. W. Conley.. ' ' ; ; North Cove, $100; Robert Hen-. nessee. .; ; :;, Yr ; ; . 2-BrackettSi $50; M.;P. "Flack. ; 20,000 Huns Have Been Taken by ' - AmericanSi ';:''- A' ' Washington,-' Oct 28.Inhis communique for Saturday, delayed in transmission, General Pershing notes that the battle being fought by the' first American, army north of Yerdun entered that day upon its second month, and reports: that in the first month besides inflicting heaw losses vuoon i the enemy in killed and wounded, the Americans there captured 20,000 prisoners, KO crnris. nearlv 1.000 trench V W w w 1 W - " mortars ana several , thousand ma chine guns. 'rifish casualties reported for the week ending Monday number ed S2;249; compared to 37,10 for the previous week. NEWS FROM THE COUNTY rief Mention t of Some ofihe Hap penings in McDowell County s - Items About Home ? People, r - DYSABTSVILLE . , -DysartaTille, Oct. 23 Crawford Lan- dia will return to Newiort News, Va., tomorrow, after a month's stay at home. The Cbtmty Demonstrator, J. L. Tbur- man, spent a few days here last week. The Spanish Influenza epidemic has not strnck this - community very had. only a few cases so far . There was a continuous downfall of xain last Friday and all streams were extremely high. ! Much damage was done to corn and wheat. ; - Elijah Fortune is reported very sick with' pneumonia,' following an attack of Influenza at Camp Hancock, Ga. T.E. Satterwhlte is still in feeble health.. We hope wben cooler weather comes he will grow'stronger. . An Explanation. In the last issue of The Progress there was a criticism made " by "Citizen" of the poster hung in front of the Bed Cross room during the drive for cloth ing for the Belgians. ' It was read with regret. The poster was made by a young man of the town, who is intelli gent and altogether worthy, and who. in his zeal for the cause, gave up very pressing work and gav his time to make the poster. He also mounted it, and when the mistake was noticed, it was too late to correct it, It was hoped that those noticing it would not 'View It with a critic's eje, But pass the im- perfection by, ana wo ma no? do de terred from contributing good bun dle of clothing to the Belgians -Blithe critic really" think- that , the women of the Bed Cross did not! know the difference between Belgium and Bel gian? It seemed a pity to wound m warm American heart by calling es pecial attention to the mistake through the columns of the town papef; and we could but wish that in the. effort to "make wise a "preventive could have been found before it was done. SUBSCRIBER. F. L. Seely Will Support Weaver. In a letter to Congressman Zebu Ion Weaver, F. I. Seely, of Ashe- ville, expresses his determination to vote for the present. congress man in the coming election, and incidentally commends the record of Mr. Weaver in the present con gress, stating that there is little or no room for criticism of the record made by Mr. Weaver. 1 It will be recalled that in the last election Mr.- Seely made no secret of the fact thathe support ed Mr.' Britt in preference to the present congressman, and the fact that be will transfer his support in the coming election will be a source of gratmcation to air. Weaver and his friends. . In his - letter to Congressman Weaver, Mr. Seely,says: 1 have debated whether the issues of the hour might ' not outweight every other, and have come to the con clusion that the support of the president and congress is the over shadowing issue to be' decided. Because it has become so clear to me that every thought must be sweot aside in order that the pres ent administration be as . unham pered 'as Americans can make it. I want to assure you of my sup port for your seat in 'the sixty- It is announced that the war rev enue bill will not be reported to the Senate until after the Novem ber elections. By the time ' Con gress reassemble:;, Senator" Sim mons said, it is believed the bill will ba ready for submission to the President Graham of the State Uni-j . Yersity Dies from Pneumonia,-. Chapel Hill, Oct. 2G." Ed ward Kidder Graham, president" of tbo .University of North Carolina, prominent leader in state southern and national 'educational affairs, died at his home hero tonight at 8:15 with pneumonia following in fluenza. His death, although not unexpected by those .who were ac quainted wlthTtho nature of his ill ness, overwhelms the. university community .with.- grief and will bring sadness to thousands of for mer sludents and friends through out the stato and nation. . President Graham was a native of Charlotte and was 42 years old. He is survived by his father, one brother and one sister, and his only son, Edward K. Graham, Jr., aged 7, His wife died in December 1916. -; . Registrants Who Have Failed to Return Questionnaires, !j The following men registered in McDowell county and have failed to.; return Questionnaires tor the Local BoWd: t: r , 1 V WhiterWiUiam Shafter lid better, Dome; James Lincoln Brack ett, Bridgewater; Robert Lentx, Nebo; Richard Jackson, Old Fort; Frederick Houck, Marion; Elbert Franklin NanncyBIack Mountain; James Garfield Mace, Mt, Mitch ell or WoodlawTj; Hermati Xutber Austin,: Nebo; Brookshire. Spor geon 5 Led better. Dome; ISd Fer guson,. Camp No. 2, Bridgewaten-1 ColoredWillie James Logan, Marion; Geo. William Morgan, OldT Fort; Geo. liewis Greenlee, Marion, R. F. D.; Tench Alexan der Carson Marion; Malachia Grant Kincaid, Rt 1, Marion; Lee Roy Johnson, Marion; LeRoy Lang, Camp No. 2, Bridgewater. : Local Board fob mcdowell countt. Winter Is Comingl What About the Boys in the Trenches? -Winter is coming and the boys are still in the trenches. Oar dutyl is to see that they have - sufficient warm clothing, proper food and whatever else is "necessary make them efficient fighters. Last winter was the coldest that France has known in years. Many of our. boys suffered. While they did not complain, they felt that the j people at home were not doing all that they could for them, that they were not backing them up as they should - . . - - - t Shall this happen again this year! Shall those boys who are fighting to bravely, who are driving the Germans back in defeat, and wbo are rapidly bringing peace to America and the world shali they suffer because we hold on to oar paltry dollars, and prefer to spend them for own comforts! . Wo do not believe that the American people, particularly North Carolinians, jfili allow the bbvs who are representing them at the front, ; to suffer unusnal hird ships for lack of the things they need. Y We believe they, will give their bottom dollars to make the beys comfortable this . winter War-Savincs Stamps will stand lx tvreca tbo rigors of winter arc! the boTS in the trenches. If erery- bz Trould buy them, all that Ihey '.a to buy, tho boys will n STATE NENVSOFTHE WEEK Items" Concerning.' Events , cf In- - terest and Irnpcrtcncc ThrcLr'r- . out the State. The Transylvania division cf the Southern is out of bcslacss be tween Hendersonville and Toxa- way owing to the. heavy rains cf the past week. , The work of 2,030 negro so!d!cni engaged in cutting , and shippir wood in the Pisgah timber bc-ad ary baa been stopped by flood con ditions. ' - ; Reports from all sections of tba state show a diminishing pciber of new cases of icflcenrt acd ccz tinned .ioDroreseot er.llr. Conditions remain critical, borr. erer, in many sections, especially in rural districts. President Asks .Voters - to Ztir.i by A d m i n I s tra Hen. President Wilson in a 1st err. c it Friday addressed to his "fc!!ow. countrymen, asked them to rttura a Democratic congress In lbs No vember elections if they hsre -ap proved bis leadership "in this trill- ical time. Failure to return a D:mr:rr..:c msjortty to both the t::'? zzi house of representatives, t dent says, cot orjy wculi f ric-- ly impair his power to ain::sls::r the jrrr-At trust aiSJCnei n:? Vr the constitation, bt wculi b3 inter ore ted abroad a$v repuilillcn of his leadership- Col. Daniel Adams Prcrr.:!ei. Mr. D. B. Hcdins is la r;t of a letter from CoL D. W. Adams stating that hss btttalion cn Oct ber 0th gave the Baches an sttf-l licking and that be was predated to lieutenant-coIoceU and Lad been ordered to the States to, train fi new regiment. We coiirnt-ltt Colonel Adams. Furniture Restricted. Restrictions on the nunufteicra of furniture, climinsur.g all zzr? patterns for the d oration cf lh war, and curtailing adira raitere-s 50 per cnt., are announced by the War Industries Board. Th? zrr schedule applies U bedroom. c".e ing room and upholstered izrzU tore, chair, ccrUin tsl!e.s ar.1 m:r rora. BeTclci mirrors are c!".r cated, bedroom mirror pUt.; cur tailed per c-e:t, and the marn facture of dininxroom chairs ai toilet table chairs discontinued A Yote for Schenck !e:ns i Y;t2 , for Shlprrss. . Mr. EL W. E w bank; Ch 1 1 nr z n Dem ocrati c Bxecctire Cc m ml i : r ?, Hendersonville, baa rtceircd th2 following letter from Gortrzcr Bickctt: . . lij dear Sir r Pleasa let it known that a vote for Mr. S:he: is a vote for Mr. J. ,C trh:r -V for Solicitor. Mr. Schereh is t th e De m oc.ra tic nomic ee, b -1 his fail a re to qualify alter crci, or upon his Qnxliiiellen izl slticn I shall at c-ee rc-t 7 r Mr. Shipman. "This court 5 is z A : and fair in order to nre tl.e t: of soldiers who hive tlrcziy z if- c- . : MVcry rzj jcz::t