A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF-THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C.,- THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1919 VOL. XXIII NO. 31 : DISTRICT CLUB MEETING Twentieth Century Club Hostess to 1 lib wo m en of This D i strict 'X " jlnteresting Program. : - i 55n last Saturday the Twentieth 'Century Club was hostess to the Woman's Club of the district of Asheville at its annual meeting held in Marion. The guests were niet at the station by the reception committee and taken to'View Point, 'the home of,Mrs.L: W. Pless,' the business meeting being held in the living room and presided over, by "the district leader, Mrs. R. JEV Freeze, -of " Hendersonville, with 'Miss Joyce'.' Decker- as recording secretary. . ; Excellent and helpful papers on the departmental work of the club filled .tbemorning hours. ' Invoca tion by Rey. W. L. Hutcbins was loiiowea oy a coraiai aaqress- or welcome by Mrs. Pless, graciously responded to by Miss Wilson of -Black Mountain.; Zi vTf"' U : ' 'The opening: "address on v,club work was; given by Mrs. Freeze. Mrs. Henley, the Home Demon--stration agent for Western North . - . -. - -,.0' Carolina,: save an interesting ac- TOunt of her work, in this section VII. hue uaic auu ito quicuuiu uuii) . " . - -... The address of Mrs. Vaughn of Haleigbron Child Welfare and; In ' f ant Hygiene was ; most excellent. North Carolina, it was stated, .was the fi rs t sou them state to.estabjish tl department for infant hygiene; LIrsJ Minnie Blanton of Raleigbi tnade a1 very able talk on North -Carolina's Library Extension work showing bow, individuals, schools debating societies rural districts xind tourists may obtain helpful and entertaining book - and literature! M re. Robertson, chairman of the -Oepaf tment of Health, gave a . very timely article on . health and dis ease, especially that of tuberculosis, tarn phasizing tb e fact that eve ry person who has it should know it that they, may be instructed in the proper care so as to prevent the spreading of this terrible scourge. Luncheon was ; served , at one -o'clock, covers being laid for fi fty in the large "dining: room and li brary admirably arranged f or seat ing this -number, a -Pretty green bowls and baskets filled with daffo dills, jonquils and golden '-chains, ti pifying.the club's colors green and yellowwere used as effective table decorations, while a dainty klana tor1 mo.lrar'' aonh caof ' A the close" of the lunch : the -c guests drank a toast to the Twentieth Century Club as ' hostess and to. .Mrs. Pless for the courteous hos pitali ty of her borne. " y-T f .At three o'clock the business cession was resumecl. Mrs. j. M. 'ffudger, Jr., of Asheville, spoke bn the mid-bienhial council of the "General Federation - of Woman's Olubs of the United States to be iield in Asheville in May, when one thousand club women will be present, many of whom are na tionally prominent, while Mr.1 Gerard, former ambassor , to Ger many and Secretary Lane will be among the men of note who will address this assembly. Mrs. J. S. Williams of Asheville spoke on the magnitude of this affair and 3Irs. Dillsworth of Asheville on the wonderful opportunity it would bring to all to hear leading people -of the country speak 1bnv problems confronting the women of today; M rs.-J no. B: Broadfort 'of Black Mountain discussed the -responsibility of 1 the entire dfstrictin mak ing it a success. ? ' t ; . At "the close of the program America' was sung, also the "Fed eration song. Reports of the va rious clubs-were; given in concise foi-mT after which the meeting ad journed, the guests going, to .Mrs. D. E.: Hudgins for a muslcale and tea. v i :----' f-, 'No more beautiful setting for a social function can be found than Lone Beech ; the handsome' home; of ' Mrs. Hudgins. The drawing room, library, music room, dining room; and hall were "opened : as a spacious apartment for entertain ing. In the large drawing room, lit with lights -with rose-pink shades and decorated, in tall sprags of spirea and peach blooms, "Mrs. J. Q. Gilkey and Mrs. J. W. Win borne poured tea, assisted by Mrs. W. W. Neal, Mrs. F. B. Gwin, Mrs. W. T. Morganr Mrs. Eugene Cross and-Mrs. E. A Thomas. The musicale given in the- music room was most -delightful. Miss Julia Burton gcaciously responded to many encores, as did Mrs. J. E. Decker, Miss Decker and Mrs. J. G. Strikeleather. one of Ashe ville's , noted ' vocalists. :-. r Various ladies assisted in the social life in the library; and hall that were no ticeably handsome in floral effect of green and yellow, This: entire affair was thoroughly, charming and brought to a close a most suc cess ful'day " On findine;: the train ' one : hour late, automobiles were called: and a: motor paYty hastily planned. The guests left for their homes on train No. 21; - Highway Commissioners Meet. A call meeting of, the County HighWay.Commissioners was held in Marion last Saturday for the purpose of making formal applica tion to the State Highway Com mission for all funds, labor and equipment allotted to "this county by both State and Federal Govern ment for the year. The meeting was attended by all the commission ers. It was decided advisable and a unanimous resolution was passed to start work in the county at once and to accept every thing practical and useful that the State and Gov ernment might offer for road build ing purposes. It was further pro--posed. and. agreed that the three commissioners make a tour- and survey of the various townships in tbe county, look over : the roads audconsult with the township road commissioners and leading citfzens as to the neds in road building in the several townships. , ;. As soon as plans can be laid andf the proper information: had, - Mr Hugh F.-Little, . chairman of : the commission, will be sent to Raleigh to. present the needs of McDowell county to the State Highway Com mission and secure .what aid is pos sible. - - American Casualties. The total number of casualties in' the ' American expeditionary forces7 are divided as follows: - Killed in action (including '381 lost at sea), 32,047; died of wounds, 13,390; died- of disease, "22,100; died from accident and other caus es, 3,771; wounded in action (oyer 85 per cent, returned to duty), 194,083: missing in action (not in cluding prisoners released and re turned), 5,185; total to date, 270,- NEWS FROM THE COUNTY B rief Mention of Some of the H ap : pehingin McDowell County--- ; y Items About Home People. " CHAPED HILL : ; :' v', Chapel Hill, March 3Q!Mr8 rr. rj. Barnes is visiting relatives at Glen wood this week - . v- ; . , - A large black bear was seen several times roaming about through this neigh borhood daring the past week, :' ? : Mrand Mrs. Tate Mosely of Marion spent Sunday with the latterVuncle, J. A. Swann. -..' . 'T ' . - - . '.; . J A. Kay lor killed a fine 5-months-old pig during the week, weighing 150 pounds. . - .:-; - r Mrs. A. Yount is able to be out again after an illness of a few weeks duration. We are en joying, the beautiful spring weather and farmers are busily engaged, preparing land to plant crops. , Friends of T.' J. Swann will be', glad to learn he is improving after an attack of lnumps: . - ":- :: . ; . H. H. Poteat of Bridge water visited his father, F. L. Poteat, the latter part of the week. r John Smith killed a mad dog at his home Wednesday morning. Private J. F. Kay lor. of the 30th di vision, has returned from overseas. ; - Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fishier spent Sun day with the latter's sister, Mrs. A. S. Coats. : ; ' ''"r--:;"'-. .' H. D. Smith made a business trip to Marion Saturday. - '" - : : Mrs. Noah Turner is seriously ill at her home. . WOODLAWN " Woodlawn, March 81. M. L. Good made a business trip to Marion during y ttrfWiV . .. ---- MraniMrrwenh tamed home after a yisit to relatives in. Caldwell county. . ; : " Miss Georgia Conley in spending , the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. G. W Con--ley, at Sevier. .-.-. Mrs. D. C. Bateman and children .of Johnson City, Tenn., .bpent the -weekend with relatives at Sevier. " f :' Mrs' M. L. Good and two sons are ill with measles. , V Bev. Mr. Drake of Nebo, held the ser vices at the Baptist church Sunday. --A large congregation was in attendance. . ; GBEENLEE Greenlee, March' 80. Sidney Hall, who has been at work at Modoc, S. C, is at home for a few days Mrs. George Pendergrass of Stroud town spent the latter part of the week with relatives here. Lambert Young' spent one day last week in Marion. - " - : , Mrs. John Hogan and Mrs. T. , W. Kincaid spent Sunday with their.father, J. B. Ledbetter. -; ;. -Oliver Pendergrass has returned home after spending some time with relatives in Butherford countyC - - - Misses Olla and Annie Walls spent the week-end with homefolks here. . Mrs. W. J. Snipes returned home one day last week after an extended visit to relatives in Asheville, N.-C, and Lan- drum, src.; v " . Bev. G. W. Erwin spent one day last week in-Marion. : : . "'.. Willie, Bradley of Eastern part: of. North Carolina spent last week with homefolks here. :.. ' ; : : Miss Pearl Snipes has returned to her work in Winston1 Salem after a visit to friends and relatives here. - NEBO ------ - i V - : N ebo, March 29. Charlie Bost, son of W. E . Bost, of Nebo, is ill with : ixxr fluenza in Charlotte. His brother, Ed gar Bost, has recovered, from an attack of the influenza, and has resumed his work with the Virginia Life- Insurance Co. . -- --::;V-V ,tl : "ji . " ":r '-s - ; : Accordingto rumor from -Charlotte; a well known young lady of- this place is- to wed a Charlotte young man soon. Guess who. - - T J - . ;4 "' Nebo, April. li Mrs.' Alexander of Nebo has been selected: as " matron to finish out the year in place of Mrs.-Masters, who is resigning onlaccount jof - ill health. :-':--Vi:.:;,h:.-:::i.., J - T7. R. Chambers has been chosen pre- siding officer for the triangular ' debate Friday night. Aprif 4th. Inf order to avoid any f a voriteismall the judg'will be selected away from horned Miss Stacy will accompany the young ladies who debate at Oak Hill heart Fri day night. , ; Bev. M. L. Kaylor has moved to Ma rion aid H G Walker to this nlace will moye to Mr. Kaylor's farm. Q TOM'S CBEEK r : Tom's Creek. March 31. Mr. and Mrs. J S. Beard were guests of Mrs. J. Y. Hicks last week.v --3--' ' v-Miss Mattie Lou Hensley is recovering from an attack of the influenza.' - ; : W. M. Gnrley and family have bqen ill with influenza for the past week. ; : Mrs. A.rM. Hensley visited Mrs. T. J. Flemming t Greenlee last week. : : James Harris made a business trip -to Marion lasirSaturday. : i Miss Zelda Hensley . of Nebo high school spent the . week-end ' with home folks."; 1., '::-'?' : . '"r"..-- ' . '''C?': Charles Hall has returned home after spending some time in Mitchell county. The school will close Friday, April 4, after a sucpessful term with Miss Mae Jordan as teacher. " - - v District Centenary Council; ; The Centenary Council for - the Marion District was held .in the Marion "Methodist . church v last Thurajtternoori and night. "E. Av jColei 7of Charlotte, presided. The" whole plan for the campaign was explained by the presiding-officer,- a ad o umerousd iscussions fol lowed. The ' conference was well attended by pastors and Ideal church directors. . :: : ' . -: " ' ion preached to a. large congrega tion at -the evening service, his sub-" ject being : Mone vtand v: how it should be spent." . The subject was well handled and made a veryrffine impression on tbe:congregation. , The centenary movement is growing k momentum Ttbroughout the entire church and will doubtless succeed beyond the - hopes of its promoters. r ' NJ" .: ; ; The quotas for the different charges. i n the , District follows : Bakeisville, $1350; Bald Creek. $2920; Broad River," $6750; Burns yille, $5000; Cliffside, $6700; Con-! nelly Springs, $7400; Enola, $900; Forest City, $10100; Henrietta Caroleen, $8600; Marion -station, $10750; Marion circuit, $2475;. Mc Dowell, $5280; Micaville, $2485; Marion Mills, $4755; Mill , Spring, $3715; JVlorgan ton station, $14510; Morgauto n ci rcu it,' $7825 ; Old Fort, $6120; Rutherford ton; $9700; Spruce Pine, ; $5850; Table Rock, $6250; Thermal City i 514Q. Total, $131,575.00. " v Summer,"SchooI at State College. The fifth annual session of the j State College" Summer School ; at West Raleigb, N. C., will start rJune lO, and last through July 23; Arrangements have been made to extend the scope of the courses of fered and, in addition to those, courses offered for the benefit of the teachers of the State, special attentiontwill be given to courses to prepare candidates for admission to college and to Freshman credit courses. , ? : j-; . . ; .. ";-v. -.- y , - -. : A large and capable faculty has been .secured, ; and competent in struction is assured. - j: : : , Courses in Education covering all needs and" requirements,; have beeif planned, as ' have: courses , in ElementarylAgriculturej Vocation al Agriculture, Home Economics, Basketry, ; Languages-History, Mathematics and.Science. v , PLAN BIG DEVELOPMENT :Noyes Lumber Company Preparing ior txiensive uperations v ;v Near Old Fort. : : The Noyes Land & Lumber Com- -pany, a. corporation recently or ganized for the purpose of doing a general wood land lumber business on the Government forest area in upper Old Fort township, promises to be one- of - the most extensive concerns of this; kind in the West ern part of the States ; ; The eompany-has built a inodera lumber camo on the head waters of Curtis creek and .will soon have finished a flume wav to carrv wood and lumber to the. railroad at Old Fort. . Mr. R. J. Noyes, of Marion is managerTahd states that they ex-. p?ct to have the. plant running at : maximum capacity not later than first of -September. The concern has an area of something over four thousand acres, with a contract to remove 50,000 cords of acid wood and 10,000,000 feet of sawed lum ber within the next five years. In order to accomplish this undertak ing the company will employ a large force of men. . The site of the camp is an ideal dne and every preparation has been made for the proper care of the employes. The - company main tains a; first-class boarding-house, store and a number of comfortable cottages for its employees. Good wages are paid and fivingexpenses are furnished at actual cost. ' The forest area was created un--der the Weeks Act, the object of the Go ye rn me nt being to conserve the forest, and at the same time provide-for the removal of the for est products ; under modern and scientific supervision. The act pro vides that one-fourth of the pro ceeds of saleof timber and other products .shall be appropriated to the use of the schools and roads of " the counties in which the area is located. 'Already several thousand dollars worth of forest products have been sold from the Mount Mitchell area and McDowell Coun ty's school fund is several hundred dollars better off. The , receipts, from the company on this area will amount to thousands of dollars and., the county's part, it is expected, .will be no little sum. Presbytery at Morganton April .15. - Concord Presby tery will - meet in. Morganton April 15-18. About sixty-five delegates are expected to attend.' An interesting feature of the' meeting will be a lecture by Prof, thos, W. Ling'le, of David-'-. son College. Dr. Lihglev was . en gaged, in Y. M. C. A. work with the French army for a year and was under fire in the region of Verdun. He will tell of his periences in France. .. . ex- At a meeting of the executive committee of the board of trustees of the State College of Agriculture and Engineering at West Raleigh, the erection of "an agricultural ex tension building to cost 5100,000, was provided for, and also a home for the experiment station forces. The- committee also appropriated 15,000 to.be used during the nest two years for additional eauipmcnt in 'the textile school. The addi tional departments, a cbair of high way "engineering and a chair of farm mechanics, were provided for to meet the needs of the time.