A WEEKLY.NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF. McDOWELL. COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. .C., THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1919 VOL. XXIII NO. 46 ELLIOTT GETS 25 YEARS . - : " v '..it t oentencea to lerm at nara LaDor for Murder of Tony Johnson- - - Moore Acquitted. T. J. Elliott, who was charged with the murder of Tony Johnson, near Old Fort the latter part of Jlay, plead guilty to a ; charge of murder in the second degree -in Superior courtjaow in session here. and was sentenced by Judge Webb to twenty-five years at hard labor in the State prison at Raleigh. Elliott is 61 years old ' and has- a wi f e and several children. . For years he has roamed; the: Blue Ridge mountains and was looked upon as a modern Kip Van Winkle. He carried a small 22 calibre rifle with him all the time, and it was ith this gun that Tony Johnson -was slain. " v; - 'I The case : against Anderson uVIoore, who was charged .with the killing of Simon. B. .Shew at the Clincbfield mill last April, was con cluded Wednesday when the jury returned a verdict of not guilty. ' John Blaloek plead :guilty to weapon, and disorderly conduct and was fined fifty dollars and cost, r J. W. Fowler, for assaul fc, with deadly weapon,; drew a fine of i five dollars and "cpsfo'';! Dock WiliiamscaTryip con cealed weapon,' fined $5 and cost. . . . Wv RParkerGharles and; Arx thu r KrkeK rpasslng j up g ment suspended OnJpay hieht of cost. C D; Elliott, assault with dead ly weapon, judgment suspended on payment of cost. V : William Epley, Winslow Arney and Joseph Atkins, gambling; Ep . ley fined $15 and cost; Atkins $15 and cost; judgment suspended on payment of cost as to Arney. ; T. George King, larceny and break ing in car sentenced to th reey ea rs on roads in North Cove township. R.L. Bowman,, gambling, judg ment suspended on payment of cost. Jim Harris, carrying .concealed weapon, fineoV$5 and cost. Divorces were K granted in the AllnmJiK rtdeae' Q " f rr rra n - ttc Minnie Morgan,' Louisa Mace vs Robert Mace, Vera Ward yV J. K. JWard, E. C.-Ennis vs Sid Eoriis, :j. u. ur reene ys jpveiyo ::aj reene, Elijah Owens vs Eyla Owens, and Emma Gilmore vs James Gilmore. '; Thecase of the- Marion Cash Feed Company vs E. D. Rendall was compromised. . . !e -" George Kelley vs Southern Rail way, judgment for ' plaintiff for $100 and cost. ' : ' way, judgment for plaintiff for $150 and cost. : , Mrs. M. A. itoomson ana u, n. Robinson vs : Southern ; Railway, judgment for plaintiffs for $400. '' Five judges representing the Unit ed States, Great Britain, France, Italy and Japan, will be selected! to presid e at the trial of the former German Em peror, which is expect ed to take place in Iibndon this Au tumn. Chief Justice Edward Douglass Whi to probably r.will be chosen to represent rthe United States af the trial. John Andrew Hamilton (Lord Sumner), of Great Britain will precide over the " five judgesselectcd. ' ' v N . L- The Rev. C. R.' Cody will preach at St. John's church next Sunday night at S:30 o'clock. " . Grand Jury Recommends Erection of New Court House and Jail. : ; The grand jury in Superior 4 court has made its report of the work for the week and has " been dismissed. W. W, Neal was fore man of the jury and J. D. Wilson secretary' The jury" members inspected the various offices in the court house and found .v them in very good condition with all -.' rec ords kept in good shape. . Thev found, however, ihat vthere is - not sufficient room in the court house andecommended that a new court house be erected. - -r The jail .was also visited by the body, and found to be in splendid condition, l everything neat and clean ; al( the prisoners claimed they were well - cared for and had' no Complaint to make. They 'report ed that- 'the . jail is entirely too small to take care -of the - increased number of-prisoners and therefore recommend that a new -jail be built on the back end of -the lot where the present jail stands." The county home for the aged and -infirm was also visited by the jury members and thoroughly in spected. Conditions there were found;, just as goodas they -could be 'considering the v buildings." We strongly ixeqommenoU" thp report reads, "that one modern, up to-date building be erected at onrce a building large enoujgh to- take care -of " all ; the inmate's. This baildinhould have" all modern -.. ' ' ' . -J conveniences, sucn asrsteam-peat, electric lights water, etc. ?1 Pend ing the erection of such a building it is recommended that a kitchen be built to the main-building and that a telephone be put in. Each one of the houses were visited and found in good condition, kept neat and ;clean. r .' .. . They Teport ten inmates at the county home; four white ' women, three: white child ren one; white man, onenegro man and one negro woman. The inmates report that they are well taken "care of and treated all right in every- respect. One of the white women and two white children are .blind And should not be kept in this place," the re- port says. w i ne negro woman is - .r"-- " r- - ? - insane and should - be sent to : an insane hospital." r ': Army Trucks to Be Used in Build-r 5 : 7 ing Roads Over the State. f Raleigh, ? July, lOrThe army trucks which have been purchased by .the highway commission for use in constructing the new roads" in North Carolina have arrived . and will be distributed to various sec tipns of the state where the com mission has road work under way. Many of these army ' trucks have never been assembled, . but 1 some oi them had been i n use for several months by the military authorities before the signing of the armistice. The commission believes that it bought these trucks at a good price and that they can be used to good advantage in the construction work. About 1,500 miles of roads have beenx approyed by the highway: commission and the work on &ome of these will be started at oncec In many cases thel counties liaye al ready besun work on these roads. and the, commission .will merely furnish money or material for-its part of the work. W.' lli Hefner, of Nebo, was in town Tuesday; " " - v r NEWS FROM THE COUNTY Brief Mention of Some of the Hap penings in McDowell County " ' Items About Home People. -h:"Z:'. CHAPEL HILL . Chapel Hill,- July 14 The many friends of Mrs Rachel Turner will; re gret to learn of-' her death which oc enrred on Thursday r July 10. Mrs. Tur ner was in her 79 th year and"was a con sistent member of the Baptist church. She was th$ mother of six . children, three of whom survive.. They are: .Mrs. H. D. Smith, Mrs. John Poteet and E. D. Turner." Her husband also survives. The funeral was conducted by Rev., J. C. Story and interment made at Chapel Hill burying ground -The family have our heartfelt sympathy.' ' . . ' G. P Pofeat is very sick at his . home at this place. ; . Mr. and Mrs. Syncox of Columbia, S C.V attended the funeral of the ' latter's grandmother, Mrs. Turner, last week Mrs. J. H. Barn es and children spent Sunday in Nebo. N ; " :r: DYSAKTSVILLE " Dysartsville, July 14 T. E. Satter- white has returned from Marion where ha has been under treatment and we are glad to state his health is improving. The Baptist revival will begin the 4th Sunday In this months Hey. Bennett expects to do the preaching.- - v ; Miss Annie Co wan has gone to Water Valley,; Miss , to spend quite awhile with her brother, John B. Cowan., Eugene Upton-aad-Clyde Duval have re turned home from overseas.' - , Will Landishas gone to Detroit, Mich V to accept a position. V: ' - - The Methodist revival will begin Fri day night betore the second :Supday in August;,.;..: , j;.- May be a half of a crop. . ' V We hope the threshers will visit this community soon. Wheat-is not good. but it will have to be threshed. . Ernest Satterwhite, James C. Goforth, and Festus Carswell made a business trip to Marion last Thursday. " , ;' , HANKINS ;V: Hankins, " July lS.r-J - W. , Hall of Spruce Pine visited Ids another here during the week. " r Misses Cora and Donnie Hall of Dy sartsville spent a few days here with their sister during the weeki Joe Hall spent the week-end in Can ton; N. C.-;r, -:'y r..:.; P-V... Lester Erwin left Tuesday for Canton, Ohio where he has accepted a position. Yirgil Morgan made a business trip to Canton last weeks " : ; . Rev. Erwin will begin a revival meet ing at the Methodist church next ' Sun day afternoon at 4 o'clock. livery body cordially invited to attend the services. LonTermer-Pafdoned. -: ': -, Tom Young, of McDowell coun tyj servingthirty years for murder in the second degree, ' has2 been granted a conditionaP pardon. In pardoning Moore - the governor gives the follqwing'reasonjs for his action : - ": . '. iThis defendaut has now served eleven years, is a Class A ' man, and is a model prisoner "in every respect The evidence shows that at.thetime of the commission of the offense Young was drunk, and the next day did not know' any- Itbing aboutrit. All" the - present county officials of McDowell coun ty, and the ex-officials who were in office at the time this case was f triedjwrite strong letters in behalf of this prisoner as does, also the soliciter who prosecuted.: T h e trial . judge is dead. ". For these reasons a , conditional pardon is granted.-; 'T---'"' '-- .;. ; ;The: E p worth r League of the Methodist church will give a play,. "Pleasure Sought," at the graded school houso Thursday night, July 24. A small admissibnfee of 10c and 20c will - be "charged. Pro ceeds will go to a A very worthy cause. - r v ; :1 -':' ; E J. Harbison Elected Principal ; of Nebo High School; ' Mr. E. J. Harbison, of Burke county, has been elec tad principal of. the Nebo Hich School Mr. Harbison is a graduate of Trinity College and is a successful school man. For four years he was. head of the department of "education at Davenport Coliege.r The people of Nebo consider themselves fortunate in securing the services of such: an able man and are looking forward tb the coming year as the greatest in the history of the Nebo school, v The State "Department of Educa tion has established a course in teacher-training at the.Nebo school for the' teachers of this section. This course will be supervised by the State Board of Examiners and Institute Conductors.- This new feature of school work at Nebo'will add considerably to the standing of the Nebo school. - It will also make it possible for the teachers of Mc Dowell and adjoining counties to take an aporoved course in teacher training at home. , 4 ": Mr. Harbison has.already moved to the Nebo school and entered up on his duties. lt , is his j?lan to make a thorough canvass of the county to enroll as many, students as the school can accommodate. He will begin bis canvass in ft few days.V Students desiring to enter the Nebo school should communi cate with Mr. Harbison at Nebo. wr:"GtenwooySchobl."iT'"- Miss 'HeUie B. Rochtlle, of Durham, N. C, an A. B. graduate Of the State College for. Women of Greensboro, and anA. M. graduate of Columbia University, has been elected principal of Glen wood High School Miss Bochelle comes, to McDowell county with: high rec ommendations. She was superin tendent of the La Grange system of graded schools last year, render ing, a very su perior grade of ser vice. The chairman of the school board at this place recommends her in the highest terms. V- i Miss'Rocbello . is at "present in New York taking a special course in school work. She will report for dutv immediatilv. "after the closing of the summer school. The "people of .Ail en wood vare jjreatly interested in the school work in their district. They feel they have Wen very fortunate in - . -. . .. their choice of a principal and corps of teachers. They are expecting great things as a result of the for ward steps they have.taken for bet ter educational facilities in their community.. -! - - - Beside Miss Rochelle the follow ing teachers have been elected at the Glenwood school: Miss Pearl Teter, - Morganton; Miss Elsie Stacy, Nebo; Mis3 Maggie Byrd; Nealsville; M i s s V Mattie . Tate, Greenlee, and:Miss Bessie Raburn, Nealsville. '-. Marriages. : ; : .... -The following : persons were marriedat the Presbyteriahinanse fecentlyiRev. J;.C. Story officia ting: Jnly Srd, Mr. Alvin Mc- Gee, of Ashf ord , and Miss Mary Laws, of Old. Fort. July 5th, Mr. Josenii Smith, of Morganton, Afarv Baker, of Marion. July 13thV Mr. H. E. Greene, of Morganton;. and raiss vivisn Simpson, of lilen Alpine. STATE NEWS 0FTHE WEE1C Items Concerning Events of In Jerest and Importance Through out the State. Ringling Brothers circus will show in Asheville on October 24. The North Carolina Postmasters association will hold its annual meeting at Wrightsviile Boach" Wilmington, on August 15 and 16, The Nor.th Carolina Historical Commission has elected Henrv M. Lonon legislative reference -librarian to succeed the late W. S. Wil son. ; ,- ' Catawba county voted Saturday on a road bond issue of half mill-' ion and the -bonds - were lost by about 200 votes. Various factors contributed to the defeat. . J. M. Ray, general of the Fourth brigade. North Carolina division. United Conferedata Veterans, an nounces the appointment of John J. Mackeyof Asheville as his assis tant adjutant general and chief of staffwith the rank; of lieutenant colonel. The order is to take effect at once. - " - Representative Weaver of the Tenth district asks CoDgress to award Julius McClureof Cberokeo county the sum of $5,000 " for th loss of an-arm, ilcCIure having been crippled in a battle with the Jim Rose gang of -army deserters draft evaders and outlaws, while assisting in the capture of the des- A company of Asheville men, rep resentatives of the board of trade, Merchants';- association, Rotary club and, others -have secured an option on the Mount Mitchell rail way, which is not running this year, and they will attempt to form a stock company to purchase the road, so that it can be continued as' a passenger- carrying road, ine fbad goes to the top of the moun tain, the highest point east of Pike's peak. -V-" - v True bills for murder have been returned against John P. -Snyder and Geo.? McClure, who killed Claude Buchanan recently, at Waynesville. It is .alleged .that Buchanan, who was killed on the premises of Mrs. Chas. Snyder, a widow and relative of J. P. Snyder, had pfesisted in trying to force his company on Mrs. Snyder against her will. The killing aroused much feeling and the ac cussed, who are held without bail, may be taken to Buncombe jail for safe-keeping. To set . at rest rumors that he was not whole - nearedly support ing Cam; Morrison for the Demo cratic nomination for Governor, Senator Simmons annuonces that he is supporting the Charlotte maa to the best of his skill and ability, or words to that effect, and will continue so to do. Mr. Morrisoa deserves the honor Senator Sim mons thinks, because'of conspicu ous servics to his , party and the k State and-because pf bis fitness for the position; and saying which, the Senator asserts, he is dispara ging the claimsjof no other candi date. Dr. Dean H. Crawford hzs re ceived notice that he successfully passed"-the' North Carolina Beard of Dental Examiners and will ba grahted'State licenced to. practice.

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