A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THEr BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, AUG. 7, 1919 VOL. XXIII NO. 49 ... SCHOOLS OPEN WITH GOOD ATTENDANCE County Superintendent.and Chair man Board of Education Visit- The county schools are opening vith the- best attendance' in the history of the county , A number -of .schools report 100 per cent of the children affected by the com pulsory law enrolled the opening w(ifllr' Frnm the interest and co operation manifested on the part "of parents in the education of their -children it seems that the compul sory law. will be necessary in but a few - instances, as parents, are sending their children regardless of ago or legal requirements. ' This attitude on the part of parents is very gratifying to the officials. : However, it will .be the policy of those whose duty it is to enforce the law. fb see that it does ;not be come a dead, letter. . Parents and -guardians wilfully and flagrantly Tiolattng the law with reference to sending children 1 to"' school; will beprosecuted to the limit of -the law. Supt. N. Steppe states that sofar only one family appears to be intentionally violating , the -combulsorv law". . Steps are being v talron fn emfrrrA tihft in . t.Hi iustance. , - . : - rSupt. N. F. Steppe and Chair- man T. YY . btacy are visiting toe -schooIs:'ncrw -in, -operation iaieara t.KA p.nhrtitmns -and naeris .of the schools at tbe-opening of ihe term. -Several schools are calling for ad ditional ; tdachers and; equioment. The needs and i requirements will be met just as jast as possible. It is the intention of the board of the hroif1 nf .prlnnfttinn tn spa that tht. necessary Educational .advantages are provided for every child in the county., .- . -The board of education has en tered upon a building program that will double the value of school ' property this year. :'A1 ready two magnificent buildings are7 under course of construction, one at Glen wood and another at the Clinchfield mill.- Three first class two-teacher buildings will also "be completed in 2 time for school this i year. - -V '7 Teachers are taking much inter est in better equipping themselves for the new demands to be made upon tbemi. A large number; of tp.Ar.hers have been in attendance -during tbesummer terms of the leading colleges of the State. They ArA "now AhtA.rincr nnon theirv wnrtr . with higher ideals and broader planes of service. From the pres ent outlook the coming year will be the best the schools - have ever known, r N ew '. Teach ers Elected. ; : v The Marion 'ad ed' school facul ty r has been completed awitb" tbe election fMiss Muie J Cox, f i of Mount Gil eaiJvasi teacher of tbe fifth grade. Miss Lillian Smith, of Pink Hill, will teach the ad vanced"Brst gradet succeeding Miss Mae McCurry, who "resigned to accept work elsewhere. " Miss Lot : tie" Poole, of La Plata, Md., .will 11 the vacancyjn-the high school department caused by the resigna tion of Mrs. J. L. C. Bird. f Miss Pool lis a; graduate d of f VVinthrop CJollege, JRockHill, S. C , and spent a year at Columbia -Univer-ity. At present she is engaged ' in welfare work at Cliffside. The new members of the faculty come very highly recommended. ; Three iridges Ordered Built jurors for Fall Term of Court. . ':. The 'county, commissioners, in session Monday, ordered that the bridge across Curtis creek be re moved to North Fork near Pitts and that a 120 foot span be .placed across Ourtis Creek. . The ' board also ordered' that a new bridge be built across Mill. creek and that the present 'structure be moved to Garden City. In addition to other routing busi ness jurors were drawn for the Se ptember term of Su periof, cou r t as follows: ' ' ' ' ;- First week: J. FT Bird, T. R. Burgin, VV. B. Daves, J." I. Nan ney, R. E Higgins, J. A. Swann, James Hollifield, : Grover "Greene, R-'-E." McCall, H. W. Hensley, A. Burgin," J. A. Biddix, Ellis Dixon, JrG. Hollifield, C. E: Jarrett, G. D. Noblitt, J. B. Landis, T. U Morgan; Robert Laidlaw, I. H Al lison, W. K. M. Gilkey, R H. Hennessee, G. M. Moffitt, D. H. Whitener, J. V. Daves, T. M. Fin ley, R. A. Holler, H..G. Burgin, Js D. Hogan, M. B. Grayson, J. Simmons, Lee Lavender, C. L. Holland, A. C. Tate, T. VV. Kin caid, C. B. Noblitt. Second week: R. W. Tate, J. Li. Steppe, James Led be tie r, Ha r ve Vess, VV. L. Nanneyi D. VV. Wneel er, Luther Walker, Charles Brack ets G. A. Lackey, A. " A. Padgett J. F. Burgin, E. K. Hild," B. G. HensleyarlWiikerson; Krouse,vEd; Tolneya; PW'bis-nant.- ..- . - --. :- - V " Real Estate Transfers. ; '. J. L. Nichols to Robert F. Mock, lot on Mountain View avenue, Old Fort. ' ;' - ' . r J. L. Nichols . to Elizabeth -A. Strickland, lQt oV Mountain View ayenue, Old Fort: v , Robert F. Mock to Elizabeth A. Strickland, lot on Mountain View avenue, Old Fort,- $10 and other consideration. : - t John J. Jordan to Bayard Adams and wi f e, land adjoining. Patell a Gilliam, James Morris , and Chas. Ly tie, $1500. - : . f J.. S. Jamison to G.' F, Stroud, .3 acres adjoining J. S. Jamison and feHildr$600.r;-i;-': ' -j&ilPi Morphea to J. C. Hudr gins lot 70 feet on Depot street, $4,500.v v - " ; : ' ' .Switzerland Company' to '; Billie Hollifield, land near Little Switzer land station, $400. 'N .:-'v v' rC ' . W. T. Morgan and J. WI Win borne, commissioners, to .Vance Wilson, fland in Nebo ! township, : G. W. Conley to M. C. Cald well, timber on North Fork, (Ca tawba river, $13,800. ;A;.r-.:-':" . ' " ' V - ' M ' ' ' -.v ' : - WeJIs-Bryson. f - Mr. Russell Wells J and Miss Nittlee Bryson were married last Sunday afternoon at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Mollie Bryson, in East Marion Rev. J. C. Story officiating The ring cere? monywas used. A large nujnber of friends and relatives, of this popular young couple were present for the ceremoDy.;;-"::";:.' :JZ regular meeting of Mount Ida Lodge, Knigbts of Pythias, will beheld Thursday .night, August 7, at 8:30 o'clock, v Business of im portance will be transacted and every Knight is urged to be trans acted. Work in the third degree. N EWS FROM THE COU NTY Brief Mention of Some of the Hap : pen i ngs i n M c D o w e 1 1 Co u nty - Items About Home People. .OLD FORT ' '. " OldTort Aug 4: Misa Pjearl Cox of Gastonia, is Tisiting her. sister, Mrs. Y. Grant., . - ' -.;v.".."r. James Bradley of Klngsport, Tenn., is visiting his brother, J.viJ. Bradley. Mrs. E. H. Witten of Richmond, Vai, is visiting Mrs. Charles. . - . . Mrs." Robinson of Roanoke- Paplds, N. C, is visiting her son, Tr W. A. Robinson. , v Mrs. E. E. Edwards of Goldsboro is in the city "with her brother. James Payne . Miss Grace Arney is on an extended visito Atlantic City and other points. v Miss Mary Hamilton of AsheTille is the Ruest of Miss Francis Artz". F. H. Marley and family of 'K Anna polis have returned home after and ex tended visit to relatives here. Mrs. . EL C. Marley - and daughter, Margaret, have returned to their home at China Grove after an extended, visit to her daughter, Mrs. Caplin. Friends of Dr. A. W. Dula of Lenoir will be glad to know that he lias re turned to his home after a successful operation for appendicitis. Mrs.-A. H. Spencer left Taesday for an extended visit to her sister, Mrs. C. C. Wyche,"ln Spartanburg, S. C , 'Mrs. Aesenstadt, who has been on a visit to her father, Mr .Terrell, has re turned td' her .home in San Antonio, Texas."' 1 - ,; '- : " ;: .S-C-- - ; Mrs, Smith, of . Manchester, Gi is ependiog the summer wfth her .father, Mr.-Crawford. r. . . Mrs. Tomlin and daughter, .Claudia, of Statesyille are on a visit to relatives Ur the city.-- r.-.vv ' Mis Mary-Manneyr-of. Salisbury is visiting her brother," S. F. Mauney. . Misf Gertrude Dula recently returned to Old Fort from' Los Angeles, Cali., where she spent the winter Edgene Bird of Camp Holly Bird, Md.. and Chester Hensley of Camp Merritt. N. J., spent Sunday in Old Fort at the home of Mrs. Kanipe. ' . Mrs. Merrill Patterson and daughter, Margaret, of Statesville, are spending some time at S. M. Hoffman's. " Mr. and. Mrs. W. A. -Daris of Ashe ville, were guests at the h6me of J., N. Nesbitt last 'Sunday.' They were ac companied home by Clifford and -Earl Nesbitt. . . Mrs. R. O. Anderson and daughter, Margaret, ;are visiting. Mr. and Mrs. G.B.Strickland. - feev. R. F. Mock left Monday for Lexington, N. C, to f assist, in revival meetings. j Rev. W. T. Wadley has. resigned as psstor of . the Presbyterian "church of Old Fort and has accepted a call to the pastorate of the church at Edenton, K. C. -Colonel Dan Adams has 'broken the ground for the construction of a'modefn hotel building-in Old Foxt.v The old Greene building is being 'ie- mpved for the construction of "a modern drug store. The buying is to q con structed by Dr. Johnson; Dr. Robmson and Dr. Caplin. O. F. and C. S. Noblitt are remoying the old wopd building next the market for the construction of a brick building. - ' UNVILLE FALLS " ' Linville Falls, Ang. 5 Llnville Falls is keeping itself on the map by its - va rious activities,, which now include the building of a Community . Church and the improvement of the school building so as to provide for a food school, with two teachers if they can be found. New desks have been provided by the Burke county board, and a new modern sys tern of lighting is being put in, to do away with the old, injurious 'cross- lighting of the school jxwms. A spaci ous assembly room on the 'second floor will give a meeting place for various community purposes,. as well as for. the school use.; It is not to be supposed that tho fact that the , mountain people are scattered keeps them , from gathering for many social and helpful purposes. . Three instances of this spirit of co operation and social instinct were given last Saturday night, when three old fashioned 'pie suppers' were given in this locality, one on Jonas Ridge, where ' f 1SG was realized with which to provide ! boy with an a'rtiScial foot, one in Wal nut Grove, on Three Mile in Avery county, where they made IC9 for tchoM house purposes, and one in Linville Falls, where f 115 50 was realized forthe new church. At the latter occasion a party came down from Cross no re and furnished a most interesting entertain ment, consisting of folk songs, taasic and character recitations. At Crossnore tLe community spirit, under the inspir ation of. Mrs. Sloop, has crown and de veloped into many forms of Improve ment and has extended its Influence far beyend that neighborhood. About S5 or 40 men went to Newland from Altatront township yesterday and secured from th County Commissioners a strong declaration in favor of building the road from Altatnont to LinviUe Falls, and putting the road from Linville Falls to Newland in condition to comply with government requirements, to that federal road funds xnay be secured to connect this road with the McDowell road up North Cov from Linville Falls station to" the Avery county line at Lin viile Falls. There is about a mile of this road through Burke countv. be tween McDowell and Avery, in the vil lage of LinviUe Falls, and this aio is provided for. The prospect of a first class government road from Marion, through Linville Falls to Newland and on to Tennessee seems now to be as sured. . - OAK DALE Old Fort, Aug. 4. Charles Gibson and Joseph Brown lefc yesterday on a business for Kingsport and other.points in Tennessee. We are glad to report that Franklin Hoyla, who has been "very ill with typhoid fever. Is able to be up again. The lumber has been received for the new school boUdlog.at-Qak Dale. : Several cases of typhoid tever hate recently been reported for this section. Misses Ethel and Myrtle Potest, Sailie Dover, Lucy and Cy nth Lackey were guests at the home of C. A. Gibson last Sunday. ' f . Mrs. Will Nichols and daughter and son, Dora, and Russell, were guests at the home of Mrs. L. Hog&nT Sunday. George Miller has been awarded the contract for the erection of the new school building at Oak Dle. , Crops are looking very good in. this section of the county. "... 7 , . GLEN WOOD Nealsviile, Aug. 4 Floyd Bardue of Battle Creek, Mich., who recently re turned from overseas and received his discharge, is visiting Miss Biddie Eplee of Nealsviile. "Melvin Eplee has returned from a trip in the west. .Kelly Eplee lias returned from a busi ness trip to Wilmington. . 5 Rflad lmrjrovement Project. A larco road improvement; pro ject under consideratiOQ by . the United States'departmeQt 'of sri cultore, is that between Marion and Micaville, through McDowell and Yancey counties. . ' . ; Big Toe to wnshi p . i n Yance j cbu nty 4ias voted $30,000 bonds to aid the federal government . in the improvement and McDowell coun ty issaid to be ready with its share of the costs. The portion of this highway' between Marion and Greensboro is now in cood con-1 dition and the section between Sli caville and Harvard is graded bat not well surfaced." Tho 15 miles intervening is in bad condition and this is'tho principal section that is to bo improved. At tho present timo South Toe township bzis no outlet,to tho Southern railroad ex cepting through Buck. Creek, and these roads arc in extreernely poor condition. - South, Too is well pop ulated and tho necessity of an out let is urgent. STATE N EWS OFTH E WEEK Items Concerning Events cf In terest and Importance Through out the State. , The police departure of Ashc ville has added & machine cca t3 its equipmect. The soy bean mesaric vrcrm. U destroy io the soj bean crop 'i east Carolina and the loss is hesvr. Frank A. Hampton, prirsts secretary to Senator Simmons, &z nounces that he has absndocccl the idea of running for Lieclccact Governor of North Carolina, Of great interest in Gretmbcro is the announcement of the irvcorporttica of the-Atlantic Backing- and Trr ' Company, with an authorized cx7il of S2,O00,OOO of which n,W3,W3 ii tv be paid in and a surplut of J:0,CD ' provided. ., Charlotte. The Atr.tritaa Tnrl Company, with assets cf CJ.COCvO.f announced the decision of the beard, of directors to increast ii cspltai hy 100 per cent to $ 1,050,003. - Hickory. The' fanners and wcrrv. en's institutes will be held in. Catawba county next month under tbt acrices of the state department cf arrirultur. the experiment station ar.d ths IccU extension service, the dats be in Augti-t 11 and 12. arsd the j:!: Hopewell community and Withe-rjpoca. community dub. ORPHAfJED LAJ.5BS AIJD PIG Patience, Cane and Good NurxJr.j H tva Orousht to Maturity Many Uru - " . fc-rtunatt Anlmtla. - CPrcparvxS ' br t XTrtitJ 15;- Many, weak "orphan- li-.mbs iind pigs, requiring too ranch care for ll avmsre farmer or ranchnxin to botLer with, are salraged by., the bor ftud girls belonging to the clnbf crp?n 1 by .the United States tlepartaent cf rg rlculture and the state college?- ra ti en ce, care and gvnxl nursing by a - 1 A Club Boy and HI Thre Orphars. youngster have brought to maturity animals which' otherwise vrczll net hav aarrlred Infancy. A a reslt the meat supply U Increased asd tha boy or girl Is enabled to earn cc-cr. The father of a. tittle girl In Ar.r ; z coxuxty, y. C, who was Tery Rnxlcus t Jcin a pig club, repeatedly pefci-ed ly give her a pig. One c his r'r not do'well last jefir snd fce.tr:! tj sell the mnf for $1, fc-t cc-1" r.:t find a buyer.; His wife rrsu-ie-I Lin; to gtTe the friendless p!g to tte i:t:.?; girL Care and cartful fee'ln- trc-;-tj it to maturity. After a while ths cl::b member's herd was increase d to i -r. The little fflri traded th tc-t fo cl the Utter to her father for s :!c r " " slon of the mother ho-u tad re.- r J ether three for $13. Uarlag nj-rrr qtilrd a membership in the p! the plans 'to continue In ths wcrlc - "la storray weather, irhen rad Is t ;o frequent, the cows will take a grrat deal of Ecmbblns. - One hnadred tons cf l!sjre trill: feed 25 cows 40 po-aads cf tZzz? & day for 200 dsjs. ' Axz rsan who terps ten h'-J cr tier cattle will fiad a silo na t- ncaalc csjnlpintnt on his fr-raa. Subscribe to The Fcoann : J - - f

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