A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST -bF-THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY ESTABLISHED '1896. MARION, N, C, THURSDAY, AUG. 21, 1919 VOL. XXIII NO. 51 SAD ACCIDENTTHURSDAY Frank ;W. Wilson of Nebo Killed by Dynamite Explosion Near, Linville Falls. Frank W. Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank WilsonJ of Nebo, was killed by a dynamite explosion at six o'clock, last Thurs day evening near Lin ville Falls Young Wilson was- employed fas -foreman on the road - construction work in North Cove township. He had set off a, charge of dyna mite, one charge failing to explode It is said that he went to investi gate the. result of the explosion duu uau juau ainv cm uijuu vuuiav where one charge had failed to ex plode and r while standiueqyer the charge the dynamite took fire, a terrific explosion occurred, killing him instantly. The'body was bad ly mangled. - . . " . Young Wilson had only recently returned from overseas duty in France. He was a member of the 516thField Artillery, , Battery D, 51st division. '' He was overseas for ten months, doing vailant ser vice, v He was mustered out the latter part : of June, returning home immediately. - Young Wilson attended -s Nebo High school and was considered a very bright .student. After Ieavr XT 1 ' T-f 1- 1 -1.1 i - , - .i ' -ing neuo xiign scuuui uo was . en gaged in " railroad , construction worK," oeiug assuuiaveu wivu . uia Dromer, vance. ; .:. r,JS ranK wiison was a yuuug.uuuj of pleasing personality nd excel lent traits of character. He was iiniversaiiypopuiarujuuK . vcrjr- wide circle of friends. News of ht trairm Hftftth will cause rreat sorrow amuug . uis wnuy iiicuya M "J ' MM I A Aft ."' T ... .. . ' nuu iciauvcs. , .- The deceased is survived by his laiuoi auu uiuvuci. yuc uiuiuuit Vance Wilson, of -Nebo, and t wo listers, Mrs. Kelly Simpson of Rutherfordton, and Mrs. H. ,D. TMarkf rf K nnvvillA l Ann. The funeral services were icon; ducted from the residence Friday afternoon oy jrroi. j.naroison and interment made, at the ceme tery of the Methodist church of by a large crowd of- sorrowing The Wilson family is one of the leading families -of the county. The svrdnathv of their many friends and relatives goes out to them in their creat loss. i.-ti -j " Thft ftild farm was .sold day. The purchasers of the several tracts are as follows: J;T. Pierce, J. W. Fowler, J.- HLTate, G rover Greener W. O. Ledbetter, Millard riaWKinSi'-l.. xv. - cuuBiuc, rUf Kirby, W. M. Goodson, Gus ; Po- w m t '.l ' 't "riT-L"0 j- teat, J. xw xaciieeiy, . i . oauuu- kins,-E. J. Ferguson and Galan. Sparks. , 1 The S. A. Poteat property vrzz sold at private sale to the Marion Ice and"Fuel company, and kLcq Early purchased the C; Bowman property. . , - Deputy. Marshal Wall of Mont gonicry, Ala., uses an airship from . which to survey the landscape when hie . is searching for illicit distilleries. ' Nebo High School. Opens Sept. 1! Normal Course for Teachers. , -Nebo High. Schoolwill open its fall term on' Monday Sept,; 1st, the regular schedule of classes to start on Tuesday, theSnd. Mr. E. J. Harbison, a graduate of Trinity College" and a school man of a number of years success ful experience, will direct the Nebo school lor the coming year.J. Mr. Harbison is'considered one of the best qualified school men in the State. T5e Nebo ' folks consider themselves extremely fortunate in securing-him as principal of- the school for the coming year. As sociated in the school' work with Mr. Harbison will be Mrs. Harbi-' son and Miss Rosa Stacy as -high school teachers. Misses Ellen Car son and Julia Rust will be inter mediate teachers; Miss Dodson will have charge of the primary work; Miss Boyette, a music teacher of successful experience, ; will have charge of the music class, 7 The school will this year offer a normal course, under the supervis ion of the State Board of Educa tion, for teachers: Mr. Harbison will supervise the course, assisted by Mrs. C. S. Briggs. Mrs. Briggs is well known in McDowell County having been Supervisor of Rural: Schools for a number of years. She is considered " one of the best qualified teachers of nor mal work in the State- - : .: ":-r TTneibsp'ects f Or Nebo this year ar the brightest. lh the history of the school. Already a rium6er of reservations' have, been taken at the dormitory, and - applications - are coming in daily. It is expected that the school will open with full attendance. Father and Daughter Killed by V Lightning at BridgewateK r While standing on- the porch ; of her father's house at Bridgewater, where she. was visiting, Mrs. W. F. Dobson, of Morganton," was in stantly killed when lightningstruck the house Saturday afternoon about 4 o'clock..,, Mrs. Dobson's father, M. B. Branch, who was standing with his daughter, was also in stantly killed., although " the little daughter of Mrs. Dobson, standing a few feet a way, escaped injury. The' father and' daughter were standing on the porch and leaning against a oillar. The lightning struck on the roof and. is supposed to have'reached the ground by way of : the pillar against which -Mr. Branch ; and his daughter - were leaning. The Bridge water section suffered a rather severe storm Sat urday afternoon, and it was at this time that the accident occurred. Mrs. Dobson's husband was some distance from ;the house ;at the time of the accident. The wife of Mr. Branch and several children survive him. - ' , - . ; - - Real Estate Transfers. J. Ray Denton to F, C. DavesV 17 acres, adjoining H. B.1 Brack et t, 0550. HcnVv T. White to Dora D, Ep ley, lot in New Fort; 01500. ; - ; J. O. Ballinger to J. C. Sandhn end wife, lot on Main St. , Old Fort, $1200.: V . ; " W. Wise to I. T. Wise, 5 acres adjoining J. J. Sprouse, C50 .Miss Jennie Davis and Miss Martha Whitten will leave today for- Baltimore, Md. NEWS FROM THE COUNTY Brief Mention of Some of the Hap penings in McDowell County " Items About Home; People. v- OLD FORT ' " Old Fort, Ang. 1SL Miss Annie White spent a few days last week in Asheville. Mrs.Jj-. B. Strickland and daughter, Elizabeth," and Mrs. R. O. : Anderson and daughter, Margaret .spent two days in Asheville last week. ; - . John Massey, of Clayton, spent the week at the home of W. P. Artz. Mrs. George Lee and daughters, Mrs.. Gilliam and Miss Virginia, of Asheville, are visiting at John Bradley's, i Mrs. B. H. Thunnan of Washington, D. C. , is visiting John Bradley and family - . - -; Mrs. J. ELj Salisbury and daughter. Miss Travis, of Morristown, Tenn., will arrive Saturday to spend some- time -with Mrs. P. H. Mashburn. 'Carl Bradley left this week for St. Louis, Mo. , where he " has accepted a position. - - Miss 'Mary Hamilton returned to Asheville Tuesday after spending some time with Miss Francis Artz. Earl Bradley left a few days ago for Winston Salem where he has accepted a position. V - : Miss Rachael Monroe of Salisbury is is here on a visit to Mr., Caplin's. Will Gilliam left Sunday for his home in Gastonia after spending a few days in Old Fort Misses Lelia and Lucile Cox and Mrs. Pearson, of Gastonia, are spending some time at the heme of Mr: and Mrs. D. Y. Grant - " Rev; Mr. Church is conducting a sue- cessfal revival at Cherry Springs." , C- A. Snyder returned; Sunday : from a business trip to Asheville, Uanton and Dillsboro. 4-. " . . Mrs. Mason . had "returned ! Spartan burg, 8. C, after an extended " visit to her sister, Mrs. H. A. Westerman. , Mrs, .McMurray of Roanoke JElapids, N. C, is spending a while at the Sand lin House. : - -- 1 ' GV.B, .Strickland spent a", few days in Ashboro last . week, He- was- accom panied by his-son, Fronz, who will, re turnNlater. . . Aparty consisting of ; ten.;- or y twelve left Monday for Mount Mitchell sight; seeing.. - ... .,v J. L , C- A. and T. L iNichols,: A. C. Kanipe,'Rns3ell Oats, Will Burgin : and Jack Fortune made a trip to ..Chimney Rock last Sunday, returning same day. They report a nice time. GLEN WOOD Nealsville, Aug. 18.-The Glen wood high school two-story brick building is in course of erection and: when com pleted will be one of the best school buildings jia McDowell county-and prob ably one of the best in Western North Carolina. The old school building will be conyerted into a dormitory at some later date. .. Thefall session of school will beginMn the old building as it will be several weeks at best before the new building can be occupied. ' ; , , ' Rey. James Brown, pastor of the Glen wood -Baptist church, - ahd Rey. J. A Fry of he 'McDowell circuit, assisted by Rev. J. P. Morris, pastor 6f the Spruce Pine M. E.. churchi; begah"a series of tJnion. revival services at Glen wood Sunday, Aug. 10th. Services have been held daily at 10-30 a. m., and at 8:30 p. m. , and large congregations haye been in attendance at the night services.- A number of persons have made a pro fessions of their faith and anited ' with one of the churches here. Much inter- est has been manifested and doubtless eternity only will reveal the good that has - been - accomplished during these services. - . : T. W. Wilson has sold his splendid home and 475 acre farm to a real estate l firm at Old. Fbrtthgi consideration be-: ing $34,000. iSur correspondent learns that the new owners will cut the Wil son farm into small farms! of 15 acres and up and sell it at public auction at some future date. It is understood that Mr. Wilson contemplates moving, his family to Mariczii Their Irienda regret to give therajap. , z. J JLV..,.L : -" Robert Raburn left last week forNor- folk,':Ta.-- "'r-J : . .Mrs. -Vista Hart, of Atlanta, Ga., is visiting relatiyes in Glen wood and vi cinity. - .. - y Iiee Raburn has sold his 30 acre farm near Glen wood, to Sam Pyatt. - Mrs. Totherow is visiting in Morgan ton." , .-" - V . . - - Mrs. Brownlow Bird, of Indian Head, Ind., is visiting relatives in this com munity., - - . ' Miss Bertha Goforth, of the D. and D. school, of Morganton, is honie spend ing' her vacation. J. T.yDavis who sold- his residence near the Methodist church some time ago, has bought a lot and is building a cottage, just west of his former home. - ;, . GREENLEE Marion, Rt 2, Aug. 18. dergxass spent Saturday G. Pen- and Sunday with homef oiks here. - . . A large crowd of Greenlee folks made a trip to Chmaey itockjaat- week - Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Pendergrass of Rutherfordton have returned home af ter spending a few days with i the for mer's parents here. . Melyin Burnett and Vernon .Bradley returned to their work at Bridge water Sunday.- . " . - - .-v " J. R.- Ledbetter, spent last week in Marion. "', Pink . Crawley spent Sunday at Green lee. . x R. S. Murr has returned; from over seas, we welcome him home. Wdodfin McCurry of , Marion spent the week-end in Greenlee. - Rendfey-Gunter. A beautiful wedding was sol emnized at the attractive homef of Mr.- and Mrs. Geo. O. Conley last Sunday afternoon wben Mr., Hor- ace C. Heed ley, of Mariun, and Miss Hessie Gunter of Old Fort were unitd in the: holy -bonds -of matrimony, R-?V. J.J StoryV of- iigiatin'g. Among those present 'at the weddinjf were: Mtss Willie Davis, of Charlotte; Miss Ada Con ley, Cecil Li ttlfe and Ben Hawkins, ?f Old Fort. . . Immediately after the ceremony the happy couple, accompanied by M iss JDa v i s a n d M r . H a w k i ns, ino tored tothe McDowell Hotel where they;enj jyed a sumptucfus supper. Mr-Gunter is Iho .attractive daughter of JVlr. 'and Mrs. Jeff Gunter of-Ofd Fort and has many friends . in Marion. Mr. Heudley, who was in service with the United States Marines; during the world war, is employed by- Miv Conley on his farm. He is. an industrious young man and is destined to be come a successful farmer. Mr, ; andMrs. Hendley will make their htimeTfor the present with the groomV brother Mills C. Heudley." ; 1 ncrease in Auto License. 'J. North Carolina automobile li- censetfees paid tolthe Secretary of State d u ring July amounted to $992,027; as against $434,913 for the entire fiscal year' of 1918 19, according to figures available from that office. ! The increase is due largely to the : increase- in the li cense fees, but in July of this year, the first month of the new, fiscal yeari 86,409 motor "vehicles were licensed against 81,712 for the : en tire year 1918-197 . V " L - Americans Go After Bandits. -Troops o.f .the Eighth cavalvry crossed. thoZlexican border Tues day morning in pursuit: of ' the bandits who held Aviators cPctcr- rson and Davis for xansofci. - Davis and-".' Peterson accompanied the troops, acting cs guides. Aviators are- co-operating with the cavalry as, scouts. to. locato the bandits on the Llexican side, flying over the Ojinaga district south of ICandelaria. " - ; ' ; SiTATEiIEWS OFTHEWEEU Items Concerning- Events Tof In terest and Importance Through . "out the State. . Jim Rose," alleged outlaw, tried for killing Ab Wilson in Cherokee county, was acquitted. Sally N; Michael, aged 17, of Rutherfordton, whose weight is 272 pounds," is believed to be the heaviest weight, age considered, in the State. : " The Mountain Retreat Associa tion, owners f of Montreat, the Presbyterian assembly v grounds, plans to erect another hotel at Mon treal, to cbst $200,000. - F"day, 22nd, will be Education al Day for Iredell. A feature of the day will be a public address by Dr. EC. Brooks, State Superin tendent of Public Instruction. Hay wood f county farmers report that the potato crop in that county is short one-third to halt and that the apple crop is only about 15 per : cent of normal. Hay wood is noted for apples and potatoes. The first steel ship to be finished at the Carolina Ship yards in Wil mington will be launched Labor Day, September 1. Three other steel ships are in course " of con struction in the yards. f A washout near Glen Alpine in terfered with the regular schedule of, trains Thursday night. West bound; train No. 35 was " dicurcci by way of Charlotte and Spartan burg.: The damsge" had been re-, paired and the track was in opera tion Friday morning... The ijoone Democrat says" that from August 2 to August 8, Mr. J. B. Hbrton, sales agent, shipped 31,90l pounds of cheese, 'netting the farmers ; $10,072?83, and . that the cheese now being produced amounts to four solid cars every 30 da.vs and is all shipped to Southern cities. i' ,"' . ."Three Department of Justice agents' making investigations at Durham into the charges of hoard ing and profiteering, found several thousand pounds of sugar in tho local branch store of C. D. Kinney company, according to a dispatch from Durham. - They ordered that the sugar, be put on the market immediately, it is said. Similar charges have been brought against stores elsewhere. -- There will be a debate'given by the -Valdimar Literary Society at the Stroud town school house, Fri day night, August 22. The pro gram willv begin -at 9:00 o'clock Query flesoived, that Immersion Is the Proper Mode of Baptism." Speakers on the affirmative aro Will H. Odom and J'. A. McKel- vey; on the negativo M. M. Hor- ton and, CM. Pool. The nublio is cordially invited. ; Card of Thanks. We wish to extend our most sincere thanks for ranch sympathy and risny kindnesses shown ns In onrrecest reavement; and - for the many floral tributes. . : JFs Wilson and family. ; The hew storo room' of Bryson Snyder Corhpany is now filled v;ith an attractive line of ladic3 czzizt coat suits, middy suits, end mcrrc and boysVclothing. v 'An inch of rain descending on sin v,nr nf Innrl wntlH fill IHO TO than 1600 barrels of of 45 gallons czzh: