TO-, A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION ' N. C, THURSDAY, AUG. 28, 1919 VOL. XXIII NO. 52 11 li VOX li IVd ol'd fort. happenings Graded School Opens Monday ; Members of Faculty Other ; Items of Interest; Old Fort, Aug. 26. R. tO. Anderson recently spent a few days'with relatives inOlFort. Reid Grant left Sunday for Andrews to accept a position .with an electrical concern. . ; " . Mrs. Will Grant recently returned from a visit to her father at Nix Creek. - Garland .and .Howell pates -areV in town visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Crates. " Miss Mamie Nichols and Mrs. Will Nichols made a trip to Forest City this week. .-. . ' ' '. : - . . " . - "-' : - Claud Gilbert and family and Mrs. Thomas Gilbert of Black Mountain are visiting relatives here! - Norman and Howard Goode are on a visit to relatives in Old Fort. Mrs. Robert Grant of KingsporM - Tenn , is visiting Mrs. P. H. Mash barn. John Bradley recently returned from a business trip to Kingsport, Tenh. Earl Bradley, who recently went to Winston-Salem to work, has decided to nter the University at Chapel Hill and complete a course m pharmacy. - 1 1 J - Rev. R. F. Mock is conducting a suc cessful revival at JSbenezer this week, i ." Bishop Horner of Asheville preached an able and instructive sermon to ' a large nd appreciative congregation at . the Methodist -church Sunday night; Miss Fannie Harper and Miss Ruth Whitley spent Monday, night in Old Fort at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Strickland. . : J : -C- Mrs. P. D Roneche of Salisbury . is visiting Mrs'. S. M: Hoffman. ' Mrs. J. M. Peeler and four children- of Jox, Fla , are spending the eummer in Old Fort . . ,:. ':''. Old Fort could easily have plenty: of Summer 'hoarders if the hotel and boaid- - ing' house ." accommodations "were suf ficient. Let's get together and make room to take care of ." some more and then, do some advertising and the result will be that the town will be filled with visitors and tourists. . i; - ' . :c . Last Thursday the Old Fort and Ma rion teams played- a very interesting game of baseball, the score being three to two in favor of Old Fort. It was a - ten-inning game to play off a tie at the inning of the ninth. Shiffield did the - pitching for Did JFort' 'I Jt.'M The Old Fort graded and high, school will open Monday, September 1,. with : the following faculty : Miss Mary Bur gin, of Greenlee; Mrs. Charles Steppe," Old Fort; Miss Clara Griffin;. Elm City; ' Miss Anna Schrock, Marion, Va. ; Miss . Mamie Wadley, Old Fort; Miss Ethel Miller, Decatur. Ga ; Mrs. G. B. Strick- : land, and Mr. G. B. Strickland, Old Fort, and Miss Pearl Evans, St. Pauls. : All beginners must " enter during the ' first two weeks or vait 'until after Christmas. : . . .' Revival at Methodist Church.V Revival services are being held ' in the Methodist 'church Ihis weelr conducted by the pastor, " Rev. W. Lf Hutchins, and Rev; T. P. Jimis6n,'-of Mount Airy. ; :Rev. . Mr. Brown has Jaeen -doing .the preaching during the week and his sermons hayebeeri received with marked interest by f large congre gations. The v meeting will con: : tinue throughout": the week with services daily .89:45, a.; m. and. :30 p. m. ; .V; "" . -V : . Daylight law Repealed J v " Repeal of" the daylight saving act was accomplished " Wednesday, '. the senate voting to . sustain the house in passing the repeal measure over Preside'nt-Wilson's veto. The vote was. fifty-seven to nineteen. The repearpf the law which bow takes its place among the very few which have been : passed over a presidental veto becomes effective after: the clocks are turned back to normal in October. : - - Mt. Ida Xiodge No. 58, Knights of Pythias, meets every Thursday night. All members are urged to attend. Refreshments will be serv ed at the next meeting. . . Glenwood School to Open Sept 15. - Qlenwood High School will be gin its fall session on Sept. 15th, The. teachers for the cominj? year are as follows: Miss Hettie B. Rochelle, principal, assisted by Misses Pearl Teter, sie : Stacy, Maggie Byrd, JMattie Tate and PearlXedbetter. The teachers are all teachers of experience and first class qualifications. A number of them are graduates of standard col leges and all have had special train ing in teaching. ; . ;v The people of Glenwood are ex pecting the most, successful year in the history of the school. They are very much interested in ed uca tion and, lend their co operation in everything pertaining to the wel-. fare of the school in their com munity. ( .' Owing to delay in -the comple tion of the new building it will be necessary to open school in the old building. -The school will move into new quarters as soon as the new building is completed. It is expected that the new building will be finished some time in October. - Teachers to Meet Next Saturday. The first general meeting of the county teachers will be held at the graded school auditorium in Ma rion at 10:30 o'clock next Saturday morning, August: 30. . The pro gram dealing with matters of vital importance to' the v teachers has been prepared; Among the sub jects that will be discussed will , bet the new school legislation, combul sory'attendance, new" health laws, teacher training, and a number of other things bearing upon the school work in McDowell county for the coming year. " ' v -Circular letters ,have- been sent o all the teachers, notifying them of this meeting and requesting thejr attendance upon, the same. The law requires teachers to attend these meetings and it is expected that every teacher in the county will be present unless providential ly hindered. All teachers failing to attend will be required to furn ish satisfactory- evidence that it was impossible for them to do so. State an d - Co u n ty Co u n ci at the "C U nlversity Sept. 15 to 20. - The State and County Council is to- be held atxhe ? University- of North Carolina-from Sept." 15 ; to 20. . Governor Bickett will preside over the meetings whidh have been organized by the several. State de partments', for the purpose of dis cussing problems in connection with public affairs of the State. Matters bearing upon the fields of education,- taxation, health,, good roads and public welfare will - be discussed in these meetings, i ' All county superintendents of sahoo!sr county, superintendents of public welfare, county board of education and boards of county commissioners are invited and ex pec ted 'to be present, at these meet ings. : v " -. - V..' V; N eV Lawyers. Of the 71 who took the exami nation for law licenses before the Snnreme court last week. 59 were ksuccessf ul, among these being three women. The only egro aophcant failed. Of those who secured li censes the following are of local interest: James William Pless. J r.. McDowell county;. Samuel James Erwin. Jr and Nolhe M. Patton, Burke; Carl.Britt Hyatt, Yancey; Edward Emmett bams, Wake; - N EWS FROM THE C0U NTY ' z : Brief Mention of Some of the Hap penings in McDowell: County Items About Home -People. : " - GREENLEE Greenlee, An g. 25. The Baptist. re vival nieeting, conducted by Rev. W. F. McMahan closed last Thursday night. The meeting lasted twelve days and here were seventeen conversions. . . -Mrs..W. J. Snipes has returned home after spending a week with friends at Nebo and Harmony Grove.. Miss Pearl Snipes spent one day last week in Marion - - Mrs. W. L. Crisp and two children are visiting the former's sister at Topton. Misses Grace Erwin and Lillie Brad ley are visiting friends here. Miss Lula- Sat ties is visiting her mother. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Crawley and two children and Mrs S. C." Crawley of Harmony Grove spent Sanday with Mr. and Mrs. ,W. J. Snipes. Henry McCall and Glenn Snipes were in Marion on business during the week. NEALSVILLE Nealsville, August 26. Serj?t.- Floyd Morris, of Camp Humphreys, Va. , is spending a short furlough here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Morris. Miss Vina Raburn has returned to her work at the Rutherfordton Hospital after spending a vacation of two weeks with her parents here. " . Mrs E. G. Goforth- and niece, Mrs. Brownlow Byrd, were shopping in Ma rion last Friday. - Mrs. W. C. Morris and son, Floyd, are visiting in Forest City. . James Mashburn 6pent the week end in Union Mills . Miss Leota Morris has returned home after a short visit with her sister, Mrs. Clara Ramsey, at Erwin, Tenn. Carl'Swann spent Saturday in Marion. Ben Martin and family of Marion were visitors at W. C. Morris' Sunday. Mrs. Roea Blann ii visiting her mother, Mrs. J. H. Raburn, who has been very ill but is slightly improving. : -; Baptist Conferences. Dr. W. R. Cullom, State organi zer for the Baptist 75-millioo cam paign, has arranged for a number of -intercessional conferences'V in different sections of the State. Baptists are urged to attend the conference at the place most con- vement to them. Conferences in this section will be held at Ashe ville, September 3; Morgahton, September 4; Spruce .Pine, Sepf tember 2; Union Mills, August 3(K . "I. WlMllll II IIIIIIB 1 Reserve Militia Ordered Out. Four companies of North Caro lina Btate troops. were ordered to Charlotte Tuesday in an effort to prevent a - renewal of rioting in connection with the street car strike there which resulted 'Mond ay night in the death of four men and the injury of thirteen others. " The troops on guard are from Lincoln ton, Lexington, . Winston-Salem and Statesville. . . Morgan ton is to have a new ho tel in the near future, over $60,- 000 already having been subscribed. A committee has been - appointed to collect 10 per cent, of the . sub scribed! stock and to apply for charter. Also a committee has been appointed to jsecure options on prospective sites for the bnild- Forty lots belonging to T. F. Wrenu, located near the Cross mill, were sold at public auction last Saturday. -The lots varied in price, the total consideration being f A box supper will be. held at Hawkins school Friday-night, the 29th. for the benefit of the school. Ice cream and' cake will also be served. Everybody invited. Social Affairs. ; Mrs. Faye Craig entertained ti e San SoucL Club at her "homo on Morgan street last Friday- after noon. ; Ibe large dining room, library ancVporch' were well filled with tables for the members and their many guests. Attractive decorations were orofusely used throughout the house and an elab- prate tea was served at six o'clock at small tables daintily decorated. Mrs.. Craig was assisted by her mother, Mrs. J. ;L Morgan. On Tuesday evening a number of the young-people and their house guests motored to Carson's Chapel for a picnic. .: Two large trucks and several cars carried them to their destination where supper was served, the eveniog being perfect for this form of entertainment. The Misses Hudgins entertained at an informal dance at their home, Lone Beech, Thursday evening, the guests of honor being the Misses Swindell of Nashville, Tenn. A large number'of. young people accepted the hospitality of these popular youog. ladies and their well known home. .Mrs. J. W. Pless entertained a, number of the young pcoolo and their visitors at her home, 'View point,' last Thursday evening. In formal dncing was the main feat ure of the evening and was greatly enjoyed by. the many present. 1 r Mrs Eugene Cross entertained last Friday afternoon at her home on South Main street in houor of her sister and neice, Miss Roane and Miss Rary-Roane, of Missis- sippi. several novelty features were introduced "during the affair that added greatly to the evening's pleasure. Punch was served f rom an attractive bower at the end of the porch by several young ladies who assisted the hostess. A large number of guests were present, many from out of- town. .Mrs. Cross was assisted by her daughter Miss Alice Roane Cross," in wel coming the young people to her home. . .k - Miss Mabel Wiseman gave a delightful picnic supper at Erwin's View last - Saturday evening in honor of Grayson Neal and Clin ton Land is of Marion. Those presr ent were-Celeste Carpenter of Lin- ville Falls,' Miss Lucile Hollings worth of Atlanta, Ga., Herbert Perkins and Andrew Kilpatrick of AugusU. Ga., and Clinton and Grayson Neal of Marion. .The party ' was chaperoned by Mrs. T. S. Comstock. T ! ..- ' On Monday afternoon Miss ilar garet Winslow entertained some tweoty-five children, .the youngest members of the Presbyterian Sun day School, at a pleasant party on the lawn of this church 'grounds and the jnanse. -Various games were played and a general good time was had by all the little, folks. Ice cream and cake was served by the ladies assisting Miss, Winslow. Weather Report. Thomas -? HcGuire. Sergeant TJ. .8. Army, reports the temperature and rainfall at 21 anon station xor trie weei as follows: . Haodmnm . -- , - S3 decrees Hlnimnxn, ' - CO degrees Rain, n - - 0.05 inches ' Sonshine per cent . .S5 Born," to Rev. and Mrs, C. C. ITotherow, August 18, a son. STATE NEWS OF THE WEEK Items Concerning Events of In terest and Importance Through out the State. s Hickory. Hard rains In-the raons. tains alonr about June Zl, 1Z and St. Bar those -who claim to know, plajcd haTOc with the chestnut crop and be yond the rldgV the-o will be compara tlTely fiw bushels gathered this talL " Monroe. J. J. Parker, of the Mon roe bar, can get the republican nomi nation for gOTernor if he wants It, ac cording to men who are supposed to know what they are talking abent. Prominent republicans OTer the state are urging Mr. Parker to come cut for the honor. . "William storL Something tinnsnal was seen la moonshine stills here, when Deputy Jenkins and Sheri2 Page brought in a double-header. TTadesboro. Constable W. C Stea- gall, of Morren. was killed while at tempting to arrest a negro, Lee Tyson, who also was killed la the straggla with Steagall and Police OSicer Tyler Watson, who was assisting the con stable. The officers wanted Tyson on. charge of carrying a concealed wea pon. Policeman Watson was illghUy wounded, Apex. A new tobacco warehouse la under construction in Apex. It will be completed In a couple of weeks; when it Is proposed to permit the people to assemble and glre it an -old time" house warming celebration. Wins ton-Sal em. During an electric storm at Walnut Core, a white man. name not learned, was killed by light ning. A Taluable itfule belonging t Mr. Alex Boles, a farmer residing tw mile? frcm Germantown, was also killed. Four men la a tobacco bara. -were Terely ahocktd. D. W. Griffith's Supreme Triumph "Hearts of the World." "Hearts of th World," the su preme triumph of D W. GriEtb to be presented at the Grand Thea tre on Sept. 8th and 9th iDacgur ates a new era in the realm of .the screen drama. Here, with the great war as a background, Mr. Griffith has filmed a simple little love story," old as the ages yet ever new. "Hearts of the World" has proven the latest sensation in the screen world. Mc Griffith realized that the public which became en thusiastic over "The Birth of a Nation" and Tntolerence" would expect something big from him in this latest picture, and therefore instead of trying to oat-do himself in staging gigantic battle scenes, he used the Great War only as a background for the filming of a simple and attractive alary of tre mendous human interest, "Hearts of the World" shosrs the happy, peareful life of the peo ple of a small village before the grim horror War reared its cgly . . . t mi nc&d over toe oonzon. xne cacrca that led up to the war are shown; the meeting of the English Parlia ment on the eventful night when, the vote was cast for war; the ses sion of the French Senate votir upon the Declaration of War; . the session of the cabinet awaiting the fatal hour when the ultimatam to Germany would expire. Tbesa scenes come as a prelude; then the great drama begins when the Ger man hordes enter France. In taking the battle rjictares for 'Hearts of the World," Mr. Grif fith bad the assistance and co-operation of tho British- War OClcz. It is the opinion of all who have seen "Hearts of the World" tbit Mr. Griffith h&s outdone his orra best achievements and bss cr.ib lishcd a new artistic record Vrbica it will take years and yesp for someone else to cqcnl, if ind::i such a thing is possible.

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