...' . -' . - "' r " ' ' , .- r- -.Zj " . s. . v - . " - ." T. "" . .. . - : : ' ' " - : .- - ' .- - - ' - . - ; " , - - v.. o - v . . - - , . . - . - . - . - - - - ' : . v - v -- - " - ' - t " v. v. - - - - ' . ; -- . . : . . - " - . - " - " y , - ' - -. - , 1 ' - - .. . - - - -' - . - - - T - ... - . v - r . . . - - .-. . - : - ... . a - - -- .. .- ; ..." " - .--' M- . : ;- .- . ' - " . . H r., . v. ...... ' i : ... t ' - , .-.,. ' - - " ' - " - ' ..I ' S. . . 4 . . - . - . - - " - ' ' - ' ' " -.- - Z - . - - - . f?- -v I- -- ''- - - A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST; INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED '1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPT. 4, 1919 zr VOL. XXIV NO. 1 TEACHERS HOLD MEETING ; Teachers of the County Hold 'Suc rl qessful Meeting jn larioji It ,r V Interesting Program. ; .. ; The teachers of. the county met at the GradleSch'ool last Saturday v in one of the most -successful meet , ; ing? ever held- Practically all the XMS teachers of the county, were pres- ent; bnly a few, teaching in the - V . most distant sections who could not -conveniently reach town, were . :p absent. C ' ' ; " The- program;' dealt with ; the - school work in a general way .' The " new school legislation, the com pulsory attendance law, -j were dis " cussed in detoiL . v - - :r While the compulsory attendance law is rather rigid itjs the policy of the teachers and those in charge -of theschool administration to re sort to the compulsory feature, as little as" oossible. The teachers hope to mak6 trie schools of such service as will encourage the .peo pie to send their children to school, without having " Vo "resort to the law. The schools thus far in operation have had practically no trouble in the matter of attendance The teachers have visited -parents nd sent out letters asking their - , -co-operation, arid it is- their inten tion to pursue this method rather than take legal procedure. ' : :of the. "Teacher" was discussed by Mr.: M. S. Giles .in.avery interesting man ner: ; Mr. Giles told the teachers ; the kind of literature they should have laying emphasis on how to - ; use it in the schools. Supt. G.'B.; v - Strickland discussed "Te Teacher in the Community.", emphasizing theimpbrtance of leadership of the .. teacher in all civic and community - affairs. ; Mr. Strickland made a very interesting, talk-in" which he picturedthe ideal teacher leading v - a community in everything that means for the community welfare 'Wbat the Teacher Should ;Dq During Recess" was- discussed by jMiss Mayy Greenlee. 'Z Miss Green - lee told of the importance of super . vising the activities of the children , -during play periods as well as study periods.5 ;She - mentioned .several ways r in which the resourceful . . teacher can makethe recess period " 1 interesting and helpful, at the same U - time solving the problem 1 of dis ' cipline. "MSchool. Buildings;, and Grounds" was discussed s .Supt. X A. Hoi ton. Mr. "Hoi ton em phasized the importance, of clean liness and orderliness; be also dwelt ' upon the esthetic side and told ; of its influence upon the student body,; Athletics he Said were one cof the ' principal nieans of making, school tJ. life interesting and- wholesome. Mr. B. J. Harbison, principar of Nebo r High School, outlined "the .Work in the Nebo schooL for the coming year He told of the new course in teacher-training to be - ciyen by the Nebo school and of "its Importance tothe teachers of ' JcDoweJkCounty. . At the next meeting of the teach ers they" expect to -fake up the Iiesdihg Circle "work and other T7ork of professional training for the year1. At this meeting a mem ber of the State Board- of Exami- ncr3 and Institute Conductors will fca ""present to organize and outline this phase of the- school work-in rJcDo well County. Singing Convention at Marion ureal, uay tor ingersr V: One of the most success ful and largely attended singing conven tiohs"ever conducted in McDowell County was held at the court bouse on Sunday; The day was an1 ideal one and the people from the entire county filled the court house to J overflowing.- "' ' ' -h ' Therefwere three choirs partici paticg in the singingof the day, Cross Mill, East Marion and -Han7: kins. ; The singing was of a . very highr order, show in g great talent and . good practice : r V" An "interesting feature of the occasion was the presentation of a gold, medal by3Ir. T, E. Snipes, of Marion. The medal is : beauti ful lyeng raved with th e following words : "McDowell Singing Con vention." It is to remain the pro perty of the convention, to be handed " down "'. to -the . successive presidents of the convention. . Singing conventions have long been po pillar- occasions for the people. It is a day of 'their com ing together not only ; in great in spirational singing, but in many other ways. It is hoped that these meetingswill be rcontinued from time to time. " l. - ; The next annual convention -will be held in August1920,' beginning on Saturday and continuing Sun day. " The Saturday meeting will be devoted largely to thbasidetwaterm elons e?8 aenjaittrUie of the convention, election of - of- ficeVs, etc. : - - - j- Successful Revival Being Conduct ed at P.reihodrst-ChVch. One of the most success f ul re vivals ever held in Marion has. been in progress at the Method istchurch for several days, ' Rev. Thomas Jimison, assisted by the local : pas torsbeing in charge J ..-The meetings are being largely attended and great interest is be ing taken. A meeting was held Sunday;afterhoon fo"r men" and - a large number of citizens of Marion were present and 'much interest taken. The meeting was very suc cessful -from every ': standpoint? RevJimison" made ;a strong ad d ress to the men , bis su bject being 'A Man; yVahted." At the! con clysion of the, service thpse present filed iy the altar to express their appreciation of the service, and J" to promise to lead cleaner and better liyes ;.;V'vV":: 1 i;'-' l" ' Oh Sunday' night ; the other churches of the town cancelled their evening2 program. It is said the largest audience ever "gathered in the church was present ; at th0 Methodist church for the evening service; Every available seat was takenih both the aud i to r i u m . and gallery. The subject wasVthe Prodigal Son, and the speaker made one of ; the -strongest appeals for Christianity ever listened to bya Marionx audience - .'; ; a During the present week after noon prayer meetings . are being held and are largely attended No definite announcement has been made as to whether the meeting will conclude this week; The judge advocate general has ruled that the motor equipment" of the waf department cantioj be dis tributed to the various States for road building purposes. There is a conflict in the laws and addition al legislation is needed to clear - it up Iq the meantime the depart ment is preparing to ell the mo tors tHat the States were to get. ; NEWS FROM THE COUNTY B rief M en tl on of Som e of th e ! Hpr Openings i nv M c Dp ve 11 Cou ri tH-- ItemsAbout Horrje) Peopje; ; old Vort Old Kort, Sept. 2.-SMi$s May Ander son arrived in Old Fort a few days ago from overseas1 to visit ; hersister, Mrsv: Q. B. Strickland. 1 She. has been in Red Rross service in Paris ' ; ; ' f -.. Master Fronz Strickland returned last week from a visit to relati ves.5 in - Ash boro. V---" ... . v The Methodist Sunday ; School went a few mile np Curtis Creek last Thurs day on a picnic. ' TherQ was an abund ance; to' eat and everybody seemed to have a good time on the trip." ? 7 Mr. arid " Mrs. R.V O.V-Anderson and Mss May Anderson left Tuesday for A8heville ' where Mrs; 'Anderson; will enter the hospitaior treatment. J. H. Salisbury, an engineer on the Southern Railway who was accidentally killed by a train at vMorristown, was, buried here last Saturday. , . The Old Fort graded and high school opened Monday with the largest attend ance in"jts history. v ' . r . r Rev. W.'TWadley, who has been pastor' of . the Presbyterian church in Old Fort for several years left' today with his family for Ederiton, N . C. , to take charge of the" church there.; They have made many .friends 4 in Old Fort and McDowellcounty who regret very much to see tnem leave. We wish them success m their new work. J r Mrsf J. t Ii. Nichols his returned -from a short stay in Asheville? . -v : ; ' - Quite a crowd of ,' young people gave Miss Gertrude. Dala surprise .party last Friday night After the party, a V Miss Mary Mauney hkV returned to her home in Salisbury r. after spending the summer., with rher brother; S. JF Mauney; V-" - '" Thaddeus Bradley, -William Burgin Hugh Tate arid Sidney Mauney" left Tuesday - tot - Raleigh' to enter ' tHfe I A. and E. College. " f v v V: .Mrs,; Ella Clark oAsheville is visit ing Mrs.- Charles Burgin. ; -Mn and Mrs. John Bradley 'spent Sunday in Morganton. . Mr. and Mrsr C. N. Allison of Hen-Jed dersdnville motored to Old Fort for the tuneral of Mr. Salisburylast Saturday. ; Mrs. Paris Payne -and Mrs - Barrows and daughter, Miss Blanche, are visiting Mrs. George Hyams. , -Mrs. :. Hoffman, Mrs. Roneche : and Mrs. Peeler and daughter spent Monday with Miss" Lillie Ly tie. . : x ASHFORD ; Aihford, Sept. 1. The school here is progressing nicely and .- nearly: all the children in the district have been en rolled The sum of $84.25 was. realized from the- box supper Saturday, niht, the amount to be spent for the improve ment of the school. " ; ;' ; - Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brown and Frank Keefe made a business v trip,! toStates ville last week. -;v , r'r .4 Miss Dora Gibbs of Pitts spent the week-end with -relatives here. ' -"- ' James and Thad Conley, Wren Hen nessee and Harry Caldwell of Sevier were visitors here during the week. V ;V Miss Clara Bird; has returned from a visit to friends' at SpracePine. s ' J Misses Tracy JSigmon and Kelle Gibbs attended the teachers' meeting in Ma rion last Saturday. ; j t : 7 i "J ' . -Misses Lydia Hefner and-PearL Swof ford have entered scHooLat Burns ville. '', Miss Mabel Crockett is visitingfriendB at " Lin ville Falls. S,-:;:" ' ilr.. arid Mfs Melvin McCall madeja business trip . to Marion tdday- A: y Mr." and Mrs WV J. Brown andL Mr. and Mrs. A Se well Brown ; motored; .to Jefferson City, Tenn.,, Tuesday. : Missea Iva McCall and LenneBrOwn left today for Nebo yhere they will enter schooL . ' v. : Quite a number of young people en joyed a surprise party at the home of Missea Beatrice and Gayel: Brown on Friday. evening. ; "--H ' Charles Wilson visited in Swannarioa and Asheville lasttwwk.'-vV ' D. C. Bates was in Marion Friday-on business. " : -;;;;'r:--.4 -J-? ,. J. W. McCall spent several days fri Hendefeonyille during the week. -; Mr. and Mrs. Seweli Avery of ; Avery visited the latter's mother - here j Satur day' and Sunday. S . . " -: Miss Katherine'McGhee iias returned home from Altamont. ' ; Miss Ellen HcGhee of , Marion visited homefolks here Sunday A' . - ' W. H. S wofford made a business trip to Marion Monday. ' v --"Misses Beatrice and Gaye Brown and Dewey Brown spent the week-end in Morganton; . - .;; V'X EALSVXX.LE ; Nealsville, Sept 2. -Mrs: B,!'!. and daughter, Irene, who have" been viMung inenus;ana- relatives at ien-j wood, have "returned to their- home ' at Indian;HeadiOiai;S' 7- :. - - V. Mrs. Joe pQteatf Erwin; Tenn was a visitor here?ast week: -" . ' : Paul Thorn has accepted a position with the Davis Pharmacy at Marion.;. -JMr.and HrsA JitBeaX otort City spent the week with relati veshere. K Miss VinaBayou rn speniFrlday night with homefolks here enroute to. New York City, where she win com plete her training course at : Bellvue Hospital.-' MSMt-. ' Mrs.- Belo i Ramsey and sister,". Miss Nelle Morrisi' of Erwin, Tenn., are visit ing homefolks here.-.'..-.' - v .Mr. and Mrs Ben F, iSaybnrn of Co lumbus, Ohio, are :visiting theformer's mother, Mrs: J. Hj Rayburn. v,'' . v; Mrs. D. J. Hunt of Cliff side is visiting her mother, Mrs. A-r C. Qardin ". ; Mrs.x S. P. Bland, who has been spend ing awhile with her mother left Tues- day for her home at Aitainohaw, N. C Mrs. J C. England was shopping in Mariqn!;&Fnd Mis& Anhie Mode of Marion, spent the weekend7with;her parenfs-StiSc Mrs Ai" C. Gardih" was shopping in Sgt. Floyd Morris, who has been visit ing his parents, Mr.and ' Mrs Wr? C. Moras,; left Tne8day--lf or vCampHum" phreys,.Va. ; ;.:-;: - ' DYSARTSVILLE. Dysartville,. Septr l.-r-Joe, Tate Mc Gimsey?; And ' little ; granddaughteir of BridgewaCer ?. visited-Mr.-:: and' Mrs. ,J" M: Goforth lasVweek; ' -j:: -,". 7 Tate Denton of Charlotte has -return-; home after spending two weeks rith relatives here: ? 2?:''"r- Will Landis of Marion was a ' pleas- ant visitor here Sunday. Irene lysart,. of Hickbry, after ihg several d ays here, returned , visit home last Saturday.- , - ; . , Mrs JW." EL; Taylor yisited her j8isterr Mrs. W. A.;DyBart in Hickory .'last week. ..-""'. -- ' Several xf the young people attended a' music reci tal at ; Pinnacle; Saturday 4 nighty.; rhey:report a:, good entertain ment. -. :t -J", - - , ' Mrs Addie Satterwhite " has been ill several days bu Is improving. : - MarionRfc;2,;Sept Crisp and two 'children ; have " returned home after spending a : week with the foraer's sister at Topton. - Miss Pearl Snipes has returned to- her work in Winston-Salem, after a visit to her parents here.':-;v.t: ,Mrs W. J. Marsh ison the; sick list.l " - J. O. McCalllspent; Saturday ihMa xion.; " r'. ; R: H. .McCall spent Salurdayin 01d Fort.-- " ''l;-t : J. W. McCurry , who has been work ing in'MariOn, has returiied to Greenlee to stay awhile. '-f:iT. T Miss Eva Snipes spent last week with friedsiirtroudtownv -H - Pvoad Constructioh tbjBegin 5The McDowell High way Com mission has let .the contract for- a highway leading from the Kutber ford county line to" Marion tow n ship, a distance of :about 14 miles; the success! u 1 bidders - beings the Asheville ConstructiCorBpany of sfieville.rhe 1 road is to bo graded : and pnt in thexequired condition in a limited "ticaes It is expected work will be started: st once. - - v '.''ltf-7'-ST STATE NEWS.OFTHEWEEIC Items Concerning .Events ,of IrK terest and Importance Through- out the State. ' : : Silas James, of Waynesville, was fatally injured when his auioraobile tu r'ned over. - James V is described as a wealthy retired farmer, and is survived by a wife and nine chil-dren-,;; ? ; V: -1 . Jerry Dalton was "convicted of first degree murder ; in Macoa county buperior cou rt, for the Urder Of Mftnrl Ornnf. a t;Arr. 12 vears nr nrl MorrJIl A nl yeur: traveling salesman. Dalton metr the: couple driving and : shot ' them. J ealousy is assigned as the cause. He was. sentenced to die October 5. . . , - ' -Harry Salisbury, of Knoxville Tenn., conductor ona helper train; was killed lastThursday near Ran kin, Tenn.iv. when his train pas sides wiped by passenger train No. 12A The remains were interred at Old Fort, Capt. Salisbury's former home. The deceased is -survived by his wife and one daughter. Arthur Crane, a 7 brakeman of ' Knoxville, -was killed at the same time.; "Z;-- : ; -J ' ' "John T. Perkins, formerly : one . of the most prominent lawyersof this sectionVdied at his home" in Morganton Saturday; after having . been iinva 1 ided for several years. Surviving are his aged mother,' his wife aha five chiJdrenV FrankPerv kins of Portsmouth, Va.; ' Mrs " WM; McNairy of Marion, --'BQii'l-.. Theo; Per kins- and M iss'es HStransv ialidbneekirfs OQe daughteriiss EttaIa Per kins, died in cam p last rfall: while serving as an army n iirse.- -; N ebo; Green leeand r Stro udtown j- ;, ;: Schools Open. Z , The Nebo High School, Greenlee School aBd;Z 3troud town 'School bpened last Monday with large en rollments. At Jebo the enroll ment is said td be - the . largest of any opening day in the history of the school. The prospects at Neba are the best that the school' has-: ever had. The teachers for the -year are Mr. E J Mlar bison, prin cipal; . Mrs. Harbison and Miss Rosa Stacyi1. high school teachers; Miss Ellen Carson, Mrs." By rd and Miss Dodson, grade, teachers;. Misa Boyette, music teacher; Mrs. C-.S... Briggs, normal instructor. v , The teachers in the ' Greenlee school z are . M iss Maggie Taylor p rinci pal ; Miss Olivia ; Patton, in termed i ate, and Miss MarylGreen leer;subsUtute primary teacher. .The indications are that the Green lee school will have a very success- ? ful term The enrollment and at-' tendance this week have been very .gratifying . ' - Stroud town.school opened with, Mr. Liee Lavender as principal, . Mrs Garland Williams, in termed)- -ateteacher and Miss Lottie McKoy primary teachersThe Stroud town, teachers are all 'teachers of success ful experience and gopd qualifica tions. C: They .have several things in mind which they, expect to do to help make Stroudtown one of the best schools in the county. Expense PeacpComniissIon, In asking Congress for an cd ditional appropriation of 0825,000 for. the expenses of the - American peace commission , in Paris from last July 1 to the end of this cal endar year. President Wilson trans- I mitted a detailed account of the expenses of ther American delegates. He said in view of 'prices in Paris, the expenses of the American com mission were very modest.' Clerk of Court -W. H. Hawkica spent Tuesday in Charlotte.