A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO' THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDQWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N C., THURSDAY; SEPT. 11. 1919 VOL. XXIV NO. 2 J. Ai LAUGHRIDG E PASSES Popular Ex-Sheriff Died Suddenly - ' Thursday Evening Funeral : , " Services Sunday. , The people of this community and the entire county were greatly shocked to learn of the sudden death of Ex-Sheriff John A. Laugh rtridge, which occurred about 10 " o'clock Thursday night. He was in.his-bffice in his usual "spirits - during Thursday ,x no one of course V thinking that the end of the vener--.X able officer was so near. His ill- ness was of only a few. minutes duration. He had retired, and his wife, upon coming to his bed room, found him struggling for breath: In a few seconds, before, anyone -could reach him, he had passed v.away;''':'1,!::...'. ' SherifT Laughridge was a man f, "powerful physique. He had -always enjoyed the best of health. Descended froma family of sturdy . stock, remarkable for long lives, he could have reasonably expected, ; barring .accidents, to have lived many years more. The cause of his. death is" unknown. . . r Sheriff Laughridge, as he , has ' been known -to .his friends for pniany y eajrs, was one of . the most popular and. influential citizens of . . McDowell "county: ' Prior , to his ; coming to" Marion he lived; at : Dysartsville where, he was engaged t in farming, and business. About sixteen years ago he was elected '. -county commissioner and has continued- in office since that time, -serving several terms as register v of deeds and the last eight, years . as sheriff of the county. As an officer he was dilligent and assidu ; -ous in the performance of his duty. His .integrity1 and honesty:1 have never been, questioned or doubted: The fact that he was never defeat ed in a close county bespeaks the - V. high esteem in which he was held, not only by Bis own constituency but by his' political opposition. - As a friend and . neighbor John Xaughridge was loved by all. His v home was al ways open to bis many . . friends and bis pocket book to any - one in distress or want." "Many a poor widow has been "; helped by this kind man in bis . plain j ., on as- -suming way the .world knowing nothing about.it. " He was a great lover of pome and .family. When not on duty: he could always be found at his own fireside. -" A short funeral service was held ' at the home on Garden street by - Rev. J. T. Bowden of the Baptist church, the final service being con cluded at the Methodist church at - Dysartsville. the home church of the deceased; by Rev. W. L. Hutchins. The Masonic fraternity, of which the deceased was a mem ber, had charge of the-exercises "which were extremely -beautiful and impressive. A; large delega tion from, the Marion lodge ac companied to remains -of the de parted brother and participated in the last sad rites. Owingto the great popularity and large circle of friends of Mr, Lsaghridge the funeral was large ly attended. - More pebple, if is caid, were present at vhis funeral 'ban at any one; ever held , before ''in the Dysartsville section. The hrgo Methodist church "was in adequate to take care of the . im mense crowd on hand to pay their -T . r , . - last . respects to a - fellow citizen and popular officer. . 'J . Mr, Laughridge was 62 years old ind is survived by his wife and the following children; Claud Laughridge, of Bostic; Mrs.' P. D. Spratt,- of Burke county Mrs. Robert MT Wilson, Charles, Coy Mary Alice and Florine Laugh? ridge; five brothers, William A., David, Mark, Collett and - Lark Laughridge; also one sister, Mrs. Lou Dysart, of Lawndale. " ; The sympathy of the Entire citi zenship of the county goes out to thie bereaved relatives in their sad lOSS.;-;V -V . ' . . - 1 '. Successful Revival Closes. - - - - - - -- ' ; lhe revival meeting which was conducted at the Metdodist church by Rev. Tom P. Jimison, of Mount Airy, came to a close last Thurs- day nignt. lne meetings were very, successful. There were a number of conversions and severa additions to the church The preaching was done by Rev. Jimison and was very able. His sermons. were preached in a lan guage that everyone could under stand. ; His propositions were al ways to the point and well estab lished. r A: -' . - - . ' The concluding service on Thurs day , evening was very touching. Talks .were made by the pastors "of the various, churches qf Marion, commenting upon the great work which bad been done in thelmeet ings. -It is the consensus of opio ion that the people ' of this -com- munityxhave been stirred from top to bottom: tha they have been giyen new Visions and higher ideals Officers Elected at Quarterly Con- terence Monday Night. The fourth quarterly conference for Marion station' was held at the parsonage Monday night; Prof. T. A. Holton was elected "Sunday School superintendent with E. H. Dysart, assistant! & I Lunsford was'elected leader for the charge. The following will compose the official' board for the ensuing jear: Eugene Cross, A. HUiles, J. Tate, H. H; Tate; 5- H. . Dysart, J. M. Tate, R. W. Jenkins, D. E. Hudgins, C. F James. " J. f Q. Gikey.Dr. JFJ Jonas; J. Kobt McCall, Eugene Cross was elected recording steward, " and A. B. uiiKey aisinci stewara ine re- por ts submitted i nd Seated -progress. , ne annual conierence meets in Greensboro on October 22v. which is one month earlier than usual, Musical Recital at Nebo Sept. 13. . Miss Anniegra Boyette, grad uate of Davenoort College and piano teacher of Nebo High School, will give a recital at the Nebb high school Saturday evening, Sept. 13, at 8:30 o'clock! Mtss Boyette will be assisted by Miss Maude Dobsoar soprano. The program follows: . " Piano: -VWhims,' Schumann, Miss Boyette." : " "-: ' " ' Vocal: (a). "Lore, I Have Won You,? (b) .'The Winds Are Calling;. Konald; Miss Dobson. ' ' " r ' Piano: -Kamennoi-Ostrow," Ruben etein; Miss Boyette. . , - , Vocal: Good bye, Tosti; Miss Dobson. Piano: Prelude, Rachmaninoff, Op 3, Miss Bojette. . " The PresbyterianjSunday Schdol pupils will ba given a picnic on the graded school lawn Thursday eve ning, at 8 o'clock. - N EWS FROM TH E COUNTY B rief M en ti o n of S o m e, of the H ap penings in McDowell County: Itenis About Home People. OLD FORT A , Old Fort, Sept. Q.-Mis May Ander son left Wednesday to spend a few "days with friends In Murphy. R. O. Anderson has retprned to Nash ville. - " " . Fronz Strickland, Elizabeth Strick land and Margaret Anderson spent the week-end in Asheville. W. A. Silver has recently . purchased the house and lot on' street from Taylor Greene and moved in. . ; .Mrs. Nodine Spencer spent Tuesday in Marion. - T ' - Mrs. C. B. Rock, formerly of Man chester; Ga , left Monday for Smyrna, Fla , her new home, 'after spending the summer in Old Fort.. . ' . Miss Gertrude Dnla- is having - her millinery store remodeled for the fall trade. " - ; . Mr. and Mrs. Ed Norton have moved to Old Fort and are occupying rooms at Miss-Gertrude. Dula's. uapt. ana Mrs. Lnm Jtsurgm are re turning to Old Fort to make their home. Frank Tho mason has returned from overseas service. " . Mrs. R. Zackay of Asheville is spend ing a few days visiting Mr. "- and Mrs! Norton. ' - i Mr. and Mrs. Charles haye moved np to the Nichols neighborhood in, the house formerly . occupied by Mr. v and Mrsus Silver. - Mrs. J. C' Greene has returned, from" Asheville. : .Mrs. Beam went to, Asheyille Monday for a few days. : ' Joe - Crawford of Hazel wood spent Miss Clora:Artz will leave Friday -for Brunswick, Ga , toresnme her workras teacher in-the Brunswick schools. - . Mrs. Salisbury and daughter, Miss Travis returned to Morristown, Monday. Rev. R. F. Mock and Rev. Mr. Starnes are conducting, a revival meeting at Greenlee this week ' ASHFORD ..- , .Ashford, Sept. 8. Miss Era - Fink of Johnson City was n ,- visitor here . last week. ' :;;:wr"v - ' .',--. Harry Caldwell of Sevier was a pleas ant visitor hiepa Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Keefe made a business trip to Asheyilie' Saturdays Robert Hennessee and family visited relatives here Sundayv , . ;v&-t Miss Ellen McGhee of : Marian : spent the, week-end with home folks here. r Fred Phillips of Spruce Pine spent a few days here last jveek. r - . Misses Tracy Sigmon Nell Gibbs and Dora Gibbs spent the week-end in John son City and Erwin, Terin. , "r 'i C Robert. Carpenter; made a ; business trip to Marion last Friday, ' ' Mrs. E.. R. Stair of Dunganon is visit ing relatives at this place. : v l : Mrs. Walter - Brown and daughter, Clara, are spending a few. days in -f Ma rion and Greenlee. ' . h Mr. English of Asheville spent a few days here last week. v . "' ?:v7.;V' -, Misses Alda and Bessie English left last week for Brevard where they will enter school. - Miss Beatrice Brown left last week for Nebo, where she will enter school. Tom Wilson of Nebo is visiting his brother, Joe Wilson. ; u ; i r " Miss Doris Franklin of Linville Falls was a visitor here Friday.' L v.! 4 TOM'S CREEK tSft Marion, Route 3 Sepi 21-Mrs. W. L. Nanney and daughter, of Old - Fort, has returned home after spending a few days with relatives in this community. "r Mrl and Mrs. BL.7M."Hensley . has re turned from an extended visit I to I BakJ ersville. ; - - ; J. - t'-'l Mrs. "Asbury Hicks left Saturday r for Fremont, Va., where she ia expected to make-her home for awhile. , , . Hugh Gurley has returned home after spending a few. days.in Asheville. A. M. Hensley has returned home from an extended visit toBakersville. " Iiss Edith Stroud spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. -Proctor, in Marion. Miss Addie Lavender spent the week" end with friends and relati ves in Marion. - The box supper held at Tom's Creek schoob Friday night for ,'the benefit of the school was enjoyed J?y a large crowd. The proceeds amounted to $40. v r V v DYSARTSVILLE. . ' Dysartsville, Sept.: 8.A large crowd attended the : funeral of John Laugh ridge. Sunday,. -v 1 Miss Lona Goforth is spending a few days with homef oiks, her school having supended one week for fodder pulling. v "vMiss Grace Cowan is spending a few days with home people here. Prxn je Laughridge entered school at Rutherford College last Monday.' Frank Cowan and Miss Mary Kirk sey entered high school at Winston Salem this week: - - ' -r Clyde Satterwhit'e, of Bf idgewater, who recently returned from overseas, is visiting friends find . relatiy es at i this place. ' J. M! "Goforth .is very sick o'day, but hope that he will soon recover. . GREENLEE Marion, Rt.' 2., Sept. 7. A crowd of folks, both young and old, enjoyed the singins; at the Greenlee , school house Sunday-afternoon. . .W Ji Snipes has' been on the sick list for seyeral days. -. - " . . 'r Mason Led better made a business trip to Asheville last Saturday. ' ' Mrs. R." . W. " Tate , anlf children re turned home Thursday; after spending a week, with relatives inStroudtown. ' . R. H. McCall made a business trip to jOld. Fort last Saturday. ;" - Miss HattieJPrndergrass has returned home .after spending V two weeks with her sister in Knoxvilier;Tenn. : Thomas Fleming has returned oversees. ' from CHAPEL HILL Chapel Hill, Sept. 8 -Mrs. Matt- Mf- Granford and children of Rockwell and! Mr; and JklrsColett Benfield ;and little liltm daughter, Edna, of Bridgewatery were visitors at the home of J. H. Barnes during the week. , " ' - " Miss Lena Swannxf Marion spent the week-end with homefolks here. - . - School has suspended for one week on account of the rush of farm work.- Mrs. J. S.: Lewis Deadr . After a lon and patient illness this good woman passed away last Saturday morning, Sept. 6th, at the home of her grandparents, ; Mr. and Mrs. A. L Page, on Lbg;an street. . Mrs. Liswis . was thirty years atid six months old, a splen did ; Ch ristian , woman and before hetillness was;ah active worker in the Baptist church , where she held her membership ;;Her f u neral was preached before a large gathering of f riends ahdl loved y ones at the S t rb u d t o w n c hu re h - S u n d ay - a f te r noon by her -pastor, Rev. J. T. Bowden, and her body laid to rest in the cemetery therei She was twice married, first to J. L. Sulli van, who .died .some".-years ago, leaving her with two children, John JjJjrJ and Mary E , who su r vi ve her. Later she married J: S. Lewis who also survives her. To these and other near relatives great sympathy is extended! by the; com munity. v' , . , . - . -The following relatives from a distance attended the funeral ser vices! - Mrs. W. H. JSullivan, Char lotte; Mrs. J, A. Beach and W. A: Beach,) Morganton ; Mrs. S - G. Brazeli, Rdck HiII S. C: M; C Teeter and wife, .Hickory; Mr, and Mrs; SlagerVChftrottel; u-.t2- The fall term.of -McDowell Su peripr v.court.ill convene - next Monday with Judge J. . L. Webb, of Shelby, t presiding Tbe term Is for two weeks," the first three days to be devoted to the trial:. of criminal cases.;" According .to the calendar arranged, work on' the civil docket will begin ;oir Thurs day. , :- STATE NEWS OF THE WEEK Items Concerning Events of In-7 terest 'and Importance Through y out the State. The executive comrnittee of the '': North ' Carolina Farmersl Unio has selected Greensboro for its 1920 meeting, to be held Decem ber 10 and li: - - v . - ; -.- ;- "-"-'.'a.''' . - - Tom Sweezy; a farmer of Cleve land county, tied fodder all night one night recently; tieing 1,125 bundles. He stopped for break fast and then worked all day. r The weels of October 9 has been designated as clean - up week throughout , the State. Special ef fort will be put forth at that time to eliminate all waste that might start a fire or detract from a clean appearance of all premises. Well Known Baracca and Philathea Workers.to Be In Marfon. N. . Buckner, secretary of the Asheville Board of Trade, and Mrs. Buckner, his wife, general secre tary of the North Carolina . State Baracca Association and Philathea Union, will be in Marion next San day Sept. 14th, to address the Baracca and Phiiathea Bible classes of the "Marion Baptist Church. These Bible classes are looking for- , ward to the coming of these welL known Baracca. Philathea. and Sunday . School workers, with a is? r aa fe -dea 1 o f thi4m"Tfe-- - . , -y , ... n . . ner be warmly received and that a large crowd will be on hand" to hear them at the' regular Siin day. School hour." .: y First Baptist Church Services. ; - - . ' . -. - - . -it j t " r. K Preaching next Sunday at It a. m. and 8:15 p.k m. Subject of morning sermon, Things That Make a Church Strong." Evdnin subject: -"The Man That Thinks Himself Better Than Others." Sunday School' at 9:45 a. m. B. Y. P. UVat 7:15. p. m. Sun beams at 3 o'clock in afternoon. Mid-week prayer meeting at 8:30 Wednesday evening. A hearty welcome to all of these services. ' J Be sure to hear Mr N. BucknerT AshevJ lie's secretary of Board of Trade, at our Baraca Class Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Mrs. Buck nerr president of the North Carb lina Philathea and Baraca State Union, will, speak to our yoling ladies' Philathea Class in the church parlor at the same ' hour This is a rare opportunity for the young people of the church and, congre gation and they should avail them of it. A Bring your-f riends. J. T. Bowden, JPastor. Lawyers M eet. i - The lawyers of Marion met last Monday, Sept. 8th, and perfected a local Bar Association, the officers elected being J. W. '. Pless, presi dent; D. E. Hudgins, vice-presi dent, and R Chambers, secre tary. Thereupon, a civil calender was formed, ; for the September term of McDowell County Superior Court, which convenes on the 3rd Monday. After the transaction of other minor business the r associa tibnIadjourned.rl?'!: S WiVeatheri Reportr , ; ' Thomas . ZIcGuire, Sergeant. U; LS. Army, reports the - temperatore and rainfall at Marion station for the week: as follows: -Maximum - - - - 91 degreea - T-Yinimnm, - - - 51 degrees Bain, - . - - - O.OOinchea - Sunshine per cent .93 v -

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