ESTABLISHED 1896. xl EWS FROM TH E COUNTY Oriel Mention of Some of the Hap penings in. McDowell County Items About Home People ' OLD FORT Old Fort, Oct. 14 W. A. . Burgin mate a business trip - to AsheviUV- last XTtfday. " Mrs. Terrell and Mrs. McGraw of XHack Mountain were enests of Mrs. B. Crawford last Sunday.,' r Miss Nell Blanchard and Mrs. J. P. Iamkin, of Augusta, Ga., are visiting iliss Miller at the hoine of George '. ZXarshall. ' ; .' . .Miss Mamie Greene "attended the fair 6 Sprnce Pine iast week. - Mrs, A. C. Tate ' has returned - from the Mi ssion Hospital at Asheville. . Dr. Johnson made a business trip to Asheville last Saturday. VC - Clan dins Graybeal spent Saturday in Asheville. f Mrs. J. B. - Robinson . of 1 Asheville -spent the week-end with herl mother, Xlrsr MTAllen 1 Hiss Maggie Allen has returned from visit to Chimney -Rock and other 4?oints of interest. x - Qus Silvers attended the fair at Spruce Pine last week JU.C Morris spent the weeK-ena in .4n0xville, Term. ; : r Beid Grant was in fsheville, Monday. 1 The Woodmen of the World will un veil the monument to the memory .of -Xtee Allison at Bethel on next Sunday. There will be dinner on the grounds ' every Douy -attend. a . i a is; cordially invited I to " Chapel Hilt Oct. 13 James Thomas SIcDowell, the 18-months-oId son of Mr. s - - " - -and Mrs. Martin SwannS died i Fridav aorningr fuheral w tcom the home Saturday and interment sade in Chapel ; Hill burying ground. - The bereaved jfamily have our heart felt sympathy." Mr. and Mrs. Will Huffman, of Hick--orjr, are visiting "the former's parents, 2Ir. and Mrs. J. R.-Huffman. -. ' Mrs. Mainer of " Weaverville, is here tin an extended visit to her daughter, ZIrs. A. S. Coats. . Miss Laura Goforth spent the week end in Marion. , - There will, be services at the Chapel ' Hill Baptist church Thursday night, the -23rd, conducted by Rev. Jones 'y . - , , NEBO. -' ITebo, Oct. 14. Quite ia number of the boarding students spent the week nd with their homefolks. . - Ii. E. ' Sigmon,. of Black Mountain, Was a visitor here Monday. - O. D. Taylor and family spent Sun La.y with relatives in Morgan ton. ... - . Miss Anniegra .Boyette spent .the ' zsreek-end with friends in Lenior. - Hiss Ellen Carson spent the week-end ith relatives in Marion. . ; ff igh way Com m ission G ets M oney - From Sale of . Bonds; - . : Thel county highway commis sion has delivered the bonds sold recently to Seasongood & Myer end has received the money. - The Sonds were sold at a good premium considering the condition of the aoney marketing Work is going on in the building of. roads as fast as possible. Much surveying has been done:, and con siderable dirt has been moved. The commissioners are takin g con siderable interest inthe building 3f roads and expect : to 5 push the Tork as rapidly as possble. loch's Progressiye Shows Coming, Fred Howell, advance agent of Cloch's Progressive Shows, was in Cown Saturday and made arrage rnents to' exhibit in Marion during tha week of October 20 to 25. The actions will include a merry-go- Ground, tent showsr and concessions. "Tha Koch's Shows' come recomend Mcd as being one of the cleanestag c:reations of the kind on the road. MARION, -. Graded School News( 1 On ifridajv October -3, both the Pershing and Joan of Arc Literary societies of the high school me$ and rendered a program that was much enjoyed by alL These socie ties meet bi-monthly and the meet ings are looked forward to with pleasure by the entire high school. " The: high school met Tuesday and organized an athletic .associa tion with the following officers: Robert Holmes, .president; Miss Daphne Ruth, secretary; Miss Ola Gibbs,; treasurer; and Bill Gibbs, manager. ; The purpose of this or ganization is to encourage athletics and to install proper equipment on the school grounds. - beveral en tertainments will be given during the year to provide funds for pur chasing the equipment. y The senior class has elected the following officers;, Herbert Laid law, president; iraul , btory, yice president; Miss Daphne Ruth, sec retary; and Miss Margaret Neal. treasurer. Last Mfenday morning the sixth grade pupils rendered the foil wing interesting program for the open ing exercises in the chapel: . t Song, Tramp, Tramp, Tramp; Sixth grade,' : ; " : ' Poem, Septem be r ; Sixth grade. RecitatioD, Kids; Mary K. Ouzts: Poem, October; twelve girls. Composition on , Girls, Edwin Chapman. , Recitation, Oh, Shoot Ma; Mil- Song,' Old Black Joe; School. Farmers Buy 800 Tons of Lime Buy a Gurnsey. .McDowell county farmers order ed 800 tons of lime thisyearjj. L. Rurgin, of Old. Fort, leads with an order for 80 tons. R. F. Morris finqjs that an investment of $270 in lime is adding $600. a, year to his farm income. Get one pure-blood (Guernsey cow and get started in the indus try that will put McDowell county on the map. The Guernsey's lead , Start with the best. We expect to get a shipment of them in this month. : ' ;: ' I will start to organize Commu nity clubs next week aod will or ganize every school district that shows interest and will co-operate. J. L. Thubman County Agent. C. W. Buchanan to Manufacture WMi? Brick. y. Mr. C. W. Buchanan, contractor and builder of Marion, will begin the manufacture of brick at an ear ly date. He has already purchased machinery for the business and ex pects to be turning out brick ready for use in a short time. . The brick will be of concrete grade. - Sand and concrete of the best quality only is to be used in their manufacture. J - Mr. Buchanan already has orders sufficient to keep him busy, for several weeks. ' He expects to be be able to supply the local demands as soon as his plant is in full qT" ation0:-3 .-U--::C.'-V- ; ; The need of such an ind ustry has long been felt in this commu nity. Oh account of the long delay in getting brick and other building supplies, many builders hesitate to start to v erect needed buildings. Now that brick can be secured at; home this delay should be obviated to some degree as least. 1 N C THURSDAY, OCT. Methodist Conference Oct. 22-27. Plans are under way for the Western North Carolina conference of Methodist church members and ministers to be held in Greensboro on October 22. This session of the conference will - be the thirtieth neia since tne organization was completed. Bishop U. V. W. Dar lington is president and presiding officer, and William v L. Sherill is secretary. r : ' . . It is understood -that the work of the conference will be larely de voted to the centenary drive of the Methodists, Those who have been keeping in touch with the pre pa rations for the Greensboro "gather 1 1 . I . . t m ing oeneve mac tnere win oe in attendance 263 pastors serving in full connection, 39 ministers serv ing pastorates, and 26 local minis ters serving charges but not mem bers of the conference, - Besides the ministers, many lay . members are expected to be present at this imporant gathering which: begins October 22 and will probably xylose on Monday, October 27. Colored Schools Making a Fine Record.; v The colored schools are making great progress. The schools - are, in fact, the best in the. history of county. " The people are taking great interest in seeing to it that children attend. Notrouble what ever has arison concerning the compulsory Ja w; : The scho.ols' ar? overflowing and some" difficulty is being experienced in providing ad equate equipment and sufficient teachers. - ' . At the Marion school the atten dance is by- far , the largest the school has ever known. It Has be come necessary to provide addi tional desks and more furnishings of every kind, ' A movement is on foot for a modern building id which a nigh school department is to be added, also a" department for .teacher training. The meed of such a school has long been felt -by the colored people, of this section. . It is hoped that the work on the-new school building can be started at no distant day. Nero ShotJn.Gambllng Brawl." Henry Siski . colored, was seri ously, if not fatally, shot by Rob ert Goodrum, another neg ro,' ' fol lowing a dispute over a card game in which' gambling bad been " par ticipated in. The shoetiog occurred-Sunday afternoon out on the Stroudtown road about one mile from town. - Upon hearing of the crime offi cers went promptly to the scene of (he tragedy. The criminal had, however, made his escape, but was later captured at Old Fort. He is now in jail awaiting trial. v - Brown-Tate. V ; Silvanus Brown and Miss Carrie Tate were - married Wednesday, October 8, at high noon at the home of the brides .sister, Mrs. Ben Conley. The ceremony was . . - performed by Rey. Joseph Frye, of Nebo. r Mrs. Brown is well known, being a member of one of the oldest families in this county and for several years a teacher in the public schools. Mr. Brown is a resident of near Neals villa and it is there they will make their homeV 1 6, 1919 Welfare Officer Takes Up Duties. Mr. Jas. K. Cowan,., the -newly elected Superintendent of Public Welfare, has entered upon bis work. For -the present, at least. until he has become familiar with thee)d and Ihe work Mr." Cow an win Tdevote considerable time to. getting the work-organized arid in hand. As soon as he has done this he will expect to visit the dif ferent sections of the county to ofi fer his assistance in any way that he can be of aicfto.theup-bailding and the general welfare of the peo ple of the county.T - 1 . - Mr. Cowan will make bis head a. . ' m"W ... quarters in iiarion. ue will en- ueavor to answer au calls as promptly as possible. One of the duties of the County Superintendent of Public Welfare is to enforce the compusory school law. He acts as chief attendance officer to all schools in the county, in the 'towns as well as in the country. The 'County Superintendent of Schools has sent out ihe blank forms to be , used in making the the requirecUre ports to the attend ance officer. These"; reports here? after must be mailea to. Mr. Cow an, who requests the teachers to be prompt in sending in reports that t may not ecotue necessary for him to writ) for them Any prin cipal who does not have ihe re quired blanks can secure the same upon requestto Mr. Cowah. Contagious Diseases Prevalent. " A number of cases of diphtheria. smallpox and influenza have been reported as prevalent ' in different sections of the county. While as yet there is no general epidemic of any of the above diseases, yet it is imporiAQi mat an precaunon oe taken to avoid an epidemic. Of the three, diphtheria seems to be the most virulent, five cases ; being re ported from one section. Quite a number of cases of smallpox is re ported in towns. Influenza is re ported in light, form in a few places. The authorities are sending out the usual warnings to the public. They insist that all cases should be isolated, and that crowds should be avoided. Fresh -air in abun dance,' plenty oft wholesome food, and tern por ate living are the best preventatives of -'any form of dis ease. v V:v" -; Real Estate" Transfers. G. W. Justice, commissioner, to B. !L. Maunly, land on Broad River, $51.40. ' ' ' Geo. W. Conley to Ben H. Con ley, 100 acres acres adjoining T. T. Adams Company, $500. Fannie Gibbs Psoctor"to J. H. Lemmond, land near'. Cross mill, $2500. B. H. Allen to-John F. Allen, all his interef t in land in McDowell countyr$10, etc t ; R. E. Loudermilk. to W. E. Smith, lots in East Marion, $10. r T, M. Sherlin to . W. E. Smith, lots in East Marion, $90. ; - T. W. Brackett ;to M. E. Go forth," land at Giwood, $500. 7 Mrs. M..D. -Robeson to Bonnie West, land on Nix Creek, $1. C. A. Hoyle toJCharles Richie, interest in. land ajoining G. Ii. Lytle. $10. - " ! S. Wilson to : W. H. Suttle, 13 acres adjoining Vein Mountain j Co.$50. - Charles W. Dixon to L. W. Dixon, one-sixth in.1 69 acres near Henry Dale, $75. VOL. XXIV-NO. 7 STATE NEWS OFTHEWpie Items Concerning. Events of In erest and Importance Through- out the State. Foster Parsons who killed two jitney drivers near Hamlet, has been declared insane by alienists. Frank J. Dohlman aged about 10 years, of Charlotte, was killed, near Salisbury when the automo hile in which hevwas riding over turned. Others in the car were slightly isju red. The sub-committee of the Sen ate committee of post offices and post roads has reported favorably on Owen Gudger to be postmaster at Asheville. This means that he will doubtless be confirmed with out much delay. The United States health service has abandoned the idea of estab lishing a leper colony in Florida Florida having protested. Smallpox and Vaccination. This seems to be an opportune time to have something to say about smallpox and vaccination, as we see from the daily press and reports from the Bureau of Epi demiology that there is no little smallpox in North Carolina, when there actually should not be a case. Few of the acute infectious dis eases show such complete indepen dence such as race, age, occupation and sanitary surroundings as small- pox. it tnnves only on un vacci nated people. The mortality bears f rom 1 to 30 perjent. The cause of smallpox bears no relation on improved sanitation, which has lessened the prevalence of tuber culosis, bowel trouble, hook worm and malaria. General sanitation. could not effect smallpox or mea sles. Smallpox spares neither high nor low, rich jior poor, black or white. It spares only the vacci nated are as safe as the children of Israel were from death, when the lentils and posts of their doors were sprinkled with the Blood of the Lamb. We are still 'ignorant as to the precise way in which smallpox is , conveyed. A view generally held. is that it is air-borne and enters the system 'with a respiratory tract. We do know this, that it is a preventable disease arid most easily preventable of all infectious diseases. - - - Immunity of smallpox appears on the eighth or tenth day after ' successful vaccination. The ques- tion is often asked howlongdoes vaccination protect against smalU pox?" v The protection is some wnat variable, it should probably be about twelve years. Who should be vaccinated? Every un--vaccinated person' from babies , four weeks old to people 104 years old. , People should be revaccinat ed when there is an epidemic of smallpox. Children cannot attend school when" smallpox is in tha family nor can teachers teach, school who board in families where -they have smallpox. . The following . is a . list of tha -diseases reported to me during the last month: Smallpox, 15; diph teeria, 3; scarlet fever, 6. v J. F, Jonas, -" v County Quarantine Officer On "Sunday, October 5th, Rally Day "exercises were given by tho members of the Presbyterian Sun day School in the graced school auditorium.' "Lightinghe South land" was the general subject. Re citations, reading and sons bear ing on this subject were most creditably rendered,, in which ths children showed carefel training well as application. " Selections by a male quartette added much to this excellent program.