A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO TOE BEST INTEREST, OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, "N. G., THURSDAY, NOV. 20. 1919 .A VOL. XXIV NO. 12 CLOTURE BRINGS ACTION "Senate Adopts"Ten More Resecvar tions in Five Hours Repub , x Means Voted Solidly. SatuVday,.operating under clo ture for the first time in history the Senate adopted in five hours 10 more of the reseryatioris .written by the foreign relations 'committee and with only two committee pro posals remaining. - -" - A. Majorities ranging from 11 to :26 marked adoption of the 10 re servations. They related to domes tic, questions, the Monroe dbctine, mandates, Shantung, - international - ...... . commissions, expenses of the league of nations armaments,': the economic boycott and alien prop - . . erty rights. . . " " V- -In every, case except one the Republicans voted; solidly for the committee proposals. They were -ioined on everv roll call by from - w - . four to nine Democrats. In all, an -even dozen Senators of the. admin istration party broke, awny during the d air to vote for reservations The sole defection "'from the Re publican ranks was on the Shan- G urn be r, of No r th Dakota, s wing ing over to the the opposition. Successful Red Cross Drj veY M r. B. L. Luris ford , ; chairman ftKfl. VttA rirrtcc T?nll r.all. hftR waeed a soirited and successful ell and makes the following' report ipi the results "accomplished : A ? " "The Roll Call drive for . mem- . bershiD to the Red Cross that was -conducted in McDowell county be- ; twecn November second and .elev- r "T nnn rm. Via ell K rl a rYSc fe' t"li ; nnnrn -.im 11 TT'rt r- antl ' "Wall- W W . V . V ' . w w - M M - ' V r vet to be made. 1 am assured bv ..i T-jn' ; 4. u iwu pmccs tu2ti mty win jcjjurv casn receipts totalling lou, wnicn wnnM hrincr the total to 671 .00. iHinnnnfc Wft AYnpfitftrl tfi crftt. ir t,ht ' u M if .1 1 w In I Km msii v tH f jni iiir -. t i u vi iirnuwi. uiiiiiiiii i. i wui i& any one 'Red :Cross worker was -ninetvione dollars' bv Mrs. M: Iti. Rand 61 Dh :. the next, seve ntv-three Xrklloo ho IV1i I III f trr .Viol '.oil. onH -Cross at the Cross cotton mill. , xne scnooi teacners at tnc lviarion mill, Misses Gibbs, Patton and iinnnn. nftnnsiifln ninp.EV.rnoiirs to the credit of toe isecr AJross out of tQis opportunity to ex press our grateful - appreciation . to all those - wwt mn nnnr 1-1 nnron in r n 1 c irroa r mn iy . v W W W JM r - - " " v. w WWW who'icrave their time and, interest nrl AnnAniA I In ' rl A . I than r thACA to the raisino of this fund: It is tms innn remains wim luh marinn tUnnfnH 4a ' kn ' MPA1 pt (Via IaaoI chapter desires. It is also an en couragi ng fact to :know that we uavn wnuiu uui uuuuvv aovcu uuu drea active memDers oi tne amer- j !Ti 1 1 i r-.i i ijiuaa vv uu ain wuiiuv liU rir mhar. thftr p.nn r.n mrtnAr r.nt MnwAnf tf-t ' f Via nnTanifTatinn mViinli 4UVC1 cav ui kuo:uiKaui.auuu y uiwu VTOSS is one organization inat nas nt out red tape in the manage- a ; Mt xneDL or us auairs. auu wuatever is Given goes direct to tne cause C V T . w " . IV1 arion ,G raded School Mews arid - Honor Roll. -Following is the honor "roll of the Marion graded school for the second month'ending November, 7: . : Primary Department: RenaTar "neri. May Hill, Lottie Jones,. Hu bert Bolch, Charles McCall, Carl Lewis-, Bertha Glenn, ?" Francis Balfard,"Baulah Mathis, Pauline Ritchie, .James Neal,-Alvin Banks, Gara rd' B u s h , ; H as k el - Led bette r , Kenneth' Whiterier, Florence Ep ley, Mary Goldsmitb, Edith Cor dell, Thurley; Franklin Wilma Rolanv Hazel Whitten, Eugene Cross, Luther Ross, Lewis Smith, Martha rBuchananj Kate Cowah1 Alice Holmes, Carrie Silver and Janie Taylor, ' . Grammar Grades: Hobert Wil lis; Mary Blackburn, Edith Biddix, Fern Beard; Elizabeth Conley Mary G: Carr,'Doris Hill, Mildred Hutto, Bonnie Michael, Grace Tate, Louise Tate, Carlton Gilkey, Mary Alice Laughridge, Hugh Bowdun, Clyde Moody, Maude Epiey, Dorothy Gilkey, Mary Tate and Mary JK. Ouzts. High Scnooi: Edward Hudgins, Harry McCall, William Story, Vernon 7 Goo per, Madge Finley, Elizabeth Reid, Edna Brown, Zil pah Frisbie, Brownie Giles, Mae Curtis: , Elma Houck. Rob;-rt Holmes, Vernon Chapman, Jobn- sie'Conley,' Mary O. Conley, Ruth Cowan, itate M. Eitis, Viola Xjiles, Clyde FinlJLeona BdshHeltie Cannon, Pauline Conley; Paulihe Ha wkins and -Marguerite Laidlaw. Distinction honor roll: Cassie Jo Lewis, Robert Smith Jeannette Gilkey, Mildred Wall, Benson Davis; KathrynVMcpall, "Mildred Holton, r JLucile Conley, Pearl Lewis, Pearl Wilkersbn,. Josephine Bush,- Alice Rbahe, Cross, Irene Franklin, Luria Wall, Paul Story. Last Monday morning the 11th grade rendered a "very attractive program for the chapel exercises, as follows: Song by grade. Reci tation, 1 'Co un ting Eggs," by Maud Eiliott. Vocal duet. Mayo Laugh ridge and Edna Tate. Recitation, Ola Gibbs. Song, by four girls and four boys. ' ' '. v' 5t Friday night, Nov. 21, at 7:30 o'clock the Joan of D'Arc and Pershi n g Li tera ry J societies will give their first annual social debate. The publie is cordiallyjnvited.' ' Business Men to Protest Against Removal of Railroad Agent. The business men of Marion are raising a protest against the dis misal of Agept F. B. Gwin. A meeting was held Tuesday night at the Marianna Hotel at which was present practically every business man of Marion, the object of the meeting being to devise means of. securing the re-instatement of Mr,. Gwin as agent at Marion, who has been dismissed from the se rvice of the railroad on technical grounds. A representative of, Marion', will wait upon" the division manager of the railroad to ask for: Mr. G win's re-instatement, and if necessary the fight will be carried to" Mr. Hines, Federal director of railroads. i Mr. Gwin has been the etHcient and accommodating agent at Ma rion for; several years." By his courteous' treatment of the people of Marion he has won their esteem and friendship to the extent that they - now come to his aid when in trouble. ' NEWS FROM THE COUNTY Brief M ention of Some of the H ap : p e nings , i n; M"c D owell County Items About Home People. .- ' :- ' OLD FORT . - Old , Fort, Nov.-18. Mr. and Mrs, J. C McCarry of Asheiille visited the former's mother here during the week. - W. H. and J. K. Bird -of Asheville visited relatives in Old Fort Sunday. They were accompanied home by their mother, Mrs. A. L. Bird. Miss Francis Artz returned Friday from a visit in Asheville. The girls of the high school Athlectic Association gave a box supper Friday night, the proceeds of which will go toward financing-the basket ball team. ' Miss Maade Glenn of Black Mountain spent Saturday and-Sunday with Aiiss Vivian Sawyer. - Rev.v Mr, Bay has-been elected pastor of the Old Fort Presbyterian church. Misses Bessie'Flemming and Mildred Mackey have goner to Knoxville, Tenn , where they will enter training as nurses. Alvin Byrd has accepted a position in Akron, Ohio. . - The Liberty Literary Society gave a very interesting program at the school house Friday.night Jack Hoffman is spending a few days with his parents here. - . . i ' The Old Fort High School expects to enter the triangular debate of the high schools this season.. Mrs. D. Y. Grant has returned to Gastonia, where she will spend the winter while lAr. Grant is at work in Knoxville, Tenn. .' - Charlie Stirewalt and James Hyams have returned from Akron, Ohio. Lester Harris returned Sunday from Akron, "Ohio, where he has been . at Work pme-timev ' " ASH FORD" , Ashford, Nov. 17 W. H.Swofford made a business trip to. Marion last Thursday. - - ' - .. v Oscar Wilson and Miss , Mabel Crock ett rattended a teachers' meeting at Pitts last Saturday. :W.' J. Brown abd family left Satur day for their new home in Jefferson City Tenn. Earl Brown has moyed Into his new home. V- Mrs. Frank Keefeias returned home after a visit among relatives in Con nection tt - . ; - . ; Gaither Moore-spent a 'few days in Ashe villa last week wi th homef oiks, G,; C. Clayton made a business trip to Asheville Friday.'. Luther Carpenter, and wife, of Mon tana,, spent the week-end with J. M. Cirpenter." ' . , . E, H McCall spent the week end with homef oiks at. Greenlee. r , Clarence Wiseman made a visit to Linville Falls Sunday. . - We are living in hopes that we will soon have a depot here. : The school at Ashford is progressing nicely. . - ' ; . : Miss Frances Crockett spent Sunday with Miss Lidia Hefner. , Pepper's Creek School Making Progress. On Saturday night, November 8th, a very en joyabla box supper, was given at Pepper's Creek school house, near Pitts. A feature of the entertainment was a debate in which some of the patrons of the school took part. " The question dis cussed was; 'Resolved,". Which has re ceived the moit cruel treatment in the hands of the white, the Negro or the In dian The decision was in favor of the negative. Following the debate the boxes were sold and-every one enjoyed a real good supper. The. proceeds from the entertainment amounted to' $41.00, which will be used for the betterment of the school. ; . -Everybody seems' to be taking great interest in tho school and th e children. under their efficient teacher, S. M. Mor gan, are making the best progress in the history of the school. '. . ' ; - A sweet potato was exhibited in Gaffney, SC.ia few days that weighed ili pounds. It was of the Porto Kican variety. - Presbyterians Plann ing - N ew I-; . Church. - ? The Presbyterians of Marion are planning a new house of worship. A meeting of the official board of the church was held odo day last week to discuss' the matter. A committee has been appointed, to formulate ways and means of se curing the new structure. While nothing definite has beer: . decifled Upon it is probable - that the new stucture will be erected on the lot where the present church stands. It is expected that when the plans have been decided upon that a strictly modern and adequate building will be provided. - ' Rsv. J. Cv Story, who has been the efficient and beloved pastor of the church, for several years, has been instumental in making the lo cal church one of the leading Pres byterian bodies in this part of the state. : The membership of the church has steadily increased, and the growing and increasing needs of the church now require a mod ern building. ' Dr. Ashworth. Elected Vice-Presi-:dent District Medical Society Asheville Times. " " . v , " : With a large representation of doctors and surgeons from ; the tenth district present, an orcani zation meeting was held Thursday at the Battery Park hotel at which time the Tenth District Mid ical so ci e ty w as f o r med w i th' the follow ing officers selected to govern the body: ; : 'v-. V. I-:z-:' Dr. G. -E. Cotton, Asheville, president; Drs. J. R.-. McCracken of, Haywood county; Sample, "of Henderson county; P. R, Bennett, of Swain; F: L. 'Siler, of Macon, B. Li. Ashworth, of McDowell county, as vice-presidents, and Dr. W." J. Hunnicutt, of - Asheville secretary.;: - , ; The avowed purpose 'of the or ganizilion is to foster the . science of medicine, to niee,t the needs of the general public, and to protect trie- doctors themselves. Round table discussioris will be a promi hent feature of all future meetings of the orgauiz iiion, and mucii good is predicted from the formation of this body. : Restrictions on Coal Deliveries Or J dered in the South.: t ; Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 17. Orders limiting deliveriesof coal in! the southern region of the' railroad ad ministration to the' first fi ve classes on the fuel priority lists, which does' not include 1 manufacturers, were issued late today at headquar ters here. The action on its face means the closing down jof cotton mills and manufacturing . plants'of almost all descriptions as soon as their present supplies are used up. These supples generally are under stood to be scanty. , Curtailment of coal consumption was made necessary, the statement said, because 'coal production is still below the absolute require ments of the first .fiye" classed of consumers." ; These classes- who are still to get 4coal are railroads, inland and coastwise vessels, army and nayy and certain goyernment departments, state, municipal and county institutions, public utilities, including newspaper and retailers to supply domestic consumers.:- y Only five weeks till Ch ristmas- STATE NEWS OF THE WEEK Items Concerning Events of In terest and Importance Through out the State. . Asheville was selected for -tha 1920 meeting of the United Daugh ters of the Confederacy. Four thousand dogs were. listed for taxation in .Robeson county this year and the sheriff believes there are 1,000 more not listed. According to the Watauga Dem ocrat Mr. w: C. Coffey of Boone mailed to Gov. Bickett last week a head of cabbage cut from his gar den weighing exactly 22 pounds. C. -H.Mebane, of Newton and Greensboro, has been appointed State director of the world move ment to raise $25,000,000 for pro hibition and law enforcement. W. B. Cooper of Wilmingtonjs treas urer, Relics .of the Confederacy in their keeping will be preserved in a fireproof building to be erected in Richmond, Va., at a cost of $35,000 the United Daughters of of the Con fed racy decided- at the annual convention in Tampa, Fla.t last week. The organization will raise funds for construction of edifice. Plans for M organ ton's nw $100,- 000 hotel have been submitted by Architect xAsbury, of Charlotte, and "accepted by the committee The hotel, will have fifty-three rooms and, being on a large - lot, will be sefback fifty feet from' the street, with a grass plot in front and on both sides of the building. The front faces Greene and Main streets and is so designed that a block of fifty rooms can be added to the rear end. L McCall Chosen By Mecklenburg. Charlotte, Nov 15 Five of tha seven democratic candidates for Judge E. Y. Webb's seat in ' con- eliminated today, leaving the fight between Assistant District Attor ney Clyde Hoey, of Shelby, and former Mayor Johnson D. McQall, of Charlotte. - McCall was nominated today as Mecklenburg's representative over Mayor Frank R. McNinch, John A. McRae and Marvin Ritch. W. C. Dowd, another aspirant for the MecKienourg nonorSt witnarew oe fore - the county convention this morning, while former Judge B. Councill, of Hickory, who an nounced himself as a candidate sev eral days ago, withdrew, in favor of McCall following the latter's nomination. - Each of the three men who op posed McCall have pledged them selves to join in the campaign and and all three are expected to speak, in several counties-during the com ing week. -: t - ELECTION DATES. , Hickory, Nov. ;i5.-Democrats will name their candidates at G&s tonia on Friday, November 23, if the voters do not do it in the pri mary November 21, and Republi cans will name their standard bear er at Ne w ton on next Thursd ay. Secretary Carter Glass of United States treasury Has been named United States Senator fronT Vir ginia to succeed the late Senator Governor Dayis.

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