! '' V ,;C. I I - ; i A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO. THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. J.IARION, N. C, THURSDAY, DEC. 1 8, 1919 VOL. XXIV NO. 16 :v .-Vc -- -- PENSION MONEY I ARRIVES 0 ve r : $3 jOOO JWi H ; B e t D istrl buted ; -in theXojirit ' Have Been rlncreasdJSr N Arriving just a little more than aV week bef6re Christmas, the vouchers for the pensions 'for old 'Confederate veterans of. this coun ty "ana ttiewidows of those who : have, already ''crossed the river" will come arahristmas gift from trie State - of North Carolina to ? these weares of the grey ' arid their -relicts. X li''- - 3:r In All $3;685 0a will be" distrib uted by Clerk of the Court W. H. .Hawkins on these Vouchers which, can now be secured by those enti tled to them, by; calling at the of tfice of the clerk in the court house: - The vouchers and the ambunts are as follows: . For one " veteran, j$45 ; ; two veterans in tlie r third veterans in the . fourth class, $30 each, total v$2,O40;;- 51 widows in the fourth class, $30 each, making - Under an act pas"secl.by trie Jast .general, assembly; and; which is in -force now, the veterans and wid--ows are paid vthe pensions-in two installments, in December and in -J uhe, in place of all i n a lump i n -Decemberas heretofo re, has been the practiced ,Tbe state pay sr: the .pensions; in advance; 'Xherefore with thV installation ofthishange, -orre-hal f is being paid and equal . amount will be paid next J uriel vTfie '" general assembly ' also . took advantage : of this"; . opportunity, -wheir the matter was up, to iu---crease the pensions and each class - received a little - boost, For in stance in the fourth class, last year the veterans of that class" received only 45 as a total, while now they will. receive $30 and Jn June, an other $3Q,rmakirigi$6b iDallfe Jil ica Mine Caves in, Two I rtjured. Ash e v i 1 e, Dec. 14. Ne ws reach ed here tonight of an: accident in Mitchell, cob nty: where two miners were seriotisjy injured by the ca ve in of a large mica mine. X The miners, George Young and jKelse GrindstafF, and a" number of o th ers- had been . a t wo rk " i n - th e inirie arid wrejinst" preparing" to leave the shaft for the d ay, Sat u r day, when the cave-in, which is be lei ved to have" been caused : by the heayy- rains inthatVection occured. KeIei f par ties were r.soori organ ized and the injured rescued . It wiirbe i mpbssible : to. operate the mine for some time, pending re pairs. ; 'h v:v:''' . J :.: - Dopu :.oyrJhrn - y Ch ecks ; have bee n retu rned to the Bureaus of H War pissiflsurf ancerpayableOto the following: .Ed. Harvey, formerly, of Spar tanburg or Kelton, S. C.VRutil Cannon, Ashford or McCall; Em ma r Carroll and Louise Harriet Gilbert, Old Fort.- V V : j Anyone knowing the whereabouts of the above named persons please communicate with Mrs. J. C. Wxil licins, ; Secretary Home Service, Ariierican Red : Cross, - Marion; "N. C. -. .'-4 - , . ' . I' Do your shopping nowoChrist woit Trait. ;-X-:?Bk;: Graded School Closes Friday for ... Holidays Honor Roll. : The Marion graded -school will close i. Friday, the 19th, for the Christmas holidays and remain closed until January 5th. v - The primary grades will 'give an A operetta,. "Christmas' at the Pole," in the school -auditorium Thursday night, Dec. 18r at 7:30 o'clock Admission ten cents to all. The pubjic is cordial ly .' invited to attend. i' The - proceeds from the entertainment will be used to pur chrse play ground apparatus, -i The honor roll for December follows: v " , ; ' : - -Primary department: Fred Con ley, Mike' Cowan, Little, Henry Abernethy, Thomas Branch, J. Wv Kend ricks," J. .D.- Firiley, jodie Henline, Pansy Garland, Ada Koss, Li la Sheep, ' Alvin Banks, Charlie Boone, Kenneth Wbitener, Tburley iFrankliri Mary Gold smith, Paul Branch, Edgar McCall, Luther Ross, " Kate Cowan; Alice Jaunnita Brown,; Katherine Can non arid May Hill. : o z- s Grammar grades: Loui 7 Bird , Ear jHo well , Phill i p Ruth, Hobart Willis, Mary B. Blackburn, Edith Biddix, Bonnie, : Mich ael, G race -Tate, Una Mathis, Li la M Lonon, Mary Alice Laughridge, Hugh Bowden, Floyd Glenn,:" Clyde Mood v, vMa ry ' Tate, Helen Fran k- Ji n anden Wilson-; -7l - - 5 HighCiSch6ol: JWniikm: Neal, William Story , Essie J M. Qettys, Flizabeth Reid, Pearl; Wilkersod, Rays Curtis, Ed na Brown, . Irene Franklin Brownie Giles, - Alda Norton, Mae Curtis, Robert' N. Holmes, Kate. M. Ellis; Johnsie Conley, Viola Giles, Leoria Bush, Pauline Coniey, "Ola Gibbs and Mayo Laughridge. ; v J Distinction Honor Roll: Robert Smith, Fern Beard, Mary G. Carr; Jeannette Giikey, Doris Hil 17 Mil dred Hutto, Millard Wall Benson Davis, Margaret Craig;: Kathryn McCall, Harry McCall, Everett Henley, Lucile Cob ley, Walker BlaritonV Jack Justice, Josephine 'Bush, .Alice Roane Crosse Paul Story, Hettie Cannon; Pauline Hawkins arid Ruth Cowan, v ' Eugene Hall: Kille'dln Benton, JIJ. ii EugenelHali, - son 7 of Higgins Hall, whose tome : was near Ma rion, Iwas killed lastL Friday at Benton',; Illinois, where Jie had been engaged in construction work. Full details of - his death are not . ' . :: - ...... available but it is; understood that he fell from a scaffold, breaking bis neck.News oOhe tragic death of Mr Hall was received in Ma rion the first of this week and was a great shock to his many relatives arid frieridsV v ' . ' The body :' arrived in Marion Tuesday morning on train No. 36.: It was immediately carried to the home of the parents of the .deceas ed to await the arrival; of a sister living in Detroit, Mich., for tbe funeral which will be conducted Thursday; by Rev. J. C. Story. Interment will be made at Hall towncemetery. " ', : ': V i Young Hall was Irriown to a large circle of friends who will be grieved to learn of his untimely passing v The sympathy af-the community is extended to the sor rowing relatives intheir great .dis tress.. : --" ..: " -. ' r . - -;; v NEWS FROM THEXOU NTY Brief Mention of Some of the Hap penings in McDowell County v Items About Home People, : .., OLD FdRT Old Fort, Dec. 15. Joe Crawford spent the week-end in Black Mountain. Miss Pearl Evans epent Saturday im Montreat. - v ! 1 : - - Carl Greene was visiting in Asbeville Sunday. . ; " The basket ball team of 01J Fort was defeated by the Black Mountain-' team at Black Mountain Saturday by a score of 34 to 5. . ; : -; -I -'-" ) . : : . . ' A party given in honor of Miss Mag gie Allen at ' the home of her patents Friday night. Thoso present were Mis 8es Gertrude Dula, Pearl Evans. Mayme Wadley, Mary Hoffman, Inah Blalock, Annie White . and Jennie Stlrewalt; Messrs. Carl Greene, Joe Oawford, Robt. - Belle, William StirewalV and Jack Hoffman . 1 Dallas Burgin was in town on busi ness Saturday. " " ; - Bey. R. Fr Mock visited relatives at Jupitor during the week. ' Miss Olla Swann was in Marion dur ing the week. -. --; ". -" Mrs. M. Holtzclaw of Canton is visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs Sherrill. Miss Ella Noblitt has returned from Hickory where she has been visiting rel atives. ' .- ' ... V '".The sixth and seventh grades of the graded school will vgive ' a play Friday night, Deceruber 19. . " : " The Ladies Aid Society of the Meth odist church met vith.Mrs. S, F.-Mau-ney Wednesday afternoon" and " elected new ameers. " y . : ' - ; . . .- i-VCA" ASHFORD 'v " "Ashford, Dec. 15:J. H. Brown made a business trip to Marion last Friday. ; -T. O Crockett was a "visitor at Liu; yille Falls Sunday. . r . : I; : J. P. Dodge, Jr., spent the ' week-end at Ashford. " . " :'r.:- --v ' Oscar Wilson went to Marion Friday on business. v ,..''-. v , v Todd McCall of Spruce Pine visited homefolks here Wednesday. : -Mrs. Claude" Liughridge of Bostic visited omefolks here Saturday. " Mrs. R H.. Hennesaee spent the week -end with relatives at this place.. ," Mrs. J. A. Brown is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Avery . . The Ashford school is planning to giye an entertainment on Christriias eve. The program will consist of songs, recitations, drills. etcL Everybody is cordially. invited.' , Patrons are urged to bring presents for. the Christmas tree. : : :i . PEPPER S CEEK. v ' Pitts. Dec 15. Clay "McKinney and George Brown visited Mark Swofford last Sunday. -' ' ,. :-; -": :: ; r The box supper at the school house last Saturday night was well attended". The proceeds amounted to $28 50. The school isv progressing Inicely. It is expected that patent desks - rwill be installed soon: V : "- ; . " ' : ?: -. Miss J Virgie McKinney spent 3 the week-end with Miss Cartha Lowery. - Misses Annie - Swofford, Ida Cresson and Carrie Biddix spent, the -week-end with Mrs. Nora McKinney. V . r'V - James.. McKinney as discovered a mica mine on his property here. : ', Sam Brewn and George Brown spent Monday in Marion. '' ' : ; - - Julius McKinney is erecting . a" new building which he hopes to complete at an early date. ; : : - " Jo McKinney of Spruce Pine spent the last of the week with homefolks. J. Mr Morgan was a visitor at . the home of S. A. Lowery, Sunday. ' " j 'Yancey Place Leased . Mrs. M. W. Yancey Tias leased her property at Woodlawn to! Ma con and Max Corpening for an ex tended period of time. The Cor pening brothers will engage in gen eral farming and live stoclr busi ness. :It is also announced that the owners will also stock the farm wth Chinese" pheasants. The Woodlawn house will be opened Xo the public at all times. . . State Will Not Fay Teachers Who Do Not. Hold Certificates. . Snpt. N. F. Steppe, received in one mail ope day last week letters from three superintendents asking for from ten to thrrtv.: teachers to fill vacancies. Press dispatches from Raleigh last week stated that there were nearly one thousand short in the State. The low salaries is the main cause of such a dearth, though not the whole cause, Thefailure of a number of teachers to meet the re quirements of the State , Board of Examiners i or certification is keep ing a number out of the schools. . The "State"' appropriation . for teachers' salaries is based on the gra'de of .7 certificate held: and in force.: The department of statis tics in checking up the country bndgets finds, according to records of "the department, that num bers of teachers hold no certificate of any sort, while numbers of othi: era have expired,; School commit tees and boards of education aax ious to secure teachers in order to cet the schools taught will in many cases" find their appropria tions cut short in instances where teachers failed to seeura. certifi cates. A number of schobls wilt have had their full- six ' months term of school, the teachers having taught out the - terms and having been paid their salaries .before. the facts were known. The. counties in' these instances will no; doiibtlbe the. lose rs:as l h Ts t a le w. i 1 1 n o t a propriate tor leac ers who do not hold certificates. ' , -. ..: ; COUNTY FINANCE SYSTEMS Asheville Citizen." v An . encouraging sign , of the awak ened" interest in better government, was . demonstrated at Chapel Hill, when the State and county council in dorsed proposals f or - a uniform and efficient system jot county . financing. . A- criticism " of . long standing against public, business is that it, is not conducted in a busness-like way. The people know in a general -way I that private enterprises could not sur- vive rr-nanclled as most government affairs are. But, with the fatalism or indifference which is a characteristic of young countries ;blessed with boundless resources, these abuses havebeeh regarded for the most part as .inevitable wastes incident to pop ular government. The people nave not- demanded nor have - they been willing -to pay for better methods or ablerr officials. " . - - Chairman George Scott, of the State board'of accountancy, and Dr. E. C. Branrson, of the university, as serted that under 'the present system of county bookkeeping it is impossi ble to tell whent2ier an administra tion : is 1 doing " well or - ill, and that ihere are no statistics for comparison of one couuty with another. v ' .This judgment" pronounced on ex isting methods of county finance was indorsed by the officials of 76 coun ties present, this action giving strong reason to hope for improvement in a matter whicn means the "! accounting .of millions of dollars. Why should counties handle. their, funds in a way that. would mean bankruptcy for pri vate enterprises 1 Notice to Subscribers. H T OwiDg to the fact that newspaperl stock has doubled in price during ihe last few weeks and is scarce and hard to get at any price it's absolute necessary to conserve by striking from bur list all subscribers in -arrears who do no$ pay up imme diately. ' Please see that your sub scription is paid in advance if you desire the paper continued. j The Southern regional coal com mittee, Atlanta, Ga., acting on au thority from Washington Satur day, suspended all restrictions on the use of fuel and restored train service,, which Tiad been ccrtsilcd on account of the coal strike. STATE NEWS OFTHE WEEK Items Concerning Events cf In . terest and Importance Through out the State. Governor Bickett has appointed Miss Martha Haywood a member. of the board of the Soldiers Home. " : While out hunting near Ashe ville Saturday afternoon acd in at tempting to shoot a bird, Esgena . Gregg shot und instantly killed' his companion, Fred Cord ell. Albemarle experienced a $25,020 6ro Sunday morning when the two story brick building of W. T. Hcc abee was destroyed. The building was also occupied by a Iarce dry goods store, several law Grms and studio upstairs. Reports received at Baptists headquarters, Raleigh, from North ' Carolina Baptist churches show pledges for the Baptist 75:mIlIioa campaign amounting to $7,106,000. This is more than a million dollars over the State qaota. Many . churches have not yet reported. . Mr.:Wm. S.s Pearson, a former assayer of the Charlotte Mint, wis instantly killed Thursday afternoon. whenstruck by a street car. Mr.. Pearson was for a number of years a lawyer at Morgan ton and at oca time was connected with the Mor- -ganton News-Herald. He le&rcs a wife, and three children. : - . I R. Wi "H.Stone, of Guilford county was elected president of the North Carolina Farmers' Union at the meeting- in Greesboro the .past week Paul Jones, of DJge combe county , received 57 votes, against 58 for Stone. Dr. H. Q. Alexander, Of Llecklenburg eoan--ty, retiring president, receired 22 votes; Rev. .J. M. Lyerly, of Row an 11, and Dr. C. Ji TempIeton of Vake.3. The election came oa the fourth balloT. Dr. Tern pie ton was re-elected vice-president. Ciyde Hoey Elected to' Congress : irt Ninth District. : Charlotte, .Dec' 16. Clyde )L Hoey, democrat,, of Shelby, was chosen in the special election in tho Ninth district today to the seat in congress" vacated - by E. Yates Webb, who was recently appoint ed to the federal, bench, defeating John M. Morehead, of Charlotte, republican, da;the face of incom prete returns from practically sll the larger counties, the demo cratic majority ranges net ween 1,500 to 2,000. Mr. Hoey said tonight over long distance telephone that he etimated his majority at 2,000 at lefist. Mr. Morehead said reports received republican headquarters here indi cated a majority of 1,300 to 1,403 for Hoey.: -.... ' - ! In the 1918 . regular election, Mr. Webb received majority of 4,152 over his republican oppo nent, Chas..A. Jones, of "Lincoln ton. . The league of 'nations ttsj ocd of the chief issues in the campaign, Hoey being" an advocate of tho plan, while Morehead is an oppo nent. Services at St- John's church next Sunday evening ct 7 o'dc:'.:. Christmas tree at 3 o'clock Wcdc: day afternoon, Dec. 21. . Service: on Christmas day 11a. m. OfTcri:: for nation-wide campaign.