A;Y to the besThIitcrest people of ; Mcdowell county: 1 -jC: 1896. MARIQNi N, 'CTHURSpAY; ;JAN. 29. 1920 voL,jcxnr no. n t o- v.r - MM , - - 5 ' BOONE NATIONAL PARK governments Consolidates "t h e J '- Boone an d I M o u nt Mitchell . . r .forest ResiBrveSil The Boone purchase area con- tainmi 60.000 acres actually ac- -quireti by the government forestry service and located on -tbe 'head waters of Wilson creek and Johns river in Avery ahdf Caldwell conn ries; anli&edpVIitcbell par 1- - shase rarea of J ino v 90,000 I acjrsqtI i McDawSl&5SinrM -cotiSgnn and'SrlaiffieiovPfe ontfiSeiSfiai forest. MbrehaffOprO iand reciuJ8SiihtK : tEej03ISiat half est-Ea3;Be given-this large boutt- zd ry60Qst:vwir; Ithese tia tivQ forlte that-heHgreat hunter, . DanieTBk )f ycisr3 theBoaae?railliiwa -acgmjtfp l- '""-"eal.- ' ;tiatipnlfi:erM -iin;5bmwhat injerwthohm vrocfforpia wmcU v , --1 i -ZJ'- :.;t?-niln to near :; PaMersoool theIprIbwjnj IUcmhway .. tbreJlriql irons soutfi west KytJoltets Thence vwestfttrsStic KardyiJIeBensacoja "anoSBurns ast direction from. Micaville cti :- PiSebla6vilieand" to Bhfalls Mill$ilth6 beginning . - jThi under fed- eraL-sujJersiont is the land tuallylacired by the govern- lntf COU tains tbe: famous Mount jldileiV While his ; moantain is krio wn the world ofrredvefair othercia pua'peiES; v ihbl pdd in the new eaerrfeifnop 5roufidBpnt MpuhtaiDTablVB randiliwand Grand mpther I oontainau and r ' thel; Greybeard Ifiouti tSnsSThe sheviltrwater- - - ;h comes insidq thd reservation. Phe forest as now established of 0xxr&Q IjnpludeslgMnio thousand resMatelyned land but -3: .4?stp oi - ine Bprtonly thosQ lands actually icaui reblheitf niied States. Asapidiy asjpraianas are thlroKihefolrestr Iwill bcwmelit)the: ; national forest. pExfJudgCraw aBaStJiisbeptan managership of Maxi paign for; the demociitic.s: nominal tiofdrrer innpun'cem aHner3ahe!3em6l griye teS36 the party; and the state ; well :in a legislative career. i. Graded School Honor Roll For Fourth Month. Primary Department?! a r y Rabb, May Hill, Fred Conley, Ed ith Bowden, Francis Ballard, Sarah Michael, Carrie J. Lewis, jDysart Martin, Alvin Banks, Garard Bush. Haskell Led better, Maude Padgett, Mary Goldsmith, Thurley Frank lin, Georgia Padgett, Hazel Whit ten, Paul Branch, Luther Ross, Lewis Smith, Martha Buchanan Kate Cowan -Alice Holmes, Nora Lewis, Beatrice Pearson. Grammar Grades: Loui Bird, Harry Pearson, Philip Ruth, Fern Beard, Bonnie Michael, Martha L. Justice,. Mary N. Bettis, Hugh Bowden, Flovd Glenn Paul Ruth, Helen Franklin, Sudie HoQck, Mary KOuzts Ben W ikon; fian ces Holmes. High School: Ed won Hudgins, William Neai. Elizabeth Reid, Ver non Cooper, Frances Gil key, Pearl Wilkerson, Edna Brown, Mae Cur tis. Irene Franklin, Geneva Link; Robert Hplmes, J oh nnie: Conley Mary Oliver Conley, Kate Mae Ellis, Viola Giles, Leon a Bush, Marguerite Laidlaw, Mayo Laugh JndgefMild red Wilson. 3pistinction Honor Roll: Mary G. Carr, Edith Laughridge, Leona Wilkerson, Mildred Wall, Carlton Gilkey , . Benson Davis, Margaret Craig, Lila May Lonon, Kathryn McCall, Mary Buckley, Jewel Rl clJwtiMijpsephin Butb Cowan Paul Story, Sara M; , SIIDTJKBM SOTOLAKSHTP HONOKBOLI 3 Requirement to get on this honor roll is to make an average grade of 90 or more tn written examina- j tions for all Fall term work no thing considered except grade made on paper. This year only the Sev enth Grade and High School took the written examinations; ail the other grades bud their regular monthly test. The following made this honor roll: Simmie Cross, Lacile Conley, Vernon Cooper, Charlie Mae Ep ley. Pearl Lewis, Elizabeth Reid; Pearl Wilkerson, Everett Henley, Edward Hudgins, Harry McCall, Willianr Story, Walker Blanton, Alice Roone Cross, Irene Franklin, Elma Houck, ;Lenoir Bird, Ruth Cowan, Kate Mae Ellis, Paul Story, Hettie Mae Cannon,' Pauline Cdn- ley, Pauline Hawkins, Mayo Laugh ridge, Sara Margaret Neal. The highest average grade, 97 , was made- by Pearl Lewis, of the eighth grade. Killed By Automobiles. Ilaleigb News and Observer. One hundred and sixty people were killed in automobile accidents in North Carolina last year. More than two people died every week in the State as a result of accidents that might ,have been prevented In 1918 there were 105 deaths as a result of automobile accidents. Forsyth county led the State in the;number killed, with a total of twelve; Mecklenburg takes . sec ond "place, with 'a countof ten ,' and Wake "thirds with seven deaths from automobile accidents. Bun combe county -had -six; deaths and Guilford: fiveV The figures - are taken from : the - records of ..the State department of health. - ? Born to Mrand Mrs. Ci R. Mc Call, January 23," a son. 2- - Tr rr . .: ., i : NEWS FROMrTHE COUNTY Brief J.f entionof Sojne of the Hap penings in McDowell County Items About H6me People. " OLD FORT Old-ForJan. 25,-Qeorge Sanderlin, who $a& had pneumdUla for some time, is improTing; ' Rogers Eanipd, whd has been sick for some time, seems io be improving. Civil engineers havVbeen at work in Crooked Creek township for some time running preliminarylines to find the best route for a goodroad to connect the road to Bat. Cave. Other engineers have been surveying Various lines from near the head of Catawba river and the vicinity of Old Fori across ther Bine Ridge in quest of -the most feasible route for a first-class highway over the moun tain. - :.J Tom Davis has sol cl his valuable farm on the river near town to a Mr. Wilson of Yancey county, Mr. Davis may move to West Virginia, s CHAPEL flILIi Jtlarion, Route 1 Jan. 2$. Mrs. R. E. Bowman is seriouslyjli. . Mrs lie D. LslwId of Marion is spend ing some time withl her parents, M r. and Mrs.; It. Bowman. Seveal of the yptrng- people of this placemen joyed a einging at John Po teat's last torday nfght. .Mias ilamie Bowman spent the week end in Itarlon. Marion Jadgett, and Troy Moody were visitors at oali .Turjuer's last Thursday. Li-D. La wing, of Morgan ton, is visit ing relatives here- v Miss Loma Gtoforth spent Saturday in Marion. teat jsite4rf,ijBex in Xbarie jfartin xaade a business trip to Marion Friday. Miss Clema Smith spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Minnie Turner. ASHFpRD -Aahford, Jan. 26, Mrs. Earl Brown has returned home after spending a few days in Elk Park. 'I Miss Mabel Crockett spent last week in Marion. ' DeiBjrown and Fred Conley went to Marion on business Friday. " Fred Brown enlisted in the navy at Norfolk-Va., on January 13th. Frank Keefe, Jr., made a business trip to Raleigh last week. Mrs. F. A. Keefe returned home -Friday after spending a few days in Hick ory. Reginald Wiseman spent the week end with his brother, Clarence Wiseman. The first snow of the searon fell here Sunday night. Ashford school is making a special ef fort this this week to enroll all of the students before the compulsory school attendance man comes around. DYSARTVILLE DysartTllle, Jan. 26, Miss Geneva Allison Was called to her home at Old Fort last week by the death of her broh ther Arthur, who was killed at . thfe Union Tannery. We were sorry to hear of the sad accident. Miss Bertha Morris attended an en tertainment at her home school at Sugar Hill last Saturday. She reports a nice time. W. H. Taylor will complete the cen sus taking of this township today. The population is estimated at something over 900. B. T. Daves has announced the sale of his property here and will' more- to Iiawrence, S. C. . :. ' ' Clarion, Jan. 257G. 'B.r jWarmer of Murphy is visiting relatives here Miss Ola Walls spent Saturday and Sunday herd with, home folks. ::---: Helen Ledbetter spent the r week-end in Marion;" -- ' t- Miss ' Margaret TqwI of : Ashevfllo spent a while here Sunday with : home-folks.- v - V - - "Miss Pearl 8nlpes visited .friends at Ridgecrest last week. ---.7 - '. s " - Mr.- ad Mrs-Phifer Davis Bpent' last week with' the latter sister in Stroud-town.-- "z ".""z. s " . - ,- - ' iVWajdn McCurry spent Saturday and Sunday 'with home folks in Stroudtown vrtuit, vuiiuijiaajuM iu in dive our v ey of McDowell Schools The State Education Commis sion has arranged to make a com plete survey pf the schools of Mc Dowell county. The plan provides that a sufficient number of experts to test all the schools of the county will be sent to make this survey. Thejsurvey will have a comolete inventory of its educational facili ties. The authorities will know just what stock ison hand and the needs of the schools. This is the Brst opportunity that McDowell has ever had of Vaving a test made by trained and expert educators. It! will reveal to the people the defects and needs of the schools. tVtth the present high cost of everything, the scarcity of workers in every line it is necessa ry that every line of business be conducted on the highest plane of efficiency. With the data that will be-se cured from thlsserrey it is hoped that the Board of Education and those interested in school work will be able to devise plans and means to make the schools .of greater service in every respect. The commission will be in the county, reacy to take up this-work on February 9th. The co-opera tion of ail school officials and teach ers will be greatly appreciated. Marianna Sold. - inff pxase;0Max Gardner of .Shelbiv and D. Gilesv ofiMariom The trader was closed one tlay last week ' 'v. Mr. Bruce Clark has owned and operated the Marian oa for a num ber of years. He is one of the best hotel, men in the State. Be fore coming to Marion Mcv Clark conducted the Isothermal hotel at Rotherfordton. Under Mr. Clark's management the Marianna has built up a wide patronage. It bas a State reputation for excellency of its cuisine and for its home-like environments. Mr. Clark will turn the new ho tel over to the new owners in a few weeks,. While he has made no definite- plans for the fu ture he expects to make his home in Marion. He plans to go on an ex tended trip, to Texas wberebe holds extensive 91I interests, as soon as he gives up the hotel. , The new owners have not an nounced their plans as to how they will conduct the hotel in the fu ture. Court Proceedings The case of J. S. Carver against the Union Tanning Company in Sugerior Court last week resulted in a -Verdict--for the plaintiff for twenty-five dollars. - E. F. Hall was given a judge ment of $2168.05 against Clarence Brigfes. ' . : ; xA':i.rX; .A compromise was 7 affected in the ce of F. A. Moffitt against BardAdams. . . ' .7!'-vS7 ylatnti ff was taxed with -the againW X h&fda way:Contracting Cbmpaijy 7 Tjl 7.V-Z7-' V -The casof the KerrGrain: and HaylCo: i - against Marion Cash Feed Company, j which was taken up Sat urday, resulted in a verdict for. the plaidtiff for $2;:? - Court adjourned yesterday STATE NEWS 0FTHE WEEK Items Concerning Events ef: In terest and Importance Through-7 outthe State. 77 Vard Bradshaw, 17year-old-7 white, is under bond for breaking into a store at Valdese a few nights v ago. He . was apprehended by. & t bloodhound and admitted his guilt. ; William L. Poston, lodged inj the IredeH jail awaiting? trial thU : week for the murder of Otho Mor -row, some time Thursday night . committed suicide by choking him- -self to death. - 7' V t-- The hotel at Hot Sorings, near : Asheville; which was used - during v. the war by the " government5 as!abi. internment camp for Germans. " burned Friday morning, the - loss ; being about $150,000. Corporal Willis Ball was: coa victed in Buncombe Superior Court r pf .the murder of W. F. - McKinC nish and was sentenced to the ten f itentiary for 15 years. ; lie ; kill ing took place several weeks go in Abbeville. . 7 Rutherford ton schools have beeri?; clesed and the .city jcommissioneiit and city board of health have for A bid public gatherings of? any": naV: ture. Church services will be sus-l: pended-under the'ordinance en act-' ed Monday by the authorities as ti 4 precaution against the spread,, bf 5 iwa unangesvAnnouncea in rresi ; dehVsbiheKA Wflhington;yJanoary 27. Twc7 more changes in President Wilsonfc3 cabinet were made- today and ojr third is expected in .thenear fuS ture." ' " -V7 ' David Franklin Houston of St--- Louis, Mo., who has been secretsV ry of agriculture since the begin'1 ning of the Wilson administration, was given the treasury portfolio, and Edwin L. Merith ofpei Moines, to wa was named to snc- r ceed him as head of the department of agriculture. ' - ; The third cabinet change expect- ; ed soon Ts the appointment of a secretary of the interior to succeed" Franklin.K. Lane; who desires (to7 retire to private lifeMrTJlAnesi" successor has hot yet been selected ( and officials . generally would - not ? hazard a guess as towhom7 it 7 - would be. - - -''M Judge Ray Impresses McDowell: Court attendants 7:;; Judge J. Bis Bay, of Burns ville - has been in Marion -for- seyerair days presiding aThis7 first terna of 7 court for McDowell county j It is 7 a civil term and while 7 no,, greatly complicated cases have been on the 7 docketyet,7Judge i has; made ajery J- fine ; impression' by, thelable; and . 7 business-like W manner in 7 which , he dispatches 7 the: duties ; of the ; court, r . r -: 5 --v - : Judge UySvas ap pointed saver 1 al months 4 ago to succeed the late7 JudgeJustice.V He is a: candidate for-eleciion inv the coming election. ; ecretaotthyvKavxrEiela ? orders that : henceforth 7 the warn which this "country -entered into oa 7 April 6ri9l7.7shall-be knon "the world's war.r and shall bo co defined in al 7 official -communica-77 tions jof the navy." 77 i.' S - t ." i, ." "4 I m f'-ji"--zyz r V - St