- i A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF VHE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896r MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1920 VOL. XXIV NO. 26 f 3- TO HONOR HEROIC DEAD f.leraorial Service Planned For McDowell Soldiers Who Fell ; in World War. - The McDowell Post, American Legion, has made arrangements to formally present to the nearest rel atives of fallen heroes in this viein ityCthe diplomas of honor given by the French government. This presentation is to take place next Sand ay, March 7, when a memorial service will be held at the Meteod ist church' at 2 30 o'clock, at which lime the diplomas will be presented ' to the parents, or nearest relatives ; cf the dead soldiers. ' - ,, ' The general public is invited to ,ttend this service, and all ex-ser-'ryfce men of the town and county - tire especially requested to attend ,the ceremony. f The following orogram, which Trill be in charge of Lt J, E. Ka nipe, has been arranged for the .csrviee: . Organ Prelude: Miss Joyce Decker. Song. "America': Congregation. Prayer: Dr 3owden. Beading of $c)cipturesr Bev, Story. Remarks,' McDowell's : Heroes": Rev. T7. L. Hutehins, : ' Duet: Mesdames Giles and Pless. Poem, "France Calls to Me": Key. W. I. Hutching ' Address, "American Legion": Hon. .-- i - w. x unamDers. Beading Honor RollLt. J.E Kanipe. Presentationpf;X!plomas: Hon. D. E. flib 'tarSpairatfed Banner: Con gregation. Benediction r Be v. B. S. Lassiter. Brown-Bright A wedding of much interest took 7.place at Glenwood, Tnursday night, -February twenty-sixth, at eight : o'clocki when Rev. J. M. Brown claimed as his bride, Mrs. Sallie c Bright. xi: The ceremony was performed by Rev. Grady Nanny, of Union Mills, in the presence of a few relatives and intimate friends at the home i of , the bride. ? 3?he bride was becomingly gowned injHark blue taffeta and carried a bouquet of white carnations. The Wedding took jjlace in the sitting room " which was tastefully ar- ' ranged. v -They were attended by Mr. Ralph Hensley andJMiss Mary Snft;Pvatt. Miss Pvatt was at tractively dressed in white organdy. ;vilrs,oBrown was the widow of the late A. L. Bright and sister of Mrs. A. C. Gardm ,of Glenwood. LiSdrs. iBrown is a member of one of the best families of thecounty and is very popular, among her many friends. . - Mr. Brown is a young man of sterling qualities, Jtbe oldest son of l&r. and Mrs. D. 0. Brown of Glen-1 idd&Some ears ago he finished his 'education in the Baptist .Theo logical , Seminary -" o f Rochester, JNew iYork.? He is now pastor of :2tebo;VCl and : Bethel iBaptist churches, and is - verjKmtich liked in his. work. r ' Their many friends wisfrf or them -a: longanci happy ?we3ded life. : grades 5 aiod 6tieDlSigh ScboohIessie: Alexander,! Ovaries tdgettrJ GelrtruelPSCOTa Parks,f VinlmlTeagnell Herbert ;-WilsonS .4 -F--i. , W. A Laughridge Passes. The many friends of Squire W. A. Laughridge, a prominent citi zen of Dysartville, will be grieved to learn of his death, which occur ed at his home Monday, the 1st mst, after an illness of ten days. His death comes as a shock to the entire community. Squire Laughridge was one of the most preminentcitizens of the county. He was always interested in the welfare of his community, county and country at large. He took a prominent part in church work, was greatly interested l n good schools, and was always found on the side of anything that had as its object the upbuilding of the community. Mr. Laughridge was a Methodist, having been a mem ber of that church for a long num ber of years. He was a faithful and loyal Mason, with all that it means. During his young man hood he served three years as a Confederate soldier, during which service he received wounds from which he never fully recovered. Squire Laughridge was married twice. His first wife was a Miss Cowan, of which marriage four children survive. His second wife was Miss Virginia Dysart, of which marriage seven children sur vive. Sauire Laughridge is a man who will be greatly missed io his com- musityaisain countsriiffsirs. Het at one tim served, as a member of the board of county commissioners, in which capacity he rendered effi cient and valuable service. The following are the children who survive him: J. L Laugh ridge, of MarioD; John, Will and Cronje, Dysartville; B. H. and Bobert, Salisbury; Thurman, At lanta, Ga ; Mrs. Dock Weaver, Lawndale; Mrs. A. M. Hutchins, Gsstonia; Mrs. J. H. Walker, Dy sartville, and Mrs. Z V, Daves, Marion. The funeral services were con ducted from the residence at Dy sartville Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the bereav ed family, in their great and irre parable loss. Renew Activity For ,B e 1 1 e r Schedule. At a.meeting of the board of di rectors of the Marion Board of Trade held in the McDowell hotel Thursday it was decided to renew efforts to secure better passeDger train connections with the Southern trains going south in order to have the morning train leave Marion at eight o'clock and connect with No. 36. Representatives of the state corporation commission and from Buncombe county will be invited to meet here and discuss the neces sity of making this change. I. T. Avery, of Morganton and Francis Garrou, of Valdese, ' were visitors attending the meeting. Mr. Avery discussed the .proposed bousing proposition. C. F. James was appointed to investigate and submit, plans, looking toward the formation of a bousing corporation for Marion. ; - ' - - v ... ' AVeather Report. Thomas McGuire, Sergeant U. 8. Army, reports - the . temperature f and rainfall at Marion station for the week as followsii .-',-. : , .. . Mazimnm - - 50 degrees . .Minimum, - 14degreea, Rain .- - - - 0.07 inched Sunshine per cent - .85 .- NEWS FROM THE COUNTY Brief Mention of Some of the Hap penings in McDowell County Items About Home People. BROAD RIVER Mrs. Lyda Richards of Tampa, Fla., is spending a while with home folks. Misses Zora Lee Burgess and Kati4 Owenby of Black Mountain spent the week end at the home of M. A. Bargees. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stroud, Feb. 12, a daughter. George Garrison was called home re cently on account of the death of his brother, Fred. Clete Ledbetter and R. G. Owenbj were visitors at the home of M. A. Bnr- geas, Sunday. W. L White visited at the home of W. H. Morris, Sunday. Abe Currjand two children spent the week end with his father, W. E Cany. Boyd Melton has moYd to Black Mountain. J. S Green is visiting relatives at Patterson A GREENLEE Marion, Rt. 2 . March 1 Ed Bnrgtn i ill with influenza Miss Mattie Tate has retorned to Iter school at Glenwood after spending the week-end at home. H. R. Led better spent the week-end in Marion. JVD. Bianton's children are ill with influenza. Dewey Bradley has returned to his home at Old Fort after spending a few days with eis grandfather, G W Brad ley. J. W. McCurry soent the week end with home folks in Stroudtown. Thor.Greealee- scboohrua nioedoa ao' count of the prevalence of iuflaenz. CROOKED CREEK Old Fort, Rt. 2, March 2 The pie supper at Belfont Saturday nsght was a j 8ucceea The proceeds amounted to j $34 02. The infant child of- Mr. and Mrs Har vey Moore died Friday and was buried at Cherry Springs Saturday. Logan Bradley spent Saturday and Sunday with Charles Parker. Misses Pernie Ross and Cnruiel Mel ton of Marion spent the week end with home folks here. Mr8 SivauLiJ'.h Davis vi-itt-d relatives in Old Fort Thursday and Friday. James Lavender made a business trip to Hickory Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs Thomas Burgin and children are all ill with inflnenzi Bethel school closed Wednesday on account of the illness of the teacher. Mif-s Lula Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parker and two children of Marion are visiting relatives here. John Lytle will leave today for-Akron, Ohio, where he has accepted a position, ...... .. . . . . . O. A Davis is still on the slcfi: list Miss Irene Hogan and brother, Law rence, were week-end visitors at the home of Frank Tnrner. CHAPEL HILL Chapel Hill, Feb. 23 We are sorry our school had tp close on account of in fluenza. We Rave had the beet school this year we have ever had. It was un der the leadership of Tlr. J. E. Kanipe of Marion, assisted by Miss Lona Go forth of Dysartville We are sorry to lose them, but hope to be able to secure them again next year. J. T. Haney is recovering from an at tack of influenza. Miss Lena Swam was called home during the week on account of the ill ness of home folks. Influenza is spreading rapidly. Miss Minnie Tarner was shopping in Marion Saturday. Chapel Hill, March 1, Mrs. H. Smith in vflTv ill. ha vine suffered a D. re- lapse of influenza. C. D. Holland is visiting his uncle at Rocky Path. John Simpson and little son, Hoke, of Rocky Path were visitors in this com munity Sunday. Ur. and Hra. D. W. Toney of Marion apenr the week-end with the hitter's par ents, Mrand Mrs. John Poteet. Mr. and Mrs. Will Huffman were via- iters at the home of the fonner'apArenrB Sunday. OLD FORT Old Fort, March 3. Inez La rem Ebbs, the three-months-old infant of Mr. and Mrs. W. a Ebbs, died February 24. at their home in knoxrille. Teen., the baby was brought here for burial. The funeral services were conducted by Rer. A. F. Mock, assisted by Rev. Church, Thursday, at the home of the deceased's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Will iams. Interment was at Old Fort Cem etery. NEALSVILLE Nealsville, March 2 MUs Mabel Tate of Greenlee was visitor here the first of the week. The maDy friends $T Miss Bertha Eng land will be glad' to learn that she Is re covering from an operaticm -for appen dicitis at Long's Hospital. SLatesrllla Miss Ellen Cnrson of Pitts spent th week end with her sister. Mrs. Bord Pyatt Jeese Morgan made a business trip to Marion Wednesday. Many friends and relatives were shocked to hear af the sudden death of Mrs. Joe Morris of Forest City. Mrs. W C. Morris and daughter. Miss Leota, attended the funeral of the deceased. Fred Guffy of Vein Mountain was a visitor here during the week. Mr and tti&vE. S. Brown were visit ors in Marion yesterday. Fred, Grady and Mills Craig of Cali fornia were called home by the illness of their mother. Mrs. Joe Craig, who underwent an operation at Long's Hos pital in Statfettville during the week Miss Elie Stacy spent the week end with ber parents at Nebo. Claude Mashbure and Carl Swann spirit Sunday- at GrrenJer ' The remains of Mrs. Cleo Johnson of Stateeville were brought to KealsTilla. her former home, yesterday for burial. An impressive funeral serVfoe was held at the Baptist church by Rey Bow den of Marion. The deceased is sum ved by her husband and two small children, a' father, three brothers and four sisters Influenza, followed by pneumonia caused her death. Miss Pearle Teter spent the week-end with her parents in Morganton. j Dr. Thomas Holds Great Revival in Lewisburg, West Va. j The ureal revival meeting lately ; held in the Old Stone Church. ! LewisburR, dosed Sunday night, ; October 26th, after thrte weeks of ' almost constant prayers bj the j church people and preaching day f and night by Kev. Trigg, A. ' M. Thomas, of Kansas City, asist- ed by the earnest efforts of the pastor, Rev. W. H. DaBose and f by the Presbyterian and Methodist i . . preachers of the community, ana by W. G. Maltermire,uf Birming ham, Ala., who led the large choir. The number of deciisons for Christ reported as the result of this meeting is large. . At the service on Sunday morn ing, November 2od, the Session of the Old Stone church received' 136 Dew members, including affiliate memberships from the two schools and the number received by letter, and it is believed there will be others. Quite a number f the converts connected themselves with the Methodist churchy Here it may be remarked that one of the most notable gratifying features of these revival services" was the harmony. erworjeration and good will with which Presbyterian and . Methodist preachers and people worked to gether for the clory of the Mas ter's kingdom on earth. Lewis- bars Exchange. Dr. Thomas will be in Marion March 28th to Anril 11th. The board of county commiobcrs were in session Monday. Very little except rontino business was transacted. - STATE NEWS OFTHE WEEK. Items Concerning Events of !c tercst and Importance Througb out the State. Daniel C. Roper, commissi oner of internal rereuDe, will resign Lis office soon to retire to priratc life, Ex-Got. IL Glenn moooncta that he will sapport" UeaL Got Gardner for the Democratic nomi nation for Goyernor and will soon publish a state men I in support of Gardner. Mrs, C Manly McDowell died at her home in Morganton Wed nesday afternoon of mfloenta-pneo monia. Her husband axd two children surrire, Mr. McDowell is jest recovering from inSoenra. A woman' conference, to which, will be inn ted the women from all denominations in the state will be held in Charlotte on March 8 9 and 10, in connection with the Dis torts conference which is scheduled J under the anspicess of the inters church world moTement. Willis Wikle, in jail at Brysca Gty on charges of murdering Co lumbna Wiggins, a Tolantecr Red Cross nurse, while the latter was nursing at the home of WTkle in the Xecdmor section of Swain county, attempted to commit sui cide in the jail by cutting his throat. Wikle was cacght before fie could bleed to death. Hs is being closely watched to prereat another attempt on his life. James M. Godger, junior, mem ber of the hocse of represents ti?es from the Tenth North Caro lina district, in the &Sth SSth, 62od and 63rd congresses, and 0 fi ef the most prominent political fig ures in western North Carolina, died at his home in Asherille Son day morning at 7 o'clock, death being due to heart failure. While be had been ill for eome time, bar- jing suuerea a stroK ox apopiexx i several months ago, bis death carue as a great surprise to the members of the family and friends. C. A. BSackwelder Dead. Old Fort, Feb. 23 Caleb Alex ander Black welder, formerly a resi dent of McDowell county, died at Tampa, Fla., at the home of 'his daughter, Mrs, Mattie Laws, Feb. 23, at the extreme age of 91 jesrs. and was buried at Siloam cemetery near Old Fort, Feb, 25. ' - The funeral service was connect ed by Rev. John L. Ray, pastor4 of the Presbyterian church, assisted by Rev. R. F. Mock, of the Meth odist cburcb. The children surviving Mr, Blackwelder are: L. C. and Vt VL Blackwelder, of Old Fort; Mrs, Lucillalrvin.Sahtbury; Mrs. flat tie Russell. Andrews; B. P. Black welder and Mrs, Sarah Hajrernian. Idaho; Mrs, Mattie Laws, Tampa, Fla.; Mrs. Luke Lancaster, Lan caster. Wash., and R- A. Black welder, Montana, together with quite a number of rrand -children, Srcat-fcraad-cnild rea and prtit great-crand-childrcn. . He was a soldier in HiiT bri gade in the Confederate arryr, was wounded during ths bitUe cl Gettysburg and was also srousded the same night that General Stone wall Jackson was killed. Lee Conlej bad the cusfcrts to break bis arm while cmnkir.: an antoniobile Tuesday. , V . ':-." .V. r

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