''i--' ' ; ; L-S' - ''.V ' V" " 1-'- - ' ' - r' i' . . . -V :v'-:. 11 r t , - - I A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. lOJION, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 20f 1920 VOL. XXIV Np. 37 r-.A - - - J' (J v.--. " "-.-... i -. . - .f- 7? . m COMMUNITY SERVICE Arrangements Made to Begin the Service in McDowell County to Start About June 1. Arrangements have been dom pleted with the State Board of Com ma nity Service for giving this ser vice to McDowell county. Mus Yiolet Alexander, of Mecklenburg county, will be director of the work in McDowell. Mr. W. C. Crosby, State director, will be here to in augurate this new work and to see that it is properly started in Mc Dowell county, starting June 1st. The object of this service is to promote a more wholesome condi tion in the rural communities. It will be in the nature of movirg oictures, entertainments and other attractions. It will not only be entertaining, but educative in that lectures will be given on sanitation, hygiene and proper living. The work is being carried on in -several counties in the State and the people are much pleased with it. Under the plan of the State department, the service is given to tdn communities in the county. Each community will, in this way, have the attractions every two weeks. It is not yet definitely de cided what communities in Mc Dowell county will be selected. This will be decided by the State director. Ex-Governor Glenn Dead. A Qspatc ad a, dated Monday announces the death of Ex-GovenorR. B Glenn, w hich occq rred at that place Sat u r- day nighW Governor Glenn was found dead in his bed Sunday morning death resulting-froxx heart failure. He was .attending the Interna tional Boundary commission meet ing -when the end came. The only person at bis bedside when death came; was a trained nurse who had been bis constant attendant for the past year. Robert Brodbax Glenn was born in Rockingham county in 1854. He was educated at Davidson col lege, University of Virginia and Pearson's Law School in Yadkin. After practicing law in Stokes county, he served in the legislature -of 1880. Later he moved to fcWin-ston-Salem, where he continued the (practice:. of his profession,' becom ing solicitor, district attorney and -state senator.. He was elected gov ernor in 1901 and (luring his term saw statewide prohibition put into effect, a development in which he had a larga share. After the end of his term as gov ernor, he was engaged in lecturing and was in great demand as a pro hibition speaker. Suffrage Leaders to Visit Marion. Mrs. Chas.,Mv Piatt, of Ashe ville, former president of the North Carolina !qual r Suffrage Aisojcia tion apd now chairman of th&Tenth district ratification committee, and Miss"Lavina Englev field secretary of the Natibnal l Association, will , Visit Marion next iweek and will discuss the ratification otf the ' amendment to' the Federal Gonsti- tutioh and citibenshi p work under league of women voters at, a meet ing at the court housed next Tues day afternoon ai 3 o'clock. All ix ft n1 i II xf i ntri tftf -to nttfthd the f?v5Sr ' tneetin.c - - " -. ' Revival Meetings to Begin Sunday. Dr. J. E. McManaway of Green ville, S. C, an evangelist under the Home Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, will open the revival at the Baptist church next Sunday morning. The meetings will continue through three Sundays, closing June 6th. Everybody invited and all the churches in town asked to co-operate as fully and heartily as possible. Mr. McManaway is a good preach- 1 DR. J, E McMANAWAY er of the gospel; congenial, sympa thetic and helpful. All night ser vices will be at eight o'clock and the day meetings will be deter- Sunday morni og. The new Sunday School rooms will be formally opened at the Baptist church next Sunday morn ing at 9:45 o'clock. After a brief opening exercise o f the school. Secretary Er L. Middleton, of Ri leigh, will make an address on 'The Church and Her School." The. entire Sunday school and church are asked to attend and join hearftly in this jubilation Service. Mr. Middleton is secretary of the Baptist Sunday School Board of North Carolina. At three o'clock in the afternoon there will be a mass meeting olf all the Sunday Schools in and around Marion for the purpose of creating a greater Knterest in this line of church work. l!his meeting will be heldxat the First Baptist church, and Mr. Middleton, who has had a long and rich experience, will speak OldFort School To Close, The annual commencement of the Old Fort Graded School will begin next Friday, May 21, with the declamation and recitatiuD con tests. Several boys and girls will compete for the medals in these contests and the occasion promises to be a very interesting part of the commencement exercises. 9 On Monday nightthe class day exercises will be held. , The pro gram consists of the various class parts and the literary address by W. R. Chambers, of Marion. The Old Fort school has had a very successful year. The people have been well pleased with the work of the school and the teach ers. At a meeting op the board of trustees recently practically the entire faculty was re-elected for the coming year. North Carolina produced 14 per cent of the peanut crop of the United States in 1919. NEWS FROM THE COUNTY Brief Mention of Some of the Hap penings in McDowell County Items About Home People. CROOKED CREEK. Old Fort, Rt, 2, May 17 Mrs. J. S. Lavender has been seriously ill for sev eral days, but is improving. Mr. and Mrs J. J. Carswell visited relatives in Montfords Cove and Nebo Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Layender and son, Jennings, of Marion, visited relatives here Sunday. Lee Lavender is visiting friends at Mount Pleasant. Mesdames Charles and William Gill iam were shopping in Old Fort last Sat urday. Luther Marlow has moved to Virginia. Mrs Maggie Lavender and daughter, Miss Estelle, of Old Fort, spent the week end with relatives here. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Robert son, May 10, a daughter. Miss Lula Hicks spent the week-end at her home in Ca aw ba' Valley. Carl Morris spent last Sunday in Ma rion. N. Davis is seriously ill with dropsy. Mrs. Wheeler Davis and daughter, Essie Mae, were shopping in Old Fort last Saturday. - James Byrd and family o f Black Mountain visited relatives here Satur day and Sunday. Edmund Davis of Marion spent the week-end here. CATAWBA VALLEY Old Fort, May 17 The people of this section have about finished planting corn. Mr. and Mrs. William Porter of Swan nanoa are visiting the former's brother. T. A. Porter spent the latter part of last week with Miss Annie Bradley. Mrs. Gk F. Bradley and little daugh ter of Forest City are visiting the form er's parents here. Margaret Porter has been seriously ill witlsamnonia and typhoid, but is improving:. Miss Annie Bradley and sister were shopping in Marion last Saturday. Au aeroplane passed over the valley last Thursday going east. CHAPEL HILL Chapel Hill, May 17. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Swann of Spruce Pine visited relatives and friends here during the week. Mr. Benfield and daughter of Hickory spent the week with the former's sister, Mrs J. R. Huffman. Mr. and Mrs. Tate Mosely of Marion , nt Sunday with the latter s uncle, J. A. Swann Rev. Britain of Nebo spent the week end "at the home of C. D. Holland. Friends of Noah Turner will regret to learn that he is seriously ill with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Poteat of Marion spent the week-end with relatives here. GREENLEE Marion, Route 2, May 1? Mr. ancl Mrs. W. I. Crisp and children are visit ing relatiyes at Topton. M. H. Grant spent last week with his brother near Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Tate spent the week-end with relatives near Old Fort. Sidney Hall has returned to South Carolina after -spending a few days with homefolks here. Miss Florence Wright has returned to her home at Topton after a visit to her sister, Mrs. W. L. Crisp. NEBO Nebo, May 18 We are very glad to note that material is being brought in for the new school building and that 4 the prospects are bright for beginning work on the building soon. We hdpe it can be completed for the next term of school. The Sunday schools are progressing aicely with good attendance at both churches. Plans are under way for the observance of Children's Day the latter part of June. Miss Georgia Sigmon Is visiting her brother at Bridgewater. ' E. J. Cuthbertson moved his family to Gastonia last week. Mrs. M. Annis and daughter, Mrs. Smatlrs, of Canton, are visiting the formers son, Gh G. Annis. R. "T. McGimsey spent Sunday with his father neat Bridgewater. We are glad to welcome home quite a number of our young people Who have been off teaching and in school. OLD FORT Old Fort, May 18 -J. H. Miller of De troit, Mich., is spending a few days in Old Fort. Cletus Tate spent the week-end with relatives in Black Mountain. Miss Mabel Crawford spent Monday in Asheville. Miss MadelineMashburn spent Mon day and Tues daV in Asheville Rey. John L. Ray preached his last sermon at the Presbyterian church last night- A number of young people of Old Fort enjoyed a straw ride last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs Cox of Gastonia, are visiting at the home of D Y. Graat Cari Greene spent the week-end with home folks in Asheville. Mrs. John White and family spent the week with Mrs. George Hyams. Mrs. J. H. Pavne spent Sunday with her parents in Asheville. R. B. Cannon is visiting his sister, Mrs. A. B. Finch. Capt. D. M. Mcintosh and family have been visiting relatives in Richmond, Virgjjjtia, for the past ten days. J. IT. Birdand family of Black Mou: -tain visited relatives here Sunday. Jack and John. Fortune of Asheville spent Sunday with relatives here. Miss Travis Salisbury, of Salisbury, was the guest of Miss Madeline Mash burn a few days last week. Cross Mil! School Closes Success- ful Term. The Cross Mill school closed n very successful t school term with an appropriate program on last Friday night. The exercise was composed o f plays, recitations, songs, etc., by the children of the various grades. The pupils ac quitted themselves in a highly cred itable manner, reflecting much praise upon the teachers, Mrs. Blanche Hollancrand Miss Nelle McCurry, for the excellent train ing they had given the students for the occasion. At the conclusion of the program by the school, short talks were made by Supt. N. F. Steppe and Rev. W. L. Hutchins. The school at Cross Mill has been very satisfactory in every respect. The attendance has been good throughout the year, and much real work has been accomplish1. The people have co-operated in a very admirable manner in making the school of real service to the community. Xnev have been well pleased with the teachers during the year and sent up a unanimous request for their return to teach te school next year. Clinchfield School Closes May 20. The closing exercises of the Clinchfield high school will begin on Thursday evening. May 20, when the lower grades will give a program consisting of songs, drills, plays, etc. On Friday night a play will be given by the high school grades. The teachers and pupils are tak ing incLch interest in the prepara tion of the program for the oc casion, and it promises to be the best that the school has ever bad. The public is cordially invited to attend the exercises on both nights. Farmers' and Farm Women's convention'at Raleigh, August 24-5-6. STATE NEWS OF THE WEEK Items Concerning Events of In terest and Importance Through out the State. Asheville, Miss Dti& Burnett, feff the past thirteen years a teacher ij Buncombe county, and trae of the berj knows of local educators, was eleel rural superrif or of the county etam tary schoeli. Wilmington, Wilmington propeeel million dollar hetel seems assures' according to chamber of commertl official!. The . sum - total of subsoripi to date is nearing the $400,600 mark. Spencer, According to information from headquarters of the state hiffbj way association at Greensboro ta building of a hard surface road 'bs tween Spencer and the Yadkin rirej three miles north ef here willhare ti wait for awhile en account of no biu being receired. ' CberryriUe, Jehm J. George, caii f the most prominent citizens ej Cherryrtile, and one of the l4iai cotton mill men in ths secton wa elected mayor, C. A. RudlsllU T. Q Summer, J. D. elereser aneT N. JL Ea6 riek. oo ramies loners, and Tf. C Htc elerk. ftsherfflAtJk--IL A, BeU r? tt ety cSnarttiUed fttieiie by himself ia tae mwth with a JX-Ubd pistol, death resulting almost instantly. There is no direct cause if the haw rible act Mr. BeU went , to bed aj usual and got xtp early. Allen, The farmers of this cornmun ity hare been taking adrant&ge o the farorable weather preparing the if farms. Owing to the recent r&f&i farmers sf this section axa Boxaewhal late getting their cotton planted. ; "The Eyeror t VThe Eyes of the Wbrfd the, photoplay from HaVofd Bell Wright's truly great novel, showo. at the Grand Theater oo next Mon day, is a big and intensely in teres V i ig production. The photoplay follows the-au-thor's story with exactitude and the characters on the sc.etu arcthe characters from the priges of the n ;vel to the life. The exteriors are things of beauty. The rugged, towering mountains of Sn Berifardino couty and the orange jjrnvrs and rose gar dens around Redland, the locale of the story, have been exquisitely photographed into scenes of rare charm. It took eight months to film Tha Eyes of the World" and the photo play shows it in the careful work ing out of the smallest detail. The picture is one of the best eve shown in the city. Its story is big and vital, but yet fall of the human interest of e very-day occur ences among every-day people. UiviJ Service Examination. An open competitive-examination under the rules of the D. S. Civil Service Commission for the position of postof&ce clerk in the postoffice in Marion will be held in Marion on June 5. All persons wishing to take this examination should secure blanks and file their applications with the local secre tary at once. Mr. Joseph Nathan Harrelsoa died at his home at Nebo, 'Tues day, May 11, after a lingering ill ness. Mr. Harrelson, had Been- in bad health for a year or more and was forced to give up his position with the Seaboard Airline Eail way last November. He was 24: years of age and is survived by two bro thers and two sisters -x Mr te