'rr-'-.-.'-V-,-- f . . ' ' . A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWt ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1920 VOL. JOIIV NO. 3S - " ;-. vw j --; . , ....'-. ... .;. .... . '-- ... f . L J) - OLD FORT SCHOOL FINALS Exercises of a High -Order Mark - Close of a Successful Term Faculty Re-elected. The annua! commencement of the Old Fort hih school bepan on last Friday night with the contests In declamation and recitation. A large number of students of the high school participated in these -contests matting the occasion one of great interest to the people of the community. The recitations -and declamations were of tery high order and reflected: the excellent training which the students had been given by. the. teachers. An -overflowing audience was present the Friday night program. On Sunday the annual sermon -was preached by Dr. Clarke,pastor -of the Presbyterian church o f Asheville. Dr. Clarke preached a very able sermon, which was well attended by the people of Old Fort. On Monday night the graduating exercises were held. The program -consisted of the clas3 day exercises as follows: Salutatory, Miss Myrtle VMcCorry; class history, Cletos Tateclasa will . and testament, "Miss Myrtle McCurry class pro phecy, Joe Crawford; class grumb ler, Carl Greene; (nstrnmental solo, .Miss Ma& Jordan; valedictory. Cle ans Tate. The young graduates acquitted. themselves well and the apera,.wjo:lbd -quality, and preparation. - . At. the. conclusion of the class Zeroises, -Sdptl G; B. Strickland in appropriate words presented the -diploma Io; bisnaV wordi to the -class, MrwStrickland admonished x the young men and! women $o ever 4ive iap ; to .their . ideals; that it should be their endeavor to serve -rather than to be served.- A feature of Jhe Monday night program was quartet'selections by Irs. Adkins, Mrs. Miller, Miss Evans jind Mr. Strickland. County Supt. N. F. Steppe spoke briefly of the work of the school and of the other bib scbools-in Vthe county. Mrl VV. R. Chambers Aof Marionwas the speaker of the occasion. -He spoke of the impor tance of edncation and proper at titude on the partof the commun ity. Mr. Chambera address, owing to the lateness of the hour, was orief and to the pomf, but much -appreciated by the large audience; The 01d Fort school - bis bad a -yery. satisfactory year. The attend ance has been by far -the largest the school has ever had. The work accomplished in the gradeahas been of high quality. Mr. Q. B. Strick land, superintendent for the past Jwo years, by his strict devotion to duty has done much for the" cause rof education in Old -Fort. In his work he has had tHd"co-operation of the people of the town. The work of the school has pros pered to such a large extent under Mr, Strickland's management thatl it has become necessary for tne school to provide more room, and -equipment: To meet the -present ' " needs the School Board is putting ; - the old bnildintf in first class con dition for lnser during the next year. . Several additional teachers, : will be added to the faculty. The V .grade teachers for the past year were: Mrs. Chas. Steppe, Mrs. Strickland, Misses Mary Burgin, "Clara Griffin, Alice Shrock, Ethel At . - i "i ' ' ... -.. .1 . :. V .- v. . : . .. . -y.. : ' x.xv . : ; , " '-- vv " '"'..-:" . ' G&e, "r:,:-:-::--- -:-:-:;:-.vS.:::.-:-x-.:----::- ;r r :hW ill rid: ,ji I uji, i ft I , I f-li pJf f ....r;. ;!n-0 i! it irn! " wHL- r 1 UJi! ;f illUJJl JliOBll JLlL i i - " ; OLD FORT HIGH Miller, Pearl Evans and Mamie Wadley,-who have co-operated with the superintendent in making the school year the best the school has ever had. At a recent meeting of the direct ors, Mr. Strickland and his corps of teachers were re-elected for the coming year. Marion Mill School Has Success ful Closing. The Marion Mill school con eluded a very successful year's term on last iFriday nbt . wjth tbeanBual enfertainment.. The program consisted of songs, plays, drills add an operetta by the chil dren of the various grades. The children had been well trained for tbft occasion and performed their parts in a highly creditable man ner to both pupils and teachers. The closing exercises were attend ed by a very large crowd of the village people". The Marion Mill school has had a very successful term. The attendance has been the best the school has ever had. Very few tardies have hern registered against the pupils during the past year. The work of the various grades has been very efficient and the pupils have made creditable pro grets. The people have taken much interest in the school and have co operated with the teachers in every possible manner. Recently an ice cream supper was given for the benefit of -the tchoof from which was realized $179.71. Part of this money will be used to purchase books for the library. The principal for the past year has been Miss Delia Gibbs, of Garden City, who has served the school in this capacity for the ,past three years. Miss Gibbs has rendered very efficient service and the people have been well pleased with her services as principal of the school. She has been, ably assisted by Miss ess iMitb'Lonon, Cassie Patton, and Clara Bird, who, bylheir un tiring energy4 and devotion to the school, have done their part in making the work for the past year very satisfactory in every respect. Marriages. , The following parties have been recently, married by'Key. J. C. Storv:' Mr. Hiram' Brooks - and Miss Bessie Martin of Clinchfield MiHs. Mr. H. DDuIey and Miss Stella Church of Rhodiss, N. C, and Mr. Lawrence Hall and Miss Bertha Ward, of Marion Mill. SCHOOL BUILDING NEWS FROM THE, COUNTY Brief Mention of Some of the Hap penings irv McDowell County Items About Home People. C.1RLYLE Nebo, Route 2, May 24 The farmers of this section are Retting along nicely with their crops The rainy season has caused them to hnstle. The community was indeed surprised to learn of the marriage of Dowie. the only daughter of Mr.1 and Mrs. F. T. Childers of this place to John P. Teagne o!.Hickoryt which waa solemnized J.n Marion Jast Saturday. The bride has many friends aid Ls lortMi by all who know her. The groom is a prosperous farmer of Hickory. Miss Maude Arrowood of Newton vis ited homefolks here through the week end. She was accomyanied by Wey man Case of Horseshoe. Mr. and Mrs. Sam (vuthbertson visited the former's parents Sunday. A large number of Carlyle folks have gone to Canton Ohio, during the past few weeks. Grady L. Davenport visited relatives n Hickory during the week. H Gk Arrowood and daughter, Myrtle visited relatives in Glen wood recently. The favorite pastime in Carlyle is fishing, which is very much enjoyed. Mrs. Roby Crooks and children expect to leave in a few days to join her hus band at Mount Airy; Mrs M. L. Goodman left Friday for Erwin, Tenn, The Sunday School at Oak Grove church is progressing nicely under the leadership of J. Hemphill. CATAWBA VALLEY -Old Fort, Route 1, May 24 The Oak dale school, taught by Mrs. T. H. Alli son and Mrs. W. Hicks closed Friday. Miss Flora Steppe was iq Marion last Friday on business. Charlie Gibson of Cliff side has been visiting friends here the past week. J A Silver and daughter, Maude, were in Marion last Thursday on busi ness. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hensley, May 21, a son. 4 Mrs, G. F. Bradley-returned home last Thursday after an extended visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. 11" Hicks. VMissLula Hicks spent" Satttrday in Marion. , , : ' CROOKED CREEK. Old Fort, Route 2, May 24 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dayis and children speni the week-end with relatives in Old Fort. Claude Bradley and, Mr.: Howell of Black ; Mountain visited . the fprmer'sj parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bradley James Morris has accepted a position in Spartanburg. '. - " " Mr Ledbetter of "Nealsville spent tlie week-end, here with his sister, Mrs J. J. Cars well, ' .. , - W. G. Lavender of Old Fort visited his parents here Sunday. ' -n . ? A number of young people enjoved a singing at the home of Mr. and . Mrs. Frank Tnrnerlast week.- Misses Annie and Janev Parker eroent the week-end in Old Fort: Forrest Lytle of Catawba Valley vis ited friends here Sunday. James and kee Lavender made a busi ness trip to Asheville Friday. , Neice Davis died at his home here Thursday after a lingering illness.' He was 50 years of age. Interment was made at Bethel Friday. Jasper Davis of Henderson spent Sun day with his brother, Decatur Davis, who is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Wiler Davis of Old Fort , at tended the funeral of Keice Davis, last Friday. : ' .. ; ' Misses Pearf and Rosa Turner and Lee Lavender ahd'Carl, Morris attended a party given by Misses Ethel and Nora Bell Morgan at Curfew Saturday night , - DYSARTVILLIl Dysartsviile, May 24 Herbert Daye is making preparations to move to Ma " rion, where he will engage in the mar cantile business. v - A large crowd attended the memorial services here yesterday.' It was a greitt success. The exercises were the best of the kind ever held here. v . Mrs. J. Ray Denton . and little son, Homer, of Attanta, Ga., are visiting relatives here. '.- .. James Laughridge and family of Ma rion were visitors here Sunday: ; -s Mrs. Beecher Denton and two daugl) ters of Lawndale visited relatives here last Sunday. ;;f Mrs. Kate Taylor 6 e$b spent te week-end here. Miss MamieGoforth returned home last Qatnrday from Clinchfield school where Bhe has been teacMng since Jn. tTr David Laughridge and family of Ma rion spent a few days -here last week. , G- R. Satterwhile and family o f ridgewater visited relatives here Bun day. W. A Dysart and family of Hickory were visitors here Sunday. J. S. Cowan arid family of Marion spent Sunday with relatives here. J. C. Goforth made a business trip to Nebo last Saturday. Miss Mary Kirksey and Frank Cowan returned home from Wallbury school last week. OLD FORT Old Fort, May 25 Miss Adeline Wil kinson delightfully entertained a num ber of her friends at a rook party last Friday evening. The hall and living room were made unusually attractive with spring. flowers. After a progress ive game of matrimony and other amus -ments, a dalicious salad course and ice cream were served. The following were present: Missed Evelyn and Sadie Bur gin, Mabel Crawford, Elizabeth Biddix. Ethal Miller, Maggie Allen, Pearl Evans, Gertrude DoZa and Li Hie Lytle; Messrs Herbert Duncan, John Ariz Fred Brad ley, Frank Allen, E. R. Keeter, O. L Shelton, Forrest Lytle, J. & Williams, Qyrus Frazier, Reuben Young and Joe Crawford. . . Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Johnson and little daughtet, Frances;of Partington, S. C, are visiting the former's mother, Mrs T.j., Strange. Little Alice Goode of Forest City , is spending some time with her grand mother, Mrs, Maggie Allen. Mrs. J. L. Nichols, who recently un derent a very serious operation at the Biltmore hospital, i s improving rapidly. - MONTFORDS COVE NeaUville, May 22rMost ot the farm ers of this" section have finished plant? Jig. '. :' On Sunday, May 30, at 11 oclock; Rev. Reid Harris of Asheyille will preach at Ckhcbrd MT E. church Everyr body cordially invited.' ' 5 ' . "" ' Mrs. Nancy Harris is still very ill; bu t we hope she will stou .recover.,,- ss - Mrs. C-M. Hallv who ' has been quite ill, is improving. - .Thci 8thicqngress of tfe iritenja tional woman' spffra-ainaiice meets at; Geneva, Switzerland, Jpne6?l2iirsdsephosDamels will be tbe; official representative of the United States' government at theT meeting. STATE NEWS Oft HEAVEEU Items Concerning Events of jnv terestand Importance Through ; out the State; v ' ; i. Mr. Henry A Page has resigned ; as fair price commissioner of North I Carolina, assigning ill-health as ' reason. ' : r . ' The women teachers of Ashevillo r-' have presented to the mayor and ; city commissioners ai petition for -t the same pay as male teachers ro ; f ceive. ' ' ' ' ; J E Dockworth, aged-i92, "ind father of; twenty child renhas proi fessed faith: and 'Wasjbaptisedat Xibey.y creek, ;Transylvania coari ; 1 ty. Fast week. - ' v Hoy Ronnion, a Madison county " farmer," his wife and their two - babies, were Ikilled Sunday near Hot Springs, when their antomo bile plunged over a steep embank- V ment- 'on ,a.;dangers' monntaia -curve. Jeter a passcn- ger,walsoMi&d- V Sehato'p Overman has recom-, mended to the. President the ap polntment of W. O. New land, for- i mer lieutenant governor of North j Carolina, as the successor of -tho t late exGovernor R fbert'S GlenT, .. as a member of the ioteroational v joi n t commission. .CThis copimis- i sioh is named to' settle . con trovers- ies c arising between, the' . united; ! -States andiCanada't over" boQDdarjr' -waters aoq; the position ls.considcz d a federal si necure , i The navy recruiting officer ffoni Astieviil will spend May 31st and V Juii 1st in Marion In; the interest of navy recruiting, and will be gladv to (explain any; part of the navy ta . those interested." 'He. can-also" C3- plain the nayy -pay .bill which" . has v passed and is now a law. This bill carries a liberal ihcreasbf pay for' enlisted men and also a :provisigav that should be 6t particular Motor est to all ex-navy men, , - " - -v " ' v. i' -." Tha Fayetteville Chamber,, of Commerce has issued invitations to all Chambers of , Commerce in, tho State of North Carolina to be re presented at a meeting oii June 9 1920, at Fayetteviile. The pur pose f this meeting is the orgso. izatipn of a State Chamber of Com -mere to take care of such probleisa as freight rates, shortage of farm labor, education, and all other mat ters pertaining: to the welfare of : North Carolina- Manufacturers bankers, professional men; and; d! other business interests are oboK invited to participate. ' s ' Revival at Baptist Church, The revival services which : bo gan at the Baptist church on list Sunday are drawing good crowds and every evidence points to a very successful meeting Dr. J. E. Mac Manaway of Greenville,; S. C. ono of .the :- leading -preachers of tho Baptist church, is preaching yery ableVsermonsr -Br. . MacManaway talks in a clear cut manner and his sermons are simple and to the point "So farimly two services daily nro field, in the morning rat 8 o'clocls and atr night at 8. v Bylavote of .228 . to 139 tho HpuseFriday, passed c the Senate resbju tibn declaring Uhe i war with -Germany and Austria dt - an end. -Two Republicans voted against it and IS Democrats supported it.