A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TQ THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. i ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1920 VOL. XXIV NO. 39 0 ' - V: m i V v - : V , ft EPWORTH LEAGUE WORK Instructive District. Institute, Od- ganizedty.Miss Brad ley, Held . Here Last Week. Last Friday evening at the Me thodist church here was the closing of one of the most instructive Ed worth League institutes ever held in the Marion district. This pro gram began Thursday afternoon when delegates from nine Epworth jeaguesof the Marion district met here and organized their institute work under the management of field secretary, Miss Grace Bradley, of Asheville. The program was interesting and iustructive through out. Rev. J. O. Ervio, of Asheville, Rev. W. L. Hutchins, of Marion, nd Rev. G. M. Pickens, of Mor .ganton, delivering addresses dur ing the institute. Thursday even ing atthe Methodist parsonage a beautiful lunch was served by the Epworth league of Marion to all the visiting delegates and social games and other amusements were held preliminary to a program at the church devoted to instructions along the line of the "Third De partment in the Epworth League." District Secretary W. M. Shuford, of Morgan ton, was in attendance on 'Friday. Rev. Dawsoa, of For est City, was also here and partic ipated in the work of the institute. - $K&Jfa$$y jpg&j&a splencUdim; pression on the people of Marion" Delegates to the annual league. con ference at Winston Salem were chosen as follows: Misses Pauline Hawkins a n d Mildred Wilson; Messrs. B. L. Lunsford and Lee ConlGy. t A Great Record. North Carolina measured u p splendidly in the number of Dis tinguished Service Crosses award ed in the late war. New York fur ntshed 368,000 troops to the armies id France and won 613 D. S. Cross es. North Carolina furnished 73, 000 men and won 173 D. S. Crosses. North Carolina stood twenty-first mong the states in the number of men furnished but seventh in the cumber of O. C. winners. 4 The 30th Division," composed of trap pi from North abd South Ca rolina, Tennessee, and the District of Columbia, .is credited with an veb dpzenvMedals ot Honor, the highest a wanlia the gift of- the ?wai othej! t4iyisioQ received ; J od 4he:30th also wpn307 D; S. C's. The - next- divisions in w order of honors were the 2df-1st and 3d. Rockingham Post itch. ' .... Successful. Revival . :- The ievival services at the First Baptist cha -by "gey. EJMcManaway? are being atten ded lljarge crowds and much in terest is being manifested in the -raeeting. Dr. gllcM .preaching strong sermons and bas inade a very favorable .inpressioh pbnlali iwho have 1 heard him His sermons" are plain and simple, rot pointed and convincing. 4 . is messSesiire muchtgQCd no oubt ilresnlt f rpm the- meeting.; -There has al ready been tweaty-fo& additions ttofthe cbnrch; ;Thej meeting: will continue tbroughdnt the week with torservices:daiIyv atll o'clock in at Board of Aldermen Ask. Railroad to Erect New Bridge. The Board of Aldermefi of the town of Marion is making an. ef fort .to have the old bridge on Main street crossing the railroad removed and a mdde'rn concrete bridge erected in its place. The matter has been taken up with the railroad company and it is hoped that the old bridge will be torn down at once and a new one built. The old bridge has always been an "eye sore" to this part of the town. It is not only unsightly, but probably not any too safe. A new bridge could certainly be de manded and it is hoped that the board of aldermen will be able to induce the railroad to build one in m keeping with the town. Marion to Have New Hospital. The J. L. C. Bird home place has been purchased and will be con verted. into a hospital. It is re moved from the business section and consists of several acres, mak ing it very desireable for this Dur pose. The plans of the nqw hospital are not yet definitely determined. The build ing.will be fitted up with the best of furnishings and all neces sary equipment. The hospital will be financed by local capital and managed by local people. It should mean much for Mxwon ladMcDbweTT' ''tJoanVy? The hospital will be incorporated aider the name of The McDowell Hospital. Lertbir Bird teaves for Washington Lenoir Bird, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. C. Bird of this place, left last week for Washington, D. C, where he expects to make his home for a while, at least. Lenoir was very popular in Mar ion wqere he is known to everyone. He finished the ninth grade in the Marion Graded School at the last commencement, standing very high in bis class. He is one of the best boys who has ever been brought up in Marion! and has many friends who will regret to learn that he will no longer make his home in this vicinity. Jewell Reid Giles Sustains Hurt from Fall. Jewel Reid, daughter of Mr. and fljrs. ; P. F. Giles, sustained a rather pllnful though not a peri manent injury a few days ago, by falling froma shade tree on the lot of the Giles home Thelittlegirlhad climbed the tree some distance when she lost her grip and fellto the ground. The left leg struck a snag, making a verv ugly wound. From the-last reports the little girl was getting along very nicely. Sheriff Mashburn reports the capture -of a large copper still on the head waters ofOedar Creek, in Broad River township, on Monday night. Alarge quantity of mash was destroyed with the plant. .That the . conegatidD may at tend ; the Tevival services at the, First Baptist cbbrchT Rev. J. Cl Story announces that there will be no church " services at the First Presbyterian church next Sunday. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Mrs. O. A. Jaquins, of Dysarts ville; spent Saturday in Marion. NEWS FROM THE COUNTY Brief Mentionof Some of the Hap penings in McDowell County Items About Home People. NEALSVILLE Nealsville, May ' 31 Mr. anch Mrs. John Goforth spent SoDday in Ruther fordton. Several of our citizens attended the Memorial services at Bethel, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. O. Q. Lonon of Pitts spent the week-end with the latter's sister, Mrs. W. B. Pyatt. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs Bert Swann will be glad to learn that their little daughter, Hazel, is getting alony nicely following an operation at the Rutherford Hospital last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Poteat spent Sun day afternoon with friends in Ruther ford ton. Mr. and Mrs. J. C England of Spin dale spent the week-end with daughter, Mrs. Claud Morris. GREENLEE Marion, Route 2, June 1 Lock Tate has been quite ill for the past week but is improving. J. G. McCall made a business trip to Parian last Saturday. Mrs. W. L. Crisp and children have returned from & two weeks' visit to the former's sister at Topton. Mr. and Mrs." M. H. Granfepent Sat urday in Marion. Harry Towe has returned to Asheville after spending the week'-end with his family here. E. M. Tate was in Marion 'one day last week on business. J'. B. Woody made a business trip to Hickory last week. GAR DIN Marion, Route 1, May 31, Robert Cars well has succeeded Herbert Daves as mail carrier on , the Marion-Dysartf-ville Star route. Misses Mary and Vera Wacaser left Friday for Morganton where tbey will attend t,he Burke summer school. A large crowd from this place attend ed, church at Pleasant Hill yesterday J. B. Higgins left for Mount Airy last week. The farmers of this section are busy with their corn crop. Noah Turner is reported very ilL Mrs. Fred Webb spent a few days with lier parents last week. CATAWBA VALLEY Old Fort, Route 1, June 1 Mrs. A.L. Hicks and daughter, Frances, are visit ing the former's son in Canton. Mrs. P. H. Allison is very ill &iss Annie Bradley nas returned home from Belfont where she has been en gaged in teaching school. The farmers of this community are very busy with their crops while the weather is favorable Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Griffin visited their daughter in Old Fort last Sunday Ur&. William Parker faaa .beeh; verjs; ill for some time. We are glad to know that Margaret Porter is able to be out after being ill for some time. David and Azor Griffin of Ridgecrest spent the week-end with homefolks here. W. Parker and son, Arthur, have re tained to Winnsboro, S. C, after spend ing a few days with home folks. J. A. Silver spent last Sunday with his daughter in Old Fort. Mr. and Mrs, W. G. Porter were vis itors at the home of Hamp Bradley on Mill creek last Sunday. Bulow Kelly of Winnsboro is spending a few days with home folks. Revival at Sevier Begins Sunday. Rev. J. Or Story will begin 'a revival mcetiDff at Sevier Presby terian church next Sunday, J une 5., Rev. IHnard Gillr Of CharfoiteY will assist the pastor in the meet--3 iDg. There will be two services each day, in the morning and at night. Everybody cordially in vited to attend. T. M. Dayis, of Old Fort, spent Monday in Marion. Adjourn Congress is final Decision Washington.- Republican leaders oi the house and senate agreed tentative ly on a final adjournment of Congress. Many members of both the senate and' house, however, " have indicated that they prefer a recess for the po litical conventions to a sine die ad journment and this may cause a change in the plans vas tentatively agreed on. Final decision as between a recess or an adojurnment, it was said might hang fire until the last moment In a conference with the senate leaders, however, Reprsentative Mondell is un derstood to have been advised to go ahead with his adjournment resolu tion under the assumption that It probably would be found satisfactory to the senate majority. Only the Armenian mandate resolu tion and conference reports are on the list of important measures slated for passage before Congress quits. United States Losss Revenue on $1Q,000,0C0 in Bonded LJquors. r New York. More than 1,200 per mits to remove liquor from bonded warehouses in New York and vicinity have been found to be forgeries which netted $10,000,000 profit in the last two months, according to , tho New York World. War Nerves is Newest Thing In London in the Way of a "Jag.M London. The newest "jag" is war nerves. And it Jsn't punishment. War nerves tend to give a sober person the appearand of being drunk. Mag istrate Leycester warned the police when they brought in a driver charg ed with driving a car while drunk. The man was discharged. Ttrtrat"TTx;itroTf PtarrU Are to B -Bought and Operated by Government. Washington. By unanimous vote, the senate agriculture committee dr dered a favorable report on the Wadsworth bill authorizing the acqui sition and operation by the war de partment of the nitrate fixation plants, at Sheffield" and Muscle Shoals, Ala., Soldier Relief Bill is to .Find Rest In Legislative Graveyard. Washington. The soldier relief bill was before the senate, probably for. reference' to a committee, which opponents of the measure said would be rirtuaily "interment in the legisla tive grareyard. Persuing Pleads With the American People to Fulfill Obligations. Washington. -A plea that the Am erican people be not swerred by "personal ambition or political ex pediency" from fulfilling obligations to less fortunate peoples who con fidently look to us for help," marked the memorial day address of General John J. Pershing delirered In 'the Ampthitheater at Arlington national cemetery. Worse-Whipping Brute Escape a Deserved Lashing lit Colorado. Colorado Springs, Col. J. D. John son, of this city, escaped a lashing with a horsewhip because Police Court Magistrate Manning was un able to find any one with sufficient courage to administer the punish ment. Johnson was arrested for beating a horse. Hevwas sentenced to pay .a fine of $25 and receiye -twenty-nre lashes with the same whip he had used on the horse. Marshal Petaln Tells of Grateful ; ? Feeling of Frenchmen for America, Paris. Marshal Petadn, commander-in-chief of the French army, stand ing on the slopes of Mount Valerien, the" last stronghold of .the French during the siege ot Paris In J.870. told 1,000 persons assembled in the little cemetery oCSuresnes Sunday of the Beatitude of France for the-sacrifices made by the sons of America In the cause of Fran6e ou-her soil during the great war. Women in black-predominated in te asffemblage..! : The Guild of StJohn'slChurch will meejb this afternoon- at 4:00 o'clock with Mrs. J. E. Gay: STATE NEWS OF THE WEEK Items Concerning Events of In terest and Importance Through- out the State. .Famps M. Gray, disttict agricul tural agent, reports the plans fora big co-operative cattle rale at -Spruce PirematuriDg with rapid ity, much interest b"eing taken by. the farmers in staging an auction that will bring together from 1,500 to 2,000 headof beef cattle early . in September for the sale. Of this number Avery county feels sure of having at least 1,000 on band, with, a possible 500 to 1,000 comsng from Mitchell and Yancey counties, it is said. - The board of directors of the State school for the blind at Raleigh was in session Friday and exoner ated the administration against whom four definite charges had been preferred by ten teachers who asked an investigation. The man agement was given hearty endorse ment. The specific charges were in efficiency in general school manage ment, lack of co-operation with both teachers and pupils on the part of the administration, aojnst dis- . charge of teachers, neglect of ser ioub condition in the boy's building. State's Educational Budget Passed The State board of education, has' appro red a bud VoT$3; 4 4 0 177.17 or the public schools of the State. Of this amount three, and a quarter millions were spent for.. teachers aod school ad mi mstratiorj -90 per cent of which has already been paid out. The remainder -will be apportioned as the schools close their year's work. Of the total amount collected for. school purposes in the State, $959, 233 was paid by the corporations -and the remainder from the tax . levy. These figures do noticcluBe the special tax levies by the conn- ' ties, districts and cities which' the State board does not administer. The total disbursements for tha schools in the State during the past year is estimated at upward of $7,000,000, ar an average of about $15 per child of school age. Whatit Costs Some of State Carr f didates to Run.. Candidates have filed, their ex pense accou nts with the .Secretary, of State ana the following ara noted; ; O. Max Gardner, for Governor, $4,683.48. . A. Lu Brooks for United States . Senate, $2,150.02.? Mrs.' Mary Settle Sbarpe, for State superintendent of public in struction, . "not a ienny has been ; expended by me except the $2ff entrance fee." Her Democratic opponent, Dxv E. Ci Brooks, re ports the same. John Parker, Republican candi , date for Governor, $109. ; Robt. N. Page; for Governor, s $5,263.50. t ::5i :' Judge B. F. Ixnff,or associata justice of the Supreme Court, $120. Cameron .Morrison's cainpaign for Governor has cost him v6, 050.- -60 tip to the nicht of the 25kb. . , .'V .l':' '"' "" Tha House. Saturday, by a Vota : hi 289 to ,92, passed the soldier rq- liei'Oiii -uu ,i,:uvw-'6ww w Senate.?" ' - v : : . . II xs- v; '---.. P. -y- . - -