.a A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWElL COUNTY. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPT. 23, 1920 VOL XXV NO. 3 ESTABLISHED 1896. r 1 V :-. o - V--'"-'" 1 'r : LEADING CITIZEN OF MARION PASSES AWAY Dr. Geo. I. White Died in Mor ganton Monday After Long Illness Funeral Here Tues day Afternoon. CLINCHFIELD SCHOOL OPENS ITEMS OF INTEREST The Clinchfield school opened Mon-j FROM THE COUNTY headed by Miss Mary Greelee, prin- - Brief Mention of Some of the Happenings in McDowell Items About Home People. OLD FORT Did Fort, Sept. 20. Miss Mary Mauney, who has been visiting Mrs. cipal. Everything was ready for the j beginning of work on the opening day. Miss Greenlee had been at her office for some time outlining the . t, t t wi,;in I work for the coming year, and had The aeatnoiyr. urKc . prvthint? readv for beeinine what rrf whYch TleSU at ad Oaks expected to be the best year in the J. M. Mashburn, has returned to her nere, wracn hiitnrv of the school. home in Badin. Sanitarium, at Morganton, childreB and teachers assem- Miss Bessie Roe Flemming left morning at one o clocK, wnue ex- auditorium for the Saturday for Asheville to take train- -pected tor some tv-, opening exercises and for the an- ing at the Mission Hospital deepest gn " " r nouncements. Miss Greenlee, prin- thU, through his effort, it has pro pres moted pn.ct.caHy all of the mdus interesting talk tries that made a . name forth feo of students lTSSL ent. M, Little emphasi.ethe im- was , . " . .. portance of education and told of his -ond his high Christian character . , "u 1 6 . AflPri-fa fr nrnvirtP t n hpst. for the made him an extraordinary power in . , raaae nun miuf v- jd people of the mill village. He was -the community, and it might be sa d P attention by the that he was for many years not only who showed by the ex- a leading cWien, but the leading IP were bom in Wilkes f Mr" Li"'e'S eff0rtS ounty in 1866 and was 54 g years of gchool hag the larK. prp at the time of nis aeaxn. xie Age ai me uiuc census of school children in the graduated at the University of Mary- graouateu at W1C J us county. The attendance on the land in 1890, making the highest .n average in anatomy of any student P e in the history of the f buUdin wa3 fied to its pracUced medicine in W.nston-Salem cap8city and there i, now short time, later go ,ng to Mont- additPioaf rooms for some of wyre he was a member 01 tne .... , ff of the State Hospital for about the work o tne scnoo 3 Messrs. T. J. Fortune and Elmer Comer of West Asheville spent the week-end in Old Fort. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mashburn en tertained the following young folks Wednesday night: Misses Jennie j Stirewalt, Annie White, Lola Alli son, Cora Laws, Vivian Sawyer, Bon nie Fortune and Bessie Flemming; Messrs. Jack Hoffman, Clarence Mauney, Harry Burgin, Reid Grant and Royce McDaniel, in honor of the nineteenth anniversary of their daughter, Miss Essie. Miss Thelma Grant, who is taking a business course in Asheville, spent the week-end at home. Miss Gertrude Durham is visiting her mother in Knoxville, Tenn. Mrs. W. F. Grant of Marion spent the week-end here. A party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Flemming Fri CONGRESSMAN WEAVER SPEAKS IN MARION Hon. Zebulon Wearer, of Ashe- ville .present Congressman from this district and candidate for re-election this fall, spoke to the voters of Mc Dowell county at the court house here Wednesday, September 22. Mr. Weaver has had large experience as a legislator, having served two terms in the Hous of the North Carolina Legislature and later serving two terms in the Senate. Since 1916 he has represented this Congressional district at Washington and his record is one that is thoroughly in keeping with his promises made to his people when he first asked to represent them. In his speech Mr. Weaver referred to the great work of the Democratic congress since 1913, contrasting it with the record of the Republican party since it has been in power, and conclusively showing that the Demo crats had more than fulfilled their campaign promises and made good their platform while the Republican party has not a single constructive piece of work to its credit, Mr. Weaver showed, too, the falacy of the arguments advanced by the op ponents of the League of Nations. The League of Nations, he said, is composed of the Council and the Assembly represented by 37 differ ent Nations, each of which has one representative. The Assembly is merely a body before which the plans SUPERIOR COURT NOW IN SESSION Judge W. F. Haxdmg Presid ing Orer Two Wee kV Term --Several Cases Disposed Of Superior court for the trial cT -riminal and civil cases conTeoei here Monday morning with Judge YT. F. Harding, of Charlotte, presiding and Solicitor J. E. Ship man prosecut ing for the State. The morning session was taken ap with the selection of the grand jury the judge charge to the grand jury and the reading of the docket for the term. Judge Harding's charge tov the grand jury was very able and comprehensive. J. L. Wilson of Nebo was made foreman of the grand jury and W. G. Lavender is officer. Ashe Buchanan plead guilty to forcible trespass and judgement was suspended on payment of cost. Stan Biddix plead guilty to charge. of manufacturing whiskey and judgment was suspended for three years on payment of cost Sid Hemphill, retailing, not guilty. Albert Forney, for assault with deadly weapon, plead guilty and was fined $100 and cost. In another case for carrying concealed weapon he was found not guilty. I. E. Mariow plead guilty to the charge of contracting for personal benefit and judgement was suspend ed on payment of cost- Jasen Rhodes plead guilty to the t, ... ito Be adopted by the League may be e work ot tne scnooi. ressie xvue. ytiuu " v , . . A, , , ,v e wwia. vm. .... idKniwH. rs the final Dower and the rm u il v. .rl K r TavriT vtroa trrooT tr Pn " ' ' 1 i - three years From Morganton he ,s : "7 Tr ' " 'I" rit of action in th League i inlchKrc of rryinR conxld wpca to Sarion where hfpracticed foUow: ( Mi Mary Greenlee, P"! Joyed by .H. Those present were . P is con,.jand drew a fine of fifty dollar, d Us lrTiess? some time before en- cipal; Miss Runyon. tag h , M,e. . Bonn.. f f nh' I posed of one representative each cost. ms pruicsoiwii "w. o-iivrtl. M m Mvm fioforth. Lottie 1 Mae Allison. Bula Kanipe, Millie ta- r . ., t TT -r.;t gaging in the banking business - Qla Wall and ! nilc. Gertrude Durham, Helen Davis, from nine countries, tive o: tnese ; enry , " In 1895 Dr. White was niameo to - - - Mashburn. countries being permanent ineji,. 1 n x ri Mq United States, England. rance. i Ueorge uuncan, cnaxgeta wiva . Clara Griffin; Messrs. Clarence Mau- permanent in the nlt with deadly weapon, wat foaad ney. Grady Nichols, Harry Burgin, -v y ' ,;u . . . -r, T ,. i.. council wnue me remaining ioui hJ r.' . M,k D.ton. son of Mrs. J. B. o,c ,.p ou.7 . mled by tne A-embly Andrew Smith w fcand ci!tr M He is also survived by bent0r. of this place, died in Ashe- l '"- it sees fit. He explained also .on a char of larceny. SUe. - I ... , , . mo It S 8UU rtllicu uiuaun. three sisters, Mrs. J. wn nams ville from tne enecxs oi an .njury Arnev reti s jr, 1 Q5 Dr White was marnea i,u ' , , in iyo ur. wrv Louise Porter, CTade teachers Miss Mamie Sinclair, daughter of the s i a. r t t Qi-nlai-r whn. with one , .71- M.a White, and MACK DENTON DEAD. lUI CC siaiio) I and Mrs. J. H. Shaw, of Greensboro, that he received while in military ser- t . t ' that the League did not take the war not yet announced. and Mrs. J. N. Stone, of San An tonio, Texas. The affection and esteem in which he was held brought a remarkable demonstration to his funeral. All of the leading citizens, as well as the poor and humble, attended, and in every way possible indicated love and respect for Dr. White, and the floral gifts were unusually lavish aftd beautiful. Dr. White was an elder in the Presbyterian church for many years, an officer of the graded school board and a director in the majority of the industries of the town. The funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church Tuesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, conduct ed by Rev. J. C. Story, pastor of the Presbyterian church, assisted by Rev. W. L. Hutchins, of the Methodist church. The tribute paid by his pastor was eloquent, forceful and with deep feeling. The sympathy of the entire com munity goes out to Mrs. White and family in their great bereavement. Among those in attendance upon the funeral from a distance were Mrs. J. H. Shaw and Mrs. J. B. Wil liams of Greensboro, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Kearns of High Point, Dr. and Mrs, J. A. Sinclair and Miss Violet Lyerly of Asheville, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Henderson of Burlington, Mrs. Ben Montgomery of Spartanburg, S. C, Mrs. Carlotta Smith and Mrs. Phifer of Morganton. making power of the United States ; The civil docket will probably be . i vice before his return from France. no nuy - awmy from Conjrre and did not af-, taken up today aV IT i f t, wppV feet the sovereignty of our country1 Tic Ppar Evans sDent the week- j-" e j . ... u . n v niivpr in the least. He asked that the vot- end with her sister, Mrs. I). N. Oliver . , . a ers of this district keep faith with at Montreat. returning Monday e UA fc i tne soiuier oena in r raiu-e l m-'uhk -4 Mr. Denton entered St. Leo's Hos pital where he was a patient for sev eral months. From St. Leo he was cprtt to the Winvah Sanatorium, i vn r rT"i in (T Asheville, where he was under treat- i ment up to nis aeawi. , A , , OT.c h BttpnHd Field's Mr. Denton at the outbreak of; A. , . j v. j ! Minstrel Saturday night, the war volunteered his services and i j uie wdi vumii Misses Bessie and Georgia Greene was assigned to the 105th engineers, . . , , ov-ll0 M. , . . , . took in the circus in Asheville Mon- where he performed active duty un- i til wounded. Mr. Denton before go-i ; ... LIBRARY TO BE RE-OPENED The Ladies' Library Association )rnmf; , , . 'for those who stood for the League ' WR5 for number of years a most Mr. Keeter returned Monday from , , v1 ; Vi--- ing to the army was engaged in the real estate business at Greensboro where he made many friends who will- regret to learn of- his passing. He was married in 1917 to Miss Lot tie Hughes, of Greensboro, who be sides his mother, Mrs. J. E. Denton, Mrs. M. G. Poteat, Miss Dewey Den ton, Hugh, Earl and Charles Denton, and a sister, Mrs. Stanford, survive. The body was carried to Greens boro on Monday where the interment was made on Tuesday. Mr. Denton was a young man 26 years of age. He was reared in Burke and McDowell counties where he has many friends who will be shocked to learn of his untimely death. The sympathy of the community goes out to the grief -stricken mother and other members of the family. Frances went to Asheville Monday. Herbert Duncan returned Monday from his home, where he has been on account of his mother's illness. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Marshall and Miss Frances Artz are visiting Mrs. Fisk in Asheville. A flnmncfir HPTICP shower WES Mr. Weaver had among his audi ence many ladies who were very en thusiastic, as were the rest of his heavers. He appealed to every per son to ca.-t aside partisan principles i arid play" the part of a full-blooded American rather than that of a i Democrat or Republican. After his address a very enthusiastic meeting of the ladies was held at the Demo cratic headquarters to make plans ; ! for the entertainment of Gov. Bick- , ' ett who will speak here on Friday, j uomesuc October 1st. and Hon. Cameron Mor- given in the Domestic Scmence room or at the school building Friday after noon at 4 o'clock. Several of the ladies of the town brought utensils suitable for the kitchen, which were appreciated. Punch was served and a pleasant hour passed. Mr. Britt of Asheville spent Sat urday in Old Fort, the guest of Mrs. Charlie Burgin. Geo. W. Lemons and family of Dallas. Texas, who recently spent some time m uiu run, - riron who will also speak here Tuesday, October Quite a number enjoyed the com munity singing given by Lee Laven der at his home Sunday aitemoon. ; f Markm and whie she Ured lha c r,T,,4 Mtc Vrod Wilson of Old' . , . . . i. OliU . . - for the last three years it hrs not been active. Rlairing the need lor it, and missing the plearur ard benefit derived from it, the members of the Woman's Club have recently Uken over the book about fix hundred and fifty in number and will at a very early date be in posi tion to op-en same to the public Through the courtesy of the public spirited owners, a suitable room haa been secured in the new Tate-Giles-Ples3 building at a nominal rent, the book-cases hire been moted in. and the work of re-lirting and thelring- the books will begin at once More than twenty year gi throusrh the efforts of the late Mrs. Thomas, the library became a reality Fort visited the latter's parent. Mr. and Mrs. Silvers. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mauney of Old Fort were the guest of Mr. and Mr?. J. S. lavender Sunday after- ENTERTAINMENT AT NEBO. The play, "Aunt Jerusha's quilt ing party,"-will be given at Nebo Friday night, September 24th, in stead of Oct. 1st, by the members of the community league. The married men and women of the community represent the characters of the play. Ice cream and cake will be sold and the program will be closed with a cake walk. An admission iee oi iu and 25 cents will be charged and the proceeds will be used for the benefit of the school. Everybody is cordial ly invited to attend. lt; Subscribe for the Marion Progress THEATRICAL ANNOUNCEMENT. The Grand Theatre in announcing the presentation of "Everywoman" on Wednesday and Thursday of next week desire to state to the public that this picture is an allegorical pre sentation of the life of every woman. It is claimed by the Paramount-Art- craft Co. to be one of the most beau tiful and perfectly produced pictures that they have ever made, and it was selected by the local management as the best picture available with which to openthe new theatre in the Tate and Giles building, but on account of delay in completing the new build ing, the picture will have to be shown at the old theatre on the dates pre viously arranged. through Sunday returning to their j no y homo after having spent ine suimnn in Asheville and other points in Western North Carolina. Mrs. P. C. Harmon returned Sat- urday from Asheville where sne spent the week-end with her sister. Everyone who attended the enter tainment given at the school audi torium Tuesday night by the Ha waiian was highly pleased and said 'come again." R e e 1 a n d c n i : d - ren and Mrs. Ft: a Heel of Curfew Mr. and Mrs. was ever keeuly interested in it and untiring in working for it, giTiric liberally both of time and mexnf. In appreciation of this it has been decided that there could be no rsore fitting name given it than Tee ' F.orence Thomas Memorial Library. While the library will be ur.der the direction of the Womia'i Club, yet spent Sunday with Frank Turner. ' O. A. Davis spent Sunday with h:s i mother on Cedar creek. i Miss Myrtle Lytic spent last week: visiting relatives in Old tort. book twice a, week- It is earnestly t., TVin "R, hn; been rirht sick i ... -n J1I t A.'-w but is improving. . i. v.:i in no wise oe r.eces.ary a club nit ruber in order to become a subscriber to the l:brary- The due will be one dollar and a hsif per year with the privilege of gttir Twenty-five per cent of the men who were drafted into the army ctuld not read nor write English. CROOKED CREEK Old Fort, Route 2, Sept. 21. The farmers of this community are tak ing advantage of the beautiful weather and fodder pulling is pro orrotinc rapidly. Grayson Bailey is attending the reunion of the 81st Division at Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Carswell have moved to Nebo. Mrs James Lavender and children spent the latter part of the week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wlliam Condry. near Bethle hem. Mr. and Mr. Porter Fortune spent Sunday with the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. John Ross. Miss Llora Steppe spent the week with homefolks near Old Fort. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Davis of Old Fort visited the latter parents Sun J (Continued on last page) hoped that many of the men and all others interested in promoting the welfare of the town will become subscribers. As soon as possible & goodly number of new bocks will be placed on the shelves and crsca pleasure, as well as profit, ts prom ised. Any one desiring to atcnbe to the library may do so by paying the subscription price tn a driver. Apply either to Mrs. J. Q- GufceTt chairman, or Miss Margaret WiJ low, secretary of The Florence Thomas Memorial library Association.

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