A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, NOV. 11, 1920 VOL. XXV NO. 10 5: 'i y - Writ'"-. ' : " 7r v OFFICIAL VOTE OF Mc- DOWELL COUNTY NOV. 2 Weaver Carried County by 273 Majority; Millard Po teat Has Largest Majority, Gov. Cox carried McDowell Coun ty in the election Tuesday, Nov. 2, by a majority of 248, while Senator Overman defeated A. E. Holtoh by 249 votes, the final totals in county . tabulation shows. Millard G. Poteat, Democratic candidate for county "treasurer, received the highest vote of any of the Democratic candidates, defeating his Republican opponent by a majority of 512. Congressman Weaver's majority over Jenkins was 273. The official totals for county candidates, as compiled by the board of canvassers last Thursday, fol lows : Presidential Elector. Albert L. Cox, D. 2809 McKinley Pritchard, , it. 2561 v- For U. S. Senator. y Lee S. Overman, D. 2817 A. E; Holton, R. 2568 For Representative in Congress. Zebulon Weaver, D. 2827 L. L. Jenkins, R. 2554 For Governor. Cameron Morrison, D. 2821 J. J. Parker, R. 2563 For Lieutenant-Governor. W. B. Cooper, D. 1- 2818 Irvin B. Tucker, R. 2567 For Secretary of State. J. Bryan Grimes, D. 2818 Brownlow Jackson, R. 2567 For State Auditor. Baxter Durham, D. 2818 J. Ed. Mehdennall, tt. 2567 For State Treasurer. .Benjamin R. Lacy, D. 2818 Joseph J. Jenkins, R. 2567 For Supt. Public Instruction. E. C. Brooks D. 2816 Mary Settle Sharpe, R. 2562 For Attorney-General. Jamesl S. Manning, D. 2817 Herbert F Seawell, R. 2567 For Com'r Labor and Printing. Mitchell Lee Shipman, D. 2818 Charles H. Somers, R. 2567 For Commissioner Agriculture. W. A. Graham, D. 2819 A. L. French, R. 2565 For Commissioner Insurance. Stacy W. Wade, D. 2818 G. W. Stanton, R. 2566 For Member Corp. Com. At J. .Maxwell, D. ' 2817 James H. Ramsey, R. 2567 For Asso.-Justice Supreme Court. W. A. Hoke, D. 2818 Thurston T. Hicks, R. - 2568 For- Asso.-Justice Supreme Court. W. .P. Stacy, D. . 2817 J. E; Alexander, R. ... ..2568 For' Judge Superior Court, 5th Dist. J. Lloyd Horton, D. 2818 For Judge Superior Court, 8th Dist. "E. H. Cranmer, D. 2817 H. Edmund Rodgers, R. 2566 For Judge Superior Court, 18th Dist. J. Bis Ray, D. 2826 Op V. F. Blythe, R. ... 2557 For Solicitor. J. E. Shipman, D. 2852 Garrett D. Bailey, R. 2547 For State Senators. Lawrence Wakefield, D. 2840 James Alexander, D. 2832 Nollie M. Patton, R. 2551 J. E. Kanipe, R. 2570 For Representative. William W. Neal," D. 2873 Johnson N. Nesbitt, R. 2520 NeaPs majority .... . 353 For Sheriff. James L. Nichols, Di - 2861 -Joseph M. Mashbum, R. 2515 Nichols ma j ority . . 346 For Register of Deeds. 21. Fred. Barnes, D. 2873 Thomas L. Epley, R. . 1- 2507 - J - - Barnes' majority ... 366 ' For Treasurer. Millard G. Poteat, D. 2941 John M; Tyler, R; 2429 ; t ' Poteat's majority 512 For Surveyor. Louis A. Haney, D. 2887 John M. Houck, R. 2480 Haney 's majority 407 For Coroner. John B. Johnson, D. 2830 Clifton R. McCall, R. 2562 Johnson's majority 278 For Commissioners. J. Logan Lackey, D. 2848 J. Oscar Wilson, D. 2822 Jonn G. Pyatt, D. 2848 Leander W. Gettys, R. 2534 Clarence M. Pool, R. 2548 William Treverton, Jr., R. 2551 Marion Township Magistrates. Adolphus Snipes, D. 1252 Oscar Adkins, D. 1271 Peter Cannon, D. 1258 E. H. Dysart, D. 1258 W. C. Roland, R. 918 Wm. Sweeney, R. 873 W. C. Stroud, R. 874 J. G. Reynolds, R. 872 For Constable. V. P. Cordell, D. 1230 B. L. Robbins, R. 824 In Old Fort Township J. C. Sand lin, T. L. Tate and C. C. 'Burgin, Democrats, were elected magistrates, and Earl E. Eller was elected con stable on the Republican ticket, hav ing no opposition. In North Cove Township C. H. Hollifield, Green Chapman and R. A. Lonon were elected magistrates; B. .M. Denney and W. A. Elliott, constables. Broad River Township elected J. N. Dotson and A. C. Owenby as magistrates. In Dysartsville Township R. F. Sisk, W. B. Daves and J. L. Waters were elected magistrates and H. C. Daves, constable. SERIOUS ACCIDENT ON BLACK MOUNTAIN RAILROAD A serious accident happened on the Black Mountain Railroad near MicavilJe, Yancey county last Fri day, when two coaches went off the trestle into a creek, instantly killing William Dodson, travelling salesman employed by the A. Blanton Gro cery Co. Mrs. G. B. Justice suffered severe injuries and J. W. Pless was badly bruised and shaken up. Mrs. Justice was carried to the Ruther ford hospital where she received treatment, and Mr. Pless returned home Saturday morning, and while his injuries are very painful, he is making satisfactory progress toward recovery. Several other persons, in cluding members of the train crew were slightly injured. It is said to be one of the worst accidents that the railroad nas suffered in a num ber of years. The Black Mountain railroad runs from Cona to Eskato, in Yancey county, a distance of eight miles, Cona being the connecting point with the C. C. & O. The accident happened as the regular train was en route to Cona. The cars were heavily loaded, it is said, and it is considered a miracle that more peo ple were not killed. Many inquiries have been received as to the condition of Mrs. Justice and Mr. Pless. Their many friends will be glad to hear that their in juries are not severe. DEATH LIST OF FATAL ACCIDENT IS NOW FIVE. The death list as a result of the tragic accident near Old Fort Sun day, the 31st, was increased to five Wednesday evening, when W. P. Condry, father of another dead vic tim, died in the Biltmore hospital, shortly after an emergency opera tion was made as a possible means of saving his life. Paul Condry, his son, age nine, was killed instantly when passenger train No. 15 struck the Overland car in which the eight were riding, while en route from Marion to a singing contest at Bethel church, Old Fort. The accident occurred at Morrison's crossing. The remains of Mr. Condry were brought to Marion for interment last Thursday. ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM THE COUNTY Brief Mention of Some of the Happenings in McDowell Items About Home People. OLD FORT Old Fort, Nov. 8. Rev. R. F. Mock and family left last Friday for Bryson City, where Rev. Mock will take up his work as pastor for the coming year. The six months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bright is on the ick list. Mrs. Geo. B. Strickland, Misses Mary Burgin and Elizabeth Biddix spent Saturday in Asheville. Misses Pearl Evans and Katheryn Bailey went to Asheville Saturday to see the musical comedy "Irene." Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Steppe of Ma rion were visitors in Old Fort, Sun day. Miss Aletha Crisp spent the week end with Mrs. C. C. Arrington. J. H. Duncan and Eugene Keeter motored to Asheville Saturday to see the musical comedy "Irene." George Buttz, Jr., of Wilmington, Deleware, was the guest of Miss Frances Artz, yesterday. The Old Fort High school is plan ning to give an entertainment Fri day night, Nov. 12th, for the bene fit of the Basket ball team. Dr. and Mrs. John B. Johnson and little daughter, Mary Margaret, have returned from a visit to Mrs. Johnson's sister, Mrs. Alexander, at Fayetteville. Rev. Foster, the new pastor of the , Old Fort M. E. church, delivered his first sermons Sunday morning and Parker was called to Shelby during evening .and was received favorably , the week on accotint of the serious by the large congregations present. illness of her mother. Mrs. White. Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Gilliam enter-' Mr. and Mrs. Tate Moseley of tained a number of young people Marion, spent the week-end at the Friday evening in honor of their home of the latter's uncle, J. A. daughter, "Miss Viola. A good time Swann. was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. J M. Kar.ipe of Old Athol Sawyer "spent Sunday in ' Fort were visitors in this vicinity Marion. Sunday. Avery Flemming, day engineman Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rab at the tannery, was suddenly attack- ertson, Oct. 30, a son. ed with kidney colic Monday mom- Mrs. Charles Poteet spent Sunci.-.y ing. with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Miss Bonnie Fortune spent Sun- Holland, day and Monday in Black Mountain. Miss Lola Allison is on the sick GRADED SCHOOL HONOR list. dii i rno nrTORTD Wilburn Epley met with an un usual accident at the tannery last week. His foot slipped, causing him to fall on the machinery, crushing his hands seriously. Mrs. James Lane and children of Blantyre and Master Oliver Byrd visited Mrs. Chas. Steppe, Sunday. The honor roll of the Old Fort school is as follows: First grade: Mary Virginia Adams, Ethel Burgin, k,QfT0 vi qo1tv,q ri-.Vi; Jtort1 Conley, Kate Cowan, Jeanette rJeatiice rreeman, belma rincn, w.,, , ri n , v . V. i xr u Gilkfey, Edwin Finley. Carlton Gil- Frances Kanipe, Carlyle Nesbitt, . Z.1 . , , r,,v . TT ' . . TT , key, Margaret Craig, Mary Buckley, Elhe Harvey, Frankie Hopwood, TT . t1- r-;iv- ' xr j tt ti c -.l n ui Helen Franklin. Dorothy Gilke.; Maud Harvpv KIrip Smith. Donuld 1 . . .. , ' Turner, Frances Thomason, Virginia Vess, Harold Vess. Second grade: Clyde Nesbitt, Russie Oates, Lytle Steppe, Charles Thomason, Ethel Al lison, Beulah Calloway, Irene Con nor, Myrtle Connor, Lucy Dover, Maggie rreeman, Lmma rreeman, , , ,. t,, ti.y, t .-.-.o Well Mar7 Sue Grant, Edith Poteat, Ge-!n' Mae EHs Everett Tu; rQ.!Ruth Cowan K&te Mae Elhs' EeretV neva Steppe. Third grade: Caro lyn Mcintosh, Elaine Mashbum, Francis Mauney, Maurice Flemming, Frances Sherill, Paul Allison, Annie Steppe, Mary Will Greene. Fourth grade: Elizabeth Strickland. Sev enth grade: Donald Mcintosh and Albert Noblitt. Eighth grade: Guy Steppe. Ninth grade: Lizzie Lind ley. GREENLEE Greenlee, Nov. 8. Mrs. J. F. Davis has been on the sick list for the past week. Miss Margaret Towe of Asheville visited her mother here last week. J. G. Pendergrass has been quite 111 for the past week. J. G. McCall and J. F. Davis made a business trip to Maron one day last week. Miss Rebecca Greenlee, who is teaching at Ashford, spent the week- end at home- Miss Pearl Snipes of Winston Salem is visiting homefolks here. The Greenlee school hss reopened after being closed for awhile. NEBO Nebo, Nov. 9. Those making an average of 90 per cent on all their work and having no absences nor tardies during last month are en titled to a place on the Nebo High School honor roll. They are: First grade: Harry Hemphill. Edward Lentz, Winnie Noles. Elvin Teague. Burley Snipes. Second grade: Fer ry Parks, Clara Brown, Beulah Cars well, Charles Noles, Annie Laurie Lentz, Jennie Lewis. Third grade: Bessie Jaynes. Annie Laurie Mor row. Fifth grade: Billy Bowman. Sixth grade: Myrtle Morrow. Sev enth grade: Hazel Brown. Lucile Hemphill. Bonnie Psdgftt. Geneva Jones. Herbert Wilson. Tenth grade: Zula Stone. Eleventh grade: Lena Spencer. Under the auspices of the N. H. N. Society, Nebo community i$ an- ! ticipating one of the greatest treats .u r j v . 19. when Miss Eliiabeth Kellv. St,t. . Edec.uor rul t- CI Director of the North rolinJ,"Ch'rS "'rdJ Moonlight Schools, will deliver n I "'"J f r "T td Fndr Miss Kelly is a woman of extensive experience in the public schools of this state and is an able and witty speaker. Th$ public is cordially in vited and urfred-not to miss this un usual opportunity. CHAPEL HILL Chapel Hill. Nov. S. Mr?. J. M IX Mm I I X X X- x Primary Department: Hose At kins, Reba Parker. Charlotte Win ; borne, Fred Conley, Kdith tsowden. Edith Hall, Bonnie May Hill. Geor- jgia Lail. Carrie Joe Lewis. Elanor ! Young, Girard Bush. Dorothy At- kin3. Thurley rankhn. tranche Hutto Grayce Mary Justice, Lola Kendrick, Grace Reid. Grammar Grades: Ella Smith, Louise Tate, Edgar McCall. Elira- , ir:i J -J U 1 .-. 1orf K ol Ion I 111 TT C luuuieu w High School: David Blanton, Simmie Cross, Ben Wilson, Sara Conley, Frances Holmes, Mildred Hudgins, Edward Hudgins. William Story, Lucile Conley, Josephine j r I-. c v Alio "Rnanp Cross. Irene Hendley. - Distinction. Honor Roil: Charles McCall, Josephine Schafhausen. Ben- SOn UaVIS, ivauinjn iu.a., Lewis, Alice Holmes. KANIPE AND PATTON ELECTED STATE SENATORS According to official reports from other counties in the 33rd senator ial district, composed of Alexander, Burke, Caldwell and McDowell coun ties,. Joaeph E. Kanipe. of McDowell county, and Nollie M. Patton. of Burke county, Republican nominees, were elected by large majorities. Mr. Kanlpe's majority in Caldwell was 151, in Burke 258, and in Alex ander 565. Deducting the Demo cratic majority in McDowell leaves Mr. Kanipe a majority of 706 in the district. Mcdowell county teach. ERS JOIN ASSEMBLY, Eighry.fire of the McDowell eona ty teachers are enrolled as taernben of the North Carotin Teachen' As sembly in the loot unit. This sur ber of local teacher rim He Dow ell county unit seven votes in the tj. ness sessions of the Asaerr.h3j ad nine delegates to the ARteabJy. Kiss Mary Greenlee, local secretary, hxt forwarded the mebnhip fee la the State Secretary ajlir.jr that rr per receipts be is.n:ed and forward, ed to the teacher. At a tr.ee tic g on last Saturday, delegates were elected who are ex pected to attend the sessions cf the Assembly which rr.ee in AjherOIe on November 25. The delegates at tend all the business tewiorts asd there cast the vote of the McXkmeU unit. The followir.fr were arpotrted delegates: N. F. Steppe, D. F. Guev T. A. Holton. G. B. Strickiasd. Hist Mar Greenlee. Miw Blanche Penry. Miss Mary Poteat, Mis Ctlestia P. ny and T. A. Wody. It is expected that a large number of the county teachers will atlead 'e asaemwy. To allow this the with full pay. A number of teach ers have signified their inter: tics ef attending and it is expected that Mc Dowell will be well represented. GOOD ROADS SECRETARY COMESTO MAJUON. Upon the invitation of J. Q. Gil key. Mis H. M. Berry of Chapel Hill. Secretary of the Ncrth Caro lina Good Roads Association cmoc to Marion Monday to confer with the people of McDowell county who are interested in Good Roaxis A meeting attended by a Tody csa. ber of local people was held at the court house at 10 o'clock. VL is Berry outlined the plans of the as sociation and those present at the meeting expressed themselves as fav oring the plans of the association which provider for a State system cf highways built by the State con necting the County leaving the funds of the County to be used in the construction of a system of cc-n-ty roads connecting with the State roads. After a thorough explanation of the State plan it appears to be a very feasible and practical way of tting a complete system of road throughout the State and counties. Xhe Good Roads Association U or- panicing the people who are interert- ecj jn roads jn order to be able to get action by the Legislature which will make it possible for the roads to be built. COUNTY OFFICERS TO . BE INDUCTED DEC 6, countT officers. ejected Ln AJI COJni? vjuat r i catrtvu - . . ... . Tuesday s election vrdl be inducted: into office first Monday in De- cembeT The procedure usually pas. off out ceremony, the new officers imply walking In and Mkinj, thmt sworn . The : :t . v ... . in their offices and the thing will be over. Changes in Vhe ofScet will take pUce for sherifft register 7 of deeds and county commi&sionera. BOOST. Boost, and the world boosts with you; Knock, and, you are the shelf; For the wprld gets sick of the ose t who kicks And -wishes ieM kicked kinsself. Boost when the sun is thininc. Boost when It st-trUto rain; If you happen to tail,, don lie there and bawl. Bat get Bp and boost again. Boost tor the community! adrar ce ment," ' " - - "' " " ; ' Boost for the things rahlirse; For the chap en the topmost rottsd la the booster every time- Marion Progress, $1.0 per rear. "1 1. . - A 'it '-:

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