- 1 t ... V . . . - - " v , - ; ., ,. . . .- ' - " . v., "-t . ' .'- '.' , ' , - . . ? r. " -i ' . - ,. v v . J.: rz t .A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF TrJE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED' 1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, FEB. 3, 1921 VOL. XXV NO. 22 r. 1; m 5-- OOOD DELEGATION AT TEND ROAD MEETING Strong Delegation Good Roads Advocates Go to Raleigh in Interest of , Good RoaHs , Bill. A delegation of morp 'than twenty-five representative citiisetis of Mc Dowell County and good roads en thusiasts left Marion .Wechiesday af "ternoon for Baleigh to represent UcDcwell -county before -the joint legislative committees that will hear nd pass pon the Gobti Roads' bill TTliursday at three o'clock. 1 There seems to be. united' interest vrex J the State t in demanding perma neift roads in every county in : the State. 3IeDoweB county "will not be left out because her citizens are de manding that we more than keep pace with the other sections of the State. The McDowell delegation arill favor a bond issue xyf whatever amount is repuired' to begin this "work, provided, the bond money is used for hard surface roads. TTas il the initial step in " Mc DoweH county to build not only the central highway, but four other per manent roads leading out from Ma rion through the different sections th county, which will make roads nter Marion from six points of the campass. Among those in the Mc Xtevvell county "party were: Mr. and EXrs. D. E. Hudgins, Mr. and Mrs. . G3key, Mr. and "Mrs. D. F. Giles, -Sir. and Mrs. J. W. Winborne, Mr. asd Mrs. R. F. Burton, Mr. and Mrs. corge Kirkpatrick ; Messrs. N. F. Steppe, C. F. James, T,AJ. Hallibur ton, J. JF. Snipes; M. G. Poteat, W. K. M. Gilkey, and others. JUIMY MUST PRACTICE ' ; DRASTIC ECONOMY Washington, . Jan. 29. Drastic economy at army posts -sinxl "camps "ras ordered by Secretary Baker, due ttv an impending deficiency of1 $94,- 980,000 in appropriations for the uaTtermaster crops. Among retrenchments 'ordered A 40.per. cent cut in the quarter master general's civilian payroll by February 15. Reduction of water transportation activities to a minimum, harbor craft at absolutely repuired to be laid up and the employes discharged. 'Expenses for transportation as a convenience to employes to be cut A 50 per cent curtailment ingaso ' line and lubricants issued - to motor ized artillery and; the air .service More economical routing ship ments absolutely necessary. ' Curtailment j of telegraph and ca- Ue expenses.:: In addition to these, Mr. Raker or dered economies, in -fuel, , clothing, jejieral ; supplies- and ?sulBi$tence- -is- saes. p3Sftctically identical orders be ing sentto , Philippine Panama,- and Hawaiian departments and all independent-posts and stations. 1VELFARE PROGRAM TO STAND IN STATE , Raleigh, Feb.. l.--Abolution of the offices 4 of v county superintendent , 'oS u public welfare, sought - in a number Otof local : bills-introduced in the house was r practically defeated this, after noon; when the 'r- propositions aifl grievances committee of the lower vliody voted to, report favorably "the substitute K : bill of Commissioner Ueasley 'for continuing the welfare work in the state. f Practically the same provisions '"of the original act are retained inrthe ew bill carrying tne appropriation ;fbr furthering, the work in Ndrth Carolina and all bills to abolish -local -officers'-willt fie reported-unfavorably. iuvERS and Harbors mix ; OW'GOES TO THE SEJWCTE : "Washington,1 Feb. ' 1. The rivers jsn'ffti narbors bill carrying a Uump; aina appropriation ; of $15,250,000, Saras ; passsed today by the house s and serit to the senate. ' A motion to re-' commit the measure was voted down REPRESENTATIVE W. W. NEAL A BUSY MAN Representative W. W. Neal spent the week-end of last' week 1 with his family, and conferring with the peo ple of McDowell county and other sections with reference to legisla tive matters. Mr. Neal is one of the busiest men in the legislature. He is chairman of the committee on Counties, Cities and Towns, and is a member of a number of other com mittees. He has taken an active part in all matters of State-wide im portance, but is not neglecting the interests of the people of McDowell county. One bill in which Mr. Neal is very active is to increase the pen sions of Confederate soldiers. At the special session Mr. Neal intro duced a bill providing that old sol diers should receive- one -years pen sion in jadvance, and increasing the property qualifications of Confeder ate soldiers eligible to pensions. If he succeeds in getting the present law passed it will still further in crease the pensions of these old soldiers. Mr. Neal expects to have enacted a law requiring a bond for all driv ers of public service vehicles, the bond to be not less than $500.00, which is to indemnify any person who may suffer damages or injury at the hands of the drivers of public service cars. The bill provides for a license fee, of $25.00 for public service car drivers. Mr. Neal states that there is con siderable agitation for rural police j In certain sections of the county. Rural police do not add an increase tax burden in that they receive no tipulated salary as they are paid on the fee basis. . While in Clarion last Saturday, MrNeal talked with a number of citizens about pending legislature and matters of importance to Mc- Dowell county. He desires to know the wishes of the .people on any mat- ilnterested in any matters before the legislature should feel free to take them up with him, either m person or by letter. Mr. Neal, -while, at home, : con- f erred with people from other fcpun- ties who came to see -him about&at- tersofMeglslatiomi'-Mr. -Nealilsfec- nmivoH 9 nnp nf the leadine men . , j 1 m tne IjeglSiaiure, ana pwpie irui" wen k.iiuwh tiwcu w vimum- . . .- , . . ,1 x dt - , r . ,-, other counties who are not able toty, died two weeks ago. She was a' Miss Evelyn .Gettys has ; returned j sented e Courtsp of Miles get-important legislation through consistent member of the Methodist to her school at Dysartsville after Standish" as arranged and drama fi,,:, MnMBoM,v r cfln-'rhnrrh. Interment was made in the ' spending a week with her parents. :tized by themselves.- Lenhie Brown. lucu unu - ferring with him. BRYSON-SNYDER "STORE . oc.. UDULK KJrM O I OA cm Asheville Citizen, 30th. The annual meeting of the officials of the BrysonlSnyder stores, locat ed at various points in Western North Carolina, held at the Swattna. t. wt - of-the most ' suceessful: these business men have ever attended. The stores have recently been'ombined, the in terests of Holmes Brysoh, of Ashe ville and C. A. Snyder, of Hickory, have been merged, the new stores to be called the Bryson-Snyder stores. W. L. Snyder, of Canton, and, Fred Bryson, of Marion, have recently joined the firm and will be connect ed with the system hereafter. Ctores v are now .located at Ashe ville, Hickory, Marion, Granite Falls Maiden, Old Fort, Dillsboro, Cullo Whee and Wilmot. It is planned to soon open other stores to the .east and west of the Blue Ridgte moun tains until the system becomes one of th largest in the state, if not in the south Mr. "Bryson is president of the new combination with C. A. Snyder, as secretary-treasurer. ANNOUNCEMENT. The. management of Oasis Theatre wishes to announce that the sum of $67.28 was realized from last Fri day's show for the benefit ; of the European Relief Council, and that the' entire amount, "with -no deduction for expenses, has been forwarded to the 'state chairman Henry A. Page, Aberdeen, N. C. ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM THE COUNTY Brief Mention of Some t of the Happenings in McDowell Items About Home People. OLD FORT Old Fort, Jan. 31. Miss Frances lArtz spent several days last week in Asheville. Eugene teeter spent Sunday in Marion. -Mr. and Mrs. John Bradley left last Tuesday for the Southern Coast of Florida to spend the month of February. Miss Elizabeth Biddix, who was called home Wednesday on account of the illness, of her mother, has re turned, reporting that her mother hasYimproved. v Mrs. Rebecca Westerman is visit ing Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Hoffman. Miss Maude Crawford will spend the month of February in Asheville. Miss Elizabeth Biddix is making her home with Dr. and Mrs. John B. Johnson during the absence of Mr. and Mrs. John Bradley. , Miss Margaret White of Asheville spent the week-end here. Harry Teague spent Sunday with his mother in Black Mountain. Fred Bradley is among the guests of the Sandlin house. -"Mrs. Chas. Steppe made a busi ness trip to Asheville, Saturday. Jack Fortune of Asheville spent the week-end in Old Fort. Ed. London, who has been work- ; ing in South Carolina, is spending a ( ' few days here. T. J. Fleming, who has been ill for .some time, died Wednesday January , 26, at his home. He was 87 years old.. . , .... ... Mr. Savage was called out of town for the week-end on account! of the illness of his brother. j Wayman Trippe , left Monday on an extended business trip to Hick- The Old Fort basket ball team,.me iiss Vinson our played a game Saturday with the"e lown- Farm School team on tne latter s 1 court. The heavy weight quintet of Farm school defeated the Old Fort : team. j : NEBO Nebo. Jan. 31. Mrs. Hobbs, a 11 1 f . Nebo cemetery, the funeral service j iria- rftnHii hv Rev. xBrittain. Mrs. Hobbs was about 70 years old,U I 1 Ur,H tn mnnrn her loa a rnim- i - ! ber of relatives and a host oiWCCI friends. Mr. and Mrs. Tolbert Scott and two children have returned home af - " "TT fnear Morganton. ter an nA visit, tn relatives The,largesi!now:,diat we -vhay had for some time fell here Tuesday and Wednesday. N We are glad' to welcome in our community Mr. Finch and family. Watson Wilson, who is . teaching school at Harmony Grove, spent the week-end here. A number of the school boys and girls attended the burial of Wilmer Padgett at Marion last Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Sallie Dobson and Ed. Aus tin were united in marriage during the week, Rev. Brittain performing the" ceremony. Their many friends wish them a long and happy wedded life. . Misses Maggie and Hattie Taylor, who are teaching school in Marion, spent the week-end : here with home folks. s Everett Padgett, of- Chapel Hill, attended the burial of his brother, WilmerJ in Marion last week. i W. L, BradJey. of Old Fort spent Sunday here .with-friends. LAUREL HILL Nebo, Rt., 1, Jan. 31. Troy Walk er of SpindaTe visited friends here recently. ' ' vlVIrs. J. F. Foster has been right sick but is reported much improved. Mrs. L. H. Whitener has received word of the death of her mother, Mrs. R. E.' Biggerstaff, which occur- ed on January 20th at Clifton, S. C, where she had lived for several ars. Mrs. Biggerstaff was in her 92nd year and is credited with hav ing several great-great-grarid-child-ren. x J. B.. Walker made a trip to Ruth erf ordton last week. Miss Ella McCurry has gone, to Marion where she has accepted a position. John D. Walker made a business trip to Marion last Tuesday. J. F. Foster attended the funeral of S. A. Bowman at Harmony Grove last Sunday. - W. E. Cooper is reported very sick with measles. NEALSVILLE Nealsville, Jan. 31. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson of Stroudtown spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Westmoreland. Miss Lillie Morgan and Jesse Mor gan spent Sunday with friends at Rocky. Eass. Elliott Westmoreland is at home after a two weeks visit at Canton. Misses Vina and Verla Rayburn visited relatives at - Thermal City the latter part of last week. Herman Smathers of Canton was a visitor here last week. Hicks Morris is spending a few days with homefolks at Alexander. Bin Logan of Rutherf ordton . spent a few "happy hours" around Glen wps4. Sunday afternoon. Friends oi Miss Mattie late, a : member of the Glenwood school that I faculty, will be glad to learn she is improving after having -under- " w.i'ctau AVA S, . IUWBKUU1B "cx w Viienwooa. Miss Mabel Greene of Asheville visited friends here last week.f Aliss Geneva Allison .has aceeptea a position in the high school. We PINNACLE Pinnacle, Jan. 26. Wood and' Frank Morrison spent the week with their sister, Mrs. L. W. Gettys. . Miss Zennie Sisk is visiting her sister, Mrs. Elbert Sisk, at Forest City. Mr. and Mrs. L. Foster visited rs. K. r. oisk lasi wee. l -mr T " 1 a 1- J' A- and w- M- Gettys made a. a A "EC ! . I A .4 I 'i. . i n r j i . 1 DUSiness trip to manon one uay iasi Misses Indianna Sisk and Bertha i Gettjspent Sunday afternoon with iMr - nd Mrs. .Sam Patton. The school at Pinnacle is progress- nicely with Mr. L. W. Gettys tM Miss Rebecca Patton as teach- CLINCHF1ELD A collection which amounted to $23.25 was recently taken for the Chinese sufferers. It has been for warded and the children rare saving their pennies and nickles. for another coition to be taken soon. ; . The honor roll for the month is as follows : First grade : Billie Lusk, Levi Vess, Paul Duncan, .Fred Hall, Lee Roy Anderson,- Dora Shehan, Pansy Davis, Geneva Greene, Geor gia Greene. Third grade: Horace Norton, Mabel Thdlhas,., Law Smith. Sixth grade: Bettie Lusk and Vergie Suttle. On last Saturday night a feast was held at the school' building, '""the proceeds of which went to the band for- more equipment and to the Sun day school classes for buying seats for Sunday school' rooms. The child ren especially enjoyed "the features 4 arranged for them. Everybody en-; joyed the splendid band concert. The Oasis Theatre wfll present to-n night orie of the best of the Para-mount-Artcraft Co.'s all-star special productions, a screen aption ; of Robert W. Chambers' most famous novel, The Fighting Chance. NEWS ITEMS FROM ! OVER THE STATE Items Concerning; Events of - terest and Importance Throughout the StateTv. . " . .,- . - , Senator Overman has- re-intrt duced in the Senate his bill appro-" priating $45,000 for a forest ex periment station at Asheville. . ,-. The seventh biennial convention of the state head camp of the Wood-: men of the World jdll convene "at Greensboro with Camp No. '384 oil Tuesday, March 22. The headquar ters of the convention will be at the O. Henry Hotel. Governor Morrison will make the address of welcome, Governor Brough, of Arkansas will preside, and nine legislatures now in session ? will be invited to attend , the .United States Grbod Roads association' meet ing, in Greensboro, April 18-23. - ; " - . - " - - J - : '-V Thirty-three horses j and mules, property of the United States gov ernment, were removed ' from box cars at Raleigh Sunday,i having smothered to . death between Nor lina anq Raleigh,- while " they were en route from Camp Lee to Camp Jackson, at Columbia, S. C. . Sara Wyckoff, 76 years old, reacn-. ed the ' end f Of a life sentence in the state prison-; Monday when she died after 42 years imprisonment, having declineda pardon at' the hands of. five governors and having lived to lean that death bed confession had- noUr AnAifai' Vio f v charge of murdering her husband. Dr. J. M. Pickell, chemist in the State department of agriculture , and; aged'about"5r was found dead- on? -Hillsboro street in Raleigh Fridajr night with a hole" in his head. - The chemist evidently had been dead an ; hour or so when found. It is - be- , Iieved he was struck by an automo- , bile i and knocked against the curb ; Ha leaves a family. STUDENTS PRESENT PLA)T; 1 NEBO HIGH' SCHOOL NOTES . Nebo, .Feb. 1.- On Wednesday af ternoon, Jan 19, at 'one o'clock the Community League of -: Nebo .' : met. with the school. The eighth grade vlof . the hieh' school department ure- in the role of the Puritan maiden, Priscilla; jLester Runnion as. the lover ; John Alden- and Rufus Som era as. the blunt captain, Miles Standish, deserve "honorable men- tioxv The wien arid voice of "Miles'4 forcibly reminded all of the original character. Eighieen visitors, friends and mothers; were present and thor- , oughly enjoyed the exercises ' At the business session- following it was announced - that "Miss . A.- M. ' Rowland: of f Asheville- had presented the school with - ten new illustrated books suitable f or i the childreris.' H brary.. .ii;. The school is . now comfortably settled in the' hew briek building1 arid all are enjoying the luxuries of warmth and light that only a- mod ern building can aififord. Regulaf work ;has 1 been "resumed and ; all are endeavoring -; to "make- the last half of - the - school year - the best in its history.. There is now a faculty .of eight members, - Miss Emma McCall of Henderson .. County having been added to the primary department..; ; .The honor roll V for the fourth . month r is as follows: - First grade: Harry Hemphill, Elvin Teague and Burley Snipes. Second grade: Clara, Brown, Ferry Parks, Annie J Laura Ientz, William Swingle j&nd Erwin McGimsey. Fourth ;' grade: ' Sara Brown and Eunice Stacy. Fifth grade : Billy Bowman and Mary El-r ien ParK3Sixth: rgrader.; Myrtle Morrow. Seventh grade: r Hazel Brown, William Spmers," Lucile Hem hill and Gertrude Parks. ' " -Even fertilizers can't overcome the handicaps of poor seed bed and poor seed. . ? i i t i 205 to 120. : . . - -v - 1

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