A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, FIlB. 24, 1921 VOL. XXV NO. 2S SU1JK1UK UUUKT GARDEN CITY SCHOOL ITEMS OF 1NTF.RRST NUW IN SESSION " splendid YEAR FROM THE COUNTY . - Garden City school came to a siic- Judge W. J. Adams Presiding cessful close on Tuesday, the 22nd Brief Mention of Some of the Several Minor Criminal I lnst- No formal program was given C DUnntPrl Of. by the school, but several song se- penor Happenings in ' McDowell- Items About Home People. OLD FORT Old Fort, Feb. 21. R. F. Good- lections were rendered by the school The Spring term of McDowell Su- children. A basket ball came was Court convened Monday given early in the afternoon, partici- morning with Judge W.J. Adams, of pated in by students and teachers, son of Morganton spent Sunday in Carthage, presiding ana solicitor It was m the nature of a final game Old Fort, the guest of Mrs. Mary Garrett D. Bailey prosecuting the and all had a verv eniovable nlav I Allison. - w r-r x V I Zr o sw-"w- wscx. Jack Fortune of Asheville spent iiaiiey s nrsi; term as soncixor nere, a numoer oi tne people of the thf wepk-end in Old Fort fee having been elected last Novem- j community came out for the last day ber to succeed J. E. Shipman. Mr. of school. - After the songs bv the I. E. Marl ow was made foreman of school children, Superintendent N. the grand jury and Mr. Geo. L. Po-F. Steppe talked on the importance teet officer in charge. I of education. The people of the Misses Lilly and Clara Smith spent Saturday and Sunday in Marion with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Robinson Quite a number of cases on the community have recently petitioned Sat?r??y in fn -criminal docket have been disposed f or an election on the bond issue of, but it is probable that the State proposition, and they are very much .docket will not be concluded until interested m the outcome. Mr. tomorrow. Most of the cases are Steppe urged the folks to go f or for minor offenses and most of the ward and to see to it that the- child- j t - t 1 r ,n-v. -ru rpn of fiardpn Citv rommnnit.v wprp mvmmt. of small "fin and th costs, given as good educational advant- says nsn ae Plenllul aown John Smith plead truiltv to manu- ages as are given in other progres- :Xacturing whiskey and -judgment waslsive communities in North Garolina. snnded on navment of cost. I The Garden City school has had Atlee Witherow, manufacturing one of its best years. The attend whiskey, prayer for judgment con- ance had been very satisfactory and tinued on payment of cost. the interest on the part of both pu- Arthus Jones plead guilty to the Pils and patrons has been at higa charge of assault with deadly wea- lde throughout the term. I he teach i a J" j. -C 1 ore: -frT Vi o nasf voar Vinvo hoon "MV pon ana was seniencea , w wur r- j - d n iarjon on aceount of the ill Months on the Henderson county T- A- Woody, principal, and Misses I . A,. jyjg Mae Jordan and Bertha Morris, as- Kenneth and A. Sawyer. Abe sistants. By their strict devotion tts, William n.piey, o. aonwer - . " T - VT the guest of his mother. nd trordon KicKetts pieaa guilty to p" iiici,ui""i' owv rfiare-e of eambline and each was people of Garden City. They have frnA nnd rost. ' at all times had the sympathy and Ben Davis. T. C. Robinson and cooperation of the parents, -Tom rown dead euiltv to charge has meant no little in making the school year at Garden City one of --vi m iiiriiiii - iiiik iiir lib n czi 3 kji v wt,MoH n naxrmpnt of -ost. the best in its history. Arthur Brown, George Smith and Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Caplan enter tained a few of their friends at din ner on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bradley have returned from a month's stay in Boca Grand, Florida. Mr. Bradley there and that he caught more than he could carry every day; nice long ones, too. Mrs. James Burgin's grandfather, Mr. Mackey, died Friday night. In terment was made- in the family burying ground. P. H. and J. M. Mashburn to gether with their families spent Sun- ness of their mother. Josh McCurry of Asheville spent few days last week in Old Fort, Charles McFalls were found guilty GEORGE WASHINGTON CELE- -of manufacturing whiskey. Sen- BRATION, GREAT SUCCESS tenced to two years on roads. The entertainment given by the church Sunday and Sunday night. w - Miss Margaret White of Asheville is spending a few days in town as which ne ues' ner aunt Mrs. Geo. Hyams. Robert Davis, son of John Davis, of Old Fort, aged 17 years, died Sat urday mornings at 7 doek- of meningitis. Rev. R. L. Foster preached two interesting sermons at the Methodist NEBO Nebo, Feb. 22. On Friday eve ning, Feb. 18, the members of the N. H. N. and B. L. S. Literary So cieties of Nebo High school gave a play, "The Little Clodhopper." The characters portrayed their originals so well that one felt himself really seeing the actions of a lot of witty, rough, original, and sensible cOun-try-folk. Tenny Brown as . Mrs. cniggerson-i5oggs, menn ompes as Ueorge Chiggerson, Jtiem Jtsira as Septimus Green, Rufus Somers as Ocie Gump, Myra Quinn as Miss Beam, and Lena Spencer, as "The Little Clod-hopper" deserve special mention as amateur actors. Miss Spencer, the heroine of the play, , - never has to stop to plan a mis chievous prank or think of a witty remark. In fact she is the little girl imp, raedy for any occasion. Something over $19.00 was received at the door. The boys and girls ex pect to give other places the oppor tunity of seeing this attractive play. On Friday evening, Feb. -25, at 7:30 p. m., the children of HEhe fifth, sixth and seventh grades will have their annual exercises. They . will present the operetta, "The Enchant ed Wood." Six children wandering in the woods begin to- quarrel -and are lured" into the Enchanted Wood where the faries throw them into a deep sleep. Mother 'Goose trans forms them into such characters as Jack Horner, Bopeep, etc. Thus they remain until their teacher sends a Bov Police to their rescue. These in turn are lured by the faries un til they meet the Queen who changes them to rigid statues. At length they are released and after wander ing all night find their way back to their disconsolate teacher. HARDING FINISHES HIS CABINET SLATE Arthur Jones plead -guilty to children of the primary department charge of carrying concealed wea-0f the graded school and Mrs. Giles Upending several days in Asheville, jam and was sentenced to t0 days l kindergarten class, under the aus- returned home a few days ago. -on the Henderson county roads. pices of the Parent-Teacher Associa- B. H. Jones, . carrying concealed jtion, at the graded school Tuesday . . . t j i . . . . . weapon, judgment suspenaea on j night, was a most attractive one. payment of cost. The children. all showed the faithful Grayson Norton, abandonment, trainine of their teachers, their not guilty. quaint costumes adding much to Lee Short, larceny, not guilty. their appearance, always more Dock Largent was given twelve charming in their separate numbers. months on the roads for manufac- The program was a miscellaneous "luring whiskey. lone interspersed with music under rui t. aorton.M. nt the direction of Miss Julia Burton, whose classical numDers, ana sixty days on the roads for carrying! concealed weapon. the Jazz band, were especially appreciat- A The grand jury has returned a attractions were well true bill for murder against ray- t . , . . son Gardner, the negro who Tailed . , . . Fred Forney, another negro, last ORDER OF SERVICES MARION MILL VILLAGES -The order of services for th "Clinchfield and East Marion Baptist -churches is as follows: Sunday School every. Sunday at 10:00. Preaching Sunday morning East Marion 11:00. Preaching Sunday evening Clinch field 7:00. . Services short, . interesting and helpful. A cordial invitatioa ex tended to all to worship with lis. The churches .with a welcome. E. J. Jones, Pastor. BUI to Curb Reckless Auto DHriflr. Ealeigh, Feb. 18.Under ihe terms of a bill reported favorably by the Senate committee onjttitiary No. 1 yesterday, any person convict ed of driving an automobile -intoxicated, or-in; a. reckless nlaner, shall be prevented from operating- machine for from six months to two ears after conviction Chapel Hilt Service There will be preaching'at Chapel HU1 Baptist,. church next 'Saturday ?ifterooon at .3 ; o'clock, also Sunday afteraoon at. 3 " o'clock, by the pasj r Hev. "E. J. Jones. Sunday school afc 10 a. m. A hearty welcome isxr tended to all to join in: th services. cess of - this part of the entertain ment. The proceeds for the evening amounted to $88.10, this being very gratifying- considering the small ad mission charged. The primary department of the Parent-Teacher Association wishes to. express thanks to-the patrons and friends who helped by their presr ence to make the evening a success. Miss Maude Crawford, after T. C. Bradley has returned home after spending some time in Ashe ville. The junior basket ball teams of Marion and Old Fort played a very interesting erame on the Old Fort court last Thursday evening. The game resulted in a victory for the Old Fort "Quint." Some nice plays were made on both sides. STATE REVENUE ACT CAR RIES AN AD VALOREM TAX Raleigh, Feb. 22, Carrying an ad valorem tax of five cents dfl tile hundred dollars for schools and a graduated -income ta ranging' from one to three per cent, the revenue act .for 1921 Was introdeod fit th$ lower branch of the General Assem bly tonight and placed on its - first reading. It anticipates a little more tnan ten million dollars for the1 malneh ancebf the state government during the coming year and for the" suSpOr of the educational and charitable in stitutions. The ad .valorem tax is contrary to the hope of the "best minds," in the legislature, but with its . announcement - is the statement that North Carolina cannot hold" a progressive n stride without it. The introduction of this bill in the house tonight by Governor-Doughton and defeat before a committee this afternoon of -the 1921 prohibition bill were the . outstanding legisla tive developments of the day. MONTFORDS COVE Nealsville, Feb. 21. -Miss Irene Harris arid Mr. Jones Harris visited relatives at Maple creek the latter part of the week. Mrs. Wick Bradley, who made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Julia Burgess, on Greasy creek, died last Wednesday and was buried at Bill's creek church Thursday. 0s. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Cra-i ford Harris was buried at Mont ford's Cove church Sunday. - - C. Y. Banning of Marion visited homefolks here Saturday and Sun day. Oak Hill and Oak Grove schools played a match game of ball last week, the score resulting 2 to 1 in favor of Oak Hill. The young folks of the communi ty will give a play at Oak Hill school house Saturday night, Feb. 26 The play will be followed by a pie sapper. Miss Annie Sue Harris, who is at tending school at Marion, spent the week-end here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Harris gave a delightful social affair Saturday night in honor of their, daughter, Miss Annie Sue, who celebrated her 13th birthday. Miss Mary Lee Wilkerson has re turned to Spindale where she has a position. : , ; Mrs. Vinnie Harris and daughter, Mrs. Ina Parker, spent Tuesday at the home of W. G. Harris. Richard Harris of Old Fort is visiting his parents here. John Hall is right sick. ; E. W, Flack is erecting a . new kitchpn and dinin&r room to .his "dwelling at the" Kodn place. GARDEN CITY Garden City, Feb. 14. Dorothy Sue, the two-months-old daughter of Mrs. Bessie Sealy, died Friday, Feb. , Interment was made at Car son's Chapel Saturday. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the be reaved mother, sisters and brother. Mrs. J. D. and Mrs. D. A. Snipes visited in Marion last. Week. J. E. Snipes of Marion spent the' week-end with homefolks 15re. J. S. Collis was in Marion one day last week. T. Queen of Cleveland county spent the week-end on Clear Creek, the guest of C. W. Wilson. Misses Agnes and Annie Snipe3 and Annie Bradley and Messrs. J. S. Collis and J. E. Snipes visited at the home of C. W. Wilson on Clear Creek, Sunday. : - Hughes Designated f as ;Secre tary of State Denby Given Navy Portfolio. St. Augustine, Fla., Feb. 22. President-elect Harding has reached a tentative decision on every place m his cabinet, and.; unless there aro " last minute changes the official circle of the next administration will- ba composed ..of thesemen; Secretary of. state Charles Evans Hughes, ofNew York, former - gov- " ernor, justice of the Supreme court and republican nominee for the pres idency. - Secretary of the treasury An drew W. Mellon of Pennsylvania a banker and financier, member of a family reputed to be among the. wealthiest in the country. ' Secretary of war - John - W Weeks, of ' Massachusetts, - former United States senator and in 1916 a candidate for the presidential nomination. - . - Attorney general . Harry M Dougherty of Ohio, who managed the pre-convention - campaign which" resulted in Mr. Harding's .nomina tion. Postmaster-general Will H. Hays of Indiana, chairman of the republi can national committee. - y . , Secretary of the navy Edwin Denby of Michigan, a former mem ber of congress who has served as an enlisted man in both the navy and marine corps. - - Secretary of the interior Albert B. Fall "Of. New Mexico, now. a Unit ed States senator. T . Secretary of agriculture Henry Wallace of Iowa, editor of farm puiaicaftol . Secretary of cqmmerceBferbert Hoover of California," former food administrator 'and conspicuous - lead er in various movements" for ' Euro pean relief. ' : r - Secretary of labor -Ja'mes J. Davis " of Pennsylvania' and Illinois, a former union steel worker, who has become highest official of the Moose fraternity. . ' . Possible Changes. If changes are made they are most likely to affect the ' appoint ments for navy, commerce and la bor, all of which are understood to have come to the point of " decision within the last 24 hours.". CATAWBA VALLEY - 01d Fort, Rt. 1, Feb.21-rBulow Kelly went "to Mooresville last Sat urday on .business. Leon Silver returned last Satur day from. Jefferson City .where he has been spending several months with his parents. A Miss Annie Bradley spent, the week-end with . homefolks here. ' Misses Annie ancT Hattie Bradley went to Marion last Saturday. , - Master Alfred -Porter was . badly injured last Thursday when a horse kicked him. We are glad to know that Mrs. C. S. Bailey is improving slowly after an extended illness. " - H. A. Hensley went to Ridgecrest today on business. We are glad to learn that Ernest Satterwhite, who is in the State San atorium is -improving : slowly :in health, llis " many friends . hope he will be able to return home.in a few months. ? . . . . . . . nicely under the management of Mr. Davis. :r xl':"': m ' 't - , Obe 3iggerstaff - made a- business trip, to Marion' Saturday.-, :Frank BiggerstafT is. the; mail man at present ? oh -the " Qysartsyille. Star rOUte ' " . '' ' " - -TXT ' ' f ' 'VkiM' -' Sri aii.'tli)l. XM.mv- So Marion this week.- - " - - . D YS ARTS VI LLE Dysartsville, Feb. 21. -R. H. Cowan jnade a business trip to Ma-r rion last Monday. A;H Van; Mangum'is home from Char lotte, where he has" been attending a barber school for the past; six Weeks. little village, occupying they-house vacated by W. A. Carswell some time ago. z "v ' ' W. B. Daves is attending" court in Marion this week. - - T Miss Belle McGimpsey spent the week-eni With- Miss 'Evelyn ' Gettys at her ; home at Patton. ' ' Bertie Lattghridge is Visiting in Marion .. .' .. : " '1: ' - PINNACLE Pinnacle, Feb. 21. James Gallion of Kentucky and Mrs. Maggie Kep linger of Erwin, ..Tenn., are spending; a - few, days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F.1 Gallion. . ; Mr and Mrs J; A. Gettys were in Marion last -'Saturday. - .- Mrs. J. P. Walker is spending a few days with her aunt in Marion. Russell and Evelyn Gettys were in Mariohlne:daylalBtweek. ? r Misses Vannie Rito and Florence Gettys visited their aunt in - Burke county during the week. i Miss Belle McGimpsey spent Sat urday And Sunday with Miss. Evelyn Gettys.' - - .... . ' ' . -i Mrs. W. B Sisk' Was - in Glen Al pine Monday. : - -Eugene Gallion ? spent Sunday with his uncle, Bert TIaney, near Glen- wood. :: ' r":- ' - . John Gettys was in . Morganton last Sunday The Belgian ; Congo is about times the 6ize?of elgium. 88

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