I'-f.ij- &5 ? ;V-v;-'J; I 4 A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1921 VOU XXV NO. 3D " - . - - - i9 TOWN BUYS LOT FOR A MUNICIPAL BUILDING May Erect Building in Near Future-Traffic Signs for Main Street. It is understood that the town of- ticials have recently purchased a nice sized lot, well located, and contem plate erecting in the near future a building thereon to contain the of fices of the mayor, secretary and ireasurer, and superintendent of water works; room for the new city fire truck; and room to provide sleeping quarters for one or more firemen ; also a place to keep water works appurtenances, and v other town property. The stable will be moved to the rear end of this lot. In taking this step, it is felt that the town has done what should have been done" a long while in the past when property values were muchbe his policy to leave nothing un less. The" different offices have beendone looking to giving this district a scattered, with no place to keep per- system of roads that will be in keep manent records; and the town has'in6 with the interests of this section, owned no place to keep or have any thing. - . It is estimated that the rents now paid or that would have to be paid when quarters for the new truck were provided -would equal or amount to more than the interest on the lot and proposed building; so that this undertaking may be regarded as an investment and not as an expense. In connection with the new fire de partment, it is expected, that later the town will be divided into four j -i - a sections or waras, ana an eiectric - " ' siren provided to take the place of , Buncombe, Henderson and Ruther the present old bell. With this alarm 'ford counties. system installed in Central office, not Mr- McBee expects to get his work only quicker action in responding to ! organized and the actual construe alarms can be had, but also informa-1 tion of the roads started 'ust as Uon furnished as to the location ofrwn fiui. I fire. Marion now has a fine volunteer . fire department, and the citizens should take pride inrriVand give it their hearty encouragement and co- operation. J If present hopes and expectations sre realized, Main street will soon have three traffic signs of reinforced concrete at the intersestions of De pot, Court and Church streets; and these traffic signs surmounted . . with ornamental metal columns or pillars, each pillar probably carrying four illumination globed lights and one small red globe. If these additions give satisfactory results, it is probable that they will be followed by several others at street intersections; several citizens having expressed a desire to have them and pay for a good part of the installations. When the drinking fountain was installed last spring at the corner of Main and Depot streets, it was the intention to put another at the cor ner of Court and "Main streets; but the location was never fully decided upon, and it was left over. It will probably be placed at an early date J on the corner, of the court house lot; tr, if disposal of the drainage there gives trouble, on one of the other Q corners. It has been suggested also ?st one be placed at the Southern ailway station. From the commendations heard, it is felt that the town did a good thing in providing place where a visitor or resident may obtain a cool drink of our own exclusive fine water. GRAMMAR GRADE SPRING CARNIVAL The Grammar grade section of the Parent-Teacher Association will on Saturday afternoon and night, April 2nd, give a Spring carnival on the court house lawn. Booths and tents will be placed on the court house green for special attractions, such as ld plantation show, fortune telling, merry-go-round, sale of candy, pop toni peanuts and lemonade. The gentle mule with unshaven tail will be there for the children to ride. Make your plans , now to take an afternoon or evening off to buy con fetti, a fancypaper. cap, to have your fortune told and have a general good time with the young folks. HIGHWAY OFFICIALS MEET. A joint meeting of State and County Road Commissioners was held at the court house" Monday to discuss the new plan of highway building by State and county author ities. Mr. John McBee, recently ap pointed State highway commissioner for the eighth district, was present to confer with-H. F. Little, chairman, W. P. Artz and R. P. Morris, county highway commissioners. Heriot Clarkson of Charlotte, Dr. and Mrs. Sloop of Avery county, and a num ber of local citizens were also pres ent at the meeting. County road officials and other lo cal road supporters pledged their hearty cooperation to Mr. McBee in his work as commissioner for this district. Mr. McBee responded with a promise of doing everything within his power to help this section in the new plan of road building. It will and that will aid in the development of these mountain counties. McDowell county, it is said, will, by reason of its geographical loca tion, in that it is the gate-way to the Western part of the State, get prob ably more miles of hard surface roads than any other county in the State. Under the new plan the State highway contemplates connecting all the county seats and larger towns. With Marion as the center of the county, and the county seat, roads will pt out to- Burkp. Averv. Mitchell. " 1 J. V 1IMU 1 Mfc. NLW X A A LAW Under the new law passed at the 1 1 . i i i "A wie uuy l lie uoa.ru 01 cuuniy cuinuuuuiicra during the month of April Ip each year will appoint a county supervis or, who will be the county auditor, to have general supervision of listing personal property in the townships of the county. The assistants Jn each township will act as list-takers and assessors. Methods for securing the informa tion will be arranged at a meeting of the supervisors at the courthouse the first Monday in May. They will begin work on the day following and will complete their work as soon as practicable. The tonship assessors will advertise in yarious places dur ing April, notifying all taxpayers to return to him. all real and personal, which the taxpayer may own on the first of May. The assessor is author ized to administer oaths in all cases necessary to obtain correct informa tion concerning the taxable proper ty. The board of county commission ers and the county board of -apprais ers will meet jointly in April, as a county board of review to determine if the real value of property as here tofore appraised is in excess of the fair value of such property at the time of meetings. ... The county board will have the authority to hear and determine spe cific complaints of over-valuation or over-valuation of any particular tracts of real property and after the general equalization order has been made, any person who owns prop erty subject to taxation and who finds the property stands assessed for taxation,, after the equalization order has been made, may have the tract re-assessed and re-appraised by the board, by filing with the clerk of the county board an application during the month of May. CHURCH SERVICES. Sunday School at the Clinchfield Baptist church next Sunday morn ing at 10 o'clock and preaching at 11. Sunday School at East Marion Baptist church at 10 a. m. and preaching at . 7:30 p. m. E. J. Jones, Pastor. ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM THE COUNTY Brief Mention of Some of the Happenings in McDowell Items About Home People. OLD FORT Old Fort, March 29. Mrs. G. B. Strickland and daughter, Elizabeth, spent Saturday in Marion. Misses Millie and Bula Kanipe and Mae Allison, who are attending the N. C. College for women in Greens boro, spent Easter with homefolks. Miss Millie Kanipe was in Marion, Saturday. Miss Thelma Grant of Asheville spent Saturday and Sunday with homefolks here. Miss Geneva Allison, who is teach ing in Glenwood, was at home Satur day and Sunday. S. J. Fortune of Asheville spent the week-end in Old Fort. Miss Grace Amey, of Davenport College, Lenoir, is visiting homefolks here. Winslow Arney has returned from Akron, Ohio, Miss Helen Davis of Forest City has been visiting friends here. Miss Grace Bradley, secretary of the conference Epworth League, or ganized an Epworth League at the Methodist church Sunday night. Miss Hackney, returned Mission ary from China, spoke at the Metho dist church Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Nichols and children and Miss Nannie Nichols spent Monday in Old Fort. Miss Jennie Stirewalt has been at tending the meeting at Elhanan. Miss Clydia Stuart, who has been visiting relatives here, returned to her home in Tennessee Saturday. Misses Margaret and Christine White of Asheville spent the week end in Old Fort visiting relatives. Mrs. Stirewalt spent Monday in Marion. Joe Crawford, who is in college at Spartanburg, spent Easter with his parents. Dr. and Mrs. D. M. Mcintosh gave a party in honor of the tenth anni versary of their daughter, Carolyn, Saturday, March 21. Harry Ditmore spent Easter Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. George Sand lin. Miss Mary Katheryn Hester, who has been visiting Miss Frances Artz, left yesterday for Winston-Salem, where she will attend the Easter dances. Miss Clair Artz, one of the teach ers at St. Genevive, is spending the Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. rtz. Mrs. McCanless, who has been ill at the Mission hospital in Asheville, returned home Sunday. B. L. Lunsford, Marion- district secretary Epworth League, was in Old Fort Sunday, assisting Miss j Bradley in the organization of the i Epworth League. William and Frank Allen were called out of town Monday on ac count of the illness of their uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Byrd have returned home after a visit in Ma- i j rion. j Ed. White, the electrician, has.re : turned to his work jn Old Fort, j Frank Wilkinson arrived home Sunday after a visit in Atlanta, j sight-seeing. Harry Burgin, who has been at tending school in Raleigh, has re- : turned home. LAUREL HILL Nebo, Rt. 1, March 28. J. E. Decker and Senator J. E. Kanipe of Marion were business visitors here last Monday. Miss Ella and Nora McCurry have gone to Marion where they have taken up employment for the pres ent. T. C. McDaniel of Cliffside was a visitor here on Sunday of last week. Zeb Foster and Ralph Morrison of Cane creek and Guy Cochran of Cliffside were visitors at" the home of J. F. Foster last week. The Laurel Hill and Dysartsville ball teams engaged in a match game Saturday, the score resulting 11 to 13 in favor of Laurel HilL Charlie Dixon of Asheville stopped off with his aunt, Mrs. G. C. Elling ton, one day last week on his way to visit his brother and sister at Rock Hill, S. C. He goes to Mississippi soon where he has accepted a posi tion. M isses Kate and Hessie Waters and Callie Dixon of Marion spent Easter with homefolks here. Jake Price of Kings Mountain spent Easter with his parents here. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. C. Y. Pyatt, March 27th, a daughter. Miss Ella Walker of Marion spent the week-end with Miss Myrtle Fos ter. An egg hunt was given for the1 school children on last Friday which!""""" IT .u was greatly enjoyed by all present,!? T n0td W The school will close March 31st, af-"f bef,re wh'h cr 5urt? on e i t i ... w kon of whether the original rrecmct ter a very successful term with Miss . lcwnu T.iiiio i.unw ... -returns are pnma facie evidence of MONTFORDS COVE bnion Mills, Rt. 1, March 28. the Hquor Uws is the opinion of We are having some very fine weath- iJohn s Cunningham, federal prose, er and the farmers are taking ad-. cution inspectort who b in AsijCviUe vantage of it for a few days. He says he . has The young folks of the neighbor- corapieted a tour of the mountain hood enjoyed an egg hunt at the ' counUes and finds the various oS home of Mr. and Mrs Hubert Harris. cers an on the alcrt for blocksdcrs Miss Grace Hemphill, who has-and oUesm and that the courts been m school in Marion, is spending are dealin& out drastic scnlence3 some time with her parents, Mr. and iViolateta. The inspector considers Mrs G. H. Hemphill thc sUU hcadway ln Miss Annie Sue Harris spent East- enforceraent of Uw. er with her parents here. An interesting game of ball was wriD M rDrr orrtr ayed between the married men and single boys at the Oak Hill school ground Saturday afternoon. The The McDowell County Highway score was 14 to 9 in favor of the Commission on Monday sicned up all boys. contracts and accepted bond of Alex- Charlie Banning and family are Patton for work on the moving to Marion today. Crooked Creek project let at the last Molo Ledbetter and Robert Harris meeting: of the commission. were visitors at the home of Rev. M. This Project is a continuation of the M. Huntley Saturday and Sunday. Crooked Creek and Broad River pro Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Verno Har- J1 running from the central high. ris, March 21, twin girls. ; t Old Fort toward the Hender- Mr. and Mrs. George Hemphill son Y Bat Cave. The visited their daughter near High estimated cost of the work win be Shoals during thc week. about ',000. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hall visited Contractors Patton and Alexander relatives at Sugar Hill yesterday. 'are jow erecting. camps and placing Ed. Ledbetter and family spent msterial and machinery on the , Easter with Mrs. Ledbetter's parents, 'STOimd for the construction of this ? Mr. and Mrs. Mont Murphy. Hnk of highway. The road will be - ; built according to State specifics- NEALSV1LLE Kr!'yi"C' 2?Jh.f woou nign acnooi uase oaii team : Dlaved a came with the Glenwood i town boys Saturday afternoon with ! Mr- J- Q Gilkey, president of the a score of 64 to 19 in favor of the Wcstern North Carolina Chamber of high school boys. f Commerce", in an interview says: Miss Celeste Penny spent the week ; "County units of the Western North end at Nebo. j Carolina Chamber of Commerce Little Hazel Swann and Doris Mor- 'should be organised before April ris accompanied Miss Edith Lonon tojloth- 1 therefore urge the business, her home at Pitts last week-end. mcn in Marion and McDowell county riss Geneva Allison visited home-!and n citizens who are interested folks at Old Fort the latter part of ,n thc apbailding'and welfare of Mc the week. Dowell county and Western North. The triangle debaters are working". Carolina to join this organization at hardhard for the coming debate Fri- onceand give it your hearty sup day night. Everyone is cordially in-.P01- . . - vited to come. ' Personally, Mr. Gilkey believes the Mrs. Adam Nanney spent Saturday possibilities for western. North Caro and Sunday at Union Mills. j1"- through this organization are in- Mrs. Claude Morris visited her parents at Spindale, last week. Miss Bessie Rabum of Erwin, Tenn., spent the week-end here. Misses Millie and Bula Kanipe and Glenwood. - NEBO Nebo, March 28. On Friday eve ning, April 1st, Glenwood and Nebo high schools will meet each -other in the State triangular debate. The affirmative of each team will remain I at home and debate the negative- of the other school. Those on the af firaaUve team at Nebo are Misses Lena Spencer and Myra Quinru Those on the negative going, to Glen wood to, debate against their affirma tive are Misses Ada Henly and Zula Stone. Nebo school and community has forwarded $27.01 to Robert Brown, treasurer, for the Armenian and Syrian Relief fund. iuiuca luiiiic aiiu uuia xwaiiipc aitu i " - . Floyd Dell Tate spent Sunday m'1011 ln ZTtt undertaking. NEWS ITEMS FROM OVER THE STATE Items Concerning Events of In terest and Importance Throughout the State The city manager form of govern ment was adopted by the dtitens of Durham in an election Tuesday. The Champion Fibre company at Canton, it is announced, has ordered that wages of their employes be cut from 12 H to 30 per cent- It is said about 1,000 men are now at work in the big paper plant and all will be affected by the new scale of wages. Referee E. K. Mallontt, of Mur phy, in the Jackson county election Saturday allowed the motion of eiect-ion. That North Carolina is making rrnt headwav in thp nfnwmnt nf . . tions. PRESIDENT CILKEY 15." SUES CALL TO CITIZENS mittees to canvass Marion and "Mc Dowell county to solicit membership in the organization. He solicits the hearty support of the citizens of Mc- The annual membership dues and fee is .$10.00. QUARTERLY CONFERENCE. Quarterly conference will be held this week at Pisgah, Thermal City circuit, on Thursday at X o'clock at Nebo Saturday at 11 o'clock and at Carson's Chapel next Sunday at 2 o'clock. ANNOUNCEMENT! . To the voters of the town of Marion: I am depending only on the sup port of the voters who know that I will give my earnest attention - to promoting their best interest in town government. Yours respectfully, BEN PRICE,

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