A; WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY; ESTABLISHED 7 1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1921 VOL. XXV NO. 32 It. E. BRADLEY FATALLY INJURED BY AUTOMOBILE Struck Near His Home at Ma rion' Mill Monday , r Car Dirven hyJVfi C. Burgin. Bradley, aged sixty-five :yeaVzC'was fatally injured near his Ifrsroe in the Marion ' Manuf acturine C rfHEpany,s village early , Monday automobile driven by W. C. Burgin. Be was picked up and hurried to town for medical attention, but died Ibefore he could be given any atten tian. Aecording to reports, Mr. Bradley -was returning- from work in the Marion mill, and in some way got in the path of the machine, being killed almost instantly. The reports as to Iiow the accident occurred are con flicting. TJurgin will be given a lieaiing Friday to determine whether Jhc Is responsible for the accident. PORD STATION CHANGES HANDS T. J. Halliburton has sold his gar age and ..automobile business to Charles Barnes and W. S. Shiflett, recently of Morganton. The new proprietors will change the name of the 'firm to McDowell Motor Com pany, They will operate a general repair and sales business. They are 'experienced in the automobile busi ness, having been engaged in this fcosmess at "Morganton. The building in -which the business has been con-; Mucuau c ,cW "'"" -I T1 A leyand Barn.fS nd ShiflewUl; occupy temporarily a machine shop building adjoining e. garage. Anew, modenv build- Sig is oeing erecvu iy yy. v,. -ui Shiflett will carry on their business rm iha onmor int. wnpr Karnes and) V ' 1 J? 5!niS! " - iy fiioror-ompanjrs pu. r" Hwuircciucui, mediate future. HANKINS SCHOOL CLOSES; INTERESTING PROGRAM . At the 'closing exercises of the Hankins school Friday night, April 3, one of the , most interesting prd . grains ever -given by the school was -senjoyed by all present. At the ap pointed time the house was filled rith patrons and friends. The program consisted of plays, jcecitations, tableaux, etc., all very appropriate to' the occasion. The entire program was rendered in such - m way as to show that the pupils had een well trained for the occasion. At intervals on - the program very interesting lstring music was made :y Mr. Millard Browning and sons. Tfeis, too, was, enjoyed. For the past- year the . school has '3een under jthe eflScient management -of Miss Annie Wall. By her devo--tkm to the" work and- the interest --3shown in the school, she seemed to o all she could for the children and tomunityt i She needs much praise Xn the part of the parents for what he has done for the children and or making the past year one of the -most" successful in. :the history of the Hankiris; school. -JOHN BAILEY LODGED V in COUNTY - JAIL HERE -John , .Bailey, accused of killing -Jake Baxter ; in upper -North ?. Cove township, May 15th, U920, yias ar :asted at Love Station, TTenn.K: by eriff?Corn and Ed, Garland a few V--days ago. VSheriff Nichols was . im ' "roediately notified of the arrest and : " srent tp the - Tennessee 46wn and "ibrought - the - prisoner ' to ; Marion wtere" he was, placed in the county Reports of the killing give as ?a -inotive robery. ; " Bailey will - be jax- ST T ' l;irion made one of the best Addresses ;Miller. 7th grade, Donald Mcintosh; The building formerly occupied by , , i . .nHvilpm. nf thetu ' a Ku r xaigried for trial at the July termof T . ?Use Clean-up ;Week and rid your JUDGE J. C. PRITCHARD OF ASHEVILLE PASSES Asheville, . April 10. Federal Judge Jeter Conley Pritchard, of the fourth district, died here this morn ing at 6 o'clock, following an illness of several months. Death of the fa mous jurist was due directly to pneu monia, which developed Thursday, and served to aggravate his previous physical afflictions. He was in his 64th year. For more than 48hours previous to his death, he had been unconsci ous, and while medical experts exert ed every effort to save his life, the disease continued to fasten its-grip. While his death was not unexpected this morning, it was a great shock to members of the family r who had kept constant vigil at his bedside. The funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at 3 oclock from the First Baptist church of this city, rof which the distinguished jurist had long been a leading member. He is survived by his widow, a daughter, wife of Thomas A. Rollins; three sons, Dr. Arthur T., Solicitor George M. and Attorney McKinley Pritchard, and a sister, Mrs. J. T. Harris, all of Asheville. GLENWOOD STUDENTS REN DER PLEASING PROGRAM Nealsville, April 11; Under the direction of Miss Mattie Tate and Miss Edith Lonon the first, second and third grades of Glenwood High School entertained their parents and friends last Friday night with a brief 'program that reflected much honor upon both teachers and pupils. From i beginning to end the little tots held , the undivided attention of the pack. , e(J auditorium and many a grownup was pn same by-the 'realization he couldnt do half go welL At cIoge Qt the cmmreirs ex - - r w tt f M,. . .. . .... ..... t that has been the privilege of the P-Ple to hear at any time throughout the year. In a ch rich with illustration and J comparisons he made a wonderfully 9nnA. frv - his audience to KVAW.. ? X? wV ' stand by the school, to take part in its upbuilding, and on April 16, to register their votes in favor of the continued progress tf their children and their school. J. W. BIDDIX PASSES; FUNERAL TUESDAY litt, Frances Shirrell and AmuV Rit Mr, J. W. Biddix, aged eighty- itcr 2nd CTade. Clyde Nesbitt, Ly- seven years, died at the home of his son, J. B. Biddix, near Greenlee, Sunday morning at seven a. m. Mr. Biddix had been in very feeble kl4-V. -Fn-m -t. nnmhar e-f T7COT last year ne buiici cu BbAv&c vx iwtai;w from which he never fully recovered. The 'deceased was a highly re spected citizen of McDowell caunty. He represented this .county in the Legislature something over twenty years ago, and served on the home guard during the war .between the States. He always took an active intorost in nnvthincr that meant for the upbuilding and improvement ox his home section or county. - The funeral was . conducted at two o?clock Tuesday by Rev. J. P. Hipps, assisted by Dr. J. T. Bowden. The final rites were held by the Masonic fraternity of which Mr. Biddix had been a member for a long number of years, he being the oldest living member of the local lodge. Mr. Biddix was born in McDowell County. He was twice married, first to Miss' Esther Elizabeth Finley. To this imion were born seven child ren, six sons and. one daughter. The following sons survive: " F. W., - of Cannon City, Colorado; J. B., of Greenlee; Miles, of Madison, Fla. ; J. Is., of Marion; Ed. of Badin, and J; Xt of Baltimore. He was married the second time to Mrs. Mary Grant of this county, who proceeded her husband to the grave ' about twenty years-ago. ; , '" Sunflowers as, food for cattle are being-cultivated in the dry land farming reons of the northwest. WHY CHANGE YOUR WIFE ? ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM THE COUNTY Brief Mention of Some of thev Happenings in McDowell Items About Home People. OLD FORT Old Fort, April 12. Mrs. P. C. Harmon has just returned from a few days visit to relatives in Ashe ville. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lafever visited relatives in Hickory Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. J. L. Nichols left Monday for Asheville where she will spend a few days. Miss Elizabeth Biddix was called home yesterday on account of the death of her grandfather, J. W. Bid dix. "Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Strickland spent Saturday in Asheville on busi ness. Mrs. Harry Bach of Wilmington, Del., is visiting her father, W. P. Terrell. Mrs. Albert Terrell and little son of Black Mountain visited friends in Old Fort last week. A musical recital was given Fri day evening in the auditorium by the pupils of Miss Pearle Evans. The program, which consisted of solos, duets, trios and choruses, was en joyed by all. This speaks well for the progress the young people are making in music under Miss Evans and a still better program may be expected next year. Mrs. Edgerton, of Canton, visited Mrs. Maggie Allen last week The following pupils of the graded school made the highest average, in their respective grades thus entitling them to free picture show tickets: ' ' . ade Kimball Miller; 9th grade, .,,. T o.J th crade. Charlie Turner: 5th j grade, Noland Gilliam; 4th grade, Ashby Robinson; 3rd grade, Carlyn McIntosh . 2nd grade, Slema Finch; lst ade, Mary Virginia Adams. . TH 11 -F- tA I X MkS 1IUIIV4 X Vi su V for April is as follows: Ninth grade, . William Treverton. 8th grade, Ja- nie Parker and Pearl Turner. 7th grade, Dennis Haynes, Albert Nob- litt and Rosa Turner. 6th grade, Ward Treverton. 3rd grade, Carlyn I Mcintosh. Pauline Noblitt. Eva Nob- tle Eteppe, Charles Thomason, Ethel Allison, Catherine Finch, Pearle Haynes, Martha Hughes, Irene Jor dan, Edith Poteat, Geneva Steppe, Sallie Mae Owenby, Selma Finch, Ellen Holland, lst grade, Edwin Gilliam, Louise Pitts, Nellie Nichols, Lucy Allison, Gertie Connor, Mae Connor, Jessie Olla Davis,' Evelyn Gilliam,, Frances Kanipe, Stella Sherrill, Frances Thomason, Virgin ia Vess, Elizabeth . Wilson, Walter McCurry, Carlyle Nesbitt, Lester Plemmons, Donald Turner, Harold Vess, J. R. Harris, Roy Holland, Bishop Davis, Emmett Burgin. CROOKED CREEK Old Fort, Rt. 2, April 12. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Lavender and daugh ter, Estelle, of Old Fort, visited re latives here Sunday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Davis, April 5, a daughter. Lee Lavender of Greenville, S. C, is visiting homef oiks here. Mrs. Julius Parker axid children of Marion have been visiting relatives here. Mrs. C. L. Erwin of Henrietta spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. . A. W. Lavender. . ' Miss May Gilliam of Broad River spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. U. A. Davis. Mrs. Annie Lane and little son of West Virginia have been visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Gibson. MONTFORDS COVE Union Mills, Rt; 1, April H2. This time the cold snap is hitting us hard. We think all the fruit in this section is already killed! Born, to Mr. and Mrs. James Hay nes, April 4, a fine son. Mr. and Mrs. Laddie Hemphill of High Shoals are visiting the for mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Hemphill.1 Miss Floy Williams is visiting her brother, Curtis Williams, in Ruther- fordton. Several of the young folks attend ed the singing at the home of MissJ Vera Ledbetter Sunday evening. Robert and Jones Harris spent Monday in Rutherfordton. Miss Annie Sue Harris, after spending the week-end with her pa rents, has returned to -.Marion. Grover Hardin ofCaroleen was a visitor here Sunday. . Verno Harris and family spent Sunday at the home of the former's parents. Miss Ethel Ledbetter spent Satur day night at the home of Miss Olif Stott. NEBO ROUTE 2. Nebo, Rt. 2, April 7. Mrs. E. E. Weaver of Nebo. and Miss Gladys Dale spent Tuesday with Mrs. Len- nie Hollifield. Mrs. Charles Wacaser of Glen wood and Miss Emma Higgins of Shelby visited Mrs. Mason one day last week. ' Mrs. Oliie Finley was shopping in Marion Tuesday. Miss Sallie Weaver is on the sick list. We hope she will soon recover. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Redman of s Gastonia and Miss Gladys Dale have had retired for the night. Rev. Mr.f returned to Nebo where they will '. Campbell was. asleep and Mr. Thorn- make their home. I as. heard the bowlder as.it started to There will be prayer meeting nextjfa11 and was able to get out of the Sujidayat JVjUiam Carswell's, con-in -time to save, his "life. The ducted byRev? Tom Wilson. Every-! o was said to weigh about 2.000 body cordially invited to attend. Mrs. Delia Carswell was the guest of Mrs. S. -R. Cuthbertson Wednes day. Miss Jessie Hendrix has returned to her home in Youngstown, Omo. . J liw.Ita Mrs. Paul Smith. J Guthrie Gladden and Ray L. Hemp- hill, both of this place, will -be of CATAWBA VALLEY I interest to friends here: Old Fort, April 10. Patton Odom! "Last Sunday the editor was called c of Black Mountain spent the week- upon to unite in marriage Mrs. Ten-; end with relatives here. nie Radford to Mr. G. G. Gladden Mr. and Mrs. L. Wilson of Bums- and Miss Nina Snyder to Mr. R. L. ville are visiting the latter's father, : Hemphill, at the home of Mrs. Rad- V T A. Porter. .ford at this place. . . . -; Miss Frances Nichols was taken to J "Mrs. Radford has been a resident -the hospiital last week for an opera- , of Spruce Pine for so long that she tion. x j s known by all our people and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Chas. SteDoe of Old ; Fort spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Allison. waiter i-orter maae a Dusinesai-. . : t trip to Swannonoa lasl week. V go. Both of the brides were among V. U Bradley of Greenlee spent jthe brightest and :best of our young- the week-end at the home of J, wJW-1"'.?11111--Bradleyr ' tc n thiscountyr . . v ; OM Jack Frost" has been calling "Te grooms are both yu gn aroud to see us. tlemen of pur neighboring town ot -f : - - ; . Marion. and are splendid young men.. CURFEW ' ' " . whom our peolpe. will gladly congrati - Walter Porter made a business 'r, reiu x Curfew, Aprjl 7. The farmers around here are getting ready to plant corn. ' I. L. Reel of Marion made a busi ness trip to Curfew, Monday." Mr. and Mrs. W. C- Burgin were the guests of the latter's sister, Mrs. C. N. Hogan, Sunday. Oscar Shelton was . a visitor here Thursday. WHITE PINE Nealsville, Rt. 1, April 11. Miss Vera Ledbetter has returned- bome4 from Marion. Miss Floy Williams is visiting her brother, Curtis Williams, at Ruther fordton. .' Bud Williams and family visited his father Sunday. 7- : V Miss Lela Marlow spent the week end here, ;with relatives. Miss Annie Sue Harris, who has been faendiAg school in Marion,- is homevf or a few days. . . ' - Preston Hensley - and Lawrence Wilkerson of Marion visited - hoine f oiks here Sunday - . ' . Mrs. Julia Ledford spent the week end with her son, Manley, at Stroud- (Continued on last page) NEWS ITEMS FROM OVER THE STATE Items Concerning Events of In terest and I m p o r t a nee . Throughout the State. v Col. Isaac M. Meekins, of Eliza beth City, N. C., has been appointed - general counsel for the alien proper ty custodian's department, it is an- " nouhced from Washington. . - The annual convention of te North Carolina Baraca ' and" Phila thea. Union will be held in Henderson April 21, 22, 23. and 24. The pro gram includes subjects of intense interest to church and Sunday schools workers. More -than a million dollars in im mediate improvements .is tho pro gram for HendersonviHe and other r parts of Henderson county, accoid- ing to the HendersonviHe News.v Over half a million dollars .will be spent for road -improvements through the county. A quarter million dol- - lars will be invested iiu street build- : ing in Hendersonville"and " a quarter million dollars improvement in build- ings in the city is now in progress. . Waynesville, April 7. As the re sult of a large bowlder, under which . they were camping, crashing to the. earth, Rev. Mr. Campbell, of Crosby, Tenn., was fatally injured and a re lative by the name of Thomas, had a foot badly . crushed, 'the two men 3vere camping on Indian creek and pounds. DOUBLE WEDDING AT : SPRUCE PINE SUNDAY The followirig-clipping -from the ; Toe "River Herald, Spruce Pine, giv- linn on arwnrT Vl n . msmniM f Snyder, ner. sister, was, lormeny ;a resident of this county but for some time has been living at Marion where her parents " moved a couple years j,ulate upon the acquisition ; of - two r . w . , : v. such desirable partners for- life's journey." . . 4 x- . .-. HONOR ROLL NEBO HIGH SCHOOL, SEVENTH MONTH The honor roll, for- Nebo High School during the seventh : month is as follows: v First : " grade-r1 Burley Snipes, Logan Snipes; Harold Annis . Frank Bowman, Edward Lentz, El- yin Teague. Second; grade Clara Brown, .Annie Louise Lentz, Ferry Parks, Robert Lewis, Harry Hemp hill, Raymond Carswell, -Roy Finch, William Swingle; Erwin McGimsej " . Myrtle Carver. Third Grader-Max Lentz, Bessie Jaynes, Louise Bow- man- Fourth grades-Eunice Stacy, Virginia Bolton. ? Fifth grade Len- Lnje Cuthbertson, Mary Ellen Parks. Ruth Kincaid, Helen Bolton, Blanche -Lewis, Billy Bowman. Sixth grade Herman : Bolton, ; Gertrude Jaynes; Seventh 1 grade Hazel Brown, Bon- x nie Padgett, Lucile - Hemphill, . Ge neva Jaynes; - William Somersr. Her bert Wilson. Eighth - grade Len nie Brown, ,. Eddie Jaynes Tenth. -grade r-Zula" Stone.'- " ; . WHY CHANGE YOUR WIFE? - i J 'Chouse arid home of that