M j ' "" N A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELLXOUNTY, ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1921 VOL. XXV NO. 3a 1 A t MARION GRADED SCHOOL WILL CLOSE THIS WEEK Commencement ExercUea Be gin Friday Night Annual Sermon Sunday Night. This week the children of the grammar and High School are tak ing their final examinations. Friday will be the last school day for the CpJ' 1920-1921." In a very gTeat ny respects this has been the most successful year of the school, due largely to a longer term nine months. The program, which is unique and m some respects different from the usual, for the commencement exer- iies is: Recitation and Declamation con tests Friday evening, May 27, at 8 o clock. If you enjoy and love good speaking be sure to come. At the Methodist church Sunday evening at 8 o'clock May 29, Rev. J. C. Story will preach the annual com mencement sermon. . The class of '21 will present the annual play, "Some Class, Monday evening at 8 o'clock, May 30. "Some Class" is a four act comedy full of merriment, and we are sure that you will enjoy it. The admission will be :15c for adults and 20c for children. The proceeds will be used for either the Science department or Play ground apparatus. Ctass Day exercises, story telling and spelling contests wiU be Tues day afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, May U. The story tellers will be child ren from the primary department The spellers will represent the Gram mar school. There is only one way of knowing how good this program will be Comet See! Listen! The annual address by Hon. W. H. S. Burgwyn, of Woodland. N. C, graduating exercise, etc., will be Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, May 31. All diplomas, certificates, priz es, etc., will be awarded following the address. This will be a most in teresting evening and we are count ing on your presence. The school colors are green and white. Get the school- spirit dec orate in her colors. This will be fine for both the school and town. The faculty 'and myself take this opportunity to thank the patrons, friends, Parent-Teacher association, and school board for their loyal and generous cooperation in successfully conducting the school this year. T. A. HOLTON, Supt. OFFICERS SEIZE MEN AND WHISKEY Sheriff Nichols and officers Lail and Poteat arrested two men by the name of Kirby and Smith on the Ne bo road last Saturday night, charged with transporting whiskey. The of ficers had been given a tip that cer tain parties in a car had gone out to bring in a load of liquor. After go ing out on the road and waiting for several hours, the automobile show ed up. When the oceupanta saw the officers coming, two ofthem made a (keaik and succeeded in getting away, itirby and Smith were arrested and about one gallon of liquor was tak en. The automobile was also seized aid the men placed in jail. In a eliminary hearing on Monday, smith and Kirby were held for Su perior court. The officers have the names of the two men who made their escape and . are making a dili gent search for them. METHODIST TO BUILD COLLEGE AT FOREST CITY narlino-trm Colleee a co-educa- tional institution is to be built by the Methodists at: ForestvCity.- Already there has been subscribed something hrmrfred thousand dollars for the new institution. A mass' meeting was held at Fro- est Citv a few days ago at . which xrreat enthusiasm was manifested. As vet no money outside of Ruther ford county is being: solicited Ruthr erf ord wishes to show what it can do before asking for help. - The .plans are well under way and it ia hoped to start building operations soon. C. F. JAMES BUYS CARO- UWA HOSIERY MILL There is one man in Marion who is not afraid of the depression in busi ness. If all business men practiced the same business principles that some do, all business would stop and things get slow, because some men get scared out of their lives, figura tively speaking, when the dark clouds of business depression show up, and seek hiding places by putting their money in the safety vault and keep ing it there till the clouds pass over. Mr. "James believes in optimism and practices it. It has largely been due to his fore-sight and vision that he has attained the success that fcas al ready come to him in the manufac turing business. Coming to Marion several years ago as foreman for one of the local mills, Mr. James has proved his abili ty and has won the confidence of the business influences of this communi ty by the success which has come to him. A few years ago he decided to go into the manufacturing business for himself, and rigging up a few machines, he rented a place for in- stallation and began "knittin' stock-1 in s. ine business continued to grow and prosper and Mr. James now reaches out to enlarge his busi- ness. Several months ago he pur- j Mrs. Claude Bradley and ''daugh cluveed the McDowell Hosiery mill j ter of Black Mountain spent Sunday and a few days ago he purchased the in Old Fort. old Carolina mill. It is his purpose Miss Grace Amey, who is attend to consolidate the two plants under ing school at Davenport college, is one management. The business will expected home Wednesday, be conducted at the old Carolina , Miss Davie Mae Arney ia spending Hosiery Mill plant under the name of ?0me time in Asheville. McDowell Hosiery Mills, and while it I Deputy Sheriff D. Y. Grant has will be under the personal direction captured two huge steam illicit dis of Mr. James, it is his plan to have a'tillery outfits recently one last capable manager to look after the ' week about one and one-half miles new combination, as much of Mr. i southeast of Old Fort, the other Mon- James time is consumed in his per- . day night of this week up on Cataw 3onal over-sight of the Elizabeth ba river. James mills. The graded school commencement Mr. James manufactures only high exercises at Old Fort will take place grade hosiery, which finds ready sale, 'as follows: Notwithstanding the fact that a num- Friday night, May 27, at 8:30, con ber of the mills have been compelled , test in recitation and declamation, to slow down, and in a number of j Sunday morning, May 29, at 11 cases shut down entirely, Mr. James : o'clock, annual sermon by-Dr. R. H. has been able to keep his plant run- Herring of Waynesville. ning at practically full time. i Monday night, May 30th, at 8i30, Mr. James has further plans which he hopes to develop for his employ ees. He has peculiar notions of his own as to what the employer should . rr houses in which his employees may live, and do other things for the com fort of those who are employed by him. PAUL WEEKS HAS TWO FINGERS AMPUTATED Paul Weeks, a compositor and job man in the employ of The Progress suffered a minor accident last week while cutting paper. He -failed to lock the lever that controls the knife of the paper cutterr and while he was adjusting some paper, with the knife raised but not fastened, the lever dropped, cutting off the tip. of the fore finger on the right hand and the middle finger at the first joint on the left hand. Medical attention was promptly given and Mr. Weeks is suffering little pain. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION. The fifth Sunday Sunday School Convention will.be held at Chapel Hill church next Sunday beginning at 11:15. A splendid program has been arranged. There will be plenty of good singing, and inspiring talks by different leaders of Sunday school work; The children's exercises will occupy the regular Sunday school hour and will be very helpful. An all-day service will be held, and we ask that all who come bring lunch with them and enjoy a good social and -spiritual feast. We invite every Sunday School Superintendent and as many of his school whOf can come, to be . with us, and help .us make this one of the largest and best conven- ?rtn over held. A cordial invita tion to all. E. J.JONES, Acting Chairman. WHAT'S YOUR HUSBAND DOING do lor tnose wno are empioyea. ne turned. An aamission xee roi ooc h. 1. Smith visited relatives m Old. Most of the government's import hopes to be able to provide first class and 20 cents will be charged for this (Fort Sunday. witnesses in the liauor cases now ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM THE COUNTY Brief Mention of Some of the Happenings in McDowell Items About Home People. OLD FORT Old Fort, May 24. Tom Gilbert of Black Mountain spent some time in Old Fort the past week. Reuben Young of Florida is ,in Old Fort on important business. Miss Mary Burgin is visiting Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Johnson. B. L. Lunsford spoke at the school auditorium Thursday night. His lec ture was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. George Marshall spent a few days in Marion last week, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Noyes. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nichols, Miss Jennie Stirewalt and Mrs. Nadine Spencer motored to Marion one night last week to attend the Chautauqua. Misses Sadie and Evelyn Burgin are visiting relatives in Raleigh. Miss Mabel Crawford, who spent the winter in Florida, has returned home. Mrs. Carl Rock and children of Floida are visiting relatives in Old I Port High School entertainment. Mem-1 bers of the high school will present as one feature of the evening Hia- watha Pantomime, handsomely cos - . . ... - - ; entertainment for the benefit of the school. Tuesday night, May 31, at 8:30. graduating exercises and annual ad - dress by Dr. E. K. McLarty of Ashe ville. MARION MILL, Marion, May 23. Through error in Progress office last week our news was headed "Clinchfield" instead of Marion. Rev. J. P. Hornbuckle preached a great sermon Sunday night to both Methodists and Baptists. Rev. E. J. Jones, upon advice of his physician, will take a ten days' rest. We wish for mm a speedy re covery. A modem, bungalow ia to replace the home occupied by J. T. Laughlm, which was destroyed by fire some weeks ago. Lumber has arrived to add an ad ditional room for each of the over seers' homes. Our new No. 2 Cincinnati Milling machine arrayed Saturday. We will hereafter make supplies which have had to be ordered at very high prices. President R. W. Baldwin and wife drove down to the Catawba lake last week and report a fine trip. As the work of screening our houses goes forward we hear excla mations of praise' for Mr. -Baldwin from all sides. We also wish to thank Mr. Baldwin in advance for the electric light system which is be ing installed. As reported last week, we broke all records for production running 114 per cent, but we expect to beat that this month for work is run ning fine and everybody in the very best of spirits. v - NEBO Nebo, May 24. Mr. and Mrs. Tol bert Scott and two children, who have been spending the winter here," left Monday for Seattle, Washington. They will sail from there on the 3rd of June for their home in Alaska amid snow and ice. Miss Lottie Wilson, who has been in school at Weaverville college, re turned home Saturday for the sum mer. Mrs. Patchel Jaynes, am aged lady, in her 80th year, died Saturday eve--ning at six o'clock. She was laid to rest in the Nebo cemetery Sunday. Mrs. Jaynes was a devoted christian. She leaves to mourn her losslanum ber of relatives and a host of friends. Watson Wilson attended the com mencement at Weaverville college last week. , Mr. and Mrs. Simpson of Ruther fordton spent the week-end here with relatives. Miss Sudie Alexander of Marion spent the week-end here with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Beaman of Marion spent Sunday here. Miss Pearl Padgett spent Sunday here with relatives. GARDIN Marion, May 23. Mrs. Grayson Craig was shopping in Marion last week. Miss Mamie Bowman spent the week-end with homefolks. Thomas Marlow made a business trip to M?rion Saturday. Misses Vera and Mary Wacaser were shopping in Marion last Satur-, day. Ivey Holland spent the week-end with homefolks here. Robert Carswell of Lowell has t been visiting his brother, J. C. Cars well. . . . oiolr her :.::r , , t-. luiuara noiiana maae a Dusmess;--T ,. , . , . ...,. , . . , 4 Washington; May 21. Thousands -of trip to Marion one day last week. I. .-v. 4. f, T v -n , , - . .. ; bootleggers may escape punishment Mrs. Julia Padgett has been visit-; . . , , - 1 i for violation of the liquor laws as ar mg relatives of this section. t - xt t. nkix a 1 fx . . j . . . 'result -of the furlough of -700. federal Grayson Craig attended the ser-: . .A. . ... T , .. . r . i , TT-ti x . , ."prohibition agents until July 1; Com-: vices at Chapel Hill Baptist church . . , . J; . - . u c , missioner Kramer declared tonight.. ouuuajr. CHAPEL HILL Chapel Hill, May 23. Mr. and .Mrs. W. A. Proctor and Mr. and Mrs. ' ... ... . . . . Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Hicks, after spending some time here with the former's parents, Mr. .and Mrs. T. M. ' Hicks, have returned to Atlanta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Roberson and family of Marion spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Coats. Misher Shehan and sister, Miss Ora, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Barnes yesterday.' ijtev. Green of Marion ably filled Reir, E, X Jones' pulpit here Sunday afternoon. G. P. Poteet, little son of Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Poteet, has been quite ill but is improving. CURFEW Curfew, May 24. Corn crops are looking fine in this section of the country. John Reel and family visited rela tives in Marion, Sunday. " Mrs. D. Parker and children visit ed friends at Clinchfield, Monday. M. A. Parker made a business trip to Marion, Monday. little Clarence Parker is real sick. CAROLINA SPENDING FORTUNE ON SCHOOLS Raleigh, May 21. With an issue i of six hundred thousand- dollars pending, making the total run close to ten million dollars, North, Caro lina has since last October voted by special, elections bonds for building school houses in the sum of $8,902,- 500. " . The figures were announced this morning by State Superintendent Brooks, Greensboro's recent million dollar issue topping'the .. list, "The pending issue of six hundred thous and is in Goldsbdro and, an election has been called for July fifth. - NEWS ITEMS FiyOM " OVER THE STATE I terns Concernin g Events of In terest and I m p o.r t a n c o Throughout the State. ;v; Fire Saturday night damaged the Hotel Morgan at Morgantoa to the extent of several thousand dollars. The annual convention of the North Carolina Merchants' associa- tion will be held at Greensboro June ; 21, 22 and 23. ; '.. :-; ' ' rrV'-. V- A new dormitory for the, -Prftsby-terian orphanage at Barium Springs -has juslf been completed and is now ready for "occupancy t " vi ,t";ry The plant of the Elkin Furniture company, one of the most important enterprises of Elkin, was destroyed by fire Thursday night. The loss is placed at $100,000 .with $21,000 insurance.- James Foy Justice has been .elect -ed superintendent of- fhe public schools of Henderson county by: the county board of education. Mr Jus tice will assume office on July 1, at i salary of $3,50.0, according to the News. " . The board of education of .the Methodist Protestant church in North Carolina, at a meeting; , in Greens boro Friday .selected . High Point as the site to locate the college of that denomination in this State. Three places were considered: High Point, Greensboro and Burlington. High Point offered a site of 60 acres and $100,000, It was this offer which ! was accepted. The church proposes to put: $590,000 into its college at the I beginning. The college will be' lo- i cated just inside the " incorporate limits of High Point, on the Greens boro to High Point highway. MANY BOOTLEGGERS MAY' ! I escape punishment ,- - v 4- 1 AAA Xli any cvciiWy tlx: auucu, tiiany vx wic cases will have to be continued : over the 40 davsi which will add to the ' congestion of the already crowded av vwa v uuvw. - before the courts. Mr. Kramer "en- .plained are the agents who worked nn th evidence against the defend- Most nf thesft men! he said. wmld return to their homes, making ' it necessary either- to isubpoenae Ithem and pay their way to the places i nf trial or mntinii t.h cjps! . 1 w. w ' - - - . I At present, Mr. Kramer said, it is , too soon to guage the effect on -the illegal traffic which may result from the loss of 700 agents for 40 days 1 because of the lack of funds to pay their salaries. However, he assert- ( ed, the cut would hurt the prohibi- i tion- enforcement unit . in- very . way and set back if. not undo the work done in brganizingthe : force. 1 ' "Millions have, been lost," he said, j "in an attempt to saye a. few hundred thousand dollars.' , 1 MEMBERS OF TEXTBOOK COMMISSION ANNOUNCED Raleigh, May 23.--The State Text bo6k Commission, appointed jointly by the goyernor and the State super intendent of Ipublic instruction, was announced here today as follows: ' T. Wingate Andrews, Salisbury; . C. S. Warren," Hamlet; Miss Mary Gra ham, Charlotte; Miss" Celeste Henkel, Statesville ; Nr F. Steppe, Marion ; Thos. .F. . Foust," Greensboro ; ' Miss Jane Q. Sullivan, Asheville. WEATHER REPORT. Thos. McGuire, local government weather bureau observer, reports the temperature" and rainfall at . Marion for the week as follows ; - ; Maximum, 86 degrees minimum 49 degrees;" rain 0.68 of an inch; sunshine, per cent, 0.71. WHAT'S -YOUR HUSBAND POING -'r, fi 1 c J