A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTDF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1921 VOL. XXV NO. 42 I LEGION POSTS PLAN BIG CELEBRATION JULX 4TH ' f' - '' ' - - ' - American Legion of Four Counties will Celebrate Hol iday in Morganton. Plans are getting Tapidly under -way for the big celebration in Mpr 'ganton on July Fourt. In this cele bration four counties will take part Burke, Catawba, McDowell and Caldwell. The: American Legion posts in these counties havearranged to take turns in celebrating" this pa triotic holiday and Burke's ' tjme comes first. The word is' eing pass ed around anjd publicity given to the fact that a general invitation is ex tended to all soldiers and sailors (this including the veterans' of other wars) and all civilians are invited to join with the Burke county post of the American Legion and the people of Morganton in making July 4, 1921, a day that will long be remembered. A tentative program has been pre pared and during the next few weeks the committees . that have been ap pointed will spare no effort in assist ing the program committee to carry out their plans. In the ; morning there will be a grand parade, in which military or ganizations, bands, floats, .etc., will take -part. A prize of $15 will be given for the best float, $10 for the second best, $5 for most comical and $5 for the1 most attractively decorat ed automobile.; Possibly the biggest feature of the ltv day's program will be the nove ontortninmpnh; inct. Vf"fmp norm. Th.-fli ifnHp Hvli-ht fireworks and aerial candy bombs for the child. I made a very favorable impression on ren. Few people in this section have the lody, who listened to him with ever witnessed" - daylight -reworks imn X and doubtless this feature alone will' Following the banquet, the pub- . - j ilishers completed their work and ad- attract thousands. ! . :- . f " For all soldiers and sailors there Jurned to meet at the Cleveland -arill Via a TwrKpMip dinnpr from 12:30 to 2 o'clock nthe court square, this followed by an address by Supt. R. E. Simpson of the Southern Railway, a Burke county boy who has made good in a big way. Fire races and drills in which Le noir, Hickory, Marion and Morgan ton companies will take part will come in the afternoon. Morganton and Lenoir, ancientr Baseball rivals, will match teams f or- a game at 4 o'clock. Later in the afternoon there will be a balloon ascension, with the daring triple parachute leap. Music for the day will be furnish ed by the- Morganton, Marion, Hick ory and, Valdese bands. Troop "C," North Carolina Nation al Guard, will be there. At night there will oe shown the most gorgeous ana spectacular ais- nlav of fireworks ever shown in x. . V . WesternNorth Carolina. The JNew. Theatre will run moving pictures all day, with a special fea . members ture for the Fourth. All of the Amerrcan Legion and menrin uniform will be admitted free. As can be seen from this general summary of plans for the celebration there will "be something doing all the time. It isrexpected that if the weather is favorable there will be a big crowd in Morganton that day. FORTUNE-SUTHER. Concord, June 20. Miss Mary Belle Suther, daugnter oi mr. uu j Mrs. E. A. Suther, and Mr. W. K. Fortune were quietly married Thurs day evening at 6:30 o'clock at the parsonage oi "Calvary St. Andrew's Lutheran churches on -jGeorgia ave nue. The ceremony was performed by Rev. M. lu Kester, pastor of the bride, in the presence of. a few friends. Mr. and Mrs, Fortune left on the evening : train to spend their "honeymoon in tne western part, of the; state, after which they will make their liome "in Concord. - . . i ExSheriff J. A. ;Xackey, a promi nent citizen Burke county, died Sunday xhoming at his home near Morganton. He liad been$& for several moriths. . ' A wife, three sons iand five datrghters survive. Q WEEKLY PUBLISHERS HOLD MEETING AT SPRUCE PINE 'The Western North Carolina Weekly Press Association, composed of the weekly newspapers of the western part of the State, held one of the most interesting and enjoy able meetings in its history at Spruce Pine on last Friday. The business folks and civic organizations of the town prepared a program of enter tainment that could not be outclassed by a town many times the size of Spruce Pine. The visitors were met at the station by Mr. F. A. Carr, edi tor of The Toe River Herald, and representatives of the Board of Trade, who gave the visitors badges and escorted them to their various staying places. A pleasant feature of the meeting was a banquet pre pared by the ladies of the town, and held at 'the Phillips Hotel. A large number of the citizens of the town were present at the banquet, who added much to th'e success and happi ness of the occasion. The address of welcome was made by Dr. J. M. Peterson, a popular citizen of the town, and Dr. C. A. Peterson, also well known citizen, acted as toast master. The .business session of the meet ing were held in the lodge auditorium of the town. The editors had a suc cessful session, many phases of their work being discussed and policies outlined. Present at the meeting was Mr. D. C. .Boy, land and indus trial agent of the C. C. & Q. Railway, who spoke to the newspaper men on the newspaper as a means of promot- mg progress ana aiaing in me ae- velopment of any section Mr. Boy springs notei, near oneiDy, oeptem- T . Saturday morning the publishers were taken in automobiles .to view the beautiful scenery and industires near Spruce Pine. The scenery was pronounced by all as being superb and unequalled in any section. The industries are chiefly mining, with some manufacturing. Spruce Pine is the headquarters for the English j Mica Company, Dent and Gunter, a v. - . -k T- .V. . J A 1. T-C j i i iTToic Pier rrt ni-AiiPorc rf o dv of clay pottery; Wiseman Mining Co., which produces mica and feldspar; J. E. Burleson Mica Co., Blue Ridge Min ing Co., Belle Railroad Co., and a number of other mining and manu facturing concerns. It is apparent' that the mining industry in mica and , A . .. , - discoverv and development. Other valuable minerals are being found in this sprtion. and with each discoverv comes additional commercial value 1 to this community. i , me good roaas,quesuon ;s one, a u -n that interests the people of this sec-1 hn Fortune of Asheville spent tion, and much work is goin- on in m Fort' . . , road construction. A. hard surface ; Mrs Whitmire and daughter, road is now being built through fOhve , have returned home after a Spruce Pine as a part of the State visit to the formers mother at Nor highway systems and, when com-iten' N- pleted, will link up tnis section with Mrs. C. N. Allison spent the week outside markets and trade centers. with Mrs. P. H Mashburn. There is no question but that the section around Snruce Pme is one ; possessing unlimited resources and it is only a question of time when these resources will be developed, and with this development Spruce Pine will become one of the leading tourist and commercial sections of Western North Carloina. CROSS MILLS TEAM DEFEATS HICKORY Cross Mills defeated Hickory here Saturday before a large crowd, 14 to 3. Hickory used three pitchers but failed to stop the heavy hitting of the Cross team.- Hoover-and Patton, of the Cross team led in securing the 18 hits- Ramsey pitched a strong game for Cross all the way. Services at St. John's church next Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM THE COUNTY Brief Mention of Some of the Happenings in McDowell Items About Home People. MARION MILL. Marion, June 20. Jesse Brown and family are visiting relatives near Old Fort this week. Mrs. W. A. Vess spent last week in Asheville with her daughter. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Green, a son. Luke Summey and family of For est City spent Sunday at the home of W. J. Rogers. Mrs. Vantifor of Greenville, S. C, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. F. Hunt. Jno. M. Snoddy and family and W. S. Jones, and family motored to Hickory Sunday where they visited friends. They report the roads in good condition except a short stretch between Nebo and Marion. But at ihe present rate the road crew is making this section will have top soil on it within three weeks. Work on the new Baptist church is progressing nicely. We urgently request all who have made pledges to pay them now. If you haven't an nounced your pledge, let us' hear from you. Mr. Wilcox, foreman of the elec tric light crew, announces that the electric current will be turned on within three weeks, providing lights for streets and dwellings. There will be union services at the M. E. church next Sunday night. 'Come and bring the family. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Ka nipe, June 3, a daughter. . It. is natural-that you should be in terested in your home paper, but it is not fair to read it at your neighbor's expense. Subscribers request that you do not carry their copy of The Progress away from the store in the ; future. If you like to read the pa- ( per it's your duty to suscribe for it ( and not borrow your neighbor's copy, : OLD FORT Old Fort, June 21. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ditmore of Asheville spent the i week-end in Old Fort with the for-! trior's sisTr fvirs. i-i. w . rnniin . . rrr -i 11 i i' 1 1. ivi ism r ruin -v i la ikau ia.aL, wccivi L. I a ,c"- tuv-ivj . Miss Martha Teague, who has been ! visiting her mother, will leave Wed nesday for Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. R. L. Jordan and children re- turned home Sunday from Morgan- ton where they visited friends. Mrs. Marleyand daughter, Margaret, have returned to Miss their home at China Grove, after a visit to j Mrs. 1. L. Caplin. Miss Margaret White of Asheville ; spent the week-end with Mrs. George i Hyams. I , , . . to Marion Tuesday. ' ronune aiiu uluc uii, Li bert, were visitors here baturday. Friends of Mrs. J. G. Burgin will be glad to learn that she is improv ing, y Mrs. Ben Tisdale and daughter were shopping in Old Fort Tuesday. Edward White, who has been working in Cnarlotte, is home for a few days visit. Misses Ada and Mamie Lackey, nurses at Morganton hospital, are home on a vacation. Fred Bradley made a business trip to Marion, Tuesday. Mrs.Ben Byrd and daughter, Jes sie, of Asheville, are visiting at the home of Mrs. J. L. Nichols. There will be an ice cream supper given at the W. O. W.Jhall Saturday night, June 25, for the benefit of the Woodmen circle. x The Old Fort baseball team defeat ed Clinchfield here Saturday by score of 5 to 3. B. C. M411er will move in his new house this week. CROOKED CREEK. Old Fort, Rt. ; 2, June 20. Mrs. Mattie Turner of Old Fort is visiting her son, Frank Turner. Mrs. Jesse Davis and little daugh ter of Old Fort spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Nat. Davis. A number from here attended the ice cream supper given - by r,usha Gibson Saturday night at his home near Bethlehem. " Columbus Silvers and his father have their new house about complet ed. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Davis of Old Fort are visiting the former's pa rents. George Lavender of Kingsport, Tenn., has been visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Halford-have returned from an extended visit o Durham and other points. While away they attended the commence ment at Trinity college. ' Harvesting of the small grain is progressing slowly on account of the rains. The recent storms and hard winds have damaged the grain in this section to a great extent. Lee Lavender made a business trip to Marion one day last week. Mrs. Russell Morris of Old Fort was buried at Cherry Springs Sun day. James Lavender and little son, Earl, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. ana Mrs. wiuiam nonary near Bethlehem. LAUREL HILL Nebo, Rt. 1, June 20. On Sun- day of last .week Misses Mattie and j as pleasant as possible. Trinity col Beatrice Walker, J. M. Walker and lege authorities have kindly consent- son, Ira, Jesse Price and John Get- ed to turn over theirs entire equip tys attended the Rutherford county .ment to? the committee which will singing convention at Sandy Plains ! take care of the veterans during Baptist church, near Hollis. They j their stay, while requests are being- reported a most delightful trip and made to the railroads to cTant sncial a great treat of much fine gospel! singing by Prof's. R. N. Grisham. W. ! W. McGlamry and others of note in the singing realm. Mrs. I. M. Price of Rutherfordton is spending a few days here with her daughter, Mrs. D. H.Wh:tener. I, . T Ttf kV. TIf 11. , I ? . o. euu n aiher iiiaue x uuMiitss triD to Marion last Saturday. Price of Cliffside spent Sat - 1 UTy and Sunday here with his pa - renw. Mr. and Mrs. Misher Curtis of Ma - rion visited the latters parents, Mr. iana aiTS- - n- wlJon iast weeK- i j -m jr w t t- - a. i Miss rlla walKer is spending tnc week with friends in this communi- ty. -1 Jesse Price spent the week-end in Mooresboro. j; F. Foster was in Marion on busi ness last Saturday. Miss Ovia Price of Cliffside- is; spending a few days with homcfolks here, The farmers of this community have been very busy for the past - - - r-- ww . -w . week in their harvest fields and in j have enacted some kind of legisla the cultivation of other crops which tion providing relief or bonus pay- have taken on quite a different ap - pearance since the fine rain we had on yesterday. CHAPEL HILL . Chapel Hill. June 20. Mr. and Mrs. Joe England and daughter of Marion spent " Sunday with the for mer's brother, J. W. England. Mrs.-J. H. Belk of Jefferson City, Tenn., has returned after spending some time with her father, T. M. Hicks. Mrs. T. J. Barnes is visiting, rela tives in Glenwood this week. Mrs. C. D. Holland has been on the sick-list but is improving. Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Swann of -Marion visited relatives here the latter part of the week. Mrs. John Jarrett oi near Kebo spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. T. M. Hicks. Miss Carrie Bright of Marion spent-the week-end with homefolks here. (Continued on last page) NEWS ITEMS FROM OVER THE STATE Items Concerning Events of In " Merest and Importance Throughout the State. Representative Zebulon "rfeaver, of the Tenth district, has introduced a bill in congress, provision of which wouldx secure an appropriation of $50,000 for the erection of public building at Franklin. Sentence of six months on th roads and to pay a fine of $1,000 dol lars was passed upon Noah Williams, aged 65 and white-headed, in Polk Superior court last week. A. still was said to have been found on his place. uutneriora county wiu . nave a county "fair October 11 to 14th, in- elusive, and five community fairs just before the county fair. They are Union Mills, Mt. Pleasant, Wat kins, Oakland, and Race Path. They will be held October 4 - to 8, respec tively. joe tferry npton, deputy snertnT of Mitchell county, was instantly killed last Thursday when ne was thrown from the saddle of a run away horse near Bakersville. Tip ton was hurled headlong into a rock cliff, and died from broken . neck. With a party of other officers, Tip ton was in pursuit of liquor violators when his horse took fright and ran away. The annual reunion of the Confed erate veterans of North Carolina will be hel(l in, Durham on August 23, 24 and 25. :?Veparatibns are under way in Durham-already, it is announ- ced make stay of the old sol- dlers during, the hot. days .of August rates to veterans on the days of the. state reunion. WILL OPPOSE CASH BONUS FOR SOLDIERS Washington, June 18. The chain-' j ber of commerce of. the "United . . . i raTM onnn rnnsv n rtmwum rmi'ntt th nmnn Knnnt fnv gainst the proposed cash bonus ; former service men, sending a state- : ment of its position tfc the President, tne caomet, members 01 congress, and 1,400 trade and 'commercial or- ganizations. While insistent on the physical and mental rehabUitaion of disabled men, it said, the organiza tion seriously doubted benefits which might 'come from cash payments to physically capable veterans. The wurld war has laid a "raort gage" of approximately $1,135 on every family in the United States, the statement said, and the chamber could not subscribe to a program in creasimr this burden. i The statement calls, attention to I the fact that all except six states jments and opposed federal duplica- ; tion. TOURIST SERVICE TO START NEXT SUNDAY Summer tourist service via the Southern railway to the "Land of the Sky will be inaugurated on Sunday, Jun-26. It is expected that many tourists will visit this section during the coming summer: and the South ern is making special arrangements to handle the travel. Sleeping car service to Charleston, S. C, was inaugurated early this month, leaving Asheville at 3:30 p. m., arriving in Charleston at 6:50 a. m. Keturning, leaving Charleston at 3 a. m., arriving in Asheville at 2:30 p. m. Special sleeping car service to New Orleans was inaugurated on June 13, leaving Asheville ,at the same hour. The;aim of the Southern railroad is to provide overnight service from Asheville to the leading cities of v the south. Eleven new sleeping cars will be inaugurated next Sunday.

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