. ', . . ... -. . -.. ; . . i . . : ...:- . '' - - '.- " . . . r . r : . . - 1 'V 'I . A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OFTHE PEORi-E OF McDOWELL "COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION; N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1921 VOL. XJLV NO. 45 )' BROUGHT IN THE PIEDMONT REGION Crop Prospects Fairly Promis- ing in All Sections of the State Save1 Piedmont Section : Raleigh, July Cpimty firnv , agents report - unusually hot weather y;3 for the past week, for practically all ,"r -of North Carolina with locai showeis tr heavy rains in aD , sections except ' a part of the Piedmont district. Ac . cording to the -weathtlr burean. the temperatures averaged 'alove hormal and although there was more rein over the state than fdr several weeks the rains were local in character and unevenly distributed. The wheat crop, wliich ic about -harvested now, is light, not over 50 per cent of a normal yield. Rust has been bad in the mountain dis trict. s Corn is improving in sections where the drought has been broken and the general condition is fair to good. Some damage from the bud "worm is reported in Buncombe. Cot ton continues to gain although some "what . slowly, and has begun to bloom In Catawba. The appearance of the ed spider is reported ; in Rowan. . ' Tobacco suring has begun in -the coastal district and the crop is in proving, but more rain is needed.' "Theoutlook for hay arid ' grasses is -good provided there is more rainfjalL "The same condition applies to pas tures. Truck is good except in parts of the Piedmont region ,where it has Tbeen v very dry. No change is ?ind ; Seated for the ' fruit crop which is Ismail and poor. ; The recent drought arid hot weath- ver have reduced crop prospects D"ver : the United States. Corn generally shows good cultivation and., is being States. Wheat 'yields' are Variable, "ranging froni very good to poor. X)ats has been injured by drought, beat'and rust in northern States and prematurely ripen in the central sec tion. Excessive rain have caused some damage in 'Oklahoma. Cotton shows a general improvement owing to the recent hot weather, but re ports show the increasing activity 'of the boll . weevil. All indications point to a still further reduction in the "fruit crop over the country. , 1MEN HAVE TUSSlE WITH BEAR NEAR? OLD FORT ..j On last Friday while ' herding cat ttle, P. H. HasKburn and Walter Por ter, of Old Port, heard a gun shot ome distance ifrom the point where they were travelling and proctfeflefl -in the direction of the report of the igun, suspecting "that something un usual had happened. ; Porter, who -reached .the scene first, found George Burnett Jn a bear . fight. Burnett -had. run across the mother bear and two cubs, r He jumlertook to kill thfe whole family outrigbt. Killing one jof , the; cubs attd wounding the m6th er bear was !. about as far as he had got-ih his -gruesome taslc, "When Por- Uer arrived ?upon I the scene.. The ' mother, bear wouncfed ?rm tthe gun fshot and jgreafly infuriated, rushed upon Porter, anA after administer . ;ing several scratches an l)ites, be ing further wounded by flashes from (J Sorter's pocketfcaiife, -gave ,np the fight and undertook to get away from the scene of conflict. . Porter -suffered several ugly, scratches; . in his encounter with the .bear, "btft n permanent injuries . - The .dead cub was carried "home by jBurnett, and the following Bay a , 'party of -hunters found the dead toothers On Tuesday,; John Davis : Wd "John Dalton located another mother v bear with two cubs; VThy '' .-succeeded inlkilling brily one of ke . i Reports are that bears in this sec "ttion' are rather lentifuL iTte peo ple in .this section, however, are'tak ine1 extra precautions' ggainst iJears !when going out to feed cattle. They re riot 'satisfied with being Grm& ith ordinary tdotxbl runs: but'arfefekte :alOng.tBir-re : eating rifles" and bther death deal STATE BUYS 27 MILES OF V TOIXROAD FOR. $40,000 Blowing Rock-Lenoir Road Purchas- ed Surrey Ordered of ' Bakers ille Road. Raleigh, July, 9. The state high way commission, i handing out judg ments Friday . on controverted - mat ters, sustained Commissioner Camer on's recommendation on the Smith field to Princeton road and appoint ed Chairman Page and Commission ers Stikeleather and McGirt to go to Rutherfordton and personally in spect the two routes in controversy leading from the South Carolina line. - On the mountain turnpike prob lems, the following decisions were reached: The Hugh McRae offer of the Yonahlosse road at $200 was rejected and a 'counter proposition to take it over and maintain it made id Mr. McRae. If it should be a bandoned at any time, the road would revert" to its owners with such improvements the state -may mae. The Blowing- Rock Vaftid Lenoir turnpike, 2? miles," was accepted, at the $40;000 figure. This, like the Yonahlosse and Little Switzerland roads, is a toll road and the toll charges will be discontinued. The Little Switzerland road, of fered by Col. Heriot Clarkson, of Charlotte, was not accepted, but the off er was referred to the district en gineer for recommendations as to that part of the road which will be of service, to the state. Immediate construction of the visited his brother here Saturday. Newton te Gastonia link was ordered I Born to Mr. and Mrs. Curtis and -also of a short stretch across ( Williams of Rutherfordton a daugh Yadkin. line between Statesville and : ter, Rachel Addie. Dobson. The Hot, Springs to the Tennessee' vline will be constructed Immediate survey was ordered of the Bakersville to Burnsville link in: the lost province territory and sur - vey was also ordered for a link, from Asheville to Marshall. PRISONERS ESCAPE FROM JAIL. "One of the most wholesale de liveries of jail-birds that ever took soon be up again, place in McDowell county occurred Charles Patterson and family of on last Friday night some time in the Askeville visited Mrs. Mattie L. Ja early morning when DeWitt Kirby, I quins, last Sunday. of South Carolina, Press,- Duncan,! DeWitt Holman, Frank Jenkins, Ed. England and T. C Hoyle took French leave of absence, and,-with the ex- ception of England and Duncan, nothing has been heard from them. v Miss Effie Daves of South. Caro v The escaped prisoners were all in'lina is visiting relatives .here. the same cell and it is thought that they used a saw in removing the iron bars from the, window. They then took the blankets from their beds, and improvising a rope, fastened the upper end to the plumbing y on the outside of . the jail and then slid to 1 XI -n-A , As. id how the prisoners succeded in getting an. instrument to saw- "the bfirs open is as yet unknown. A wo- man had called several times to see Kirby, and it is thought that she pro bably, in some way managed to con vey a small saw with whichthe bars were cut. As soon as the escape was dis covered, Sheriff Nichols and his de puties got busy by wire, -telephone, etc., and in a few hours had located England and Duncan. They were caught in Spartanburg and brought back tto Marion by one of the sher iff s deputies. The sheriff is doing everything possible to locat.o . the escaped prisoners, but as yet has no tangible clew as to their where abouts ' , OFFICERS CAPTURE STILLS. ' Prohibition Officer John Lail, R. C. Nanney and Gus Poteat captured a still and destroyed ' a quantity of beer inta aidriear .little Switzer land last Tuesday.. The officers al so captured two men : at the? still, John jClark and George Biddix, who were placed in. jail. I V r ' ' ' v" f'v. --Sheriff Nichols, Deputy Sheriff Mitchell and J. A. Finley captured a large stifl and destroyed about; 800 gallons tf beer in 'the Halltown sec-J ticm Teceatly. ; ' - ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM THE COUNTY Brief Mention of Some of the Happenings in . McDowell Items About Home People. MONTFORDS COVE Union Mills, Rt. 1, July 11.- Mont ford's Cove and Crooked Creek ball teams met at Crooked Creek Satur urday and played a game of ball, re sulting in favor of Montford's Cove 14 to 3. Badger and Curtis Williams of Rutherfordton visited their parents Saturday and Sunday. Paul Williams has returned from a visit to his 'brother at- Rutherfordton. Misses Mattie Harris and Maude Owens were guests of Miss Vera Ledbetter Saturday and Sunday. Miss Ethel Ledbetter visited the Misses Morris at Glenwood Sunday. Misses Lizzie and Leota Morris motored to the Cove Sunday. Miss Olive Stott was the guest of Miss Laura Adams yesterday. Verno Harris and family spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Williams. Mrs. L. D. iHemphill is visiting her son at High Shoals. Miss Annie Sue Harris spent Mon day in Marion. School will open at White Pine Monday with Miss Goodloe Haney of Glenwood as teacher Mrs. Wm. M. Wilson is visiting her mother, Mrs. D. C. Brown. John Haynes of Shingle Hollow j F. O. Stott and sister, Miss.Dovie, of Marion visited their parents here Rev. M. M. Huntly will begin .a revival meeting at the Cove Baptist : church next Sunday. DYSARTSVILLE Dysartsville, July 11. W. A. Carswell and daughter, are both on the sick list. We hope they will Herbert C. Mangum made a busi ness trip to Asheville recently. He appeared before the board of ex - aminers on account of being wound - ed in the world war. Claude M. Laughridge of Marion was a visitor here Sunday. Miss Annie Cowan has been at tending summer school for teachers I at Union Mills. i The revival meeting will begin at the Methodist church on the fifth Sundav at-11 o'clock. R. E. Roper, Frank and Bratch Biggerstaff arid J. C. Goforlh, went to Marion today to serve as jurors, in McDowell Superior court tnis weeK,! Carson Jarrett made a businls trip to Marion Saturday. Farmers are most through with their corn. - W. H. Taylor made a 'business trip to Marion today. OLD FORT Old Fort, July 11. Misses Martha Golia and Mary Atkins of Asheville spent the week-end "with Miss Bertha Greene. Miss Elizabeth Stein of Monroe, Va., is visiting at the home of Mrs. .J. O. McDanieL Mrs. Alanack and son, Alexander, of Tennessee, .are-visiting the for mer's sister, Mrs. J. B. Johnson. Mrs. Harry Salisbury of Salisbury spent Sunday with Mrs. P. H. Mash burn." ' '' .j- Mrs. D. M. Mcintosh; has returned home after spending a month in VI- ginia. v Mr. and Mrs. Natt" Murphy of Salisbury 'are visiting - Miss- Madeline Mashburn. - - - . T -i ' " Mrs.--Sam Murphy of 'Richmond, Va.jT is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hensley. ''The Clifton Comedy Company will " Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greene, and little son, Jack, of Charlotte, 'are spending few days with the for mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Greene. , -s CATAWBA VALLEY 2 Old Fort, Rt. 1, July. 11. Mrs. Wm. Hicks, who is attending ' the summer school in Asheyille, spent the week-end with homefolks. : The singing school at Ebenezer is progressing nicely under the man agement of Reuben Silver. ' - Mr. arid Mrs. George Silver and family' of Avondale were visitors here last week. Miss Sarah Bradley went to Cliff side lst.week-on a visit. J. ,W4 Bradley made a business j. ' '.if l x. e. s ' inp ip;iuanon last oaiuruay. . A"number of people from here at tended the thirdr quarterly .meeting at Greenlee, Sunday. Our people are almost through laying by corn and have their wheat stacked. Walter Porter captured a bear on the Blue Ridge last week. BROAD RIVER Old Fort, July 11. I. V. Stroud visited relatives in Marion last week. Mr. and Mrs. Rome Laughter and little son visited their daughter, Mrs. Rpscoe Davis at Uree last week. Miss Mayme Morgan of Sugar ftill spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Nanney. jMward Rhymer of Bat Cave spent the week with friends here. R. C. Nanney and M. T. Greene spent a few days in Marion last week on business.' Miss Hetty Nanney left Sunday U Rutherfordton tr attend the i State examinaUon for teachers. I tttanney and !J. X. Greene have finished painting the school building and it has been much im - proved. Miss Lockye Nanney left Friday , for Rutherfordton and Raleigh on business. CURFEW Curfew. July 12 Curfew, school will begin next Monday, July 18th, i with Miss Lela Melton as, teacher. J. F. Turner jand family visited re- latives here Saturday night and Sun- day. ; Alfred Gibson of Old Fort visited ; bomef oiks Sunday. The famers in this section of the county "are almost through" working their crops. - W. W. Parker and family spent yesterday in Marion. DOME . Dome, July 10. Quite a number of people attended the singings at Broad river church Sunday. '4 Mr, and Mrs. B. M. Millwood, of Spartanburg visited their -daughter and son' here during the week. Miss Mamie Connor has returned from Winston-Salem. Miss Ida Belle Ledbetter is attend ing the Summer school at Chapel Hill. Master Haskell Ledbetter is spend ing the suminer with his grandfather, T. B. Ledbetter. -, : - MAY MAKE HOSPITAL 6F KENILWORTH INN Washington, July -9. It is under stood- that . the public health , service is soon to take ovef Kenilworth inn, at Asheville, ' and turn' the property into' a-hospital to be used -for major operations for tuberculosis. - The property is. now being used by the government, but if the" recommenda tion of the public health-service Is adopted the" property "will be bought by the. government and materilly en larged. It is believed it will be made one of the most up-to-date hospitals iri the country." Rev. John Morton, of . High Point, is. conducting a series of meetings at the Methodist church in Nebo. Mr. Morton Cis ' preaching , strong ; and Arl : iprmmM 'and "much interest has been manifested. The servic.es have leeri well attended. exhibit6iere this weec NEWS ITEMS FRO r. I -r : OVER THE STATE Items. ConceramJi vents of In terest and Imp or tanco Throughout the State. The North Carolina Farmers and Farm Women's Convention will be gin on Tuesday, morning, August SO, and extend through Thursday, Sep tember 1, at the State College, Pa leigh. The convention officals ex pect record crowds 'this year, on ac count of the "changing "t agricultural conditions and the strong program to bepreseritedJ Prominent among Methodist activ ities to ,be held at the Southern As sembly, grounds, Lake, Junaluska, is the" Missionary -Conference and School of Missions of .the Methodist Episcopal church, -Soulh, " which has been set for July -29-August 7." Ac cording to Methodist leaders this will be ah . important gathering and . a large attendance- is expected. Speak ers of national prominence hare been, secured for platform addresses. Montreat's new" $100,000 auditor iunOnow nearing completions will be ready for the installation of interior equipment-by the end of August ac cording to .Rev. R. C Anderson; president of the Mountain Retreat association. All furnishings will 1e installed during the winter so the structure will be ready for use when the 1922 series of conferences of the Presbyterian church otens next 'June. v WILL REGULATE FISHING ON BRIDGEWATER LAKES Hickory, July 8. News has reach- ed Hickory that the Southern Power Company intends to inaugurate a "Pl f.or thtrprot ectiorr-of lis.b -iti-thr- Bridgewater lakes, and the protection of angkrs from excessive charges by 'persona who look merely at the com mercial side or sport, unless one owns a boat on the lakes ne is out or pocket and out of luck, it is said, and - the plan is to call off all boats and ior tie compafny to put on canoes of its own. These will be rented at a nominal charge, persons who desire to fish hiring them, reporting to war dens as they set out and showing them their catch as they return. -In this way there will be no excessive inches carried off. It is also said the company plans to build a com fortable club-house on the lakes, p vide places to, stay and prevent cam - Kng except on places designated. Hickory fishermen say this plan "will be more satisfactory than the pres ent arrangements. HEN IS MOTHER TO MOTHERLESS KITTENS Asheville Citizen. Out on the poultry . farm of J. F. Hyams, Weaverrille, the other day a. cat apparently growing tired of her' kittens, gathered her young and one by one. in her mouth carried them to the nest" of an old hen. Then the mother" cat strayed away and failed to come back. . It appears that the chicken was de ceived for since that time she has acted, the -role of "mother to the kit tens. She fights when they are dis turbed and the small animals seemed to understand the 4clucking, of their new found mother. . .The kittens hardly had their eyes open when the hen took charge of them, and Mr. Hyams fed them with milk through a - medicine . dropper. They are now large enough to get about by themselves and one of the three was given away by Mr. Hyams, while the hen" still "mothers" the re maining two. - . - Yesterday, the queer "outfit" was brought to Asheville and placed In the display window of Robinson's Drug store on Patton avenue,. Con siderable attention was attracted. Before the -hen and kittens are re turned to the farm they will pose for a photograph . . ' I " G. V. Shaver is erecting a two- i story seven room residence on his I lot on Johnson street. 4ng instruments. - s . , - ; X