A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL cdUNTY. ESTABLISHED-1896. MARION, ,N. Cf THURSDAY, JULY 28. 1921 VOL. XXV NO. 47 MARION MAN KILLED IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT Alexander .White Victim bF Automobile Smashup m Western Pennsylvania. Alexander Sinclair . Whiter (fa- . v miliarly known as Tannie White) , a veil known young man of Marion, Son of Mrs, Mamie White met death in an automobile accident near Johnstown, Pa., Saturday night. De tails of the accident are not avail able, but from meagre reports it seems that Tannie and two compan ions were driving on the highway near the Pennsylvania city when they were struck by a powerful Cadillac going at a terrific rate of speed, almost completely demolish ing the Ford, killing young White and injuring his companions. Young White, - it is said, 'was thrown from the car, his head strik ing the cement pavement, crushing his skull. He was picked up and carried to his boarding place and la ter removed to Memorial Hospital in Johnstown, where he died Sunday morning about four o'clock. News that "Tannie" White had met death in a tragic accident, close ly following on to the report that Touie Poteat was probably fatally in jured, brought gloom to Marion and entire section. "Tannie," as he was known te his friends,, left home several weeks ago to accept a position in Western Pennsylvania as "a civil engineer. He was in charge of a force of sur veyors who were locating a traction line. He was a young man skilled in his profession and making a fine record for himself. His untimely passing brings sadness -and . gloom to the hearts of his many friends and relatives in this section. Funeral was -conducted from the residence Tuesday afternoon by "Rev. J. C Story. Interment was made at Oak Grove cemetery in the family plot. The floral tributes were many and beautiful, attesting the populari ty of the deceased young man. The deceased is survived by the immediate family Mrs. Mamie White, mother; a brother; George, and a sister, Miss Margie. A host of friends in Marion -and surrounding country extend the deepest sympathy to the stricken family in their great bereavement. Out of town relatives here for the funeral were Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Sin clair, of Asheville; Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Sinclair, of High Point; Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Sinclair, of Hickory; Mrs. J. L. Henderson, of Burlington, and Mrs. Shaw, of Greensboro. COUNTY SCHOOLS SEND- ING IN GOOD REPORTS About half of the schools of the county opened last week and from the reports coming to the office of County Superintendent the schools in . operation are making very satis factory records. Before the begin ning of school a meeting was held which was attended by the teachers whose schools opened last week. When the year's work was planned and the school machinery put in mo tion, the things upon which teachers and officials are laying much em phasis are the matters of attendance, school improvement and physical .equipment. The schools now in operation have opened up with the best initial enrollment on-record and a number of schools are reporting all children within the compulsory age are already in school and attend ing regularly. Several schools have reported very -large enrollments con sidering the census of school child ren. Teachers report that much en thusiasm is being aroused for the improvement in beautifying build ings and grounds and a number ex pect to not only have the best at tendance in the history of the schools but much is expected to be done in the way of improving the physical equipment. Miss Mary Greenlee, who is look ing after the matter of attendance, is already in the field and reports her work to the effect that no op position is contemplated in the mat ter of school attendance. Miss ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM THE COUNTY Brief Mention of Some of the Happenings in McDowell Items About Home People. OLD FORT Old Fort, July 25. Mrs. J. L. Nichols and daughter, Edith, spent the latter part of the week in Ashe ville. Miss Pauline Hawkins of Marion returned home after a few days visit to her aunt, Miss Gertrude Dula. Rev. Mr. Marley of China Grove spent the first of the week with his daughter, Mrs. I. L. Caplin. Mrs. John Blaclock and children left Wednesday for a visit to rela tives in Tennessee. Miss "Pet" Greenlee of Greenlee spent Tuesday in Old Fort. Homer Walker of Canton, who has been visiting Mrs. Grover Free man, returned home Thursday. Lee Williams of Greenlee was in town on business Thursday. Mrs. William Allen, who has been very sick, is improving. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Johnson left Friday night for Tate Springs, Tenn., where" the former was called by the illness of his father. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Le fevere, July 23, a daughter. Misses Lillie Lytle, Thelma Hyams and Nelle Wilson returned Friday Mrs. Joe Mainor of Weaverville are visiting their daughters, Mrs.- A. S. Coats and Mrs. Floyd Fisher. Misses Evelyn and Thelma Hol land spent the week-end with Misses Nora and Sadie Hunter at Nealsville. ' tars. Will Huffman has returned from the Rutherford hospital much improved. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Poteet spent Sunday at the home of C. D. Hol land. G. W. Kaylor ,and Jesse Brown made a business trip to Old Fort the latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Swann spent Sunday with the latters parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Huffman. NEBO. Nebo, July 26. Taylor Jaynes, an aged. mai, died at v his home Friday and was laid to rest in the Nebo cemetery Saturday afternoon. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. M. V. Snipes, i Mr. Jaynes was a consistent member of the church. He leaves to mourn his loss a num- NEWS ITEMS FROM OVER THE STATE. Items Concerning Events of In terest and I mpor tance Throughout the State. A freight train came uncoupled Friday night between Barber June-s tion and Salisbury, causing ta couple of cars to turn over. The wreck de layed No. 16 nearly two hours. Frank L. Wells, of Leicester town ship, was elected superintendent of public instruction in Buncombe coun ty to succeed Miss Ethel Terrell; at a special meeting of' the board of edu cation Thursday afternoon. '- ' . A very sad ending to what was in tended for a baseball . game ' took . place at Beaufort "Monday when Charles Noe was struck on the head by a pitched ball. He fell dead run ning to rf irst base. Noe was about 25 years old and leaves a widow and two children. ; R. A. Kohloss has taken charge of his new job as prohibition enforce- I ment director for North Carolina, ber of relatives and a host of friends. Hyfi TI i J 1T1.' T 1- " ius.-.wiu succeeding Col. T. H. Vanderford; who are teaching school at Harmony j For present he will occupy the Gr,rVe' 7 ZZ IsameV quarters Colonel Vanderford Mrs. Wade and children, . ftr jhas had in the federal building in spending some time here with rela- Salisbury and temporarily will have v .. r"" .r 411 w" i the same office force. sonvuie last weeK. MrfjP and Mrs. Simpson and baby of ? Rdtherf ordton visited thier pa Aston Coffee, a youth accompany ing his father to Black Mountain from Cherokee county, was ihstant- from a camping trip to Chimney j r Mr and Mrs J' F Wilson, last ly killed day night when the auto- Rock, j Vr." o j. ., j . . mobile in which they were riding, Mr anA Mr, rwiip Crppnp nH ' -Miss Sudie Alexander of Marion , nf. ha-aA ta nrnA Greenlee expects to assist in making,...,. T , , , , , . spent the week-end here with home- , , , v . , . j s Z httle son, Jack, who have been visit- - tie, breaking the boy's neck and pin- the schools - attractive and efficient,. Mrg R Greene returned t0j folks. .. ; . . him -n a gmall stream beneath and thus induce the children to at-. home -n Charlotte yesterday. I Horace Conley was a visitor here caK tend because of the benefits to be, Frank Thomason of Forest City last week . . , derived therefrom, rather than have ited friend8:herfr during the.week. k .Prof, RQwhntheew, princip : ,nDICTMENTS tb resort to a matter of force. Tojn SandUn of Bryson City u of Nebo. High School, was here last GOVERNOR OF ILLINOIS j spending a few days with his aunt, we,e,k on business. , Springfield, 111., July 20. Indict-" LOUIE POTEAT MEETS i Mrs. J. C. Sandlin. ' Mr and Mrs. Tom Alexander were mentg charng Governor Small, DETH IN EXPLOSION. The Old Fort base ball team de. welcome visitors here last week LieutGovernor F. E. Sterling and I - . . Tnm StflCAV ann Misa Bessie Cuth- .. ... . . The many friends and relatives of jfeated the Marion Manutacturing Vernon gurtis witn embezzlement Louie. M. Poteat, son of S. A. Po-, Company team Saturday afternoon,, bertson lett last weeK lor enont cq ir and operation of a eon- teat of this place, a young man of i the score being 11 to 10. Batteries j J fidence game were returned by the thirty-one years of age, were shock- for Old Fort were Thomason and Al-1 ; ; Sangamon county grand jury this : ed to receive the information that he . lison. had been blown up in a dynamite ex plosion while engaged in road con struction work at Fayetteville, Tenn. Relatives were advised by wire Fri day night that Mr. Poteat was seri ously injured and Millard and A. E. CATAWBA VALLEY MONTFORDS COVE afternoon. Union Mills, Rk 1, July 25. The On the first indictment the Gover revival closed yesterday at the" Cove, nor, Lieu t.-Governor and Curtis were Old Fort, Rt. 1, July 25. The Baptist church with two new mem- : charged with embezzlement of $700,- 000. The indictment for conspiracy and showers continue and the threshers bers.- are not nrofinressincr very well. I Mrs. ' Ina Parker and children visit- Tflt.P Parker snent Sundav on ed Mrs. Parker's sister, Mrs. Hensely, confidence games charges that the Poteat, brothers, left immediately j Crooked Creek. Saturday. j three obtained divers drafts, war-. f lv ca-nA Vio oppirlpnt TVlOVt A , T3 1 rTr Uoo r.nan ar Jnnno TTarric Bill fiist.pr nf MsiTl P. j ifltS. VOUCheiS and doCUUientS tO the BLANTON AUTREY KILLED BY OFFICER Blanton Aiitrey was shot :last Thursday by E. H. Good. The shoot ing .took place in upper -North Cove township." J. A. Good and brother, E. H. Good, deputized to arrest Au trey, finding their man An company with a man by the name oi ikicree ers, proceeded, to make the arrest, yhen it is said Autrey advanced on anth n nirftnl.And JKZJ x t JT V, . JVm " Mr 3dcPeeters. advanced with a loiife. t Good, it is said, failed to mate liis f pistol fire and called to his brother, E. H.: Good, to shoot Autrey. The latter fired upon Autrey, "-when the latter dropped his pistol, falling him self. McPeeters it is ' stated, made his escape. : ; The Good brothers after calling add to Autrey came to Marion. Ef forts were made to get Autreyr to a hospital but it seems hii people in terfered and he died on Friday night. had hardly reached there probably before the end came. The body was prepared, for ship ment and brought to Marion on No. 12 Tuesday afternoon and the funer al was held from Providence church by Rev. Terrell Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock. Interment was made in the family plot in the Providence cemetery. Mr. Poteat was a young man well1. known in Marion and McDowell county where he has spent his en tire life. He was a young man of good habits and a good worker. During the world war he saw service abroad and won an enviable record as a soldier. He was a member of the local post of the American Le gion. A delegation in full uniform attended the funeral Young Potea is survived by his father, S. A. Poteat; Millard, A. E. and Arthur, brothers, and one sister, Mrs. E. D. Odom. The sympathy of the entire com munity is extended to the stricken relatives in their hour of great grief. school on Mill Creek. creek spent last week in the Cove, amount 01 two munon aonars. Miss Edith Allison of Asheville is ; Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Hemphjll : visiting at the home of T. H. Allison, j and little son are visiting Mr. Hemp- There will be an ice cream supper Logan Bradley and Walter Porter have accepted positions at Swanna- noa. hill's parents. at bugar mil school nouse next bat- Miss Mary M. Greenlee, County i urday alternoon irom 4 to 8 o'clocK, Superintendent of Public Welfare, A revival meeting is in progress at ' was the guest bf Mrs. Verno Harris Ebeneezer. We hope much good last week. will result from the meeting. Miss Estelle Houck is visiting her H. A. Hensley of Ridgecrest spent sister, Mrs. J. L. Ledbetter. n Saturday and Sunday 'with home folks. , Mrs. T. M. Hemphill and sons, Frank and Thomas, of Marion, at- Lat. Wilson of Burnsville is here j tended revival meeting here during the week. ICINCAID IS HELD FOR AUGUST TERM OF COURT Morganton, July -23,-iey Kin 3aid, Burke county commissioner and TTominent farmer m jail on the :hafffe of murdering his wife, today raived -examination and was "brder- d held without bond until ha case hall be called at the August. term of lurke county court; which convenes ere two weeks from Monday. on business. Bulow Kelley went to Crooked creek Sunday. Mrs. E. W. Jriffin was right sick last Saturday but is improving. T. A. Porter went to Swannanoa last week on business. after which a short! program will : be given by the children. The proceeds will go for the benefit of the school. Miss Ethel Ledbetter entertained a few friends Thursday evening, local affairs.. The following were present: Misses Estelle Houck, Gertrude Hemphill and Nell Harris; Messrs. Ransome and Zerbie Hemphill and Robert Your home paper: comes to you as an old friend and neighbor, telling you all the home news while the large city paper enters your home as a stranger. Send in your subscription to The Progress and keep posted, on The river was up last week and Harris. WEATHER REPORT. Thos. McGuire, local government weather bureau observer, reports the temperature and rainfall at Marion for the week as follows: Maximum, 89 degrees; minimum, 61 degrees; rain, 1.46 inches; sun. shine, per cent, .64. CIRCUS COMING. Gentry : Brothers Famous Shows and i Wild Animal Cirtus combined will exhibit in Marion next Thursday, August 4. ' Gentry Brothers "cany a large number ,of horses, ponies and dogs and is said to be one of the best shows of the kind on the road today. washed all the logs away. CROOKED CREEK Old Fort, Rt. 2, July 26. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Romainger of Winston- Salem are visiting Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Davis. Born, to Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Par ker, a daughter. Mrs. John Gilliam and children of Gastonia have been visiting relatives here. School opened at Belfont July 18, with Tom Stacy and Miss Bessie Cuthbertson as teachers. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Lav ender, July 20, a son. Lee Lavender has gone to Ellen boro on business. Mr. and Mrs., C. L. Erwin of Hen rietta are visiting relatives here. ; Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Davis, a son. CHAPEL HILL Chapel Hill, July 25. Mr. and Fanny Koon of Thermal City is visiting in the Cove. . Robert Misenheimer of Spencer is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Nancy Mitchell. ; Josh Harris has received his dis charge from the army and will make his home with his mother here. Miss Lou Harris is quite ill. John Williams of Rutherfordton spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Williams. Miss Mary Sue Hemphill, spent part of last week with her cousins, Misses Clara, Mattie and Nelle . Har ris. , . t , J ' ' ' " White Pine school is progressing nicely under the t management of Miss Goodloe Haney. L. M. Stott is hauling some ' fine peaches to Marion and receiving fancy-prices for them. Mrs. W. G. Harris is visiting her mother, Mrs. Adeline' Hall. " - Verno Harris made a business trip to Marion today! . j CURFEW Clontz an d children and Misses Ma- mie and Grace Brown of Spartan burgrhave been visiting relatives ttraalr . Mr. and Mrs. ' W. H. Hawkins of Marion were visitors at . S.' A. Haw kins Sunday. Miss Laura Reel has returned home from Marion for her summer vacation. C ; , Mrs.- Caroline Hawkins has been on the sick .list 'for the last few weeks, V:;:-:;;vv,v!-i-'.iJ:; Mrs. Lillie Simmons of Sugar Hill visited relatives here Sunday. 'ru Miss Edna Hawkins is spending g. few days with homef oiks. Mrs. "Mary Simmons spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Carolina Haw kins. , . " .; - Little ; Louise Saunders of Marion is spendinga few days with her grandmother, Mrs Lou Reel. "... .. There will be an. Jce cream supper at Bethlehem school . house Friday night, July 29. The - proceeds will go for " the benefit -of thet school. Everybody invited; . f

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