- . , - k . V - . ' - , , j: . V ... .: ' - r .... i - - - - - ... - - . " r ' ' . v? . ' ' " - .- i, . " . -. ... -,.. . ,-.. " - - " . ' ' - . ' - - i ' " . . . , - ''j f "' ' ' - - - - - - . : I ) A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, AUG. 4, 1921 VOL. XXV NO;:4S . - . t ! i COMMISSION TO HEAR PETITION AUGUST 12 Trade Organizations Have Re quested Time of Departure of Train From Marion to Blacksburg. .; . Asheville Citizen. v ' " " Officials of, the state , corporation commission Kave! announced . that a rvearing of the petition of the Ruth erf ordton Chamber of Commerce for a change in the schedule" of a south hound train from Marion ip Blacksr hurg, will be; heard at the Battery Park hotel August 12 at'2:30vp. m. This petition was filed with the corporation "commission by the Ruth erfordton Chamber of Commerce, Marion Board of Trade and the Ashe ville Board; of Trade. Resolutions were passed requesting the commission- and officials of the Southern railway to arrange for vthe south bound morning train to connect with train No. 136 leaving Asheville. It is the contention of the parties interested! that this change would be of great yoenef it not only; to the peo ple of Rutherf ordtori, but to all peo ple residing west of Marion, who are compelled to travel back and forth between the two points. An im provement in the handling of mails would also be derived, it was stated. It has also "been stated . that a change in the time of departure of train No. 36 frm Asheville. may im prove the situation and this will also .probably be threshed out at the com mission hearing. 2UISS BERRY PROMOTING STATE CHAMBER COMMERCE Miss Hattie M.. Berry, who took a prominent part in the good, ' roads movement, was" in 'Marion Tuesday "talking to , the citizens: and business sneri of this section about a State or ganization for -the purpose jof ad vancing the "interests of North Caro lina. It is Miss Berry's idea that, in 'order to - advertise the many ' resour ces of North Carolina, a strong Chamber of Commerce could be very effective. She thinks it will be mecessary to raise a fund of $100, O00.00 ' for. the successful promotion and prosecution of the- scheme. ,A number of leading citizens of "Marion met in the office of the County- Superintendent of Schools and listened to an " interesting talk by Miss Berry on the possibilities . of such-' ah organization. Those pres ent, at the f meeting are enthusiastic for thV movement as they think it 'will mean not only much for Western North Carolina but for the entire State., - Miss Berry left for Avery county "where she expects to meet with the leading citizens f -that sec tion,? hoping to arouse sufficient en thusiasm nd interest for the Hew or- ganizatiGn.-.' , - COMMISSIONERS MEET; JURORS FOR)NEXT COURT The county commissioners ,lheld heir regular: monthly meeting at the courts house 'Monday.y , Only routine business ' was transacted. Jurors were drawn" for Uie September term of. Superior court as follows : v ; H First y?e&-4&V F Grav, K Jkl-Hensley, Ji L. ;5 Laughj G.W.; Earley,'H; J; Burgin, G. MiUerL: Grant,-W: ASUver, D. S.5 Laughter,,V. C. -Lytle W. EHiott.cW. Garriso CL He- N 1 Jeeley, vW.? IV Uimgam,GSiC. Moss, . J. D. nf Laughridgei Dewey G.-Brown. - Secbnfl;wek-J. ;'Av XieihondS.IX' -Bird, A. Owensby, G. L.' Marlow, K Cuthelertson f W. Graham, - Murray Tate, Gafland ' Oates, H. A.i OurnrJim Ledbetter, W. F-StroudA D-i'N." Davis, W. M. - Xedbetter, ,D: llrgtelC Jrgani W. F. Morgan, N. K.vWallceE. rr . Thos. McfGuire, local verament weather bureau server, reports the .temperature ' and ,rainfc31; at llarioii iifor therweekas" f ollefwa: 0 ; ? . Maximum 6 decrees? " -.Tniniiaum '"62 degrees;' rain .Q.03;lneli;:4n CONTRACT LET FOR NEGRO SCHOOL BUILDING The County Board of Education was in session last ' Monday for . the purpose of considering bids for the erection of a school house for the colored race of Marion and vicinity. Several bids were submitted, the building being let on a competitive basis. The successful bidder was John F. Pe&d, who has' been engaged in building and construction work for a number of years. Pead is a col ored contractor and met the require ments laid , down by the Board of Ed ucation in order to secure the con tract. Pead was required to put up sufficient bond before actual work is started. The building is to be a modern structure and will include' six class rooms, auditorium and other rooms. It will be furnished with substantial furniture and is to have water and electric lights. The building is de signed to take care of the education al needs of the colored race of this entire section. It is hoped to give the colored children high school ad vantages and looking to this end the authorities planned the building that is to be erected within the next two months. A site for the new structure is about one-fourth of a mile from the Southern Depot, opposite the colored church known ,as Addie's Chapel, on a handsome tract of land purchased from W. H. Hawkins, Calficut, Swep son and Swepson. The site composes two acres and is an ideal one, for school purposes. The location is con sidered as being in the center of the , school population of the surrounding ; section. The school known as the, Corner School is to be included in the lew aistnct ana tne corner scnooi i " j j a i r i i t willTtoOTiger-be4 operated as the children will attend tat the new -ehool. The colored people are very en thusiastic and much interest has, been Lmanif ested for the past several months for better school advantages. A successful drive was put on several months ago to secure funds to aid in the new building. Something like. $1150.00 was raised by the colored people and" they are taking -uch pride in the building and equipment oi- tne new structure. LOCAL MAN GETS - GOVERNMENT JOB Of interest to the friends of Mr. J. E. Kanipe of Marion will be the an nouncement of his appointment as Division Chief of Internal Revenue under the" new republican adminis tration. The appointment is made by JDavid H. Blair,' Commissioner of Internal Revenue, upon the usual en-jPrice, who has been spending some dorsements of the local and State or- time in this community visiting ganizations. For some time" it hasfriends and relatives, returned to her been understood that Mr. Kanipe was !home in Rutherfordton last Satur - in a race fdr this posiUon which was! day. she was accompanied by her Held,byr.ugh,Lye:pf Haywood (Nephew, Alton , Whitener. ' couiowsigiied. 'A : r c. F. James of Marion was a visit- i Mr. Kanipe will have headquar - aVa ir AcViavilla TVlA division Am - braces fifteen counties. Under the division chief are several deputy col lectors and an office force". Cln order to qualify for the' appoint ment, Mr. Kanipe? had to resign as State" Senator from this district. It is not knowii . what action will be taken looking toward filling the sen atorial vacancy created by Mr. Ka nipe's resignation. 12,000 ENLISTED MEN IN y f t -q; NAW TO BE DISCHARGED 1 Washingtoii, July 29. Twelve thousand enlisted men will be dis charged from the navy upon applica tion to reduce . the personnel to legis- flative ; requirements of the - 100,000 men f or-whom payJs provided. i Special orders were issued' today to r'dicarge - upon request - all 'men whose ' enlistments would . ordinarily expire between' now and the first of Jul5li.92 : torpedo and- engiiiemen, machinists -5 maies, coppersmiths, : ;: bandsmen, hospital dgnalmenw-V.4;.f'fr ; . Gentry Brothers ? Show will exhitit here.todayJ: ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM THE COUNTY Brief Mention of Some of the Happenings in McDowell Items About Home People. EAST MARION Marion, Aug. 3. The construc tion work on the East Marion Bap tist church is progressing nicely, finishing work on the interior will be begun soon. It is hoped to have the building completed by the first of September. A fine baby girl made its appear ance Sunday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Proctor. Several East Marion folks attend ed the Sunday school convention at Clear Creek Sunday. A good old-time revival is in pro gress atthe Baptist church. Rev. E. J. Jones is doing the preaching. Everybody invited to attend. John Buff is recovering from a serious automobile accident. Rev. J. T. Bowden preached a wonderful sermon at the East. Marion school hall Tuesday night. We will no longer be in the dark. The switch board has arrived and is being installed at the, Marion Manu facturing Co. The progressive steps taken by the company to administer to the comfort and welfare of their employees are much appreciated. OLD FORT Old Fort, 'Aug. 1. Miss Addie ; Thorrmson of Moreranton is visitiner Mrg Lee Jordfm Misg .Elizabeth Biddix was shop. ping -n Marion ,ast Saturday. . u 7.. t tt . r-; I . i Glyde-Byrd of Ashtjville is visiting his aunt, Mrs. J. L. Nichols. Joe Hoffman has returned home from the navy. Miss Ethel Strange of Salisbury visited Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry Greene during the week. Misses Lizzie White and Bertha Greene spent the week-end with Miss Huth Holder . Greeniee. WnwVin, spent the ' witu Misa ortdft Dula. ' At1. Jnhniinn nf Hickorv is isiting her mother, ..Mrs. George Sandlin. Mrs. Nora Elliott of Winston-Sa iem js visiting her sister, Mrs. Horace Rrtrin. Miss Ruth Holder of Greenlee spent Monday in Old Fort. Sidney Mauney left Sunday teach school at Chapel Hill. to f AIIRFI HILL . A , m Nebo, Rt. 1, Aug. 1. Mrs. L. M.- ' or here Sunday. i HXlm. Ann!. n)iA ?a ooolilnir 'here, spent the week-end with friends and homefolks at Nealsville. , ..... . ,u Mrs. M. L. McCurry spent several! the supper at Bethle- days in Marion, last week visting her them Saturday night. daughter, Mrs. Arrowood., I Henry Whitener of Rutherfordton j NEGRO KILLS FELLOW-WORKER spent Sunday here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Whitener. Miss Biddie Price has gone to Ma- Tion where she' has accepted a posi tion. J. M. Walker, C. Y. Pyatt and Jesse Price were in Marion last Sat urday on business.' Mrs. York, and daughter, , Myrtle, of Old Fort, are spending a few days in( this community, the guests of , Mr. and Mrs. J; B. Ricketts. , Ralph Goodman ' of Nealsville was a visitor here recently. . Mis3 Ula Dixon has been spending a few: days in . Marion with her sister,4 Mrs. Curt4s.V ;h.VT- V I. . r f il ' Mr. and Mrs.j: B. Walker made a business trip to Marion last Friday. ' MONTFORDS CWE .v..f NealsvUle,? Rt. lAug. 1-Crook-ed Creek and ": Montf ord's Cove boys played . a: match game of ball at the, i - : . Oak Hill 'school house Saturday re sulting in 11 to 1 in. favor of the Cove boys. . Several 'folks from the Cove at tended the -funeral services Sunday of Park. Morris whose body arrived from overseas Saturday. He was killed- in the world war Nov. 11, 191& Rev. D. J. Hunt conducted the funeral services. The 'floral tri butes were beautiful and the ser vices very impressive. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Nanney of Union Mills are visiting in the Cove. William Gilliam spent Monday at the home of W. G. Harris. " v Mrs. W. G. Harris, Mrs. Cora Nich ols and Verno Harris and family visited, relatives in Rutherf ordton last Thursday. Tiko Nichols and familyMrs. becca NIcWuV Mrs. Jane Padgett and daughter, Mrs. Lula Wilkerson spent Friday at W. G. Harris. - Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Taylor of For est City are' visiting Mrs. Taylor's mother, Mrs. Nancy Mitchell. G. M. Harris spent Monday in Ma rion. , Mrs. E. W. Flack visited her moth er at Thermal City last week. Miss Mary Lee Wilkerson is spend-j ing this week with friends at Old Fort. Miss Ethel and Molo Ledbetter are visiting their sister, Mrs. J. . r J. Carswell at Nebo. . M. R. Nanney has gone on a fish ing trip to Bridgewater. CHAPEL HILL Chapel Hill. Auir. 1. Mr. an(j Mrs. M. A. Swann of Marion spent ithe week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Swann. k Born, to Mr, and Mrs, Floyd Fish- er, July 25th, a son. j Mrs. McKee of Lincolnton and Mrs. Kate. Finley and Mrs, Ella Mc- .Neely of Marion were visitors at the home -of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Barnes last week. j Miss Lena Swann'of Marion spent the week-end here with homefolks. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. England spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. j. R. Huffman. Chapel Hill graded school will open today. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hicks of Ra- leigh are here on a visit. W. B. Robertson is removing his family to his farm in this vicinity. i Mr WilUrrl f!nrfi nf T?rtV Wni s. C. is visitinjr her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Smith. CURFEW uunew, vu. j. rt. xiuaii r e a c r vt tt has gone to Asheville to purchase a . "" V v 4.M.N' h IT,S j I fxT o v t ' '!f f"' ?TZ 7w r mtfl&t vWv L ' ? t? ; ck for itnprov- ing., Curfew school is progressing nice- l a xueilon M Greenville Slim, was shot to death by Will Grant at the road construc tion camp - near Nebo Sunday morn ing. From the reports, it is thought that the two negroes were out to gether during Saturday night and that a number of pistols were se cured by them from the Carolina Hardware Company. Six pistols were Btissed from the stock of the hardware concern and on the dead body of : the slain .negro were found six pistols corresponding to the ones taken from ihe store. The evidence at tha magistrate's trial 'on-Monday was; rather incomplete, but it looked & if the negroes hd fallen out over tne svoi en property, ana .ustji rowj had ensued,- in which Slim- -was the J loser." The man doing the shoeing1 waa' Uberated at the triaL v , - Both of the negroes were strangers and nothing is known of their past record.."- ? H - NEWS ITEMS FROM OVER THE STATE Items Concerning EvenU of In terest and ImporUnc Throughout the State. The board of trustees of the Mor ganton graded school has let the con tract for' the new high school build--ing to be constructed at the junction of Avery avenue and Water street, the News-Herald says.' The build ing will be of most up-to-date con struction and will cost $12,000. Guilty of murder in the second de gree, was the, verdict rendered San day against Babe, Burnett for the killing of , Prohibition officer Hal Re-:R," by a ?f J51 " BCl'. e was Med by Burnett at his place on Tabor's Creek on the 25th day pf last Octo ber, when, in company with Charles Beck, he attempted to arrest Bur nett. 9 " Senator F.'M. Simmons is the chief speaker on the program arranged for the annual meetine of the Stata 'awcwuon couiuy commissioners which will be held in Washington," Beaufort county, August 16 and 17. Other speakers besides the senior senator are Frank Page, State high way commissioner, W. A. McGirt, highway commissioner, Bruce Crav en of Old Trinity, and Colonel J. P. Cook of Concord. John B: Sherrill, of Concord, was elected president of the North Caro- Una Press association; Miss Beatrice Cobb, of the Morganton News-Herald secretary, and R. E. Price, of the Rutherford ton Sun, treasurer, at the session .of the, convention of the as.- sociation at Mprehead City last week, Other officers include R. X. Wade, Morehead City Coaster, first vice- president, S. F. Farabee, Hickory Becord, second vice-president; Mrs, Hammer, Ashboro Courier, Courier, third vice-president; M. U Shipman, historian; Josephus Dan- iels Raleigh News and Observer, ora- tor and J- u- oone, aynesvUJe courier, poeu v inston-iaiem was chosen for the mid-winter meeting in January. " CHARLES WEBB ASKED TO RESIGN, GRANTS REQUEST 1 Asheville, July 29. Charles A. Whh. IInitH Stat msnhil for ih western district of North Carolina, was today notified by H. M. Dsueh jerty, attorney general, that a change .in the office at Asheville is desired. Marshal Webb immediately tendered his resignation to take effect upon the appointement and. qualification of his successor, whom it is generally bejieved," will be Brownlow .Jackson of Hendersonrille, In official circles it is believed Mr. Jackson will be ap pointed to the office immediately. SOUTHERN WILL SPEED UP TRAINS Asheville Times. James H." Wood, dlstrictpassener agent, and S. J. Mulvmney, superin tendent of the Asheville division of the Southern Railway system, have returned from a conference with of ficals in Charlotte on new acceler ated schedules of the railway, In cluding a reduction in time. as well as several changes in trains leaving from Asheville. The principal trains to beaffected by the new schedule, effective An gtpt 14, are as Jollows: . Train No. 16, leaving It 4:10 p, m., instead of 4:50 p. ra., and arriv ing in New Yori city at 1:30 pZ tru the following day, one, hour and ten minut earii e r. The train will reach Washington at 7:40 a. nx one hour earlier. . This will be the shorteit time ever attempted by the railway officials for this triii. The New York- i n asumsuiu ""fc v- - tached at Salisbury, continuing over the Pennsylvania lines into .New York." ' The southbound schedule will be the same, except arriving in Asheville at 11:15 a. ra., instead of 110 a. n,

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