A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 189$. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, AUG. 11, 1921 VOL. XXV NO, 4 h v r TEACHERS FOR VARIOUS SCHOOLS ANNOUNCED More Than Three-fourths of Schools Now in Operation Gratifying Reports. --.Every school "in McDowell county 1 be taught this year. There are only" a- few vacancies in the entire county, and there are more applica tions on file at the office of the County. Superintendent than there are vacancies. More than three fourths of the schools are in opera tion and by the middle of September all will be running. A large number 6t teachers at tended the summer schools during the past year. A great many were .able to raise the value of their cer tificates and will thus receive higher salaries than heretofore. The teach ers, on the whole, are by far the best qualified that the county has ever sent out. Especial care has been taken to place teachers where they could do the best work and in the positions for which they were pecu liarly qualified. From those schools now in operation gratifying reports are being sent -to the office of the "County Superintendent of the "way in which the schools are starting off and of the quality of the work that he teachers have already begun. The schools and teachers for the entire cdunty are as follows: Marion -township -District No. 2: Chapel Hill: Sidney Mauney, Lur lene Corpening. District No' 4 : Cross Mill : Mrs. , Addie Williams, Alma McCurry. District No. 5: Garden City: Watson Wilson, An nie Simpson, Hetty Mae Cannon. District No. 7: Tom's Creek: Pearl Bomar; District -No. 1 8: Marion Mill: Maggie Taylor, Sue Convey, Hattie Taylor, Olivia Patton. Dis trict No. 86: Clinchfield Mill: John Poteat, Mrs. Hannie Coldwell, Abbie Runyan, Lottie McKoy, Ma mie Gof orth, Delia Williams, Lona Goforth, Ola Wall. District No. 9: JIankins: Annie Wall, Mae Allison. District No. 10: Junction: Alda English, Bessie Tate. District No, 11: Buck Creek: Dora Gibbs. Dis trict No. 12: Sunnyvale: D. A, Snipes. , . Old Fort townships-District No, -lz Greenlee: -Ruth Greenlee, Louise Hemming, ; Frances Hicks. District No. 2: . Siloam: Zelda xYelton, Ad die Lavender. District No. .4: Cur tis Creek: Lula Allison. District No. 5: Graphiteville : Alonzo Davis, district No. 5 : 'Graphiteville: An nie Bradley District 'No. 6: Ca tawba: Myra Quinn. District No. "7: Oak dale: 'Geneva Allison, Mrs. William; Hicks. Broad . - River township District No. 1 : Flat Creek: Mrs. TO. C Kirjcpatriek, Mrs. J. W. cStroud. District IfoV 2: Dome: Mrs. ?John Garrison, district No. 3: Stone Mountain:1 Estelle Morris. District No. - 4 : ' Glen Mountain : TRtibefi Clements. District No., 5: Bald Mountain:' Mayme Morgan. , Crooked- Creek townshipDitrlci No. 1: New Hope? , Jessie 'Coriley, Lula Hicks. District No. 2: "Bel tfviU Tom Stacy. Bessie Cuthbert Vi. District No. 3: VBethlehem: ue Conley, ;Bula- KahipeJ -IDistriclf No. 4 : Piney. . Ridge : Came Cald well. if District V No. .5: iJaclffion's Creek: Ms; Bessie Elliott. ' North Cove township District No. Iz Armstrong: ' Mary Clay; ; Dis trict No. :. Three Mile: Minnie Bailey. 'District No. 4 : Mt. Mitch eU:" Lizzie Hollifield.. District No. 5; Alberta Clary, Mrs. Kat Mae, Corpening. ' District No. 6: "Pitts: X M. Morgan, Beatrice Brown. Dis trict No. 7: Ashford: Edith TiOii on, Nannie Nichols. District No." '8; Altapass: - Lila ' Lonon. "" v - Monf ord Cove ; township-District No. 1: White 1 Pinej, - Goodltre Ha-ney-vl District No. 2 : SugarvHill : Lillian Michael, , Aiding f PieasahtT District No. 3 : Curfew: -"Lelia Mel tons District, Noi 4: Morgan :iza- leth Morris Cf ' ''7 V "7 -V"-: Bracketts townships District "No. 1 : Vein Mountain : Mae . Jordan. District No. 2: Macedonia: Annie Cowan. Nebo township District No. 1: Nebo High School: H. M. Rowland, Mayme Stacy, Anna Conley, Thessa Jimison, Louise Brown, Lottie Wil son; Nelle McCurry. District No. 3:1 Fairview: Elsie Stacy. Dysartville township District No. 1: Dysartville: Joe Story, Helen Wilson, Evelyn Gettys. District No. 2: Laurel Hill: Annie Morris. Dis trict No. 3: Sandy Flat: Ada Hen ley. District No. 4: Cowan: Af fie Brindell. District No. 5: Pin nacle: Mary Dunn, Rebecca Patton. District No. 6: Tates: Ruth Yel ton. Higgins township District No. Is: Harmony Grove: Maggie Parks, Helen Wilson. Glenwood township District No. 1: Glenwood High School: Celes tia Penny, Myva McFalls, Emmabelle McFalls, Delia Gibbs, Irma Shaw, Effie Hicks. DYSARTVILLE CITIZEN PASSES. Mr. L. L. Walker, whose residence was in the Dysartsville section for a number of years, died Wednesday, August 3, at Cliffside, where he' has been living for the past few years. Mr. Walker was well known through out the county, and the announce ment of his death will bring sorrow to his many friends and relatives. Mr. Walker was a member of the Baptist church and was faithful in his obligations as a churchman. The funeral was conducted at Dysarts ville by Rev. D. J. Hunt and inter- .nent was made in the family plot at the Dysartsville cemetery. Mr. Walker was married twice. His first wife was Miss Mary Jane Price. To thi union ere; bora six 'daughters -and one . son. He was married a second time toVIrs. Annie Foster, who with the following child ren survive: Mrs. J. J. Foster, Mrs. R. F. Sisk, Dysartsville, E. L. Walk er, Marion, Mrs. J. W. Queen, Mrs. S. E. Blackburn, Newberry, S. C, JVlrs. C. E. Prestwood, Bloomington, Ind., Miss Effie Walker, Misses Thel ma, Iola and Loree. Mr. Walker is also survived by one brother, J. Webb Walker of Dysartsville and one sister, Mrs. Cecil L. Elliott. JOHN POTEAT TO HEAD CLINCHFIELD SCHOOL At 'a meeting of the committee of the Clinchfield High School at the office of the County Superintendent of Schools, Mr. John Poteat of Ma rion was elected principal for the coming year. Mr. Poteat is a young man well known in this community. He graduated at Davidson in the class of standing high in his class. He took special courses in pedagogy and school management. Mr. Poteat is well qualified for the position to which .he has been elected and the committee feel that they are fortunate in securing Mr. Poteat to head the school for the coming year. The other members of the faculty for the coming year are: Mrs. Jofin M. Coldwell, Misses Abbie Runyan, Lottie McKoy, Mamie Goforth, Delia Williams, Lona Goforth and Ola Wall. The school will begin the fall ses - sion on Monday, September 5th. The . Clinchfield school is one of th largest in the county. The enroll' ment and average attendance for the past year have been very satisfac tory. ROAD CONTRACTS TO BE LET SOON Announcement is made -by Chair man Frank L. Page, of the State highway commission, that athe com mission in the Eighth district wnoir August 23 award contracts for the construction of- 8 miles beyond Ridge crest on the Asheville-Raleigh high' way and for about 7 miles east of the Henderson county fine m the Wilmington - Charlotte1 Asheville highway. '.The Green River Baptist Associa tioh -will hold its annual session at Montfords dove, eight miles "foom Unidti Mills," on August 2"8. ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM THE COUNTY Brief Mention of Some of the Happenings in McDowell Items About Home People. OLD FORT ' Old Fort, Aug. 8. Miss Evelyn Burgin is visiting at Siler City. Mrs. Claude Vess and children of Huntington, W. Va., are visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Arthur Fortune. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Marshall re turned last Week from a visit to re latives in Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. Luckabill of Huntington, W. Va., is visiting her father, J. H. Bla lock. Rev. Bradley returned last week from Montr eat where he has been spending his vacation. Friends of Albert Kanipe will be glad to know that his little daughter, who underwent an operation last week, is improving. R. E. Haney, who recently under went an operation for appendicitis, came home Tuesday. - Mr. arid Mrs. George Hyams will leave this week for Bryson City to visit their daughter, Mrs. Tom Sand lin. J. H. Ditmore returned from Bry son City Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Craw of Marion spent Sunday with Mrs. W. L. Grant. Miss Gertrude Durham of Foun tain City, Tenn., is visiting Mrs. J. M. Kanipe. Miss Thelma Grant, who is work ing in Asheville, spent Sunday with homefolks. William Burgin is home from South Carolina. BETHLEHEM Old Fort, Aug. 8. Our school is making splendid progress with Misses Sue Conley and Beulah Kanipe as teachers. We have the largest rollment we have .had in years. A the children are enthusiastic over their literary society recently organ ized. Along with the inside improve ments the larger boys have been very nice to sacrifice part of their "recess" periods in order to clean off the play grounds. The Sunday School at Bethlehem is also progressing with an enroll ment of one hundred and ten. A protracted meeting is now in pro gress, conducted by the pastor, Rev. C. P. Holland. The people of the community are deeply interested and are anticipating a great revival. Miss Janie Parker is spending sev eral days with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Parker in Marion. Misses Carmel and Fannie Melton are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith Melton. v uther Reel of , Winston-Salem is visiting relatives here this week. annual singing convention will be held at Bethlehem the fourth Sun day in this month. It is hoped that many choirs will be present and much interest shown. Miss Beulah Kanipe spent the week-end with -hpmef oiks in Old Fort. Mr. and Mrs. George Blanton, ac companied by Mrs. Harold, of Cliff - fside, S. C, are visiting at the home of D. T, EUiott. Mr, and Mrs. Ben Parker and chil dren of Spartanburg, S. C, are visit ing the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T P Jackson. Mr.v and Mrs. C. N. , Hogan and Miss Sue Conleyvwere the guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gib son, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Reel of Glen dale, SC., spent Sunday with the former's-brother, John Reel. . Miss Reba Noblett was the guest of Miss Irene, jHogan last week. Little Blanche Noblett has been very sick but is improving. CROOKED CREEK OM f ort;, Rt. 2, Aug. 9. Mr. and Mrs.- C. P.- Xytle and children spent Sunday a the home1 of Mr. and Mrs. Will- Bradley- near' Mt. Hebron. Mr.-and Mrs. O A. sDavis, Misses Hattie Gilbert and Rooney Daugh tery spent the week-end with - rela- Vves on Broad River. Miss Myrtle Lytle spent Sunday in Old Fort. Mrs. Claude Frady and children of Gastonia are visiting relatives on the creek. Miss Bessie Cuthbertson and Tom Stacy spen the week-end with home folks at Nebo. Mrs. A. W. Gilliam of Gastonia is visiting relatives on the creek. Miss Janie Parker spent last week with relatives at Marion. Miss Addie Lavender is teaching at Siloam, near Old Fort. CURFEW Curfew, Aug. 8 Mrs. S. A. Haw kins is on .thesick list. ' Mr. and MrsV J. F.Tteel and child ren of Glendale, S. C, visited rela tives here Sunday. " - Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Burgin of Ma rion were the guests of G. G. Mor gan, Sunday. Miss Maria Reel visited relatives here Sunday. L. W. Parker of Spartanburg, S. C, jyigited his brother, M. A. Parker, last week.v Mrs. A. C. and Mrs. G. G. 3Vorgan spent Saturday in Old Fort. R. Jm, Reel of Winston-Salem visit ed relatives here last week. HARMONY GROVE Harmony Grove, Aug. 6. The farmers in this section have their wheat all threshed. Wheat was short this year Corn crops look very well considering the dry weather. Harmony Grove school is progress ing nicely under the management of Misses Maggie and Vivian Parks of Nebo. A proctracted meeting is schedul ed to begin at Harmony , Grove, church the second Sinulay -in - Au gust. Mrs. John Withers and children of Fort Mill, S. C, have returned home en-lafter spending three weeks with the former's mother, Mrs. S. A. man. . Bow- ARMSTRONG Sevier Aug. 6.-The school at Armstrong is progressing nicely un der the management of Miss Mary Clay, of Nealsville.' The attendance is very good and conditions are fav orable for a successful term. Ebcn Hoppis left this week fo Virginia, where he has accepted a position. Miss Ruby Boyd spent Sunday with relatives at Sevier. Misses Mary Clay, Elizabeth Hop pes and Messrs. Charlie Boyd and John Bradshaw spent Sunday with friends at "Three Mile." Clay McKinney visited his. sister, Mrs, J. A.. Boyd, last week. ' H. R. Burnett spent Monday in Marions- f ' .EarJ'-Lowery left last week for SouthV Carolina. CATAWBA VALLEY Old Fort, Rt. 1, Aug. 8;--Wil!ie Porter of Swannanoa spent Sunday with his uncle, T. A. Porter. The school at "Siloam opened to day. ' - ' Logan Bradley, who is working at Swannanoa,came home yesterday. " J. H. Bradley of Kingsport, Tenn. has been visiting relatives here, The school at Oakdale is progress ing nicely with Miss Geneva Allison and Mrs. Wm. Hicks as teachers. Mrs. T. A. Porter has been on the sick list for several days. - Miss Hattie Bradley was a visitor on Mill creek Saturday , and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Parker of Spar tanburg, S. C.'t visited homefolks here during the week. ' MRS. EJLLA B. CLARK HURT -IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT Asheville Citizen, JlOth. . Mrs. Ella B. . Clark, who was struck by an auomobile- on Southside ave nue late yesterday afternoon, was re ported resting well at her home late j last night. In the accident, 7 . Mrs. Clark "received a: severe gash on the forehead! and was hurried to a phy sicians office, later she was taken to her home. . - NEWS ITEMS FROM , 6VER THE STATE. Items Con cernmgr Events of In-. Merest and I m p o r t a n c e Throughout the State. Miss Louise Parks Sloan, of States ville, and her- escort, Marion Avant of Wilmington, were drowned in the surf at Wrightsville Beach Sunday morning, having been drawn by the current beyond their depth. Both bodies were recovered. t .The railroads will" give reduced rates to the reunion of the North Carolina division, United Confeder ate veterans, to be held in Durham August ".: 2 3-2 5, according - to Gen. James. I. Metts, commanding , the North Carolina division Hie rate ; will be two cents per . mile each way - The federal pqwer commission has; issued' a preliminary permit to the Granite Falls Manufacturing com pany, Of Hickory,. for power develop ment on Wilson creekrin.the north western part Of the state, lands with in the Boone, national forest being affected, Senator Simmons .announ ces. This project, will serve Lenoir with hydro-electric power for its tex tile mills and furniture factories. The Southern Training school for Christian leadership at Blue Ridge, which is being promoted - under the endorsement and approval of the State Sunday school " associations of South Carolina, Kentucky, Alabama, Tennessee, Florida and Georgia, will open on August 23. This is the first year for this training school, . which" promises to become an annual insti tution an to grow; intoTone of the -big institutions of its kind in the country.- The school closes- Septenii- : ber 1. ' "' V:'" " ' ' - ' :." v" ': KANIPE-WHIT. ' The announcement of the marriage of Mr, J. Fayette Kanipe formerly of Marion to Miss Dorothy- Whit of . Marshall,! N. C, wnT be of interest -to Mr. Kan.ipe's many friends in the county. The ceremony took place July 30th at First Baptist parsonage, Asheville, Rev. Bateman officiating. Only few intimate friends of the con tracting- parties- attended. Mrs. Kanipe is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Whit of 'Marshall. She was. educated at Weaver college. Had been spending sometime -with her aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth Whit, v Ashe ville. . '-r ' ; - Mr. Kanipe is a, son of Capt. and Mrs. D. A. Kanipe of this place.. He has been employed with the. Southern-' railroad for the last fourteen years., He served in France with the 81st . Div. Company I during the world war, and saw several months of hard . fighting on the front. . It will be re called that by bourageous . fighting Company I of 81st Div. captured a German artillery, gun. Mr. Kanipe j was sergeant in said company and took an active part in the., capturing; of the gun. v - . ROUND HILL ACADEMY OPENS FALL TERM AUG. 23' The fall term of Round Hill Aca demyi at UniOn; Mills, opens August 23. - The faculty r for this year is an . unusually strong one. Prof.. Marvin L. Skaggs, the principal is from Vir- f ginia and a graduate of the Universt ty of Richmond This splendid school is fostered by the Green River and Catawba Baptist Associations and the rates are within the reach of almost 'any; child that wants an education. Mr. A. Li : Stephens, 'Sunday School Specialist, will speak at : the First Baptist church next Sunday morning at 9;45 o'clock and deliver ; diplomas to members of the teacher-training class. All .are i cordially invited to be on hand and hear this' able speak er discuss Sunday School problems. ' John M; sTyler is' making prepara tions to open a furniture store in the -store room recently vacated .by.' the Smith Grocery ' Co. , The business will he conducted under the name of the J. M. Tyler Furniture Company. i f t J V