. v K A. J , - ; A EEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF, McWElX COUNTYv ESTABLISHEDvl896.; . ; MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, AUG. 25, 1921 VOL. XXV-tNO. 51 4 ) ? i r f . I; I TAX REVISION PASSES IN LOWER HOUSE Measure Estimated lo;C u t Nearly Billion Dollars' From oA fiir articles and -art and art works, and repeal of the tax on electirc fans. Repeal of all of the so-called lux ury taxes now collected by Sretailers land the substitution of a manufac- turers' tax of five per cent on the Nation's tax Burden by 1923 j following articles wen sold by the IVashington, Aug. 20.-The tax Tevision bill of 1921, estimated to rut is.OOO.OGO froml the - nation's! J IT ?.Z ' " . I $,rden by 1923, was passed to- lay by the House, to on an almost straight "party vote. . Three Democrats supported ' the measure and nine ' Republicans voted against. ' .' x : Compared with this number of Re publicans were 50 who voted5 for a Democratic motion- to recommit the bill for elimination of the provision manufacturers at the sums given: . Carpets and rugs: $3.60 a spuare yard; trunks, $30 each; valises, trav eling bags, suitcases and hat boxes, $15 each; purses, pocketbooks, shop ping arid hand bags, $4 each; por table lighting fixtures, $10 each, umbrellas and parasols, $2.50 each; fans, $1 each, and house or smok ing coats or jackets and bath or lounging robes, $3 each. ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM THE COUNTY cake supper will be given at Hankihs school house , on Saturday night, Sept. Si V Proceeds will be used for equipping 4che school building with patent desks. Everybody invited..; Miss Mae, Allison spent the week end with homefolks at Qld'Fort. ; - Virgil - Morgan, formerly of this Brief Mention of Some of the Happenings in McDowell Items About Home People. , CROOKED CREEK 4 NEWSriTEMS TOOM S ; OVER THE STATE Items Concerning Events of In- teest ; and I m t a n c o Through Old Fort, Rt. 2, Aug. 24. Rev. C, Hosuital. P. Holland is holding a series of re- Miss Gertrude Barnes, of Mprgan vival services at Cherry Springs this ton. visited her narents" here last Brownlow. Jackson, of Henderson- place, is very, r sick in Rutherford fville, was' nominated : for " United week. L. A. Westmoreland of Glenwood is threshing the grain on the creek. The crop is turning out better than Was expected, but is not as good as usual. Claud Erwin, who has been visit ing his sister, Mrs A. W. Lavender, left Tuesday for Knoxville, Tenn., GILES-COX. A vptv nrettv borfiG wed dine was repealing the income l surtax ratesiCA6n,nWoi1 Mt -niionH xr r. ito enter the University. above 32, per cent. This motion was on last Thursday morning, August lost, 169 to 230, with one Democrat, lgth at 1X Qclock when Miss Effie Campbell, of Pennsylvania, voting ; Eiizabeth Cox, daughter of Mr. and against it. , jMrs. C. L. Cox. became the bride of Goes to Senate. The bill will be sent Monday to the enate, -where it will be taken up af ter the end of the recess on Septem ber 21. Meantime, the Senate fi nance committee will hold additional public hearings on the whole tax question and probably revise the measure in a number of details. As finally passed by the House, with nearly 100 committee amend ments, the bill is estimated to pro- Mr. Charles Henderson Giles, of Ma- riqn. The parlors were tastefully decorated with ferns, white"roses and yellow magnolias. Before the ceremony Mrs. Olive, of Mount Gilead, sang "Because." Miss .Brownie Giles, sister of the Frank Condry of Marfa, Texas, is at home from the U. S. army. Misses Sue Conley and Bula Ka nipe of the Bethlehem school enjoyed a watermelon feast at J. S. Laven der's home Tuesday afternoon. Misses Annie and Nora Belle Brad ley of Marion have been visiting their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bradley.' Miss Janie Parker is visiting Mr. Sunday. ' v- , - Our school is progressing, nicely with an enrollment of fifty-four. Teachers and pupils are taking ' an activeinterest in many ways and are hoping to make this the best term we ltve ever had. "Miss Annie Wall spent the week end at her home near Greenlee. Quite a number of our folks strained their eyes all day Sunday, and anxiously awaited the arrival ' of the aeroplane which was scheduled to alight near here, but met with, bitter disappointment when it failed to appear. A : groom, played Lohengrin's Wedding ja1 Mrs. . Forrest Lytle m Catawba w c aa jr Lee Lavender spent the week-end As the I n Salisbury and Spencer at tne home of L. DV Earnhart. Mrs. Alonzo Davis and little States marshal - Tuesday to succeed Chas. A, Webb. :- . ' .'-'C : V -v Governor- Camerbn Morrison Mon day afternoon jiamed Mrs. G. L; Mc Kee of. Sylva as a member of the board ; of directors of the Cullowheft? Normal; school.' ' : ' ' " ' All of the mills in Cabarrus coun- S Ity with the , exception of the Buff alo yarn mill have opened for work fol lowing the general strike ealled June V 1. All troops have been withdrawn from Concord. : v -ii' ' ' . :y The doors of. the bank of Thomas-? : , ville were closed Mpnday by order of State Bank Examiner Newbold. In- ability to collect on paper held .to se- , ciirfT loans is assigned by officials of- the bank as the reason for the fail- ' i CATAWBA VALLEY Qld Fort, Rt. 1, Aug. 22. Tj, Av Porter .made a business trip to Ma rion, yesterday. Miss Lola Allison, who is teaching school on Curtis Creek, - spent the week-end with homefolks. Tate, Armon an 6T Walker Parker spent the week-end on Crooked Creek. ' Logan Bradley of Swannanoa sent Sunday with his father, J. W. k The program r of the .North" Caro- una f armers and ; ; Farm , Women's convention ito be' held . at' Rfileigh, August 3 0C to September, has been completed and includes ' community sings, stunts, band concert,- barbecue and other amusements as well as dis- cussion . of- livestock farming. . plant -breeding and seedfselection, co-operation and marketing and home-mak ing. -; ..; j ; -, :yy - . - seriously March as the bridal parjty entered, and during the ceremony Miss Giles played "To a Wild Rose." strains of the wedding march were i ivno o total of $3,547,000,000 in1 jj vk nr;t revenue this fiscal year, . or $221,-Ruth Cox sister of the bride and daughter, Pauline, visited Mr. and 000.000 less than the estimate under iti Batten entered followed bv Mrs- N- T Davis last week- the existing law. . 'little Miss Annie Ruth Bruton, car- Ane memorial services at cetnei Bradl-y. As repeal of-the excess profits tax the ring. in a white rose. The and cherry Springs Saturday was Mrs. F. O. Lytle is and higher income surtax rates would was attended by his brother, wel1 attended, tbe largest crowd in witn typhoid fever. not become' effective until next Janu- Isaac Giies Qf Marion, as best man. Tears bem,g Present- ' Wm. Porter and sonr Charles, TO 1 t full forre of tne measure tv, ua ia ; Kotifini Wit Bornto Mr. and Mrs. Hicks Davis, will.not be reflected. in Qyernment 0, r, receipts until the calendar year 1923, sories and carrying a -bridal bouquet . -. Tm Stacy sPent the week-end air but Republican leaders say that of bride's roses, entered on the arm home at Nebo. through reneal of the transportation ftf hAT. fflthpr. bv whom she was frfv- Misses Carniel and Fanny Melton anH other taxes the reduction in. the i mnrristrp ' The imnressive returned to Marion last week after ,iast Friday night. Conference Mdmlnreiine- tax bill in the Ttext calendar year will ring serenlony was used, Rev. Mr. sptmdting their vacation with horn-? MrS. Wm." Hicks was on Je sickqider of 1 le approximately $512,000,000. Brown of Mount Gilead officiating. folka here- list last week. ' - tricts. He is survived by his wife, Principal Change. , The ceremony was celebrated in Mr and Mrs W- R Gllham nd Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Griffin visited two daughters and one sbn." The -The principal changes in the pres- the presence of a large number of re- mr- ana iVArs' &am crown OI "cK their daughter on Curtis creek last body rill be sento HillsborbAThurs- ill i REV. J. E. GAY DIES - - , AT HOME IN MADISON Keraersville; :-Aug3,Rey. Tfc?: Gay, pastor M. E.' Church at Madison, 'We are:s"tili having plenty of rain, heart failure, after an hour's illness. A large number -of our people at- He"vas one of the best known" menij. ; tended the box supper on Mill creek' bers of the " Western North Carolina of Swannanoa were here lastweek on f- V,CAX,V. ' y-, , . 1 1 'M ' t - . . nt tax levies made by the bill in- latives and friends. The ; out-of- reex 8Pen weeK-ena wixn reia- Friday. ;luder x ' itown guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ben . tlVGS .here; I Mrs. !J. A. Moody was in Marion Reneal of the excess profits tax. Lprice. Misses Rubv and Brownie I Mr- and Mrs- WlU Bradley nnd last Saturday on business. Teof tho nrnoration income inn -Mi T?otr r.ol Mpin Tsan fanuly, Misses Annie, Nora Belle and - ' o x -i o i o of. j t -ci oi Ora Bradley were visitors at the tx ironi iu w v1- , iriies ana j. r. onipes, ui uiouuu, - .- -..Tniwi: tlt. -p ri,orintt0 i home of C. P. Lytle Sunday. Repeal of the Jncome surtax rates Following the ceremony cake and day for interment. A Forropr Resident; of ; Marlon. " Rev. J. E. Gav. who died suddenlv. ARMSTRONG r : rr-.cAn-r. Sovier, Aug. 19. Mr. and Mrs. ;;iis j;n auar; ftf Rev. R. L. Foster ,s holding nse- Lester Hollifield of Three-Mile spent , districtour " ; and durin Ua v i 1 a-T - a1 1 1 . a ot totti Ira i c? amn r ac cjt- rvar n ion aa m i r t a - . . ttti - i t tt from 32 per cent to 65 per cent; m- cream were served, after which the " VA "x' 1 ounaay wn wiss riizaoew xiop-Tstay in .Marion; made s many- friends elusive. . . ' : happy couple left for the western (thl3 week- ' per. - v :j who will learn of -his death with sor- Increased exemptions to heads, of part of the state before returning to j i John Bradshaw was a visitor here roW"- . yyy:y famUies effective as of, last January Marion where they will make .their' . last weeK. . - . I 1, to'$2,5pO,fbr.;;inTOmes;nptvin ex- home. Rev. Mr. flav was 67 vears of a?e Union Mills, Rt. 1, Aug. 23. Mr. and Mrs. st 3yrd and, cess of $5,000 and additional exemp-; The bride .is a graduate of the. Misses Nell and Annie Sue Harris children of Clear. Creek visited rela-;HiUsbor , iIn addition" to" hwidow. tion for dependents tK $400 from state Normal and for the past two ( entered scnooi at Kound mil yester $200. " ! years has .been a member of the Ma-( day. T?oMl of the transportation taxes, ' rori oraded school faculty. By her Miss Nan Hall is spending the tives here last week; he- is surviyed - by three children, Miss Mary Clay spent the week- ; Ja - K G r; in Balti. effective next January!; f charming personality3 she has made a week with her niece, Mrs. ourtis Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mcee were jiouston. Texas, and . Miss Mary ..... . -r n j n- i t- x . - - . ;. Repeal of the tajxW life, fire, and -host of friends here. marine insurance policies and lmposi-j The groom is a s son of Mr. A. H. Williams, of Rutherfordton. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James. Trt.,, v-Wrlft ttorlrl fJr-oi The Union Mills boys met-with jie Boyd last week. Iboi-o coIIpp-p lat var ' ; umxAti mouMVV ' 7 : - , r ( - I tion of the corporation tax of 12 1-2 Giiea of thia place and is a young , Cove boys at the Cove school hotise ,Miss Ruby Boyd spent , the week- McCALL-LYON. i ner cent on all such Jnsurance cpm-. 0f sterling qualities. panies, except fraternal, enectiye next January 1." "," '; Repeal of the. taxes- on fountain -drinks, ice cream; and otner leverag es, and the substitution of manufac turers' taxes as follows: t f . ' erages: five cents' a pound oh car bonic acid gas; two. cents a gallon on fruit juices or sof t r drinks; thtee O cents a gallon on still drinks, exclu sive of mineral and-table water, and ten cents a gallon on fountain syrup. These changes would go into force on enactment of theNlaw. - ; - v Repeal Luxury Taxe- f Repeal of the stamp taxes on per fumes, cosmetics toiletv preparations and proprietary , niedicnes upon, x en actment of the bilL ' : , ;f ) I Mrs. Curtis Williams has returned t; tKmit th. stt will! to her home at Rutherfordton. . ., . .L.4-' Jones Harr and "brothers visited) De inweresveu 111 i.ue, auiiuuucciucuh i Friday and played a game of ball, 'end with her grandparents, Mr. and -QVER. SCORE WOUNDED - Score 11 to 2 m favor of Love bo vs. Mrs. McKmney at Little Switzerland. - AT JAIL AT KNOXVILLE fciDon nopper, jr., nas returnea . r- mi m - ' -: nr - , ,r. . .V ; Knoxville Tenn., Aug. 19. More from a brief visit m Virginia. . I , t ' - , , . c , . . , : i than 27 persons were wounded, two School is still progressing; nicely - . 5 . -: , , . . , 3. of the marriage Lvon- vouneest dauehter of Mr. and Four cents a gallon on cereal Devi Mrs. J M. Lyon, of Burnsville, for- m5 7 the lake at Bridgewater last week. Iwith Miss Clay as teacher. The en- ,BCrM'.; of Miss Lora Lee; ,, -, . . . , tuuties guarding the Knox county jail a- Plo Runner will be given at Si- Kepeal of the iv percen. , u. .schoX)1 house Saturday evening, KocoKoii . -frtfttKalt 1 And " - -basketDau shoes and skis and reduction ipf the Vten p-r cent tax tofive on: tennis; 61f and polo equipment, games, aiicj the;like, the whole to come into force . on ' ert actment of therbilL 'j;-'".-; v Exemption from the income tax of the first $500 of income from invest ments in' building and loan associa tions," effective at passage of the law. A reduction -from five to three per cent inVthe levy on candy; and 1 of ifrom-ten to five per cerit in'.the Jvie3 merly of Greenville, Tenn., and Dr. L. Ch McCall, of Spruce Pine, former ly of Marion. The ceremony took place at Burnsvillei at the home of the bride ion August 13. immediate ly following the wedding, Dr. and Mrs. McCall left for Lake Toxaway where they will 'spend several weeks before going to Spruce Pine to make their-future home : .Mr. ahd Mrs. George Harris spent rollment is very good. Sunday at William Ledbetter's. Miss Goodloe Haney spent the week-end with homefolks here. NEBO ' ' " ". - - a- "dead line in : approaching the jail . , - ' with the avowed purpose of demand- Nebo. Aue:. 23. Misses Lottie and t i. i,T ha - w. xtw u.vvvwU i neien' wuson ana orotner, arson, r to the Cove- bunday. PIE SUPPER. August T-Ereirlwtfr,;' money obtained will be used for fur nishing: Pant desks . V-k'ii.. ' '. -' : - r Thos -HcOidre-, .--local gxjyerimient weather bureau observeiv rpprtf .the temperature and ;ramfall at " Marion for thewerek a. follows: . : ' : " ;- : Maximum,! degrees; minimum, 62 " degjeel raiff, 02H of an mcb? sunshine,. per cent, 64. --a The children and friends of D. C. Brown gathered at his home last Thursday and gave him a surprise supper He is 78 years old and has 14 children, all of whom are living. A revival meeting has been in progress the past week conducted by the pastor, Bev, James Brown. Much interest was shown and about 2 new members liave been annexed to the church, -:. ' ; " . ' :" ; Roy Morris has returned to school at Round HilL u. : :: : . Mrsr: Bessie vFlack has returned to siisnftpt in :a. criminal assault unon a " ... i. i l -a.. j:--;!. l ..i T . r. ... . . ... : . ueeii """ OU111 ! county school teacher Thursday, merj school at Boone; . returned home j v All -of th wound d are White. last week. ! 1 -All'Ul'; bUe WUU11UCU 1C VTUlbC, uu it is thousrht that all - will recover. r Waiter Gilbert pt- LnariQtte spent vTwo are women Mostrof the rwound- last Week here with friends. .. . . . Misses Maggie . and fVivian '"f Parks spent the week-end here with home folks. -v . , .. ed "were curiosity, seekers ,who were .;; standing to one side upon the court-, house lawn, which; is, 30 r feet above l the street level at the corner, where Messrs. have been spending' two weeks here ghGriff Charles Lewis, was wounded Twith Mr. and MrsFinchiurnetp byiretarn iire from the tneir . nome iniAoiumDia, i.xuiiuay. iV Miss Sudie Alexander of plariori spent the - week-end"; in Nebo. Y, - , A crowd" -off olfe fro'hre vmotpr crowd. Although the s machine v gun ; - com pany o thellth riintryirennes-? see national .guard, was 5on duty :at; - Mrs. John. Sigmon" and daugnter, - - - : herom - ,;Tlie-GTeen; er .'-Baptist -Acacia- tion will meet with Montiord's Uove . Baptist church Sept. 2& : axid -coxstmue three-days "fV i J'gn. ' Boirn to Mr aiidl MrsGlHemp :51arionr Rt 3 Aug; 23--A'pf ani Ohio, iWhere -they, will "spend a; few days - with relatives. Miss : CTracy Sigmoni is ; vfaiting friends- in ErwinfTennS;-IV ; "V - S : if. . (Continued- on last page) . AV, WW. tA box. supper will be given at the ; Sandy . Flat school building- on Satur day night, Sept. 3. Everybody in vited." The proceeds will be used to ptrrehase - patent . desks for the school. "I -r i - s. J