M. -I. ... i.- HI A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED' TO THE BEST IhnEREST.OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWEli' COUNTY. s-- ESTABLISHED 1896. 4 : VOL; XXVr NO. 2 7 ) i tax levy. made for : Mcdowell .county "The Rate to BeSeventy-geven . Cents on tKe, $100 Wprth, of t 3Property--Tn63liip ations-.; - J" The Board oiXounty Co lon- xs were in regular session Vn'Mon day. A long list of routine matters were acted upon and ttl&ryfor taxes for the comirigf year, was made, olthstanding" 'the fact "that the reduction in the assessed valuation of property for the county- amounted to somethings like three million dol Xars, the commissioners were iablej,to Isold the levy down td a conservative point. v : The levy for; all. purposes in the county,; including; scnools aiid zoadi, amounts- to ;onl77c'; This i xnuch lowerjthan :' at number of other counties, and seVen cents on the 5100.00 lower than Buncombe, which made a levy .of 84c. - The commis sioners, while in favor of going for ward with the present constructive J ' program, realize on :. account : of the 'resent" depression in; business there is a demand on the part of the'public , for the tightening : uppf t)ie taxing power. With: this U&':;inindc-'rder for the levy was: made as, follows : v 1. General poll, taxi of two dol lars : that is, one' dollar- - and ; .-fifty "' nts for " public- school fund, ? and Sfty cents for supportfpoor. 2. For General County , purposes : Property tax :tei&bt'0&?e0etifa, J 3. ; For general "road purposes:: Property tax rate Of :thre cnte. 4. For bridge purposes t Proper- J ty tax rate of ;fiva cents. . v ?; 5. .For s general ita6V bond . puiv -poses, that is to pay. interest: ,-"eai j County road bonds and to ; create yz sinldiigf und'ipjpaythe sameatjina- J - -turity: Property tax rate or twelve -cents. ( .v ." ' :" ' ' ; - v 6. For funding floating indebted- "xiess and paying -interest on bonds: . Prooertv tax 'rate of eight cents. 'N 7. For general - school" purposes: Property tax rateof thirty "cents, for teachers salaries land seven cents for Irailding and incidental fund; V - - ' Rod Bonds and Maintenance. ' Mari(t6wnship-Foftrbad bonds, uiat is to pay-interest on roaa ponas aTw? prPAt sinkine- f undsl . a 'property -r-' nf f miV rPTi. ATi d noil tax of twelve cents. For rad mainten ance property tax rate of 11c and noil tax of 33c. . ;;0 Old Fort p ; t6wnship---For road fronds? Kronertv tax 4C. POii tax t?v rnninttmance: Prop- wrtr tjnc fc.; noil tax ll5c. 'M''Kv tw;e?T.lrp linftd hondsr Property tax 4c, poll tax For ;Wagener and Miss Alma - fiemphfll -a nofnti.tion - Prnnertv tax 2c.1 nAsWA ' cin nd wat-a poll tax .mm,-.- i:h?&& Dysartsville jtpwnship For . road- tionds: Property tax ill scents, poUit vtax 33c 'For road . maintenance: Iroperty tax 20c, poli ttax i60c; : o , Crooked Creek- wmsnip--Fol: road .bonds: Ioperrytaxllc,: poll tax v, 33c. For s road;' maintenance : Property. ta:20cill toxsc Broad ;Riverv township For road . feonds1 : iEroperty tax. 10c, poll tax S0c. For road maintenance : Pro perty tax 20c, poll; tax 60c. . V Montfords .Cove, township For road" bonds: Property- tax JlOc, poll .tax 30c. For road maintenance : property tax 20c, poU'taxOc. ' North : Cove townshipFor road lwnds: Property ; tax UOc, poll 'tax 0c. iForroadTOaihtenancei ..iperty tax 10c, poll tax 30c. .-; ' V : Higgins. ' township ! ;For r road Snds ?v; Prop tax SQc For Iroad maintenance: j-Prb l-rty taxlOcpoll tax30c.g BrackeHownshipjForS I Jjonds : loperty tax , 1 5c, poll -tax ' Sct . For ; roao! j maintenance : ; Pro- oerty tax 15c, poll tax' 45c. Glenwood v township rxr ' ;road : Property tax; 10c, s poll tax '-.SO'c';.1 For ? road; hiamteriarice r Sperty itaxbcpolT 'y Social i;iSe 'it iCrobked Creek tNo.;51Pterty .ra-:26c'5oil'iax0 f ' Wiggins No. 2.rVopytax20c, tax 60c." iW0 30c, poll tax 90c. r Nebo No. 1. Property poll tax. 90c. . J- Nebo To. 2. Property poll tax "60 c. ;Nebo 'No;- 3. Property tax 30ci 20c, 3,0c, tax tax poll;.tax 90c. , . Old Fort No. l. Property tax 10c, poll; tax 30c v :V':-;V ' . ISOld FrtjNo. 2.jPropWrty tax 12c, poll tax 36c3 ', ' ' V " Old Fort No. 3.-Property tax 45c, poll tax $1.35 , ; .' v 01d.Fort Nos. 5 and 5 .Prop erty tax, 10c, poll tax 30c Old Fort No. 7. Property tax 20c, poll-tax. 60c. X North Cove t No. iOc, -poll tax .30c. orth XJove NO. 1 5c, poll tax &0e. ; North Cove Nos. 4. Property tax 5. Property i;ax 6 and 6. Pro- perty tax 7c, poll tax ,Northx Cove To. 7.- 20c: -Property tax 10c, poll tax 30c. Montfords -Cove Property tax J5c, poll tax 45c. ' Bracketts : Nos. 1 and 2. Proper ty tax 8c, poll tax 24c. Marion No. 2.- Property tax 8c, poll tax 24c. , Marion No. poll tax 90c. Marirfn No. poll tax 45 c. ; Marion No. 3. Property v tax 30c, 4. Property tax 15c, Property tax 25c, 5. poll tax 75c. Marion Nos. 8, 8 and 10. Pro perty tax Ipc, poll tax 45c. - .Marion No. 9.r -Property-tax 5c, poll tax 15 c. Dysartsville No. 1. Property tax 20c pc31 tax 60c. TV (Pinnarfej-Property tax 2ac,poll tax 60c. - f MARION HAS DISkSTROUS FIRE FRIDAY MORNING Dire of" the worst fires to happen in Marion for a number of years was discovered last Friday morning about ! 2 o'clock in the Wrenn building, The fire it seems caught the hall of the second floor over the Marion Tin and Plumbing Shop. The blaze had made considerable headway when discovered arid before it was extin- jguished the whole second floor over , Doin xne ijroy wnoiesaie wrug vom-( pany and the Marion Tin Shop were burned oiit. The Kirbv Drue Com- ' pany . s'uffered considerable; loss vand , the loss of the Tin Shop was no small 1 item. Mrs Marv Van Waeener. who had ' - ' . . - . . rooTYis on the second floor m iMir. Iiot- rtnVinM o-nnHtt VXX OCWUUU. AlVUi ill VAA . ..destroyed.. In an effort to escape v imir- Kniiii'no Van considerably bruised in jumping from; the secon story. window. They edS bed clothes to the window and dropped from the second story. Mr. J. M. Crow, baker, who also lived on the second floor of the building, Pr-AWd without ininrv. " s f Trnpflifltv 'tho lrm was sounded, the ' Marion Fire ment was on the scene in a Depart- few sees onds. The fire uiiub. nuVaiiT nuLAcu under serous handicaps, r in that they did not have ladders of sufficient lengthto scale the outside walls of the; building. Since the fire was f burninc in the second story, about .ViA.'rtrilv wnv tn rpftch thft' firp. was to climb to the top of the , walls and , turn the "waJter n the f Iraming build- mgvrAftet?about an hour of heroie work the flaniesvwere well under con- trol The fighters fought like vet- erans and owing' to their efforts the damage -to property js greatly less than 'it would have been. f ; The 4amage tp the building is esti mated at$15,03IO, with $10,000 in surance.cTbe Kirby Drug Company's loss is estimated at $12,000 and this W .partially covered by ' insurance. About $1;500 was sustained " by the Marion . Tin ' '&. Plumbing,, Company with $1,000 insurance. ; 1 : - - - The building Is owned by T : F., Vrennvof High Point and E. J. House tof Marion and it; is, understood they expect to repair: and put the, building back in good - condition - as soon - as possible v-' 1 : ITEMS OF INTEREST 'w v C : y FROM THE COUNTY Brief Mention of Some of Jthe Happenings in McDowell ItemAboiit! Home People. Nebo, Bt l, Sept. :5.-r-B. R. Foster has gone to Cliff side where he has accepted a position. Mr. and Mrs. John Poteat of Mor-( ganton spent Saturday night with relatives in " this community. 1 ; Miss Hessie. Waters has returned to Marion after spending a few days here with homef oiks. J esse Price . and Paul , Ricketts at tended, the McDowell County Sing ing, convention at Bethlehem on Sun day of last weec. - - ;.' L. H. Whitener made a business trip to Hendersonville last week. - Roy Morgan and sister, Miss Floy, of Marion, - spent Saturday night here with their unt, Mrs. G. H. lington. Miss Biddie Price of Marion spen the week-end here with' homef oiks. Overton Price spent last week in Cliffside. - J. M. Walker visited in Rujher fordton and Spindale recently. ' A. P. Poteat of Nealsville was a visitor here one day last week. Lawson Taylor of Kansas City, Mo., is spending a .few days here with homef oiks. t ' J. D, Walker -made a business trip to Marion last Saturday. OssieOPrice of Cliffside is at home for a few days. r; "J. B. Walker was, in Glen Alpine , a number of young people i enjoyed a .singing on last Sunday night given .by Miss Myrtle Foster.. I I misses jE.mei ana Agries Foster Guy. Cochran of and Messrs. Zeb and Cliffside are spending a few days visiting friends in this community. 1 1 HANKINS Marion, nz. d, &ept. t. a large Marion. Rt. 3. Sept. 6.- crowd enjoyed tne supper at tne j scnooi nause aaturaay mgnu ine ; program opened with a short talk by Mr. B. L. Lunsford of Marion. He told the people of their needs for a "cci chuiu ..t days in the week their children must live and grow. -4 He also j impressea upon "them their duty of standingly their teachers while they are work- i mg so faithfully for the betterment of the school. entertainment consisted : -rni of or cake-walks, the sale ot pies 'girls,' numbers, cake and lemonade, ice cream and fortune telling, the - - toal - - Proceeds from whlch mrtf to $53. Some good music was also 7'?"'. -uu. - T- -r speaK too mgmy ux mr. "mu noPe. lo. Miss Mae -JVllison spent the W: ?nu.wtui atjiiv - . - ' mr. aim iur. u. . nuwarua, Carlyle, spent Sunday and wtn their, daughter, Mrs. G. win school will suspend ext Eri - , . . . - "day for two durmg to hope to have the building cover, f"v. , ice creamfeast at the homer OI . . 5 . . s i enjoyed . by quite a number of friends who live near, Nebo, NEBO. Sept. 5. Dr; and Mrs. Hoke Hemphill of Chapel Hill visited j relatives , here last week, N Misses MaggieVand Hattie Taylor left Saturday for Marion where they will begin, teaching school at the Ma rion Mm. -zyy . ;.;.;::"l Mrs. John Sigmon and daughter. " Georgia,,; returned home(, last vekiMrs.' Garland from Ohio, .where they haye i peeh spending several days with relauyesj Mr."-and ' Mrs' Herbert; Giles: ijii I baby of ' Raeford vare visiting4 -Mrs. Giles' -mother," Mrs. Alexander.; 'I : xrMr. and ! Mrs, Carrol Sigmon f of Bridgewater spent theweekend here with Mr. and; Mrsw? John Sigmon. -:V - Miss Georgia Sigmon will leave Tuesday for Elon College where-she will enter school. : - - - '' 's; " Watson, Wilson left Saturdays for Garaen City, wjiere he will begin his school. .:-"" ; -'. c Misses Maggie and Vivian Parks, who are teaching schoolcat Harmony Groye, spent- the, week-end here. . l - r.Mlss. Bertie ilawing of - Harmony Grove visited the Misses Parks here Saturday and Sunday. ' y - -y. Mrs. Summers arid f fTYiW , have and moved back here 'for the fall winter,-term-of -hool. - 5 A crowd from here motored , to Blowing Rock r Sunday on A picnic' Miss Essie . Hemphill will "leave one day this week -v for Rutherford j county "where she will teach school. , Miss Elsie- Stacy spent the week end atGreenlee.' . " v. ; - n6ntfords COVE"' , UnlqnTMilis, Rt. 1, Sept. 6. Mr. and Mrs. Grant .Harris visiteoT tKeif i brother; E H. Harris, at the Ruther ford-hospital Sunday, and report his .condition better. . - i - f Mr.- and Mrs. Wm. vldbettero tpred to Shelby last" Friday. " Misses Flay Williams and Ethel Ledbetter spent Saturday night with Miss Vera Ledbetter . 1 : Mrs. E.MtStott is right sick. - . J. P. Williams -.has been right -sick; The ball game .between the ? Cove' boys and the cotton mill team re sulted in a score of 18 to 8 in favor of the former. - ? "VflTTifl Harris and familv and Mrs. W G. Harris -and Mrs.. Cora .Nichols vipted ' fronds at Glenwood ' Sunday. 7umDeJ employed .oto, : as. com Mac!te -Stott, a student- at .paredth tho previous month. JLurn Round Hill kchool; spent the veek--Mr;m as enll with Homef oiks h.- : A party o'f-youngsf oiks consisting ! "S;-:..- . . rrz r- of Misses .Vera Ledbetter; Mary Sue PIN TO EXTEND HIGHWAY " KemphillClara i. Harris . andMrV and TOr HNDERSON COUNTY Mr3. Ge(rgc Haras ing trip tp Chimney Rock; last week.- highway commissior ;for V McDowell : . W. A. Misenheimer anil . some .county, is making,!' an 'arrangement friends of Asheville visitedhef or Jf or meeting liwith- the commissioners , raer's Qldhbme rplacc at v tlie WrHtepf House, Sunday. 7 " ' : , : ; in extending the ' ".Crooked :f Creek- r? Born, to Mr. and'Mrs.: y.HarrVBfR ris, a son. .'C'''V-.v',v",: i countytovH?"dersonvillef ; Mr. and Mrs.r.J. M. Harris visited Only senpepf.;nigW their son at Old Fort Saturday and have Sunday. ;T " H j Rodnev He mphill of Nebo 1 visited 'his parents here Sunday;-;' . ' j.vcv. anu.iuio. uuAco uiunu ojjhw Kiinvav iiuiu .xicuukiuh vine; - , : tt.m - ' V-fm.'.' a.,' ' - ounuiiy at ougar nui. r;;'-, ! Mrs. F. V. ; Harris, Ray Hemphill ; and Arthur Nichols motored yto the Cove Sunday. BROAD RIVER" .. Old Fort, Rt. 2, Sept. 5- R C. - Nanney spent yesterday in -Marion ; oh business. t ;S:?zj?j V?site'villeVeople;a'"highway: both: to Misses Lockye; and" Hattie' Nanney. homefolksX - I . : t The protracted meeting which; be- &anv at stoniB Mountain Tuesday The pastory Rev. F.very bad' railroad grossing ; between iSimmons waS assisted by Rev, M. Hankins station and " the Catawba g Snipes of Nebo. We hope muchr good was. accomplished. v? r: -j-.' Miss Meiaona iitroua spent i?naay nignrwitn Ji.steue xaoms avtne norae 01 "'12 V. " yy . j. JDryan - xieaoettcr was - a i. sitor,at,R; , NannVs Sunday afternoon. , The' Stone fountain school is pro - e nic . ..: V . t Estelle Morris spent Thursday night at the home; of I. V Stroud. : j Little Robert - Nanney, son of Mr. j ana mrs.-ii. w iManney, nasDeen on the sick list .for several .days, but is improving.. . - -v - '' . - .;;: Work, on . the highway down Broad river 'is progressing nicely ; : 7;" :"V'Vfe:l"'- '; r HARMONY GROVE. , i Nebo,u Sept. 5.Mrs.;iBen Sim monis and-little sbh : have returned home; after spending" spine time with Williams v on - Buck . Miss Alice-' Mangum has .returned to her .home at Dysartsville x after spending a few days here.': - v: - "A singing was given at the home of Dan Anderson 1 last Friday night. The "affair was enjoyed by all present.-- " r. -f: yv: h r-A -V-: - Continued' on last page) : NEWS ITEMS FROM ;;:f:;PYER JHEf STATE CmerninjETEvent5 of In terest amd x I m p or t a n c e Throughout the State. Between 600 an 70ft have com- i been returned to Work at the ! mills of the Champion Fibre - pany tat Canton, i Several ruhdred of -the-workers were laid off about two 1 weks ago, when the plants , were ' closed: down;ftemporarfly was stated that the jnills were close d; due to the lack of fall orders. , 1 vThe program, has - been" completed ' 4 for the Western North 'Carolina - and ; Buncombe 5 county state co-operative district t agricultural fair f or , colored -people; to be held in Asheville Oc$o-C ber 10 to 15. The air. will be in conjunction with the"; juvenile, home movement; inaugurated ; s e v e r a 1 weeks ago TheTaffair will be held in Oates park.' - ; . ; .v . - 1 Imprbved;' mdustrialxionditions in. . NrthtrolinaaH reported in the I monthly "survey- of the employment service, for J the department of labor fprAugust 'Nininetextile mills reporteoVl 9,938 on the pay rolls Au gust '15, an inciese Of -112 as com- -pared withJuly '?;i5.j Textile opera-V; tors, while -.not optimistic, expect to pe able; to continue oni" f ufl time. Thirty-six lumber, products mills re- . port employment of 2,272 onthe pay' ; ,rolls August : 15, decrease in the and it; is prpbablcithat - JSenderson county:, wUl x vv.cpmniissipners OI;.v:tiuCXiOWeu re plann vllle highwtys with; the road to be ;. built between Morganton and Ruth-, j erf ordton.: ." Arrangements are ; being. made to have a .conference at once with the Burke and Rutherford coun- . ty omcialsl, Thiy wai give; the :Dy-- Rutherford i & .n. cuni.xat;i. )vui uts m, yn. oaiuruay, A 4- 4- Ml 1 1 -X. O i-. 3 Sept. 10, tO 'build a section of road on the Marion-Oak-" Grove ChurcV" hfghwaV whichSwilliminate the - river , bridge on-the;. C. C. y& O.'rail way, und run; the road around under he railway bridge.' The, railway com- -.- pany, will ".-pay; lor about'one-hall or Jil?1 OI "V- j v r-; . jiingineer-.xu.artm ana aii. ox tne . Uunty - nighway commissioners -- i IspectedJUie roads in -the northern - part of the county on Tuesday, Sept. !eth. Thev went especially to inspect. 'th Rroftd Rir nmi' nw Wnr completed by Alexander & Patton. CONCRETE LINK. OF ; ROAD IS OPENED . Kutlerf ordton,; Sept. Z. rThe con crete link of the Asheville-Chariotte-WUmixjgtdn highway, known as, pro ject. No. 77, recently completed ; by the Wilson construction company,- of Rutherf ordton, -was opened to the public Tuesday afternoon. It is lo cated f romthe eastern city limits at the Seaboard Air line railway sta tion extending through town to the corporate limits in the northern part of town, comprising 242 miles. About one mile of this paving is 16 feet wide,, - and- the remainder varying from 24 to 33 feet-, The Salvation Army in London in 1865. eas founded v v. .T, V: