.V,' . p -'" ' -'-.-.-"' - -. -' : - If. - V N ..v.. - . A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPUE OMcDOWELL? COUl ESTABLISHED, 1896 MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPT. 15 1921 1 VOL. XXVI-r-NO. 3 m& m It SUNDAY SCHOOL FOLKS HOLD GOOD iCONy ENTION Many Attend j Sessions of v Mc Dowell; County Association State Leaders Attend. Sunday, School workers from vari 'j&us sections of thecounty were in C J Attendance at the McDowell "County Sunday School convention which was Jaeld. in the Melodist4. Church . here Tuesday and Wednesday of ' last -week. At the close of : the meeting the records - showed . thatv thirteen Sunday Schools; had been represent ed. Among those , present were six pastors, ten superintendents "and twenty-nine; Sunday School teachers, the total attendance being about onej Irandred.people. ' . -. ' "The - Stafe Sunday School ; Associa--tion was represehted by Mr. D. W. Sims and Miss Flora Davis, of Ra .leigh. Tie addresses of these two workers were. said to be very helpful nd instructive;; Plans and purposes of the State Sunday School "Associa tion were presented ".by; Mr. Sims in .a . most comprehensive way.- , "Our JUTpose'-and ;Ourt Task" was the sub ject of this address. In speaking of the work - of the State Sunday School Association, Sir. Sims said it seeks . helpful co- toperatwjn, not union. Its conven tions and institutes discuss methods -of work, not 'church, docteines. .The conventions held , under the auspices of the State and County Associa tions - arer free schools of methods open to all who attend.-' Again, in i territories wnere tnere are no oun- -day. bcnoois, tne Association aoes .not suggest the organization of. 'union Sunday Schodls.-but; .urges :;tbe. organization-s!o fenG tizaiion-Hvof ; onommaiioaiah schools' of ;the denomination pref errt d by the people of the community. Our task, said Mr. Sims, is to form enough Sunday Schools to reach very person and to make existing cunaay.nows.uei,t. cvianjr lie added, is this need great in the Tural sections of the state. There Ms no organization on the lobe that wiy yield the. same ;divi- iiend as the Sunday School, said Mr. Sims. The records show thai; less "than 10 per cent of the money raised : rfor church purposes is pu"t into the ;Sunday Schpol, yet the -church reaps' irom ine ounaay ochtoiu .et . cent an results. J.ms is sncrwn Dy tije iact that,85 ben cent of all church' mem- lerscomefromthe Friday School, -SO per :r:cent..of .'the': huwhirworkers, deacons, elders, stewards, 'etc., comev from the Sunday school, 5 per cent f all the ministers come tTorough the, io:45. Promotion Day- Supt. T. .Wednesday for Asheville Normal meeting by telling the story of the 'gtructioh is planned. The new coi Sunday school, as well as 90 . per p Pruittf Hickory. Ischooh ; Great Teacher, Christ. Her contri- rele ehvr 1 eadm from Marion. cent of our foreign 'missionaries, Through cb-dperation Mr. Sims ur- ..jges . more and fcetter denominational Sunday Schools. , . .. At the Wednesday afternoon sres- sionl of , the convention McDowell County Sundayv School Association ' w .was . organized and , officers 'elated Xof.ttie coming year. , jThe object r& rtW-association- is to bring Sunaay School workers of all denomimftkins together in.county conventions the purpose of - exchanging plans and .'' methods of work, and j to ' be of mu 'rL ,ual help 'to each other. According i Mr. Sims, many counties of the State have similar organizations and isobd results are- being reported. An other object is to hold Township con rventions when the workers x of the . various townships will get-together Tto discuss their problems The Me Dowell County. Sunday -School As - sociation is one of the units ,of the Torth Carolina ; Sunday. School As--sociation. '- ' ; . " ' " .The 1 officers elected for .'McDowell county were: President, W. R. -Chambers, 1 -r Marion; ' viee-presfdeiit . - Jeo. A. Banner Marion; iBecretaryi r Prof. Ti A. - HoltonMarion. - Town- I Dysart ; Old ;Fort,r R. . ; Hughes; ; ' Crooked Creek, to be Isup lieH ' 'by county officers ; Buck . Creek, :NeWton Buchanan; Montf ord's 'SporeW M. "Wflson ; Glenwood Mrs AbW 'Garb! irer; Nebb, Joseph Padgett Higgins, r C Pr Holland : DysartsvUle; ' Bratcher Xandis; North CovVrG. W. Xon- JJey; Bracket; Miles P. Flack; Broad RiverL Miss-Mae Gilliam. BAPTIST SUPERINTENDENTS MEET HERE NEXT WEDNESDAY Two superintendents' conferences for Baptist Sunday Schools of North Carolina will bje "held this monh, xme in Goldsboro Sept. 19-23, the other in Marion Sept. 21-23. The confer ence here will be held at the First Baptist church and an interesting program has been arranged. Dr. B. W. Spilman, of Kinston, field work er of Baptist Sunday School Board, will be; one of the speakers. The program follows: Wednesday Evening, September 21. 7i:30. devotional, Pastor J. T. Bowden. 7:50. Words of Welcome, Response. 8:00. Address, Dr. Spilman. 8:45. Announcements and signment of homes. Thursday, September 22. Morning Session. and as- "9:30. Song and Praise, Supt. J. j N. Barnett. 9:45. Brief reports from Super intendents. ' 10:15. Address, Dr. Spilman. 10:45. A New Sunday - School Pr0&ram for North Carolina Rev. A. L. Stephens, Black Mountain. 11:15. Address, Secretary Flake. 12:00. Round Table' on above dis- cussions. 12:30. Recess. Afternoon - Session. 2:15. Devotiona. 2:30. How T Brought My School to the standard Supt. J. N. Bar - pettf 2:50.. A Worth-while Association -lPpojrriimMr... J." H. i drat. Ashe., : - ' n" ' : - A.r " - ' 3:io Open Conference, conduct- ed by Secretary Flake. v 3:4o Address, Dr. Spilman, .4.15,: More reports from Super- miendents. Eveninsf Session. 7:30. Song and Praise, Supt. J. N. Barnett. 7:45. The Sunday-School in Evan- gelismPastor R j. Bateman, Ashe - ville ' 8:15 Address, Secretary Flake, Friday, September 23. 9:30. Song and Praise. 9:45 The Superintendent .at Work: (1) Conducting : a. Session of His School Supt. W. U. Gragg, to novolAnm Tiia T - mH - ers Supt. M. W. Hanirick, Ashe - ville Training His Teachers SuT)t n a Lvnch. Caroleen. 1 0 :1 5, Address, Dr. Spilman. j 11.15. Address. Secretary Flake. 12 -.00. My Plans1 When I Get Home: By Superintendents. 12:30. Adjourn. - Afternoon Session. j 2:15. Devotional j 2:30, Soin Achievements Thw Year Secretary Middleton. 2 :45. Address, Dr, Spjlman. 3 :1 5. Address, Secretary Flake, 4 :00. Final Oonf elrence and Clos ing ExercisesT tERRELL-WEAVER. . Asheville ' Citizen, . 8th. Yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Miss Fthel Terrell and Mr. Guy Wea ver were united in marriage. The ceremony, which was extremely, sim ple in detail, was performed at the Central ' Methodist church and was saJd fey Rev, .Dr. E. K. McLarty, pas tor of the church, assisted -by Rev. P. L. Terrell, of Marion, father of the bride in - the presence of a gathering of .friends and relatives. -The nup tial music was rendered by : ,the jor ganist . of i the church and Mrs. V G. Terrell, of Burlington, sang several appropriate ;-.;cionsi'-;'fteri::: a short' honeymoon, Mr and Mrs-' Wea ver will return to Asheville to make their s&iture5 home. ; ; Mrs. . Weaver was formerly a resi dent of . Granite Falls, an d - has been superintendent of f public instruction f or-Buncombc county for 'two years; Mr. Weaver is a prominent attorney ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM THE COUNTY Brief Mention of Some of the i . Happenings in McDowell' Items About Home People. OLD FORT Old Fort, Sept. 13. The Old Fort graded school opened Monday,' Sept. 5th, with the largest enrollment in its history, numbering three hundred and thirty pupils. All available space in the building is taken. The high school numbers sixty-two pupils. We hope that the trustees will see fit to provide more room as soon as possible, as we are very much crowd ed. Mrs. Field, of Jacksonville, Fla., is visiting Mrs. S. M. Hoffman. Misses Mae Allison, Gertrude Dur ham and Millie and Bula Kanipe left Tuesday for Greensboro wher,e they will attend the North Carolina Col lege for Women. Messrs. Sidney Mauney, William Burgin, Hugh Tate and Harry Bur gin left Tuesday for the A. and E. Collegre at Raleisrh. Joe Crawford also left for Warford College at! Spartanburg. Misses Ruth and Martha .Holder spent the week-end with friends here. A number of people motored to Chimney Rock Sunday. Miss Katherine McElroy left Mon day for Stonewall Jackson Institute, Abingdon, Va. Wprk has been started on ' the Dixie Highway about two miles east ' of Old Fort. Ella ! SUGAR HILL Nealsville, Sept. 13. Miss Grant is visiting friends and relatives ii.MaidonthlswBekw.w . M anA Mrs R. C N Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Nanney of Gil- key spent Sunday with the latter i brother, Mr. Fate Hogan. I Misses" Aldine Pleasant, Lillian Michael, Mary Sue and Clara. Hemp- hill spent Wednesday night at the home of Misses LOU and Alice Morns. ! Miss Pearl. Padgett and Messrs. I Ernest tfeaman and Everett raagett spent Sunday at the home of J. C. ' Crawford. Lawrence Crawford left Monday for Mary ville College. Fred Morris of Marion spent the week-end with homefolks here. Mr. and Mrs Preston Rabb spent Sunday afternoon at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hall. T pv Mnrris a st-.nHp.nt nf- Round , Hill school, spent the week-end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. P.. Morris. , Miss Mary Sue Hemphill will leave The Sunday school that was re- cently organized at the Grove church is progressing nicely. CROOKED CREEK Old Fort; Kt 2, Sept, 13. Mrs. Dulla Prry of Thomasville has been visiting relatives on the creek for some time- C. L, Lytle and sons, Luther and!ofthf little, abant- school Gudger, visited relatives here Sun- day. - . Mrs. Nora Pool o Rock Hill, S, C, and Mrs. Blankenship of Hot Springs have bee visiting: Mrs. C W. Laven - der for th past week. Foddr puffing is progressimgr rap idly through this section Frank Turner moved- into Ms flew houses last week. Mr. and: Mrs. James Lavender and Mrs. A. W. Lavender spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. ? B. Half ord. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Mills Hoyle, Sept. 5, a son..- . - Born, to Mt. and Mrs. C. W- Lav ender, Sept. 6, a daughter. Rev. Spencer preacheo! a1 very in teresting ' and ".helpful sermon at Si lem Sunday morning. - i - BROAD RIVER .'i': I t Old Fort; Sept. : 12l-Worlc on, the Crooked Creek-Broad River highway, is progressing nicely. ;'The grade is almost completed to the .Stone Moun tain gap. - Vrf.'-- flThe school at Stone Mountain was suspended Friday for' two weeks r oh account of farm work; " " . ; r Miss Estelle Morris, who has. been teaching, at Stone Mountain, "attend ed the teachers meeting in Marfon last Saturday and went on to her home f or. a two weeks' vacation.. ' Mr., and Mrs. W. NL. Nanney are al smiles these days it's a boy.:. Messrs. M. T. Green and W. J. B. Ledbetter were pleasant visitors at the home of R. C. Nanney yesterday.' Fodder pulling will be the ? order of the day for the next two weeks. T. B. Ledbetter "went to Hender son ville Friday in the interest of the Crooked Creek-Broad River highway. W. F. Stroud has ) his new." resi dence aboii ready for occupancy. , TEACHER' MEETING '. HERE LAST SATURDAY v - . - '- The . first teacher ' meeting of this year's series was held in... the; auditor rium of the graded school building on last Saturday, Sept 10. Supt. N. F.' Steppe opened the meeting by a short talk to the teachere. The summary of his remarks can be expressed in one sentence: the school program for McDowell county for the- present school year is more efficient teach- mg. ue very maeiioiy impressea upon the teachers iheir duty to the community as well as to the children in the school rom. He urged them to take a little time for betterment associations or community, welfare league! because that time would be well spent tho lost from recitations He renewed enthusiasm in . the eotinty-widc campaign for better lPlysical equipment by showing them that no efficjent work can be done with poor equipments , Following Mr. Steppe's remarks, iii i tt- ri "t . i m l Gtenwood High School faculty, sang most beautifully. The Glenwood people are extremely fortunate in having Miss McFalls with them this year. V Hon. D. E Hudgins, who for 28 eais nas lauureu uuurmgiy ior "lts advancement of the educational sys- iem 01 xucowen county, spo the teachers of that -most real part. of our existence, thought life. He told them 1 the chiJd should be taught ,to be truthful, honest, kind, public spirited until he thinks' along those lines:. As a result of such teaching the child -will develop into a more xmnKing, truimui, xwxiesu, mu, ; puonc spirixea xnougnis ana wm De that kind of man "for as a thinks, so is he." Miss Sara Copeland, who was a lew years ago a member ot tne grad- ed school faculty, contributed to thei buan was indeed a pleasant part of the5p16gram. . j t Supt. G. B. Strickland, of the Fon uraaea acnojji, lonowea up the thoughts of Supt. Steppe; and;need Hudgins with helpful suggestions lfop organizing communities. . SPt- Holton, of the Marion Grad- ed School, talked for a few minutes teacmng ana me vaiue oi wme. Miss Mary Greenlee urged the teachers to send in their reports iprompiiy at tne ui wr, a, 1 she. tter ke op with the attendance. She urged community organizations to assist any families in their communities so unfortunate as are not able to sufficiently provide clothing for children to attend school this winter. It is her opinion that in;:any community where there is a Sunday school, a church and a school that the people in that community j shouiaiaKe care pi ine aeserying poor whj are with them. , box supper: A.ox and ice cream supper, will be given - at Pinnacle school house Sat urday night; Sept. 17. The " funds rabed Willgo toward - painting Jfoe school Duilding. A cardial invita tion is extended to all to attend." 7 -0 -The,box supper" scheduled to take place at Tom's Creek school., house last" Friday night was: postponed un til next Friday, nightJ , - : . NEWS ITEM3 FROM OVER THE STATE Hems Concerning Events of In- terest and I m p or ta:nco Throughout the Stated x . According to government fienirA5s there are. 1,572 postoffices in North ya:uunttt iiiciuumg Iirsi-Ciass 64 second-classr6219 third-class and 1, 275 fourth-class offices. - - r , Bobbie Stephens, 15-y earmold son of Mr. and Mrs.-RJ D. Stephens, was instantly killed Sunday afternoon .at a mill pond in Raleigh when he dived from the bridge into abnormally low water and -broke his neck.. ' Mrs. Charity Hicks, - of r Winston Salem, hast passed her 103 birthday, and is still - hale - and hearty . and as active as - man women at 50 ror 60. She is now on a visit to her son, S. B. Hicks, at Harmony, Iredell county . While walking on the roof of the new 12-storv hotel at Winstnn-RalpTn 1c3,,j, t:ii: ! Mitchell 24 years old, daughter; of Edgar Mitchell, of Walnut X3ove, fell from a high parapet to the roof over ! the., ballroom, ten - floors below, " and v . . v . , MUCH CONSTRUCTION - WORK GOING ON There ; is moret building and con struction work going on and being planned for Marion and vicinity now than atK any time in the past. -Several .handsome residences are soon to ' be comDlctGd t the. 1fIros?5 homp nn nn. ; pcr Main. street will soon -be finished.. it is on of tke prettiest buildings, in "Marion arid a rel ornament to th: town. On Court -street Mr. J. W. - and add much to this sectionof ,the txwn. Mr. RJ. Noyes is erect- hlgl a Very attractive residence on 'Garden reet The building' will be iComplei.ed d rey-for occupancy at rm frre.at f ntur dat.p. Mr Shaffpr soon have his residence ready for Use. This building" is located in the" nrtpf .,-f tnwri aT,i 'mu,h to the general attractiveness of this section. Mr W- C. Smith is ,1 erecting a bandsomV eight-room ' brick residence on North Main streeti Mr j.: q.: Qilkey is erecting a mod- crn wholeale building -near-the sta tion tj18 building being desimed to itake enfe of the. constantly increas-- man(ing business of the Marion Grocery J Company, and when completed it. is. . said will be one of the besbusihess ;t.tlirps Marion : v Considerable s rnn ftn p A ! onen for . traffic f ot 1 about half tbW distance. The completion of this stretrb of road will meet, a lonlf: In Marion V considerable street . work is to hAtrin" -soon, o Th 1oTiriT eTld af Main street i t W. aTld Tj0fn strAPf rhrrrMT Henderson street, is also to be paved. Court street, from South ' Main to f the intersection of Logan street is to ; be put in first class condition. . other-work in various sections is ais0 ing on. Marion and vicinity hag felt ldle depression hi business, :and th elaborin& class of-people have suffered . littlefrora unemployment, general prosperity of this town fa &T aboye of many other towng of which goes to prpve ! that M arion is one of the best towns i in the country. : CIGARETTE SMOKERS CAN'T TEACH IN WILKES -North" WUkesboro; Sept :10 If you want to - teach school in5 - Wilkes county, you can't smoke "cigarettes. Such was the order made at the regu lar,, meeting of the county board of education for- September, all mem bers of the board concurring in the . decision "to eliminate 'all 'smokers of cigarettes, from the taechihg profes-T sion . of the ; county, and r no " doubt their ; action' will be met with genu- . ine approval .throughout the "State of Wilkes." : ' f : -I- 1 a;:. V

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