;'V;;- - W ' - c v v -: f : VV'. ' ; - -S . x A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE-OF McDQWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C.,; THURSbAY, SEPT. 22, 1921 VOL. XXVI NO: 4 1 f i -HE STATE BOARD OF schools in the county, examine the HEALTH SENDS - NURSE children for physical defects and re- . : Port .these ,-defects to the parents. Will Visit Each of the Sixty-Six Health talks rare made in each school Schodls,in CountyrTeUs Na- T'l ldren are instructed in L ,x : , ,ithe elefnents of good-health. rare . - , JOr. G. M. T Cooper' pirector of the' SSETceau of " IVIedical . Inspection of (jcfatiols, has placed'-Miss Mirdie Dunn of the health" of "the school chil-. &ssn. She expects"! to vsit every sdhool in the county and will follow up the teachers ' in their physicar ex iaaaination of pupils. -. f These bindings are , not to be re- .tsnded in the nature of - a - diagnosis, tint flier express -the-bpihrQn of the PoTifnhtifiAH fcof welcome; was given by ferls found; thtfe: ,M8nit;o fe;V rffli narse.. "f: ixi, and treatment. ' . Miss Dunn has the v following to ssay in regard . t o the nature" of the The physical examination of school cfiaZdren Xor defectsUhat retard nor-" coal jphyicalor mental, development ce! at least 60 per cent of the school cs3dren of - Americahs -begun in t&is county. ".These children vare of- ounty. 7;inesecniiaren .are oi-J regaroea Dy parents. ana xeacners uuu . wxiexi, rtx me - wj. u ; v yr etc fc25own,in many - instaricesthe chpd is Iialf blind, toric from " bad . "teeth; asficnoids or iiiseased tonsiis f r his Bzain and body"4re lacking the sttmu Itzs'of proper food. ;' : Malnutritisn' is realty one . of the Ksst. fundamentals causes .. of r these iEEs.' Tli6f teeth decay and the gener al bodily resistance iWlowered . from uxzdeivn ourisHment. There are. five Million sihobl cfcildrehan the UmtedEinieavor -Society. Sates v suffermg-r fronr malnutrition, -iney nave piraiyo. eat,- muw wc Miss verda Mcintyre explained:; tne iec ithfir through Program. The' ad- 2SWence, "dojnoti; select Vt.gtjefvte.jjyenfngp "Planning a aoa tobuiidthe jvidy Jtv is the j For-Squafe" program," was deliver- I5sianc6d difit;tiiat should te cput pe - 'Amoifg ' thae -.most commons defects ssxie defective teeth, diseased and en- aore4 tonsils,cadnoids; 2' nosture.inalnlabhnd' -lack' isad' nostUre, malnutrition f personal hygiene r - It hasbeen, Saidthat,;: "The soul 'aceds sstving "only when the mind and ldy are wrong' . and also that "The aaanner inwhicfiT its children" are sUrt3ired is in truth perhaps the best Xsaeasurpf fe K civilization . of .a ill tHi$e thn a great'' e- ' -ansibu1iy alls - upon ; vtte iiparetit d sureiyfii is the? vfirstdutyiof eriaVeiBt-to.sie mxtn hveiheaitny rnmas ajia';Doui ;23'Moe'ici;4 ..oflierhood;; should be. regarfel as r a profession " and yetj we ;S,tin flKd Tin- Seffigentfwbngdep "Slbther stinctf lttidirfin he care 6f our cliUdreny . jThis same -otheinltinctVg whwtradiybn inl fites snoible largely lfor se si3rteeit"mmion ;d Jdldreri iir? IXostCbf ki0dec cntablend?a large per; ce remedial natreWityfiS sas the- child hasVpboJ.hancpf -VntiaiTibrrnalevejbpt xaind or nouy, ana . wiuiouw pjewxev. - n, '.premature ieath; or . invalidism Is iniddie -lif emaybe ected: in nTidren rechHieh School Defective! cmldrenare A 'more ssetftM sases :; aiid -tne xaiM the scholge;airw:inustwe. to the child 'ami Serious 'economic1 Sass W the conunity :and e,te.; Some authonties :da : i cximencolrriglbi r4sal arefreqtieiit esultffthese ysical defects ieel? toeiy ' demojfstrated tthat- many clnV eaen-suffering iroese various nidicapsimpi-oyejal r&spo?; in And ;Wholarshtp;-when - prop -correctibir is rAad(;-K;C Our soal is a 'healtny Individual and Qus Is attaiiiable, in a largemeas iijih; right habits-inooV: ' rest rarcise; Z fresh;; air- andpersonal .i.-..Uwt u '-Wiifiitv orof .we l in esa , vw . . . - Let us remember that, "The wealth .of f nation lies in the health of its children." " .1. '. ' "', - DISTRICT MEETiNr. np - 1 CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR The Western North Carolina Dis trict of the Christian Endeavor Un? ion met in ita'annuajl convention ; in the MaripnIslbyterian Church on Saturday:; and Sunday, Sept. 17th and 1 8th, . The opening session was t1? 011 Saturday ?.afternoon. The Poteat and he response Helen Marlowe of Asheville. V n . uarvis, .aisLnc-presiqen spoke of the work of the district union durjng the past year and. of nDlanfor -Lte coming year. The convention theme, "Christian En deavor Pour-Srqtlare, was explained by VMr Frarik P. Wilson; North' Caro lina (Christian Endeavor Field Secre tary. ; The presiderie appointed the rollowingv committees: Nominating committee: Miss. Grace Firiley, Ma- rrjon. Miss Helep Marlowe, AsheVille; Mr.v D. F. Presson, Crossnore. Reso lution committee: Miss Verda Mc Intyjre, Asheville ; Miss . Lucy Mc Neely, Mobresville; Lee Barrett, As)evnie. i Committee- on Time and Place: ? D. JK. Kennerly, Statesville; rMiss Louise Evans, . Hendersonville; Mis Louise McComb, Hickory. . -si?- - --. - afternoon meeting supper-was served ion the lawn by the, Marion Christian j tloe Saturday, eveiiirfg- sessionj , e(j oy Mr. Frank P. Wilson. Sunday morning Rev. J.,C Story, Kstor f vth'e Marion Presbyterian j cUrch, spoke to .the young people, taking as his subject "The Tmport- nT;i.o -ivf-1-.bA T-.irtl a Things in Life." - ance-bf the tattle Things in Life. Sunday afternoon reports from the different societies . were heard, andNa conference on graded Christian Endeavor was . held. - The Chairman of they nominating committee made the following report: Resident, r. Cf Jarvis Asheville; Vice-president, D F. Presson, Crossnore; Secretary, Miss rHelen .Marlowe, Asheville; Treasurer, Miss Lucy McNeely, Mbdresvjile; Junior- Superintendent, Mrs. F.tB. Gwin, Marion; Intermedi ate Superintendent, D. K. Kennerly. Statesville ; Missionary and Tenth Le gion. Superintendent, MJss Elsie riouse, -Marion Quiet Hour and Life Work Recruit Superintendent, Miss :Verda -"Mcintyre, Asheville. These oiiicers! were elected by the coriven tibrt. v.-. : . ' At seven o'clock Sunday evening Society of tKe:Mirc-:Pre held itiseekly prayer meetingMr. Win- After a the district officersvVere "installed by Mr. Wilstfh. ' At rni Hast meeting the members 1 of tne- convention naa tne opportuni ty; of hearing. Mr: Chas. F. Evans of Chattanobg?!, Secretary of the South ern 'Christian 'Endeavor Union. Mr. Evans subiect was IThe Four-1 Squaref 'Endeavorer" and he rnade an to Jespch delegate to go back ,, home, r esol ved . to.- make his Christian ; Erideavdr.: Society "Four Square. The r closing consecration service led ,by rMr. Evans was very iimpressive. cir.r - irtrrtr? XT A lTf fe V iTET) "to. Statevsupreie-ccrt t isRaleig1iept9vernorr oH risbn tonight announced ; the triple appnthint ?bf ; JulJgeJ William ; J ,ldams; :of Carthage, to the Supreme court, to succeed the late Associate JusticeWilUanl .en;; SoIicitor lterE.BrockibfWadesbb to sufeeed ; Jude Adains on the Superior-court: bench, r:and -State .Senator MW."- Nash; of ;Harnletr solicitorto succeed -Mr;; Brpeic; Following; the adjournment oftherpj - . ITEMS OF INTEREST FROMfFHE COUNTS BHef Mentiontotme VofJlhe Happenings in McDowell Items About Home People: ' , OLbFORT , ; Old Fort, Sept. 9. Miss Estelle La vender; speht Saturday with rela tives on -Crookeci.,Creek. Misses Branham and Gdswick, two of the Graded school 'teachers spent Saturday in, Asheville. . .. Clarence Mauiiey, ; Roycei Mc Daniel, Kimball . Miller and-Paul Tp Canless -members of the' senior class, spent .the week-end ampins in 'the mountains.", .The boysj reprty haying seen some Dear tracks. " Miss Tomlirison a former teacher in' the Old Fort High,schpol, is visit-! ing Mrs. Marshall "here. Miss El si TralcA nf Asheville, 1 visited Miss Mae Kennedy last; week! 1 Dr. and Mrs. J. B. . Johnson and iTiiss xrxary oumn visitea ,i;r; jonn- . fc.on's father at Tate TfTAAlr Springs', last The Bryson-Snyder Company have purchased the mercantile business, of J. L. Nichols and company. , " Miss Signa Flemming was given a surprise parfcjT Friday night by a number of friends. Gordon G Ant had his right arm severely injured when struck by a! baseball Saturday. ' . A nicnic -tiartv in honor vof th new members of the faculty was' given at ustiin's lake on last Tnurs- i ' a - aay nirat. a nice time was reDOix- I Ml- Alv. arV Mi Dell Mr Wp-hrt Dnncn nH Mr. Fred Bradley motored to Ashe- ilieatur4ayta.attend,ld'siiW Etrcls. ' . . ' CROOKED CREEK Old Fort, Rt. 2, , Sept. 20. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Gilliam, of Louis- ville, Ky., visited Mr. and Mrs. O. A. oms ana a. iw nempmu vwieti yuu reuows.wu oe nwa ai organ Davis last week Mrs.'D. C. Brown at Glenwood last ton on September22nd. 4 The. after " Misses Lela and Fannie Melton FV- - - V noon sessional! begin at 3 0 .and spent the week-end visiting relatives . ' T' the- evening- session at ,7:00 o dock. at Union Mills.- . ' ! HARMONY GROVE . Qne cf Uc butsUnding festufes of J. Lee Lavender left Wednesday Nebo, Ki. lrept. 19.There -will the convention .wiO b-, an addrfss on for Wake Forest. ' . ,be a s'nglng .convention at Harmony the "Duty, of An Odd Fellow to a Luther Lytl friends here Sunday. Miss Bessie Cuthbertson spent Saturday and-Sunday with Miss Cas - sie Burgin at Old Fort. . ' Fodder pulling is about completed and several are making preparations to make molasses. ' Mrs. Joe Gibson of 'Old Fort is visiting. relatives here. s Misses Myrtle Lytle, Janie and Ttessie Parker and Pearl and Rose Turner have entered the high school at Old Fort. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lackey and daughter, Miss Daisy, of Kingsport, Tenn., spent the weekrend witlvJ.S. Lavender and family, " ; . Sueribr Court for the trial or Vr desto. - but : plans are bemg Mr. and Mrs. Mills Melton of Old and dvil cases convened ii Jmae to vej pie wpir.and cxke Fort spent the week-end with rela- Marion Monday morning with Judge ?n Saturday nt, Oct. 1, when tiveshjere. ; jT. Shaw, of Greensboro, -presiding ll U noped Refund will be rUf Mis- EstpllpTAVPndpr of Old Fort' 1 increased. This school is anxious, to . visited relatives on the creek Satur - day and Sunday. - Miss Carmel Melton of Marion spent the week-end with homefolks here. C. L. Lyte of Greenlee visitor here Sunday. was CURFEW Curfew, Sept. O.-3-Broce. and Charles Brown and Mr. Berry " of Snartan mirtf ' S; fT" wp.rif . visitors, at the home of M. "A. Parker last' week. Miss Thelma Hbgan of ' Crooked Creek spent the - latter , pTart of the week with Mrs. John, Reel. ? . Mr; and Mrs. Richard - Jolly x and children, Mrs. Bessie Saunders . and Miss Laura Reelrvisited the ; lattersi mother, Mrs. Lou lleel', 'Sunday. Miss Ethel " Morgan has: returned to Marion after -spending her- vacation! witiv homefolks here.: Mr.; and Mrs.. John Reet and",chiU dren spent Sunday at C. N. -Hogan's on Crooked reeltT Miss Edna Hawkins has returned n roads. Bertie Arrowood, gamb ,Mrinrt itftk'. snendincr some time i liner: Judgment suspended - on pay- to - Mariori after- spendn wjth hbnief oiks" here. : , MOTFORDs covE : Union :MiUs,"RU; X Septfy 19. Mr. ana Mrs. u. .Banning or Marion, lyifiM Mrs. Hcmier Ledbettct, Sunday. yLr.jefo& Mrsi C.- A. Nichols and children and Mr. and Mrs. - J. L. Nichols motored to the covd. Sunday. ' While fruit Tand,-wheat crops are Walter, ilbertofv Shelby stopped failures, Haywood county has the with friends here Sunday. ' biggest bean .crop in years, according . .Mrs. Curtis1 Williams "and little to the Canton Enterprise. The rorn daughter,Rachel, are visiting in thejcrop is good and oats are exception- Cove. V j . ally so J , : : ' " . - Jonas Harris and Homer "Earley of . According to reports oi chTsiciaftV MapleJCreek wre visitorsere lasarr epidemic oiLmnuenxa is sgsin pre week. . Misa Laura Adams left last "week for' Fairview.here she . wiir enter schooL' x r . s JirsE?rlU Stott'was 'carried : to utherftpalfrweek'to !,.take treatment at the -hospital. ',. - ' i " Jesa 'Harris ; gave'a ' singing - last Saturday night for, the young, folks. - Mr. and MrsvLi-D. Hemphill visit . ed; Mrs. E, M. Stott attheTKutherford juiix' Miss Ella Grant- has 'returned fr6m a weeks stay in Marion. N Misses 'Ethel Ledbetter and Floy Williams spent Thursday with MrsV-i W. M. Wilson. j.. - v Misses Annie Sue' Harris, Maude jStott' ancT Nell Harris." students at Round Hiu,spent the week-end here with their parents. v .Misses Bertha Morris and Dora Hejmphill attended services in the Cove Sunday. Little; Nora Harris has been right ior vcrri caj-s. f r t rr;i -v 1. . list. ' vi mua is un me sick list. . v ' Homes have-been assigned for aU the deleft es iri the. Green River Baptist Association, which will be i Ernett. Koon wai a guest at the- home of Pink Siranrocs5 Sundcy. ! Miss Bertha Morris . spending her vacation with her parents. 1 r, parents. Mesdames "W. M. Wilson, Rl P.; r ' . . . w - ' i -T . October. Everybody-welqome. Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Crawley wero'T- Di noir wpcmwr in Marion last Wednesday ' fof the distdct, which comprises Alex ' i. Alex Crawiey . was in Marion List ander, CaUwba. , Burke, Caldwell week on business. . Will Toney" and .family "and Floyd i Bradley and family -visited hotnefolks here lat Sunday. J v - V.. . j Mr. and Mrs. Benfield were,gfcsts .at John Simpson's last Sunday. ' There Was a singing at the Jiome of James 'Pyatt last Sun day which" was much enjoyed iby. all present.. SUPERIOR COURT. IN . k - - .SESSION THIS WEEK ana ooucitor csiiey prosecuuuK iur i ith Stt. nrg morninir session Mon!1 wa.-taken ud with the selection , of tue nd iury juw8 charnre to the jury anj the reading of the criminal docket. A. H. Giles was made foreman of the; "grand jury a'nd Mills Bright is officer. Few cases of general importance .have been tried so far. A non-suit was taken in th case against Grayson Norton on the charge of failing to support his wife. . . . ... I The grand jury retumed 'a true bill ; against J. A. and E. H. Good ror-tne killing of Blanton Autrey. . -l ne case iwas ; continued until next term.. A true' bill was also returned ' by' the gtahd dcr against Sam Smith for the murder of his wife V Other cases disposed ' of include the - following: TJ Ci'vjdoyle v. larceny, not guilty. John Foteet,-. l. and a., seniencea to two years on pifblic rads of ' Tran sylvania -countyr .vnaries yoon, failure, to comply . with ;order of prev ious court, sentenced to six months I men t of cbst. NEWS ITEMS FROM - . OVER THE. STATE Items Concerning ETents of In- I teres t and Importance i "Throughout the State valent in Golds bo ro. So far only one death has-been reported and loal physicians are hopeful that the epi- , Idemic willnot prove serious. . v- Members of the ' Republican State .' cdjiniittee 'rUI 'meet in Greensboro September 2.7th to' select a chairrns.n to succeed Frank linny,. -who re-' signed- to become, .district attorney for. " the . .Western distrjtt of North Carol ins:.,.. -J: "V - "Fire of undetermined origin gut- tetL the big department store " of EfirfvBrothers in Charlotte last Fri day morning, , destroying, and damag ing the stock of goods estimated wit S'etAveen 360,000 ,and ?4OO,O00. The stock was ssidYo.be a total loss, ai the, goods not actually destroyed were seriously damaged bye water,; and smoke. " ' '; .. J'; ; ;:: . , James M. Gray, . district fsrra agent" for "Western .North- Carolina fith heusrtersUn- Asheville, hjts ...v. farm extension work wItX. r!rYr,l' - . . ,xers. - in vaieign, eneeuve. UdooeT u North Carolina wUl -be divided into four .districts instead of -fire, acd re- districting place-soon after - eign. r- , V . - DISTRICT CONNTION. " ODD FELLOWS J SEPT. Z2 The -1 Sth district convention of AJJ 1 Ml . l.li'i r ji(Oommunity" by -Honorable -Claude I Sales, of Hendersonville, N. C. Mr. ana mwowcu ounues.; SANDY FLAT SCHOOL .'V ; AFTE R PATENT DESKS On September 3rd .& box supper was enjoyed "by a large crowd of peo ple at Sandy Flat school house. The proceeds Vfrora' r the entertainment amounted to $32.50 which will go to. the fund .for purchasings new patent decks for the school building; It is realized this small sum wiU not buy one of the. first schools to install j patent desks. t M. E, CONFERENCE t AT HIGH POINT The" thirty-second annual session of the Western North Carolina con ference of ' the .Methodist Episcopal cHurch, will be held in Wesley Me morial church, at High Point, for six days , beginning Wednesday, October m and continuing through the fol lowing Monday, October 24. , Bishop U.'V. -W. Darlington of Huntington, West Ya., will preside 2 over sessions -oV "tne conference and , will also preach a number of times. In addition to . the - 0 clerical members of the conf erence; 8 8 lay ; delegates will be present, making the ! total number of members of the con ference well over 500 in addition to the visitors and young rnlnisters wbcv will attend. . ' . Deputy Sheri3P-P. Morgan re- ports the capture of st still on the Rock House road about two miles from Stfgar Hill on Sept- 8. r . - - ,1 ' . . ft . A

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