MARION PROGRESS,, MARION,' N. C, THURSDAY, OCT. 27." 1921 - i " : ; : ; : x- - --. - ' ' -- "- - -- : 1 St 7 V DECIDE YOURSELF. Y.-41Uir?:-OMINGiBACK. v HEUVlYQURrLOCAi: PAPER. V -t j i. - j -":- --vVi' southland FameK ;.i.f- , I redeem it of . generaU interest - to i DotlM- :Vn ri j -oTva -.tho -f ni . ; pn,-make fun of .yourjocal pa- )enence, because in: a way it chroni- good as any lino, htn 4. . f 1 11 "''". I .... . "T77 - At. ' J 1 The OppoKunKy U Her,. clcs-thin typical of that, side of so- S; "weil county jty in whicVit is published, and itis and Western, North. Carolina .that the on nmrtnrtth ,...., i.- Marion Testimony- nnn't take our word for it. --.'V Don't depend on a stranger's state ment :"MPPea. ces: beaHng the town, traeiniark It tutu , cunienimeni voi our toniA Read the statement or Aiarion cui- And decide yourself. : ''n- Here is one case of -itTv -'. -v- W. H. Hawkins, prop, of mill. Mar fon. says: ; wSome - time - ago I had' a deserves. tEe best you can give of ac- - h?d: the, pleasure of tive supp'ort and sympathetic under- ittendmg: an 4 old-fashioned, - ld- stariding li--:.- Ime ;hngjatthe splendid Give the Editor news?' whether it tome of Mr. IX 'A; Westmoreland at Knatoi; ". a uvnie.ui iur. i. a. Westmoreland at benefits you are not. uienwood. t Mr. Westmoreland is a L r, c.l- .i u newcomer to . this- county. , having f rorit nae-e i ami i ust the exact wav bad spell of kidney trouble and; back-1 purcnased the.isplenQidV farm on yoii handed it in. . 2- " ' : ache. My kidneys; acted irregularly; which4e-livs; and -"moved here.from ; DonVworry leststhe editor makes the secretions were - highly : . colored the ood old Prtnntv nf rtarrarnnA L-i&ZLiL -.?t i.".- and painful in . passage,."; : I found" it & task' to. bsnd over. Mr head ached. I was dlzxy at times and was in v pretty bad- shape. l .finalljr heard of Doan's JneyPillsand Jt a Supply yfiJLicii entirelbiired7S: V'.. i Price .COc, , at all - dealers. Don't imply -a skr for: a " kidney -re medy g et ? Doan's Kidney : Pills the same that Mr Hawklii s hadr Foster-Milburn" CO., Mfrs. Buffalov Y - ; " .; :1 . ;:, NEXT DOSE CALOMEL , --":-..r?-MAYSAUVAfE- YOU It is Mercury, ; Quicksilver Shocks Liver jmd ; Aticlw Your Bo&esV Calomel salivation is horrible. " It swells the tongue, loosens the teeth we welcome him to this county with he'll be foolish enough1 to ' give his " vx ms wrot ana energy anopien- commumy-ab did tamily, together with, his , open editor ambitionthat's why he- en- and wholesome ; ideas of :j community gages . int thei publicity; business! building. - The fact thatr, upon . this Tell him when1 he : has ; a good, pa-i farm he has produced two- thousand perl 7 You v are .willing -to congratu-: bushels of corrfthis. year is proof-No? late your preacher on a good ser- 1 that he is a good citizen. ,: The peo-fmon. and your merchant on: an "at- pie gathered early, -yesterday, men tractive window display. The editor and women, boys and girls, and en- is no less grateful for a word of gaged in -the work, and jollity and praise. t feasting which goes with the old- Make it a point to visit the print time corn husking. The writer ar shop and learn of its difficulties and rived upon Tthescetie about the mid- complexities. At least that will give die of the afternoon to spend time, you a more charitable attitude. The irijshUcking orn: proportionate to paper should not be the product of the amount he expected to eatjwhen the editor solely, but of all those who supper arrived. " - are interested in it as friends, con- Mrs. Westmoreland -and. the ladies jtributors, readers or., advertisers of the community are to be especial ly thanked for the most bounUf ul Banish that awf ul insomnia THE UN t VERS AL CAR mm N... ... $355.00 F. O. B. Detroit. iitbalcc in ten V1 out of per are used annually in the United Celestia States. o-nrl cfnrts "rbAiimatism There: s no Whv ft TPron should take sPPe? the writer has had a-pleasure that worries VOU every- night. sickening, salivating calomel when a to sit down to in a great while. The Let your sleep be restful andi few cents buys Vlarge bottleof Dod- corn shuckinS continued for some- refreshing. Tanlac does it . -. - j. ttime after suDuer and was followed Havio PViarTYianv son s iiver- xone a : penect-jsuosu- . . - - vwj te for ralomeL It isa; nleasant anu rnungung oi wxe naf,Kiflnmi5H wW,vt, will rt vnnr PePIefrom far and near. Two million tons of newsprint pa- liver just as surely-as calomel but it - Among the visitors frorn oVo-in1rvd not community were: Miss .. . . t - : . - Penny, principal of Glenwood High T "'"Y4;:"'''.4oU School; -Miss Delia Gibbs, Miss Shaw A Japanese Holstein cow has pro- Calomel is a dangerous - drug, be- ' j. -,i . ;in ;-ii-r wii'v: f rom - Greensboro, Miss Myra Mc- duced 37,928 pounds of nulk m one Emmabelle McFalls from year. - m:4.v ii I Hickory: Miss. Sue Ledbetter. fro lose a aay-s-worK.,- Jtais.e a spuuixxux t - . , T - ta j T.- - ?p' a a Chimney Rock; Dr. and Mrs. Jonas, of Dodsons Xaver Tone. instead and r . - ' - j t v r i . - , - - i -i. - xt W. O. Ledbetter and Roby Conley of you will wake "up feeling great. No 1 m . T j 14. .404- 00 Marion and Rev. James Brown and salts necessary. Your: druggist says - ii you aont iinu .-iuuaui. vcx reerettable m t.nrnncl is is regretxaDie -The Ford the co un tly jn6r3ai nniejdcet i than -perhaps: ahyot. i- - to niin joy the- - v It has enabled the farmer and: his friends, ahehd church; neighborhood fun many pleasuiesjt aund 1 : iTruiyfth'e - tenanci,lfe usehilness a American farmer. ' :C:-:'p--fc4:5J Ynnr order should be olaced at once if you! wish . to avoid v delay in delivery. " : that the corn- BE RELIEVED OF T rS -PRESSING TROUBLES -. I cVmrflrinoKi nf Inno1 sum xirith nil their calomel your money is waiting for.l.. & j vi . f - - - , - wholesome arid enjoyable passtimes The writer believes that the former country amusements, the corn-shucking, the" cane-stripping, the butter-stirringthe- bean-stringing and even the old-fashioned "shoe - around-' with its "-Virginia reel" and old time country fiddling, was a fairly good solution to what a great . many peo ple call the "dance problem" of the present day. One proof of the adequacy of such Doo't be bothered with things that Pass times, which is entirely satis- we can do for you. It's easier for factory to the writer, is-tnat upon us t, call regularly for your clothes, this occasion he found three red clean, jpress and repair them,.thai it ears)f com and which he might add is for youto be troubled thinking yet holds in token of the pleasant cswfuw at xr-w Sf v O - j satisfaction. A trial will "be the test B. L. LUNSFORD. of our statement.-. . T "These Rats Wouldn't Eat My Best j -iGrain," Say Fred Latab. j "It's hard to keep rats out oi a I Barnes and Shiflet, Owners. -'" I 7 Isms , 'V P?s: i&iir .o SIiMt?' IfS::r: 4 I mi IMnvi i?Wkuut Hi -'''.' i" v"'- 1 ' ''''i ' . , ; j ?. u . n Ernsts the pamt E sell Certain-teed paint because it is of such high quality and because the price" is right. w horiTiP' store sold me some KA1. M cD PRESSING CLUB M. F. BECK,Propr.. PHONE 268. i MAIN STREET unread rats very morning. Bought T-k A m C1XT A W TJ-.n4. more ? ifcAl-DiNAr. navcu v now. They wouldn't eat my best grain when I threw KAT-oWAr around." JThree sizes, 35c, 65c, $L25. Sold and guaranteed Dy Carolina Hardware and Redr Star Pharmacy. A SIGN THAT SAYS SOMETHING In a corner of av small State is a small mill..- It has been there for a o th p steam "that turns its NoticV;-iaA turning a, wheel BOND SALE! Every ingredient in Certain-teed paint is - first quality to "seconds" can g5t into, this paint.: No secrets get into it either.. You will find the formula printed cn the -label of every can of Cextain-teed. ' The 1 Certain-teed paint -formulas are based on 50 years' experience. They "produce a plaint that spreads easily and has remarkable coveVing capacity. . It . can't be beat for holding itscclor and lasting. ill 1- . " .Ii.-J -rka j:KftaTI1 - f rZ 32. .MDowdS therefor two tandred years. County," North ' CaroliiisC i at the : Inside the door, where you can t , oierK s omce in wanon, nun-" see it ironr xne roaa, uuv wuwe i-iac lina, up to and, including November tt,irtv T and women who work in helurchlsfolO the Ll See it dvery day is a new fnowell ; County1 North - Carolina, hand-lettered sign. Only, five words, x Court Hohsebonds, dated December but -notice thi&Jn. order in which they 1st, 1921, and maturing-December 4. - . 1st, 1951, bearing interest, at 6;per s . ; TWnk Work. Pro cent per annumc payable -semwmt -hvit 1 up" - 5 . . nually, in 'the -denomination? of c ?lf- duce. - - ' .: . -"- ... - r. 0 0 0, and both principal and interest ; por jthere is , no ; thinking until Z a payable at the Chase National Bank, masKnts up; no " work until he in the City and State ol New York. ; ahd no - production until' he Each bid must be accompanied by thinks, and . no proq Wlllfifn - of acertified check -for -$3,000, as an works. mong;: the, multitude or evidence of good faith. " ; - - bluesky -mottoes,, here is one- that No hirlfoT lefwi thanitar: and ac- w.virTo-:r " : - - -.. V.A UtU lX tOU TT AAA M. Tho riwiiT i' rosprvpd to reiect,anv and all bids or - to accept any J bid wffl'Yfcu Spend- 6Sc On Rat-Snapto deemed best for the- Cdnnty: - - ! iSayeSlOOI :".Tt 4' : iBy order: of the Boara iof County one6Scpl;can- kill 50 rats. The Commissioners of : McDowell CoUnty, ' idll mhvou of $1.0 - a North Carolina.- -- - JVpar in feed, chicks and property-de - : t? tz Al?NT!a. Clerks ft?on.RAT-SNAP is deadly to Board of County , Commissioners fats.' Cremates ' af terkilliiig ea3f pass up 'meat, grain, cheese: to feastj Ae can sell , you Certain .teed paint3 for less than other high grade paints because each color is priced according f o the .cost ofmaking triat particular color plusa fair and uniform profit. 1 We give Qur customers the. benefit of missaying. We have the right Certain-teed paint or varnish for everything insideTand outside your house. Come andisee us. y marion; n. c. Pay your- town f taxesin raSSSNAP. Three sizes; 35c, i-. k -: - K fc . i- : r-. - 2 .' :. N 5."--.-" " - October arid: get; 2: per. cent MSSrTK . Off. - -r -JPharmacy.; v.