) A .WEEKLY. NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDO WELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1 896. MARION, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1921 VOl- XXVI NO. IC .. ' - 'V -. ; - HO AD COMMISSIONERS SELL HIGHWAY BONDS Premium on. County Bonds for RoadsljlSold Monday "SVill Amount to About $8,000. At a meeting of the County High way Commission last Monday road bonds ( were3? sold. Sidney Spitzer & Co., of Toledo, Ohio, were the pur chasers and .the prie paid was .one of the highest ever offered for coun ty honds. , The premium .will amount to something like $8,000.00 which means that the bonds brought more than 5 per cent, above par. The money will be used to continue the "work of road building which the com mission ) has; on foot. Good roads liave already been built through sev eral sections of the county, but the present "commission is in favor of system of roads throughout tb en tire county that will meet tiws - de mands of . everv section. The t Highway Commission N is com posed of Mr. "Hugh F. little," chair man; Mr. R. P, Morris, secretary, and Mr. W, P. Artz. They are men of big business affairs personally, lut are, patriotip and believe in giv ing some of their valuable time and business , ability to the development and upbuilding of JflcBowiell country SCHOOL FOR DEAF DE FEATS MARION HIGH SCHOOL The fastest' and cleanest game of the season was played m Morganton last Friday when the North Carolina School for the Deaf defeated the . Marion High School, scoring 2i to 20. At the fend of the first half of the game," Marion, scored 10, and the -deaf , boys 5,. Marien clearly . &ut "classfed,deaffei,"aijct': boV .5 for the troahyfouis; wbpld have won. Out of the: 1 5 fouls' maa" e by Marion, the deaf boys only missed 12, Clarion being able to shoot, only 4 out of .12. The Marion team was leading 20 to 19, and only 1 5 seconds to play in, when' a goal from the field by the -deaf ' center broke the hearts, of the Marionites. - -The whole Marion ' team played tar basketball. McMahan's and v Sprinkle's shooting, and Copeland's 'floor work featured, whfle Atkins and Hipps can't be beat at guarding. The deaf boys put up a reat gam -and' played winning ball, their ability to shoot fouls being responsible for their victory. A return game will be played on the Marion court at 3:30 Friday, and our team promises to every one pres ent, a sure victory. A special invi tation, is extended to the whole town " to be present. Marion's line up was as follows: McMahan, r. f., 9; CSpeland; 1. f.; Sprinkle, center, 6; Hipps, r. g., .2; Atkins, 1. g., 3. DISTRICT LEAGUE MEETING TiERE ? NEXT . SUNDAY Sunday, December llih, there will be a district union meeting of the Various chapters of the -Epworth League, in the Marion District held at the Methodist church Tiere and quite a number of representatives from Rutherford College, f Morgan .ton, Glen Alpine, Old Fort and other League chapters in .the "district will be present. A splendid 3 program . has been v arranged. . Among the speakers will be Rev. L. B. Hayes of Greensboro at 11 oclock on Sunday, W. M. Shuford and Miss Jrace ... Bradley V and , Miss i Gertrude f Falls Sunday af ternoorii . and at 7:0 ; p. f m. Mr. W. W. Edwards, -of Asheville, president of ; , the , Annnal Q. League Conference; will deliver, an address. S ?The pastor of rthe Methodist ichurch; . Rev." J. P. Hipps, rhas Extended an 1: invitation to all the young people of k the town to; attend tirese , meetings. 5 The public is cordially - invited. 'John Elliott of NealsvfflejSrt IBIiss : ?Croa Revis, of Madison countyy were ; married Thursday night m last wee "Vat the home of Mr. -?and j Mrs J. Itoy Brown; Esq. -W. B. rRatliffe Wiciat- : ing. ,kMr..aElliotti is. al son m MTana TEACHERS COMPLETE " READING CIRCLE WORK The Various ; groups of teachers do ing reading circle work held their final meeting last Saturday, complet ing the work as outlined by. the State Department and the County Super intendent. -.The final examinations were given, and while the results are not ready for publication, the papers show that on the whole a very excel lent piece of work was done. The groups were organized with leaders as follows: Hieh School GrouD. Mr. H. M Rowland, leader; Grammar Grade Group, Miss-Celesita L. Pen ny, leader; Primary Group, Mrs. C. S. Briggs, leader; Elementary Group, Miss Mary M. Greenlee, leader A second elementary group has been held at Old Fort with Supt. G. B. Strickland in charge. More teachers took this work than at any previous year in the county. Something like one hundred teachers were enrolled and the attendance and interest were quite gratifying. It is another indication of the deter mination on the part of the teachers to keep abreast of modern educa tional tendencies and to better fit themselves for effective teaching. The reading circle work has become a part of the teachers professional requirements, as certificates hereaf ter will not be renewed unless the reading circle work has in some way been completed. W. J. A TWELL SUCCEEDS WHITENER AS FIRE CHIEF At -a meeting of the Marion Fire Department on December 5th, Mr. W. J. Atwell was elected fire chief to fill out the unexpired terra of M. E. Whitener, who recently resigned and moydto. ThemasviUe. . Mr- v- M c. J Hoover was elected first fireman. The following resolutions to M. E. Whitener were adapted. Resolutions for Whitener. Mr M. E. Whitener was elected chief of the Marion Fire Department in May 192CK Mr. Whitener went to work and reorganized the depart ment and today we have a depart ment to be proud of. During his term of office the town purchased a new fire truck and a great . deal of other equipments, also two paid fire men were put on duty, one at day time and the other at night. By putting these paid men on the town will receive a second class fire in surance rating. one lare-e fire durine See and Mr Whitener There was his tsrm of office showed his ability in handling his men and getting the fire under con trol in a very short time after the department appeared on the scene. Messrs. Wrenn and House showed; their appreciation for the splendid way that the department put out the fire by donating $50.00. Mr. Whitener has left us and is now living in Thomasville and we ac rfTrfc his resignation as chief with re- J t hrtt. wp ?shall alwavs remember him as our first chief of the reor ganized Fire Department of Marion, N. C. G. W. Giles, T. J. Halliburton, I. W. Saunders, Committee. COMMISSIONERS MEET; JURORS FOR JANUARY The county commissioners were in regular session Monday. The busi ness, transacted was routine. Jurors were drawn fo the next term of court, which convenes January 23rd, as follows: First week J. F. Turner, C. G. Biggerstaff, J. H. Garrison, G. W. Cannon, J. A. Gibson, B F. Corpen ing, C. S. Poteat, John M, Hoyle, J. M. Biggerstaff, W. OTBryson, Z. V. Daves, M. J. Harris, S. J. Melton, A. B., Finch, J M. Kariipe S. A. Haw kins, J, H. Gilliam, J. F. Bird - Second week B. Biddix, P. F. Cannon, -R. L. jClements, Cw B; Lee; X H Steppe, Garden Erwin, J. F PattonL. A Martin, C G. Connar, T. R. CuthbertsOn, Jesse Price, H. A. .Kanipe, Ernest Bird, Geo. WV Carver, W. R. Davis, T. L. Poteat, 0, C WiP liams, J. Roy' Brown. ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM THE COUNTY Brief Mention of Some of the Happenings in McDowell Items About Home People NEBO. Nebo, Dec. 5. Misses Hattie Tay lor and Tracy Sigmon. spent the week with homefolks. Tom Stacy and Ralph Tate, who are teaching near Old Fort, spent the week-end at home. Holen Ledbetter and Fred Barnes of Marion were visitors here yester day. J. C Mason was in Marion Satur day on business. Watson Wilson, who is teaching school at Garden City, spent the week-end at home. , Robert and Fate Lentz were in Marion one day last week on busi- ness. There will be services at the Meth- Odist church Sunday, Dec. 18th at 7 p. m. ' HARMONY GROVE Nebo, Rt. 1, Dec. 5. On account of a play to be given at Nebo, the box j , T , . f , j Th car driven by Bonner and Beck supper has been called off. iwas dly smashed up, and the car . Mr. and Mrs. Dan Anderson weredriYcn b dama shopping in Manon Monday. Both cars Ford& iirs. James xyait gave a quiinn last Friday, which was enjoyed by all present. Floyd Lawing was in Marion Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. h. K. Lawing were shopping in Marion Monday. Mrs. Ben Simmons and little son, Ben, have returned home after a visit to relatives on Buck Creek and in. Marion, V: Miss' Josie 'Pyatt andv mother -wer Wee CHAPEL HILL Chapel Hill, Dec. 5. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Holland visited relatives near Nebo bunday. James Manor of Weaverville is visiting his sister, Mrs. A. S. Coats. Mrs. J. H. Barnes and dAUer, Frances, were shopping m Marion' Saturday. Miss Annie Kaylor of Marion spent.the week-end with homefolks. John Poteet has moved his family -to the T. M. Hicks place. I Tho crrnfPt RfVi nl at this nlarp is - " - ' - " lprOSrre83ing " y under Ith.laer" ! of Mn Goodman and Mlss Cor" pening. Miss Carrie Bright of Marion spent the week-end with homefolks here. Misses Evelyn and Thelma Holland T 7 M" - K. of P. ELECTS OFFICERS. At the regular meeting of Mt. Ida Lodge No. 58, Knights of Pythias, last Thursday night, the following of- fictrs were elected lor the ensuing" term: C.'C. R. W. Atwell. V. C. W. K. Keeter. Prelate Glenn McCall. M. of W. Thos. McGuire. K. of R. and S. R. F. Barnes. M. of F. E. P. Foy. M. of E J. H. Tate. M. at A. R. J. Burgin, Jr. I. G. Theo. Conley. O. G. M. D. Atwell. On next Thursday night there will be a get-together meeting with, good speaking, when a donation for the Pythian Home , will be made. Every member is urged to attend or send a donation to this worthy cause. REPRESENTATIVE W, W. NEAL LEAVES FOR' SPECIAL SESSION Representative W. W. Neal left the first of the week for Raleigh to be present at a special session of the legislature. Mr.. Neal it is under stood favors making the-special ses sion as brief as possible, as it costs th ter-payers of the State something-like a thousand 'dollars a day to run the legislature, not counting the cost of some Of the legislature af ter it has been pnt on the statute books. BRYSON-SNYDER A LACKEY GENERAL ASSEMBLY ENLARGE OLD FORT STORE Jf SPECIAL SESSION Bryson-Snyder i Lackey of 01di - ' Fort announce that they have taken !scKn Plunges Into Routine over the large store room formerly . Governor occupied by Nesbitt & Hughes ad-J -t c, joining their hardware store. Anj Message 5 horL archway has been cut between theRaleigh . cws Observer, 6th. hardware ' department and these- rooms and the nw addition has been ranging in importance from the tela converted into an up-to-date fumi-.ing for catfish in the Cat&wbs lira ture store. J. Logan Lackey, chair-, man of the board of county commis sioners and a partner-of the Old Fort firm, will be in charge of the hard ware and furniture department. Holmes Bryson of Asheville and C A. Snyder of Hickory are also mem bers of the firm. ' AUTOMOBILES COLLIDE. An automobile collision happened on the new highway near the Morgan farm, in which Robert Bonner suf fered rather painful injuries, and M. F- Beck wi"rd Cannon and B, Hensley, other occupants of the two j cars, were more or less shaken up. It is said the cars were going at a good rate of speed, and in making a: sharp curve were unable to come to a RAILROAD MAN IS KILLED BY ANOTHER AT SPENCER Spencer, Dec 5. Lngineer bam ... , . vine, is uwu, ana oonuucwr iw x- Crawford, also of Ashe-ille, is held wiiout bond as the result of a fight in Spencer today. It is said the engineer made some emacnctingnx conductor, wno struck Mr. Mlnton (death several hours later. Both men 'are well known in railroad circles and have many friends. Mr. Hinton ttTM a wife mnd several children. (Doth men are well-known here, Mr. Hinton having been a resident of Marion several years ago while Crawford formerly resided at Old ForU REVENUE DIVISION ( . HAS 17 COUNT! E5 Asheville CiUxen, 7th. The Asheville division of the inter- n3i revenue department has been re- i a ri i I i loneu suiu Auujeuoru tuuninuucu, according to announcement yester- day by J. Ed. Kanipe. chief of the d- vision. The division now comprises 17 COunties as follows: Avery, Bun- combe, Henderson. McDowell. Madi- son Mitchell. Polk. Rutherford. TrmmylvanU, Yancey Cherokee, Clay, uranam, liaywood, jacitson, Macon and Swain counties. Tn -rfrfition to Mr. Kinine th Rtaff is composed of Edward E. Eve, of- fice deputy; Mil as Parker, W. O. Robinson and Carl C. PriUhard, field - r -t deDuties. Mr. Farker will reside in Waynesville and for present will have Cannon, Gladys Ellis, Mary Er-ey charge of six counties. JKatherine GUcs, Cody Hipp, , Fier- Mr. Kanipe has moved from Ma- ine Laughridge, Robert Neal. Char rion and has purchased a home on lotte Winborxe. Annie Ray Jcnrt, Chestnut street. jReba Parker, Ines Jarrett, Cut!ea j Bollinger, .Charles Hensley, He!en A Great Steiopticon Evenluf. jGrayson, Mamie Spencer, Eleanor Rev. J. Elmer Lacy, of Morgan- Young, Mattie Lou Hollifield. Edith ;ton, will give an entertainment at the First Baptist church on Friday evening of next week, Dec 16th at 7 o'clock. Mr. Lacey has an un usually fine lot of scenes from Pal estine and of the life of Christ and he is gifted in making these attrac tive and informing. Everybody. 0 welcome, especially the young .peo ple, as this evening Is given under the auspices of the B. Y. P. U. in the Sunday school rooms of the church. A free-will offering will be, taken at the dose.- " ' The grammar grade section nf the Parent-Teacher Association will meet next Monday, afternoon, at 3:30 o'clock. An Interesting program has been arranged, and all parents are Invited to be present. A social half hour will follow the program Shop with home merchants. with 129 of les-si&tior to abolition of the death penalty for crime In. North Carolina, three pcti . Uons praying release from the Slate wide stock law, and a brief tzt$.zo. from Governor' Horrcn ir.d: rating his Intention not to cfTcr any t-rre-tion other than that 'eoctair.ee! in his ' call for the session core rs the warb done In the Hons and Senite cn the opening day of the rpedal tM.;ion which convened " yrstenday zzsmlrz atllVclock, Sute-wide legislation indcdrJ fcs the bills. Introduced in both Hemes induce, Deaiae-a xzie ience rr.eaxr on capital pnnithment, a rtctica Iproridicg for a State bond Uszt 1st take tip the deficit In the State tchoet fund; repeal of the section cf the Fi nance Act taxing the net income cf Insurance companies; repeal cf th section of the Finance Act which, taxes Liberty Bonds held by bar.Is as part of their surplus, the retiie4 Manidpal Finance act, and the Bar gwyn bill 'reducing the property tax exemption from ?300 to 5 SO. Though, getting away to atart in the inatUr cf new leria- . .. oi local &ond issue meaicrtj. tie- hopes of early adjournment rrceirrd & perceptible jclt In the cumrrr cf bills offered. The Serial pais 4 up resolution setting Friday, De- -exrirstiea of the session and TriUr of call bills may be introduced, trt ty of session is clearly rrroaisci ia th Bmr it ta tif IieTir .-,.? the Senate by the Gortrrrr. MARION GRADE SCHOOL HON- OR ROLL FOR NOVEMBEJt . Primary Department Jchn Le m BeJaneU Charles Har . Greenlee. Hubert S:rre. Cecil Willi. rJitJ, r?l?ft r- v.v Hnley. Jimmie Johrjwa. Lury Prxr- 'ton, Prentis Bowdcn. Kenneth Erans. Ja-nes Goldmth. Ralrh Hasrr. B. jsmin Hawkins, William Wllkersjn, , . . . . UOlSe USVlS, ITTilX UUiLfJ, i: tTO bie Hogan, Mary Anna UCltrr. Je Nichols, Lcrile Parker. Tnzi es PjmcY. Hnftl-v JrV J Robert Jarre t CarroU IiltSe, Guy LeTfis, Lahdis Laughridxf,, W. C Morrow. John SnlHraa. Eiwin Cnv foru, Mary WHlie Barnes, Nell Cow- an. Nan Cowan, Rax Cooper. Fare- Cooper, Willie McConneU. Irene Po- ft C T.,. T -mm i ta wkwtj, i. t- . Jack Banks, Dula Haw kin?, Mike Cowan, Alfred 2x1 c Call, Albert Neal. Robert Smith. Albert Grycr., Ltie AHHnt nr. rvwf Bowden, Dorothy Hawkins. Carrie Joe Lewi?. Mary Rabb, Wilms He! en. Hubert- Bolch, George Gtriin. Grammar Grades---ChaHrs He Call, Eric BracUhaw. Ecrene Lai4 law, Hobert Willis., Mary B. Black burn, Ellen Eskridg. Oral Fr!ey. JeaneUe Gilkcy, Virginia Hunt, F.trtiv Henderson, Mildred Hlrrtj, xiawxina, taivn, 4-augcxicr. i.rrrr.c Neal, Benson Davis, Carlton Gr.key. Mary Xelscn Bettisi, Marxxrtt Crtir. Mary Willie McCalL High School Dorothy Gukey. Frank Adams. Charlie Mse E:!fy. Ira Hipps, Pearl Lewit. Pearl' 7H kcrson, Jojerhlne Bzsh, Irene Frank lin, Luna WalL - Distinction "Honor XU.ll Lcttle Jones, James Stcrp-e. Mary 2c i !ey, Helen Franklin. V.V.iTt lUlu-. Annie Faye Hunt, Kathcrrn McCall. Ethel Spratt, WiUla Stery, Dar-hne Sprat it Mrs.f LutherEUiott:;ofJ

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