v ' , ,, . 1 ' ' ' " - ' . - ' ' - ' 1 - 5 -. " -' . . i i n i i i i - . i 1 ' A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1921 VOL. XXVI NO. 17 3 PROSPECTS GOOD FOR NEW HIGHWAY PROJECT North Carolinians . Promised Support in Construction of Micaville-Marion Road. Washington, Dec 13. J. Ernest Erwin, of Morganton, Quince Gilkey, of Marion, and John C. McBee, a member of. the North Carolina high way commission, are here to confer -with officials of the department of agriculture on funds for building or improving the road from Marion, McDowell county, . to Micaville in Yancey. The stretch of road under consideration is 27 miles long, runs through Buck creek Gap, and joins the highway from Asheville to Burns ville, on to Linville, etc. Representative Bulwinkle and Weaver and Senators Overman and Simmons were interviewed on this road project. Mr. Erwin said that the contem plated construction work would ,open up a fine section of country for au tomobile and other traffic. He thinks that a creditable system of road through the forest reservations, and connecting up with the outer world would be of great benefit to North Carolina. The prospects for getting funds are very good. Col. W. B. Greely of the forest service has the final say so on this" proposition and he is enthusiastic for developing the forest reservations wherever it is possible. He has indicated that he will cooperate ; with ' state authorities when the funds allowed him permit, ner he captivated the large audience if the project looks good. and his message had a telling effect. Col. :, Greely told the North Caro- Miss Bradley also gave a short ad linians that the forest service would dress oft "Our Children." construct part of road that runs' The institute was conducted under through forest' reservatioTis'. The e will help with the rest -cv . roads office HONOR ROLL GLEN WOOD 'retary. "... HIGH SCHOOL 3RD MONTH' Upon nation of Prof. A. R. Reep, ' First grade Robert Morris, Jo- seph Pyatt, Lee Byrd, Floyd Mode, TVf Mrall Thplma Bruner. - Second grade Doris Morris, Ruth EpleeVera Goforth, Vena Goforth, non people. Ila Reel, Lucy Reel, William Go-? forth, Clarence Pyatt, Max Poteat, ! MARION DEFEATS N. C Gibburn Swann, Arthur Holland, ! SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF Ruth Goforth ' In a very fast and snappy basket- Third grade Hennie Sue England ball contest staged on the Marion Lynn Byrd, Ray Westmoreland, court last Friday afternoon, the Ma T Westmoreland. rion HiSh Scho1 defeated the N. C. Fourth grade Bonnie Eplee, Des- sie May Marlowe, Mildred Nichols,, A"e wa XiU WC11 Grover Marlowe, Anna. Clark Mar- played by bpth teams, although Ma lowe I rion had an edge in passing and Fifth grade Jesse Mashburn, i shooting. Malcolm Mashburn, Alma Reel, i The whole Marion team played Ernest Morris, George Hunter, , snappy ball and showed much pep. To novrH Anna Westmoreland. For the deaf boys Bunn starred m 'Cordia Morris, Se Emma Hawkins, Pauline Goforth, Lillian Eplee. Sixth grade Sadie Hunter, MaeiPiayea we ior ne aeai ooys. Goforth. Elizabeth Poteat, Kuth Pyatt, Eleanor "Eplee, Minnie Greer, Lingle Swann, Boyce Hensley. . Seventh grade Ethel Goforth, Fletcher Xiawing, Xaura Hensley, Happer Wood, Cecil Rayburn. Eighth grade Edna Mashburn, Ha Ward, Mayme JEiilee, Lona Gal lion. . , burn. Tenthgrade Ralph Hensley, Claude Mashburn, Edla Pyatt, Verla Rayburn. Eleventh grade Xawton Haney, Ora Bright. DISTRICT MEETING OF MASONS HERE TONIGHT There will be k meeting of the 'i lodges of the 44th district A. F. & A.M. of North Carolina- in the hall of Mystic Tie Lodge in Marion , on : -Thursday. night, vDec. 15, ,at 7:15 o'clock An ; instruct program - ha been arranged for the meeting ;vwith able jects. -Refreshments 11, en and a splendid "geVtogether' nieet- : 'mg Js promised; Delegates are ex pectld' from Old Jort, ; Rutherford 4n;; Forest City,: .enriette Cliff- All . Master Masons are cordially m- ,-vited to attend. . . MARION DISTRICT OF 1 EPWORTH LEAGUE MEETS j Sunday night closed one of the ! most successful Epworth League in stitutes ever held for the Marion dis trict. Sunday was Epworth League day in Marion and the audience of the Methodist church was especially delighted to hear Rev. L. B. Hayes, of Park Place, Greensboro, in a splen did and inspiring sermon, using the text: "Let No Man Despise Thy Youth." Mr. Hayes is a gifted speaker and handled his subject in a most earnest style, directing his re marks mainly to the young people present, who were representatives of the various league chapters of the district. He stated that our youth is still sound at heart and our girls are sweet and pure. His discussion of the various social problems was up to the minute. At three o'clock in the afternoon the institute proper was held with delegates in attendance from Ruth erford College, Morganton, Spruce Pine, Old Fort, Gilkey, Glen Alpine, and Rutherfordton. Miss Gertrude Falls, of Charlotte, junior superin tendent, and Miss Grace Bradley, of Asheville field secretary of the league conference, made splendid ad dresses on the work of the. league. Splendid reports were had from the various chapters. At 7 o'clock Sunday evening Rev. W. W. Edwards, of Asheville, presi dent of the Annual League Confer ence, delivered an able address. In his masterful style and pleasing man- -the management of Mr. B L. - Ltms' - - ford, vjceresident of the Epworth League Conference and district sec of Rutherford college, the institute voted unanimously an appreciation : of the splendid entertainment they had received at the hands of the Ma- 1 School for the Deaf by a count of 28 j ringing 10 fouls and 1 field goal for: , " x uieir .n. 1,lc " w undefeated Crosemore team irom Avery county on the new indoor . urt over the Merchants & rmers DanK T riuay iug"t, cv" . uc jana an mre.uHg g- avuuc 13 ,wv present. The line-up and score for the game last Friday was as follows Bunn-12 10 Gadner Ketner-2 Morrison Brown L. F. Center R. G. L. G. Copeland-7 Sprinkle-5 Hipps Adkins- MARION HUNTERS KILL BIG BEAR ON TOE RIVER On last Monday evening E. D. Buchanan, W. H. Mosteller, Wood Gregg and Sam Loftis returned from a highly successful bear hunt in the upper edge of McDowell county and on the head of the South Toe river. They killed a . x bear weighing 2$V pounds, they claimed, and they ex hibited the skin of a black bear to cproborate their statement' amply to the satisfaction of the big- crowd of curious. ' . Numerous bears live in the moun tains of McDowell county and' the; South ' Toe river- in Yancey, Curtis creek, Lackey's creek, on their head waters, afford a splendid place' for the black bear in winter. ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM THE COUNTY Brief Mention of Some of the Happenings in McDowell Items About Home People. OLD FORT Old Fort. Dec. IS. Misses Jessie Byrd and Helen Frady and Messrs. ' Alfred Gibson and Forest Frady, of Asheville, . spent Saturday and Sun day in Old Fort. Byrd Burgin, of Asheville, was in Old Fort, Sunday. Little Kenneth Dobbeck is serious ly ill with pneumonia. Mrs. Harris Payne, of Knoxville, Tenn., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hyams. Rev. W A. Dawson, pastor of the Methodist church at Old Fort, was married in Greensboro to Miss Ruth ' Clegg. On Friday night they re- ceived'a very generous pounding. road system. We would have had aeeNorth Carolina line in search of The small child of Mr. and Mrs. better roads long ago if the present three of the convicts who escaped at Fritch who has been, seriously ill is! road law had been passed sooner. 'an early hour Sunday night from the recovering slowly. 1 James Laughridge of Marion was chaingang camp at Murphy. ; Blood- W. P. Terrilll, who has been on here Sunday. hounds from Chattanooga have been the sick list for several days, is able' placed On the trail. ".' .'-.-j-''.''"': : to be out again. FOUR POWERS FORM ALLY A total of 412 men and" women Joseph Burgin, who has been seri-j ACCEPT NEW AGREEMENT were placed in various jobs by the ously ill with a slight stroke of paral- Washington, Dec. 10. A new 6tate and federal employment ser ysis, is slowly improving, quadruple agreement to- preserve. during , week-ending Decern Mr. Nichols, one of the road engi- peace in the waters of the Pacific belT 10 according to announcement, neers, returned to Old Fort last was announced to the world today by j total of 623 registered - and - 458 week with his bride and are living in the United States, Great Britain, Ja- were referred to various places'; with the I. H. Green house. pan and France. 1 requests for help' received from 400. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, who were re- , As a consideration of the interna- ' .. cently married, are boarding at- the tional realignment Great Britain and MORGANTON FIRfeM AN IS Sandlin house. Mr. Taylor is con- Japan agreed to consign to the scrap- PROBABLY FATALLY HURT nected with the road concrete force, heap the Anglo-Japanese Alliance, Morganton 'Dec 13. Herman Mrs. Rogers, of Raleigh, State long viewed with apprehension in wn Tvr.of to roe manager, and Mrs. Justice, district manager, made addresses in Old Fort last Wednesday night in the school rbtiildirig,' lij'ttfie ' interest "of tjie (Woodmen Circle. Mr. Deitz of Syiva has moved to Old Fort. He holds a position with Bryson-Snyder Co. The Old Fort school will close Fri- day, Dec. 16, for the Christmas holi- (days. Work will be resumed again' Jan. 2. An entertainment will be given in the school building Thursday evening for the benefit of the school library, LAUREL HILL N.ho Rt 1 Der. 12Somethirlo.,Jiel-lum' zne JNeuierianus ana x or - over $22.00 was realized from the pie sale at the school house on last ; Saturday night The required mount has now been raised to fur- nish the school with patent desks and it is expected that they will be installed in a few days News has been received here of the death of Mrs. J. Webb Walker, which occurred on Dec. 3rd, at Alexander, "nt r Cfc i,o' imon ror, her home for the past short while. She formerly lived here for a num- !ber of vears where she was well known and highly respected by a cirde of friends who will be y g r indee(j tQ earn of her ! death. " Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Morgan of Erwin, Tenn., are spending a few days here with their daughter, Mrs. G, H. Ellington. Miss Biddie Price of Marion spent a few days heTe last week with home folks. J. D. Walker visited relatives in Forest City arid Alexander last week. J. M. Walker made a business trip to1 Marion last Saturday. Misses Kate1 and' Hessie Waters of Marion spent the week-end with homefolks here. HAW BRANCH Old Fort, Star Rt., Dec. l3. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Morgan have return ed from a visit in Spartanburg. Ab. Reel spent Saturday night with friends on Crooked creek. John Reel made a business trip to Clinchfield last Wednesday. Misses Bell Morgan and Reba Nob litt spent the week-end with their pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Reel and child ren visited C. N. Hogan on Crooked creek Sunday. Mrs. M. A. Parker spent last Wed nesday in Old Fort. DYSARTSVILLE Dysartsville, Dec. 12. Our public school is progressing nicely under the leadership of Mr. Story, assisted by Misses Wilson and Gettys. Mr. and Mrs. McKinley ; Hutchins of Cliff side were visitors here last week-end. 1 " - Joseph Story and Key Landis visit- ed relatives in Marion Saturday and Sunday. R. E. Roper made a business trip to Marion Saturday. Will Landis of Marion was a visit or here Sunday. Several families have moved south recently to engage in the lumber business. Daphne and Ethel Spratt of Ma rion were visitors here Sunday. - Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Fate Wil- . son, Dec. 1, a daughter, The public roads are being worked out to advantage under the new both America and Asia. . The provisions of the agreement, which is in the form of a ten-year 'treaty-, are confined; to thererf of the Pacific Ocean." Under them the four powers are lto respect 'each' others' island possessions and to meet in consultation if a dispute arises or if the rights of any of the four are threatened by any other power. Announcement of the treaty terms was made at a plenary session of the arms conference by Senator Lodge, of the American delegation, and was followed by expressions 01 approval , oy tne pieniporenuanes of Great 'Britain, France, Japan, Italy, China, I "T -J 1 1 1T .1L 1 J 1 Senate Must Ilatify To be binding on the United States , Ar J Senate several of whose members withheld comment tonight pending a further study of the text. Open war was declared on it by some of 1 V I J? . l. the versauies treaty xiiiu, uui xvepuun- can leaders and some Democrats de - clared ratification was certain. rRiuiu NAMES MANAGERS The following district managers have been appointed by the presiding elder of the Marion district to as - sist him in the general work of the district: Christian Advocate and Carolina Christian Advocate, er Holmes of Forest City. North Park- Centenary, C. F. Cline, Gilkey. Educational, C. M. Pickens, Mor- ganton. Sunday school, Joe Kjellander, Morganton. Epworth league, B. L. Lunsf ord, Marion. Woman's Missionary society, Mrs. M. B. Goodwin, Morganton. I Orphanage, J. P. Hipps, Marion. Conference Brotherhood, Ellis Gardner, Burnsville. Salaries, J. A. Owens, Rutherford ton. Collections, D. E. Hudgins, Ma rion. - , Revival campaign, W. F. Elliott, Rutherford College. American Bible society, J. C. Postelle, Burnsville. Fire insurance, . D. B. Johnson, Rutherfordton.' 1 - ;i i G. B. Fnley announces the , open ing of the Rexall Drug Store next Saturday. . " NEWS ITEMS FROM OVER THE STATE; I terns Concerning Events of In terest and I m p o r ia n ce . Throughout the State. ; ' The North Carolina : Conference for Social Service will hold its state meeting in Greensboro . March 28, 29 land 30. -More than 100 persons are " expected for- the meeting. . Former Governor Thomas W. -Bickett is pres ident of the conference. : v-, ; - : - Establishment of a' meat packing plant in Asheville, to take ; care of cattle, hog and sheep market of west ern North. , Carolina, will be 'discussed at a meetingof citizens to be held at the Chamber - of Commerce in t Ashe- ville Saturday morning, - December 17. . ' . ' " i ... . " , . . . . . . , :: . , ; ' Armed posses : are scouring .the moUntain fastnesses of the Tenhes- haps fatally injured when he was knocked from the truck by a ladder and hit the cement street The cpw f0r fire in La ihg plantl As the truck ' rounded "a COrner the !. accident occurred. At first it was thought that his neck was broken but later examination showed skull injuries froni wmh 5 after a time he began to revive. At this. hour he is alive and though very : ser- i0Usly injured has a few chances to reC0ver. The fire was conquered before it had gained any headway. i SWEET POTATO CROP . REPORTED VERY, SHORT Hickory, Dec. 11. CatawWa coun ty's sweet potato crop is about one- third of an a vera ire. John L. Inerold. noted autnonty on tms product, saia today in commenting oh the situation in this county and the state. As far east as Raleigh, Mr. Ingold said, the croD is very short, owing 'to the .drouth ana reports, received nere arc not encouraein ' The Totatft 1 houses have been closed -hereabouts (during the recent cold spell,-, but - po jtatoes are retailing at$l a .bushel. (Considering the . shortage, this is a Reasonable price. Jn the fall they sell for as little as 60 cents here, and many of them are used by canners. j : ... KOHLOSS' SAYS WHISKEY v PLENTIFUL IN -THE EAST Wilmington, Dec 9.-rR. A. Koh- : less of Salisbury, Federal Prohibition .' enforcement officer,", for North" Caro- , lina, while in the city this week de- clared that wiskey is more plentiful in the eastern part of the State than it is in the- western- portion. He declared that if the reports he 1 re ceived of the number of stills cap-' . tured, and monkey; rum destroyed in . Eastern North Carolina could be tak en as an indication - this part of the State would soon be dry, but as a mattr - of "fact, he ; declared stills are springing up likeUmush rooms. MEXICAN WOMAN 'GIVES, BIRTH TO EIGHTCHILDREN Mexico City, Deci -13. From -Tampico comes a report published by El Universal that "Senora Enriquifa Ruibo . at that place gave birth- yes terday to. eight' children but none of them Jsurvivevi :v ' - -1 - r-.4 f.-.r f ;The graded school, will; give two weeks , for the ! holidays and will close oh Friday, December-16, and open on. Monday January 2f-:l-: : - t -

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