. - - - - ' . : . -w , . - - - " ' " " " r-'jg V ' ' , . " : - " '.- 1 ' - V .-r-.:-' "V-'. -'-" ' ' .' ' I . . . V ; ...: ; L-Vf ; v -'" ' ' II 1 I ill II" II x II X I V LL -LJL V-LJL J. J A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1890. MARION, N. C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 191922 VOL. XXVI-NO. 22 .1 . j i MARION HIGH SCHOOL - High school Virginia Anderson, ON ACCREDITED LIST;Mary Buckley, Dorothy Gilkey, Sudie Houck, Sara Conley, Mildred Knr oil meni Now 550 Mid tenn Examuiatfons On Of ficers Literary Societies. At a recent meeting of the Asao- Hud gins, Alma Link, Conrad Copeland, K. Lucile Conley, Chariey Mae Ep ley, Madge Finley, Essie Mae Gettys, Frances Gilkey, Iva Hipps, Pearl Lewis, Elizabeth Reid, Pearl Wilker- dAtion of Colleges and Secondary son, Josephine Bush, Alice Roane nuou qi me oouxnern states in Birmingham forty-four Secondary Schools in North Carolina were ac credited. Marion High School is in cluded In this list. This makes the second year that we have had this liatinct honor, and we are proud to b enrolled among the honor schools of the State. The Grammar and High School pupils are in the midst of their mid term examinations. And, judging from the excellent papers passed in. the pupils have made much progress ms well as showing the excellent training given by the teachers. . Our literary societies did Tine work during the fall term; the spring term they promise to do better. At their meetings Friday afternoon the Joan Arc Society elected the following officers: Alda Norton, president r Irene Franklin, vice-president; Fran ces Gilkey, secretary; Mildred Hud ins, treasurer; Margaret Justice, marshal. The officers of the Pershing Liter ary Society elected are: .President, Prank Wood; vice-president, Frank Patton; secretary, Harry McCall; treasurer, David BLanton; marshal, Ben Wilson. Our school continues to grow nu- Cross, Irene Franklin, Luna Wall Distinction Honor Roll Hubert Bolch, Edith Bowden, Lettie Jones, Carlton Gilkey, Helen Frajiklin, Mil dred Holton, Annie Faye Hunt, Kathryn McCall, Mary Kellah Ouzts, Frank Adams, Ethel Spratt, Daphne Spratt. Supt. FUNERAL FOR OVERSEAS SOLDIER HELD SUNDAY The funeral for Neal Duval, who died from wounds in France on Arm istice Day, was conducted at the Methodist church at Dysartsville, the home section of the deceased soldier, Sunday afternoon. The body reach ed Marion Thursday and was taken charge of by McCall Bros., undertak ers, who had charge of the funeral arrangements. Young Duval attended the local school at Dysartsville, and graduated from Nebo High School several years ago. He stood the civil service ex amination before leaving school, making a very high mark. He was TACKY PARTY GIVEN BY LADIES AID SOCIETY Members Aid Society Metho dist Church Enjoy Progres sive Dinner Monday Night. L Last January the ladies of the Marion Methodist Aid Society, wish ing to raise much needed funds, de cided as an incentive to harder work to divide the society for one year in to two groups, having a captain for each. The side raising the larger amount to be entertained by the side not so successful. Mrs. J. W. Pless and Mrs. D. E. Hudgins were elected captains, and the wisdom v of the. choice was proven by the untiring efforts of these two ladies. At the last meeting, Jan. 9, re ports were given for the year, tylrs. Hudgins reported $276.83 and Mrs. Pless $264.02. These amounts were made from rummage sales" conducted by the two sides. Mrs. Pless extend ed congratulations to the victorious side, also expressed delight and read iness to entertain the victors. The night of January 16th was chosen for the fete. Invitations were issued to a tacky party to be given at the home of Mrs. J. W. Pless Monday evening, but no mention- was made to let the guests know they really were to' en- sung by all. x Mrs. Minnie Blanton and Mrs. T.i E Snipes were the lucky winners in the cake walk, and were presented with the , beautifully iced cake, which when cut was just a corn bread eake. All deceptions were forgotten when ice cream and cakes were serv ed, and from all appearances the ladies were delighted with the eve ning's entertainment! immediately notified of the result of joy a progressive dinner of three the examination and offered a posi-1 courses the first to be served with tion as postal clerk in the railway! Mrs. Pless. mail service, which position was held The victors 0 at the home open for him for a few months in or- of Mrs t, Cross. WH hv thir der that he might complete his high captain Mrs D. E. Hudgins. They school studies. As soon as he had 11, U. rfnw) . TV. , . t, , . . . 'finished his school work he. went in flate we have enrolled 550; of this . . , Zu. ,0, I r, w;uit mal1 serv1ce and Ws Promotion "UIUUW e,liUUCU " w onit ramd At the time of his xchootr At the. dose of the fourth mouth ' the average attendance flnf Prnt-TAeher Association is f . .... 'mail service came in jolly spirits and bright and laughable attire to the party. When the bell was rung, and the door was epened for tfcetr- reptiprtby-iig-: Tgrnng inxo we service s a soiuier ue A .i,M ' I . I -. 1 L. L -1 1. -v was noioing a very imporuinw of -the Ru KJux Klan andin a dim ship on one 01 tne Dest runs m ine 4i real lire one- It has and is doing ithe colors he was sent to camp where much in very way to make our training was very brief. He was school the best in all the opportuni-1 ' nn on th other where he had ties it offers for developing all the an opportunity to diaplay the fine faculties of the boys and girls. Not qualitie9 of manhood and courage only is it beneficial to this end, but that were hig A foung of MU Judging from the moet excellent pro- y intellect, he soon become a jgrams renaerea it is 01 great am to both parents and teachers. If you have not been attending these meet ings, I urge you to do so both friends and patrons; we meet the second Monday of each month promptly at 3:30 o'clock. Below is the honor roll for the fourth school month: Prim 5i rv deoartment Ralph Ben- comer near the door another bodv of Upon being called to thege game sepulchral fibres were seen, the expression of jovialness faded into one just a little dubious, but as the finger of the defeated captain pointed straight ahead, they marched up the stairway, where they were directed to the dressing rooms by the silent figures of more of the j 1 m L 1 J; ieaaer ana isvunw; among viie suiuici 'same klan boys.. Knowing not the meaning 01 Ifear, he was always found at the front in every situation calling for courage and valor. Seriously wound ed in battle in the last hours of the t great struggle Sergeant Duval treat , ed his wounds lightly and made no complaint. It is said that immediate ly after havine an arm and shoulder G. C. Conley -D. E, Hudgins t John M. Tate . W. T. Conley J. C. Bowman R. L. Conley L. J. P. Cutlar When the guests were seated the Id. Lonon defeated team gave this reassuring yy j patton yell, just to let all know they werejjon A. Finley LUNSFORD FOR SENATE. To the Democratic Voters of Mc Dowell County: We, the undersigned Democrats, being highly interested in the welfare of McDowell County and . State of North Carolina, and taking a just pride in the fact that our County has recently taken many marked steps forward along- the lines of public improvement and better government and law enforcement, wish to express our appreciation to Honorable B, L. Lunsford, who was our efficient and enthusiastic Campaign Manager in the Campaign of 1920, at which time our party won a signal victory in McDowell by a majority ranging from 350 to. over 500, and heartily wishing that the County take- no backward step in the Campaign which will be waged during the year 1922, we feel that the rank and file of the Democratic party .should endorse Mr. liunsfordffor some office in the gift of the people of the County, as a token of appreciation for his splen- ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM THE COUNT ' : -. Brief, Mention of. Some iof tho J Happenings inMcDpwell Items About Home People. ;'oLDFbii-l: Ol Fort, Jan. 16 Carl Greene , of Asheville spenthe week-end here.- Alfred Gibson, who is attending Emanuel Business College in"? Ashe ville, spent the week-end here. 7. , 5 ' Misses Annie and Nell Earle ahd Alma Hemphill visited friends . and relatives in Marion-! Saturday fand Sunday. . . f '"' . ' Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Miller ' enter tained informally at Itheir 1home on Saturday evening. Those present v,-. . were Mr. and Mrs. George , E. Mar- ' . 5. snail, Kj. w . vxreypeai ana miss liiuei ; r Miller. ' -. V Mrs .Tap Davis of Hfonked Creek . .. - ; Vt died Sunday morning. The Woodmen of the World gave an oyster and pie supper January 10 which was enjoyed by-a large crowds J Mr. and Mrs. Mack Cox of St. Petersburg, Fla., are on a visit to. Mr. Cox's sister, Mrs. D. Y. . Grant. ; ";t Mr. Cox is a professional "baseball ; player, being a member of the Flori- r da League and also a player on the St. Petersburg team. . . . . Luther Robinson, whose hands ; were so. badly burned r in, extinguish- ';: ing his wife's -burninjg- .' clothing is gradually improving. He would v ap- :v J predate any Jielp anyone, sees fit to , Mi- did eflTorts in behalf of the party. The; 27th Senatorial District, under i render. the new law, consists of the counties . The Junior basket ball team of the ' of Rutherford, Cleveland, Henderson, ! Old Fort 'High school defeated the : Polk and McDowell, and this county Clin chfield High school team .- .Friday is entitled to one of the candidates by a score of 40 to 14. The line -up n our PSTt J a.nd. undersigned .waa citizens; wish to place hisname be- r. f.-;White, h koiirc ppev i fore -fh people and tp announce ,his4r. g. ; Strtekland,!.: gil CIincfield' candidacy for such office subjecC to j Saunders, r. fVf Berry, I. im& ci ':V-: the action of the Democratic party. Respectfully, MARION Dr. J. F. Jonas T. W. Wilson J. H;. uckley W. H. Hill T. M. Hemphill W. A. Landis Bynum Finley J. Roy Brown T. B. Conley E. N. Shrum jH. S. Clay John M. Steppe nett, Meredith Greene, Charles Har- j . ff th t h liehted a ciearette vey Greenlee, Clyde Hcnsley, Hubert. and bepan to srfioke and chat lightly! Steppe, Cecil Willis. Phyllis Bolch, Jwith his comrade5t who were badly Elizabeth, Elliott, Elizabeth Finley, fHghtened because of the serious Jimmie Johnston, Lucy rearson, Kathryn Wall. Prentiss James Goldsmith, Joe Noyes, Wil:!ment but infection and complications liain " Wilkerson, Rose Abemethy, 1 , . . in and the brave spirit of Margaret Gilkey, Wil-'hi bl f McDowell soon tool! H that Duval had suffered. He Bowden, a;aA -A tKo T-om- fnr trpnt- humans : Rip, Rip, Rip! Who are we? We're the defeated team Don't you see What were we defeated by? Rags, Rags, Rags. The first course of the dinner was p. Jimison then served. The Ku Klux marched H. Weeks single file, bearing plates containing j c. B. Mitchell Geo. W. Chapman R. S. Abemethy Dr. J. H. Johnson jV. W. Dobbins Sam L. Dobbins A. R. Conley T. J. Gibbs J. S. Cowan Eloise Davis, lie Margaret HalliburtonMary Lee Hollifield, Estelle Hollififld, Mary Anna Miller, Jessie Nichols, Frances Ramsey, Dessie Shehan, Sarah Sheaf, JLucy. Turner, Ernest Burnett, Edwin Cranford, Laughton Fortune, Ted Hensley, Robert Jarrett, Guy Lewia, 7nVf SnlHvan. Mary Willie Karnes, most tempting pictures of dele table edibles, giving the guests time to feast their eyes, then plates were taken up, and oranges with pepper ment sticks inserted as quills was served. Victors and defeated all seemed to be infused with the spirit this noble son of McDowell soon too its departure. Neal Duval was a favorite in his 1 . -a TT 1 I own community. ne pu jDf fun. Laughter and witty banter 'l cnarmmg personam anu v v-ma enjoyed along with the orange lar among all who knew him in any ; uiCe. position of life. The news that Neal party pro&ressed to the home Duval had gone West in the great !f M M T Tnst,Vp wl, t.h but to awide circle of friends who knew and loved the gallant Jiero that he- was. His funeral was widely at tended and many were heard to say that it was hard to realize 'that such a brave spirit had gone. Those of the immediate, family who survive are Mrs. James Upton, Mrs. Robert Upton, and Mrs. Clyde Mel ton, sisters; two brothers, t Clyde, of Dysartsville and a brother who lives in South Carolina; the parents of the deceased having passed away some years ago. Many expressions of sympathy have been heard on every hand for the distressed brothers and sisters i ntheir hour of sorrow. tu ??Sr . NaTSwarEJWonll,ct brOUht SOrTOW !oom second, coune was immediately serv Nelle Cowan, Nan Lowan, nay oop immediate relatives., , . . . i r -; maK Hnrfpr- ! " . . . ea AaiXIC 1UUJWU , son, Lockie Johnston, WiUie Mc Conncll, Irene Po teat. Jack Banks, Wlke Cowan, Dula Hawkins, Alfred AIcCall.-Rose Adkins, Catherine Can non, Anna Kate Craig, Gladys Ellis, Mary Epley, Katherine Giles, Cody Bipps, Ine2 Jarrett, Annie Ray Jones Florine Laughridge, Roberta Neal, tteba Parker, Charlotte - Winborne, Frank Bolton, Cull en- Bollinger, Luth cr Church, BeUn Grayson, Pearl Xail, Georgia Lail, Sarah Michael, Mamie Spencer, Eleanor Young JMattie-Lou Hollifield, Fred Conley, Steele Mitchell,. Dorothy Hawkins, Carrie Joe Lewis, .Wilma Rolen. r. Grammar.'grades-Thnrley Frank lin, Elizabeth Eskridge, Eric Brad ahaWiXouise Tat; Mary Belle Black- burn, EHen . Eskridge, J eannette Gil key, Mildred Hipps Estelle Hawkins, - Edith ; Laughridge, . Ermine ' Neal, Dorothy Saunders, :- Benson Davis, Robert McCall, Owen Morrow, Guyon .Whitten, -Margaret Craig. Jessie Cove, MORGAN-REEL. . Mr. Mosie Reel and Miss Morgan, both of .Montforos were united in marriage at the resi dence of A. M. Goodman at Glen wood on, last Sunday, Magistrate Goodman officiating'. This course was two " of Mc Dowell county's best products mo lasses and muffiins made from water ground meal. After partaking as heartily as could be expected, the next move was to the home of ,Mrs. J. E. Decker. The guests were delighted upon reaching Mrs. Decker's, to find a large cut glass bowl of punch await ing them after their sweets of the evening. This punch, like the land Columbus discovered, was afterward found to be incorrectly named some of the ladies called it -a fake, some water with a hint of orange juice. The guests being seated, Mrs. Pless and Mrs. Decker gave for their pleasure two beautifully rendered duets, which were, enjoyed by all. Mrs. Decker gave a reading, Story to the- Ladies of the Winning Side. This was full of wit and humor from beginning . to end. It was illustrat ed throughout by popular musical se lections, played by Mrs. Pless, and C. G. Cannon Robert Erwin H. C. Henley T.O. Lawing Marion Padgett Ben Price W. F. Williams . L. Oliver J. C. Raborne Mrs. E. Farrow C, W. Buchanan W. C. Morrow j. L. Biddix D. W. Weeks C. W. Wilson R. O. Wiley AE. Nichols . W. S. Mauney A. P. Cordell W. M. Taylor L. E. Miller D. C. Buchanan G. W. McCurry R. D. Barnes C. F. Barnes L. B. Watsh J. A. Finley J. Y. Barnes J. B. Holcomb Joe C- Brown J. B. Farrow R. L. Greenlee J. A. Suttle A. W. Stewart R. L. James R. H. McCall , T. C. Nichois O. M Alman OLD FORT W. W. LeFevre J. O.'McDaniel Dan W.1 Adams T. B, Faw B. M. Steppe W. L. Grant H. A. Burgin T. J. Fortune T. L. Nichols Z. T. Lackey R. J. Bailey Willie Hicks T. L. Grant Will Lackey Mont L. Grant J. Br Allison Dr. JV B.' Johnson G. L. Flemming E. L. McDaniel W. A. Flemming J. H Grier Noah S. Fortune' G. T, Nichols J. H. . Young W. Crawford W. H. Bradley G. I. Steppe Alonzo Burgin J. R Allison .W. J, Porter C. C. Nanney R.' T. Davis " Hall, r. g.; Copeland, 1. g. Honor roll for Decembers -j '. Francis Grant, Edna' Tatei' .Garland " Gates, Jermie May Noblitt, ;;? Marvin Davis, Lawrence , Mason, Charles Hall, Eula Joe Wilson, Margaret Lan ning, Donald " Dover, Jack Hughes, Hyams Connor, Myrtle Haryeyj Ed die Harvey. , ' r. First A grade -J. R. Harris, 'Roy j ! Holland, James Patton, May Harvey Dora Shehan, Francis Thomason. ' , Second - grade- Emmett Burgin f Virginia Adams, N Beatrice 'Freeman, 'J'-i v:r Julia Padgett, Stella Sherrill.' ' ' J , ; Third grade Christina McDaniel, ' , ': Sallie OWenby, Hhoda Padgett, Ge- . ; neva Steppe, Clyde Nesbitt, Carl " Rock, Andrew Whiteside," Lucy AIi 1 v-:; son, Beulah Calloway,- Emma Free- ; man, Maggie Freeman, - Catherine. ' ; Finch, Mary Sue Grant, . Florine A - ; Harris, Pearl Haynes, Martha ; Hugh- : es, Irene Jordan., ' '. ; -'. -'. Fourth grade- Carolyn ;Mnibsh';r;.1J. Elaine Mashburn. 'V'--; '' '::r Fifth grade Elizabeth Strickland,": , t; Estelle Connor r -t ' - ? Sixth grade-Geneva EarlyV Myr- ?, i tie Grant, Pearl Harris, Anna- Belle tXr, Noblitt, Helen Nesbitt, Esther Sut- . tlemyer, Louise Swann, RalpTi Ken-' 'y'i: nedy Annie White ; .5. : - V V" ' Eighth grade Rosa Turner, Myr- , :; ' tie Lytle Donald Mcintosh, (P. . S. T.) , Dennis Haynes, . " Ninth grade Janie . barker, ' Guy Steppe (P. S. T.), Pearl : Turner. ; Tenth grade Estelle Lavender, Lizzie Lindley, William Treyerton; ; Eleventh grade - James . Miller, Foy Dell Tate. J - - Sam Thompson L. W. Crawford Annie Bradley L. T. tytle T C. Guthrie Jeter Lytle Alvis Lytle . . W. M. Davis (Continued on last page) (Continued on supplement) -'. MISS THELMA , H ICKS COM-: MISSIONED "NOTARY PUBLIC V The, citizens of the c6untyr .will be interested, in xthe appointment ofc Miss Thelma Hicks as Notary Public- for : McDowell:: Tlie. appoinment , V. was made , by Governor. Mbrrisbn and her commission sent Her Friday; Miss Hicks is' highly ; efficient .1 in the lines : , of stenographic . and cjericalj . work, V and her-position'' stenographer for r Lseveral years with the law ; firm - of v Hudgins; ; Watson - & , Washburn - has ' " been exceptional Cjtrainingi f Of vher J i new commisdoner.;;:;-;J'f ; A'

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