V v A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER! DEVOTED TO THE BEST' INTEREST OI THE PEOPLE OF;. McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 186.' MARION, N. C.f THURSDAY, FEBRUARY . 2,1 922 ;VoL..xxyi no. 24 ;"', -r?--i. j;- - V ' ' -r.. - - J, v.. " " . .-. A '- . : , - - - . .v - -. - : ' ' - : : , . - - .ITEMS ( m. i- 1 M Si ITEMS , OF J INTEREST FROM THE COUNTY Brief . Mention of Some of the ':Xy Happenings in McDowell ' I terns. About Home People. : OLD FORT - : Old Fort, Feb T. -J. H. Ditmore Zt Co., vwill -open a new hardware r store in one" of the new Sandlin stores on February 1st. " s 'Ai;lIvSheltoTi returned Saturday irom : Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington "in the interest of his company. ' i E. B. Buckley, State Highway In : apector, spent some time last week ut of towA on a pleasure and busi ness trip. M;ss"Foy Dell Tate entertained a few of her friends at her home on , last Friday night, it -being her birth day. S Miss. Florence Murray spent last : Saturday at Montreat. The eighth grade gave - a very in teresting morning; exercise at the .v nigh school last Friday. v ' - ; r Miss- Elizabeth' Biddix spent the rweekrend. at her home last week, " -- . ; Miss Mattie Tate spent the week ; j&id at-Nebo visiting friends. '. 7 - Miss Sallie -Finley of Marion spent -Sunday ' with her sister, Mrs. J. L. - . -I-ackey.. - - . , -;.Mrs. .C. S. Taylor and Miss Made ; line " Mashburn were shopping in . -r. Asheville Monday. . . Friends; of Mrs. M. L. Cannon will r W glad to know she is improving. . Miss - Minnie Cross, who is making ' , "her home with D. W. Adams,' received -Vv a message : from Stanton, Va. stating V:' :. - :,that her sister was very sick. .Jtfr. Hart returned Tuesday after spending, a week at his home in Bir- ' ,-mingham, Ala.hi , . . ' v-?0Ci SJ' Taylor made. 'a business: trip ' " to Raleigh vlast Friday. y - Dr. , JT. B. Johnson was called away -.. last -Friday night to Tate Springs, - Temu, by the serious illness of his ' v. faflier. , A. C Tate and daughter, Miss Foy "Dell, .spent Thursday in Asheville. - . ,"Byrd Burgin returned to Asheville Thursday after spending a while with ' ; v - Y his parents. JANUARY HONOR ROLL ' 7... D Y5 ARTS VI LLE SCHOOL First grade Arthur Satterwhite, ; Hampton Cowan Annie Lou Hoil, Claude Daves. Second graderr-Delphie Spratt, Re--,l)a Laughridge. Third gradeForest Roper, Essie tt t j -r t j: ltaagnnage, oee uauuis. Fourth "de Jewell Anderson, Mariana oaiterwmue. - Fifth grade-rCoy Roper, Hartzell Daves.. - ' ' Z- Sixth" grade Ruby Spratt, Eras " ttis : JValker, Newell Roper, Nannie Slogan, - Gordon j Laughridge, Harold . . Daves.. Bruce - Laughridge, Hutten vv Xaves Georgie Landis, . Plin Cowan; Seventh Agrade-rDuval Anderson. : 1 Eighth' grade Ellen Hogan, Blan- Iche Landis, Edwin Landis. ; Ninth , grade Paul Laughridge, Xnez.Davesii V- - ' -PI-AN MEMBERSHIP : ' : v.--f ; drive in state -Af drive if or. new, piemhers through J ut:the,stae will he conducted by the 'i .North Carolina department of the : , ; Plans .for .the. campaign were out : lined at eineeting of ; the: executive committee and : officers at Greenville, N. C.v recently. -r ' ' " ' ; t Coiunander ! Thomas ; WV - Bird, of "Asheville; received the assurances of bifocal posts Z thf oughputtlie state that to increase theii; membership. The '"present number of legionaires ih; the Estate number about 7,000, and it is ; -the -plan of theT departoentwto'in creasethis umberto21,00p? bexore vthe next convention at Greensboro. V: nationalfBridrmembershipjca iaign will be conducted in February "between Iincolnand i Washington's Ciiirthday anniversaries. Ah active -drive f or new members will oe 'made during this; period. CO-OPERATIVE STORE TO BE v STARTED IN MARION SOON A co-operative' store to be known as The People's Store Company, has been organized, with:C. F. James as president, v Eugene Gross, vice-president, ajid R. I. Bush, secretary and treasurer. The board of directors is composed of Eugene Cross, C. , F. James, J. W. Goldsmith, A. C. Cran- ford, L. J. P. Cutlar, G. L. Davis," R. I. Bush, W. K. M. Gilkey and E. B. Baber. The enterprisers to be incorporat ed with a capital stock of $25,000. $5,000 has already been subscribed. The new concern will be a general grocery business, the object of which is to bring down the )xigh cost of liv ing by selling groceries at the closest possible margin. A reasonable pro fit will be allowed, which will go .to the stockholders and patrons of the new business. Co-operative stores have been or ganized in other sections and have proven to be very successful. It is expected that this new venture in the business life of Marion will meet with a hearty response on the part of the people of this section. MARION IS LOSER TO FOREST CITY In a very interesting game of bas ketball Marion Monday lost to the Forest City high school, 47 to 41. The game was interesting despite the fact that Forest City got away to an early lead. At the end of the first 10 minutes of play Forest City lead 23 to 2, but by staging a rally the Marion boys caused the first half to end 31 to 15. The second half was a reversal of the first, Marion outplaying the boys from Forest City in every stage of Jthe game. It was the best rally ever seen iir Marion; arid with tGve minutes more to play there might have been a different ending to the game. Sprinkle starred for the losers while Moss outclassed his fellow team mates from Forest City. Sprinkle displayed some excellent shooting as did Moss from Forest City. Cope land and McMahan were a little off "form but played a good brand of basket ball. Hipps and Atkins also guarded well for Marion. WiHde for the visitors and his running mate, Abernethy, guarded well, while their forwards also deserve credit. The two centers were about on a par, both playing excellent ball. The lo cal lads meet Hickory on the local court; Friday night, and a good con test is promised. The line up and score was: . a j ( Forest City (47) R. F. Blanton (6) Copeland (6) Sprinkle (22) Atkins (2) Hipps L. F. C. " R. G. L. G. Davis (12) Moss (25) Abernethy Wilkie (4) EXPERT REVENUE AGENT COMING IN FEBRUARY . Mr. J. E. Kanipe, chief- of the Asheville division of the Internal Revenue Department, while in Ma rion yesterday stated that Collector Grissom of Raleigh is making ar rangements to have a revenue agent, who is an expert on corporation tax es, visit the western part of the state during the month of February for the purpose of assisting corporations in filing their 1921. income tax re turns. , He will he 'in Rutherford, McDowell, Henderson, Buncombe and Haywood. Specific dates " on which he will be in Marion iwill be annunc ed in next week's issue of The Pro gress. , OPERETTA AT GRADED , : SCHOOL TUESDAY NIGHT . An operetta, i'Under The Sugar Plum Tree- will be presented Tues day hight,7;30 o'clock, Feb. r7th, by the Primary Department of the Ma rions Grade SchooL .Children from six rooms take, tiieir parts? in the va rious f. dialogues, songs, -folk dances and I games of this attractive little operetta that desire-the' patronage of parents arid friends of the school. -. r Admission 10 and 25 cents." , - Come one! Come all f! I OVER 100; KILLED IN COLLAPSE OF THEATRE Three Hundred Pinned Under Wreckage When Roof of " Washington. Theatre Falls. Washington, Jan. 29. One hun dred and one! lives were lost in the Knickerbocker Theatre last night when the roof, weighted down by more thaii two feet of snow, col lapsed and 'buried patrons of the house under a crushing blanket of concrete, plaster and steel, accord ing to unofficial, but carefully check ed records. Ninety-two of the victims had been identified when the force of volun teer workers, twenty-four hours af ter he disaster, approached the end of their long search of the debris. Nine additional bodies of those who had succumbed to injuries after res-'lay cue, lay in city hospitals. The large majority of the victims, I both killed and injured, were resi - dents of this city, although manyj came recently from other places. ! The exact number in the theatre when the steel and concrete .span of the roof buckled and fell under its three , foot load of snow, probably will never be known. The stories of ipechaps a hundred who got out un- ; injured have been reported. These i accounts ior a lew more than 30Q in the audience that was roarin g in lauchter at a film romoHv whn thA iroof fell on them like a blanket; car- 'mini Anmr v, f.t a ITT t ort -rr: 1 LsiiHigujii, dan, ou. uuiciai po- iipa rppnris rifAri par v rrriv the 1 J 1 tt Known aeaa in tne iuiicKerDOCKer i.i j ji x inn TrTti i 1! uieaue uisssier at iui. Cilimination of duplicated names brought the final fnt-nl -T-.. 4-U -iX: 1. uvwu iiuui viic uiiuiut:iii pea& ot.ii at wmcn Jtne tolttheataswrnir9ns ba . . H 1 J I . w m. J m. i;4-. ji. a al" ! xl a ji ji ' autuonues, contamea tne names oi ail rnnsA whnsA hnrliM hnrf hoon ya covered up to midnicht from the rums. 5TADT PAMP Air.M CAD nt rltn w . . v-m ivuunu niLL. AL.Aue.MT itutnenoraton. Jan. 7. KiorhtAAn ters ana aeiegates at tne recent can wm Knntist nhiirrh TTn'nn Miiic -fr- Duroose of considerine- the disnosi- . tion oi Kound Hill Academy, at : Union Mills. In a statement made as to the fniancial condition of the i,o txAAWAj w fcJ U v 11 . ViiMV Mil 111UV KJ V ! i . . , . school property, and with the trus- !. . . ' . . . rooe nrnTminn cv .nnTi atr -m -, m , u jrvx x w aii iiivu jr isys iiitiAv monthly payments on interest, the f XX. 1 111IIIIL11. Alter aetauea miormation. tne as- ; 'x? .T 1 : 1 j. .V sociauon ueciueu to vote ior tne re- iicx ox. wie ssciiooi uy cnurcnes, wiin .... . . "1. .. voted, on the basis ot SI as the unit, and that $6,000 would carry the elec - tion. It was decided to hold -the election open until luarcn f witn tnei" trustees of the school to act as judges of the election. Rev. M. A. Adams, pastor of the Rutherfordton Baptist church, was named as chairman of the canvassing committee. Dr. A; E. Brown representing the home boaraY promised to put in his budget, $5,000 pdr year on the in debtedness of. the school, with the understandlnthat he vwould endea vor to. get the board to make this ap propriation for the relief of the school indebtedness. ' WEATHER REPORT. Thos. McGuire, local government weather; bureau obseryerj reports the temperature arid "rainfall at Marion for the week as follows : - - Maximunf, 53 degrees minimum, 16 degrees ; r rain, : 0.54 of an inch; sunshine, per cenV .78; snow, .8.02 mcnes.-- i v ' , v : -.A , Mrs, Janes Mackey, of ; Greenlee, was shopping in ,Marion last "Monday. MARION HUNTERS ;: KILL HUGE BEAR y fsKLiixaixay . uii wiu ajiuc awi tain in Yancey .fin(y,:F;el- Buchanan, Herbert J Mpsteller : and Melvin Schism-participated iiiStne hunt. Signs of the bear had "been observed for some 1&me. ;It is re ported that at- least twenty .dogs had lost their lives in: ; encounters with this beac within the past few months. The bear was brought to Marion, dressed and the meat distributed among a number of f olkr .whorare fond of bear-meat. Considerable excitement was in evidence last Wednesday when the huge animal was displayed on Main Street. ' A number of people whp had never seen a bear had the pleasure of view- ling the dead body of this one as he in full view on Main street. I 1 i MRS. JAMES E. WILFONG ; v DIES AT HOME;ip; H ilickorv. Jan. 29'. -The funeral of Mrs. James E. Wilfonsr was held 'from Bethel Reformed . church ;, oh ; yesterday afternoon at 1:30- o'clock, The funeral was conducted by Rev. j W. W. Rowe, , pastor of Corintti-Re- formed church, this city, Mrs. Wfl- fong had not been in good health for J j sometime and on Saturday morning ' about 2 o'clock he passed away in fh, TirASAticAf all of her children who were with her at the; time.- Be- -c M.i-ut cV -nroo "M"iteo. t Mo w ' i ti o . o e J f was corn uiy i 4 , xooo, :i' - th e tiT .inn vx. iyzz. maianff ner .rt l-MTt-ls: .J . L'ji. vj age ot years, o montns ana one uay. y-v -.t i o 1 or? i .'x r. i,.s.- ua XNOveruDer o, 10 sue wa vtnv- ed in marriage to "Mr; -James E. Wil- " rri 4-U4 rvn O aViiMiaTi TPai-in ! iuiig. . xu vuio uiuun Tt--w : 1 : .. . 1 It v n ... m.... I tut'-.-'. r t Tm:4-.- tit-. "U7" ' m . if i . wrr!. . Tir T rate, mr. arnsie wiixong, wai.; jtt.ein- Wi tons', nil OT tllCKOrv! mrs. John M. Tate, of clarion ; vMrs-.Rus- sell Hahan, of XNewton, and Mrs. u. I onmrivail VkTr civfoon OTOTinphlinrPTl jr- . i xl 3 Z j live oruuiers unu live sisicia. mrs. wnione. one oi wie omesi RAthel church and re- icrrca to as a mouei -wuiucmi,- iiut inon a roneiKt.-ATif: mAiYiTA-r of . thA Re- formftd church from earlv life until riA.nttt. Tt also pave her much oleas- are to see each of her chhdren" uni ; ea witn-tne same cnurcn - ox ei laiiu, and her beliet. She seemed to - re- joice and get a great deal of joy out ' of lifA. ShA was also nermitted to " W x. j j? l UiU . U,M i nea. witn tne exception oi tne young- i x i xrn x ul. ' hsl mijii win) wiisisi,ii living ni. . uic - - . old home witu ner wnen sne aepanea VJ " Tn rt 4-Vl A ll-A rk-f -rfrA - . ' O vvv" u " -'j mviuuvi vx ux fnmi'ltT too oItitowo cn till r-f -rTfm """'j -mjo xwx x t ! tvx xxxxwi, . !TT -1.il J x1 Li. 21. 1 J ' ner emiuren uiuutut n a, pieasuxe w j admisister to the' best and truest (friend possible to have in thislif e wii. The large assembly at the church deeds of this Christian mother. ' ; The floral - display was very beautiful.; It is indeed a blessed thought to know j that it is not all of life to live nor all of death to die TEtev. Miv Rowe who preached the sermon on this oc casion; took as his text: 1 Cor. 13 :13 ; "Kowiabideth faith, hope, love, these three ; but, the greatest ' of these is love? Mr. Rowe emphasized that these three things are the only things that we can carry with us to vthe; life beyond. They were, indeed, 'culti vated and developed In the life of the departed one! She had a great faith, a f irin hope,: and an increasing; love; iMr JHJhuf ojd , of ctoryvwas preht an4 sax It was jik . very imprest sive solo. - '-. V; One by one our loved ones . . re passing over ; the river of life. We should Vehiembr fo' liye iriYheis we leave beiindjis notjto4ie&J NEWSTEMSFROM iOVER;THE STATE Items! IgfTouh ?eporS? f ronf about the "State, Fri- 2lmches i "Btickbrv imAesf Raleigh 7 mches:vy-ijm:& vjrounu was oroitenj at w vrramwa - Falls last week for the new $75,000' i- pany, contractors, oi :oanxoru, nave ;,. , in.;;?g 4. ne. summer program, at ,ine pouin- , prh ! Rtiiktvassftmhlv'at JRul sheerest wui -open on , or.; auuut ouu ts ..-i, fVlA Ashevilfe was nronosed vin ? house ' VilK UUUtCU ; f I lUit .... UJf r aCJJi CBCU . tative Zebuion. w eaver.H.Tiie lata or .. the bill at this session; will depend ; Republican leaders - regarding the re port of an ' omnibus -public bill..;' . 'J-.hSt Concor Thomas', Charlptte". automobile sales man, "convicted f last night i in Cabar- i rusBuperior ourtof f second -degree -v murder y for.jthe - killing of "Arthur J. Kannat)olis ; on ifeiphtisofi Oictdhei" Jiirt(w.r:-"f Kift ?- kjmt ' tn -..orwfti X vount - .-; , " ;!T . ' . r. -i t' ' " vucioww Si ucmtcui,iat.- j.uuiua nnao art : tn tnaA.snniiaTna Annt. oii vvy wwAiS yv n snnoflT9nA hrmrt'.trjifi - tivel ii ini- 'thft: .' f....- . sunt of $20000.; ' - V ;) - . i i '.mil ' ".'i ur i ..i" i ' Vr 1 S ; ., - . . wwwhw;wvr v -M ..... 'tVI 1 -w O iw : V - - -. -iit.Ai i.- jVt-l ct...xi- ' ! 2 11': '; - ' al: f y- .'4 ma railway- passenger train. - numper .zu . 'rocfef that- iiad2 kii'b'hte weMurphyS rraShAff . intr mnii-nrniri nt rtirr n-nrl division track: a short distance , west ... . l-nnVinav T? iJT ff ' -i' x1 r " 1 J '' ' . . nitr Liie eritririn arounu a snarn piitvp. ; duuc uuuuuk ouu, ; Wuu wiuk , on the emergency brakes, he and Fire - 'j' , -1 1 'f '""s s j u w ; saietv justi befdreithe Enilotor ; the engine jammed into hundreds of -tons ox uin . mat came crasmnc: down tne mountains W s iKuswoj ; coiibiueraxie DEPUTY . COLLECTOR : COM- j T-- - ' "- : -, IMfl TH HP! PVrTAYDAVCDC r an .u. , Jr'ritcnard U. & JJeputy ; - .n. .x .' ''. ... ' . . . . ' - ' i ni mnrnr. u toi i no , m:i vmnnn ot rno r- ' " - , 5, - . . a v wx. . nlnnni 4-1, A ' v-f XV i.x ' W4UV141M VV WwfrAw. . . WX. VX.W j UX&W V . xuuig wicu icuciai iiiwine v X A vv .X- . ' "j' . f -. -A ','V-. t t?j ' i j'V ulacvuiuo.. .?is'w'?!c-.-i. iuluuic -iJv4x,cvixiiiiv-xiiuov... uts. . . 1 '.V,i',jir'iAi''t-' ' T'A -. -net mcome ior was 51.UUU or more, every . married person whose net income was $2,000 or more, and by eery person-single i or ' married whose. gross income was $5,000; or v The period f or lliingt returns is fron Janu 1.5,; 1922. Heavy penalties are provided for fail- ure or .willful refusal'' . to fil. a ta- . turnorivtime,M; HONOR ROLL OROTE 'if. First grade-Jese Mae: Lytle and ; a;Whiesidesl0 l Third V grade--Merrimori : Stroud ' andTerrill Sdp-HMiK , FoAirMde- arid iJEisijapmfJi : and :: Morj orie. ; Iytlef; fS-cCXr. "S; iSixth grader-Myrtle . Lamb. , ; ;SeyerithKgiep;G Lytle, Tresie; Lytle, Clara McKoy 1 and Catherine Williams ; - r ; 1 There will be a box supper at v Greenlee rschool . nnnsp. RntnTrlnv mght, -Febnmry 4tbt: Everybody is V- KX, A .:- '- f " "V. 7V; v'. ..,:.:Vr-:!;

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