4 . I.- " 1 7fa " - .V' 1- : IS.' , N if -- J- - -i A WEEKLY, NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BESTINTEREST OF 1 THE" PEOPLE PFMcOW.COUNlY : t v ESTABLISHED 189S.', MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1922 VOL. XXVI Up.-23 - " r m i - V - i. I- 1 .J l.y y IS 4-: -1 'I y"y NEAR 'EAST RELIEF CAM y. PAIGN ; WE1JL: UNDER WAY ; Workers Perfect , Orcanizalion ; -ParenUTeacher Associa-- lion Donates $25.00. t vTnc-Mcpowcdl - County . org.niza- tion is already beginning to respond to the Neari East Relief ' campaign ."which" began this week and continues H through next week. ; Encouraging re- ports are coming in from the rural 'communities. Each chairman who ; has reported on his preliminary work, feays that the indications are that his - 1 "or -her quota will be ; raised. One ; district chairman, Mr. Alonzo Davis, r .of- Graphiteville, made this signifi cant statement. "Our quota- will be raised if I have to' give it all myself." " "Another, county worker says : "The . 5 23 orphans alloted to McDowell County must not go hungry as long - : as; there is a crust to divide." -Mrs. ' Charles : Burgin of- Old Fort writes ' v that she pnd Mrs. W. P. Arts, and ' others have .met with Mr. Strickland, yy chairman for Old Fortand have' per fected ah organization which will make'a good showing. . tin Marion, Mrs. Giles is being ably ' assisted by the following ladies: 1 -Mesdames- J. Winborne, W. T. 1 , -Morgan. -W- R. Chambers, "W. 'A. - Conley, J. W. Ouzts, Ben Carr, H. H. " Tate, F B, Gwin, J; E. Neal Minnie v ' Ianibnr;Wai Alley, and Misses1 Mer rill and Xaidlaw. Others have . indi cated that they want to give assist ance during the campaign, and are ready to respond when called upon. Gaston and Tate have 'given a part of one of their big show windows during .the campaign for advertising Near East Relief conditions, and also ' the progress of the campaign an the - . county, Twenty-three . dolls .in tat , .,tered clptlffng. have been - placed in 'y the1 vlhow hll TDeing named ' c : or a districtr in the "county; .-As'' a . district raises its quota, its child will be taken from the group, and proper ly clothed, and placed at a, table where plenty .to' eat; will be found. The1, district first to raise its quota "V yri$ be given -prominent advertising in - this window.-1 Mrs;; J. H. Tate has charge of the window feature of the , campaign, and she is very anxious to place all of the little Armenians at - the table. "She promises to report in ; next week's issue, of the Marion 'Progress the district raising its quota , - first and others in the order' re ported. ' ' The Marion Parent-Teacher As sociation at its regular monthly meet ing1 on Monday unanimously voted a "donation of $25.00 to this appealing cause. , HICKORY DEFEATS MA- v , RIONN ClJOSE CAME . The Hickory High School defeated the Marion -High; School in a hotly contested game in Hickory Monday night by the score of 28 to 26. ( The game' was full ; of fouls ; both' sides makinman first with1 a. field goai by Copeland which was -followed .by a foul . contributed yrmkleitcheU played a good game at forward f or' the local mak ig four basketeers! At the end of the first halfthe score was 13 to 12 in the; locals favor. Marion came back ihthe 'biff lead obtained by the ? Hickory lads; was too much. ' Cope . land starred for Marion with .six ; .. goalsf rom the ; floors Adkins played " well: at. guard andwas Ta great factor i in the raUy byMarion. The'line-up rwaaas follows : fk ' - r - ; r --Marion;'; -- Hickory " McMahan (2) R. F. Hawn (2) Copeland 12 ) 1 F.i ; Mitchell (14) Sprinkle (10) C. - R. Hawn (10 Hipps--:';'-:-t:RrG.-' Jones. Adkins (2) L. G. Huffmair (2) s-'s i , -4.; SsSn v; 7:30 p.Im; on Friday, February ft4thjitheNatibnai a ':v rctje observeav Djr mu3mK ry"r. onoi;; At the same-time there will ' o Kay -nartv 'and t voting) contest 1y ti fit of the school.- The CHARLOTTE MAN INJUR- . ' Eb IN AUTO ACCIDENT Paul Harmon, of : Charlotte, who dame to Marion Saturday night in company .with Miss Theresa Bristol and Miss Myra McCoy, of Morgan ton, to attend a social event, -was seriously injured in an automobile ac cident when the car which was driv en; by Harmon left the road on a sharp curve near the Clinchfield school building. The young ladies were slightly bruised but not serious ly hurt. Just how the accident happened is not known. The weather was very cloudy and foggy. Harmon was not acquainted with the road . and it is thought that he did not realize the sharp curve until his car had left the cement road and tumbled over, the bank. The car was badly damaged. Immediately after the accident, the occupants were brought to Marion and given medical attention. The young women were able to return home in a few days. Harmon was so badly injured that he was carried! to an Asheville hospital for further treatment. STEWARDSHIP INSTITUTE The Stewardship Institute for the Green River Association will be held with the Baptist Church at Ruther fordton next Tuesday and Wednes day, Feb. 21st and, 22nd. The first session will be opened at 7:30 Tues day evening and there will Jbe three sessions Wednesday. Dr. Walter N. Johnson and Rev. C. C. Smith, both gifted teachers and leaders of un- usual tact, will be .the r principal speakers. Every church in the asso - ciation is requested to have a good delegation of its members at this Institute.- It offers a rare oppor- tuhity. Entertainment free, and bountifully furnished all who go. LIKES KAUFMAN QUARTET, WILL APPEAR HERE 24TH The following is from Sunday's Asheville Citizen. It will be of in terest to the people of this county owing to the fact that this famous nnartflt will urmear ' bere - Fridav night, Feb. 24th in the school audi - torium. It will be the best enter- ; fi,. ; fn Male Vartei and ; T 1 . , Aiaoei J.eny oiemecKer, accompan - - a uJL. 'k. n A ville on Tuesday evening, February . Estelle Lavender William Treverton. 7, as the sixth number on the High I f ollowmg have made the high School Lyceum course, were in Nash- yerae "? respective grades ville at the Ryman auditorium lastfor the month of January : . . nioit ' lst Edna Tate. 1st A, James ma IT m 'Patton. 2nd, Stella Sherrill. 3rd, ing through Alvin Wiggers, the mu-; sic critic of that publication, has the! following to say about this splendid company: Tr...-. vr.i t?. man auditorium last evening, but this rthy concert attraction de- very wo served at least twice that many. "Mr. and ; Mrs. Steinecker, Mr. Thomasj ' Mr. Mershon and Mr. Thompson are all ! cultured artists, who have held high positions in the large churches of their respective cities ; and have traveled in every state east of the Rockies doing con cert lyceum work. "Their program covered a remark ably wide range of musical literature ranging from selections from 'Mad ame Butterfly and other famous op eras,' to the ever popular negro spiri tuals. . ,"Barney Thompson's handling of the cello was very pleasing and his selections were good. His singing in the quartet was equally good. "A fine closing ensemble number was Fay Foster's celebrated 'The Americans Come and the splendid performance of this sent the' audi ence home highly pleased." The members of rthe Woman's Club are congratulating themselves on. having secured this remarkably able company of singers and instru-. mentelists, ;? : - : -Forget your worries and taxes and spend an enjoyable hour with HarSld Uoyd at Oasis Theatre" oajFridayr' ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM THE COUNTY Brief Mention of Some of the Happening in McDowell Items About Home People ou FORT Old Fort, Feb. 14, Rev. L. W Dawson have returned from Greens boro after a visit of a few days to Mrs. Dawson's parents. Mr. McBane, a registered druggist, has accepted a position with' the Old Fort Drug Co. S. F. Mauney has accepted a posi tion as chief of police of Old Fort. While the town officials were hav ing a business meeting last week, some person from the outside threw a large cinder through the window, breaking the window and inflicting a wound upon the head of Dr. J. B. Johnson and a slight wound upon the lip of S. F. Mauney. A I reward of $85 has been offered for the appre hension of the miscreant. Following is the graded school hon or roll for the month of January: First grade B--Hyams Connor, Donald Dover, Marvin Davis, Thos. Ipock, jr., John C. Jones, Melvin Jor dan, Lawrence Mason, Virginia Oates Jennie Mae Noblitt, Bessie Holland, Ruth1 Harvey, Francis Grant. First grade A J. R. Harris, Roy Holland, Guy Lewis, James Patton, Macie WhHesides. Second grade Horace Dover, Ethel Byrd, Jessie Davis, Louise For tune, Beatrice Freeman, Stella Sher- rill, Francis Walker. j Third grade Carl Rock, Charlie j Thompson, Beulah Calloway, Emma - Freeman, Mage Freeman, Mary f Sue Grant, Pearl Haynes, Catherine Fincht Edlth Fevre, Geneva Steppe c,ims v. . . v Fourth IhcIsherrilirSedf ord Dobbeck.' Fifth gradeElizabeth-tricldatid Margaret Rock, Ashley Robinson.' Sixth grader-Pearl Harris, Annie Belle Noblitt, Annie White, Louise Swann. Seventh grade Ralph Harris, Ward Treverton., Eighth grade Dennis Haynes, ; Myrtle LytIe Nel1 HemphiU, Rosa j Turi?er' ' , . Ninth grade Paul Hughes, Roy McDaniel, Guy Steppe, James Park- er.Pearl Turner. , , , , . . . Tenth grade Lizzie Lindley, Andrew Whitesides. 4th, Carolyn l Mcintosh. 5th, Elizabeth Strick land. rth, Louise Swann. 7th, Ward Treverton. 8th, Dennis Hay- rv.v t i t i, ma xtrtt ham Treverton. 11th, James Miller. The exercises given by the sev- enth laf 'morn'n8;, w" visitors. - The high school literary society presented a, very interesting program on Friday afternoon consisting of songs, life sketch songs, and selec tions from James Whitcombe Riley. The following is the record of Deputy D. Y. Grant in the capture of moonshine outfits since January 19: On January 19th captured still out fit near Graphite. On January 24, captured steam outfit on Catawba river. 'At this place he captured 5 gallons of liquor and several - gallons of beer. On 25th captured still on head of Catawba. On January 26th captured two outfits on the extreme head of Catawba near Sam Smiths. On 30th one on Jarretts creek, to gether with 8 gallons whiskey "and a quantity Of beer. On February 2nd took steam outfit 9 1-2 miles, from Old Fort in Mumford's Cove town ship. ' . " ' - ' 1 The; second year, cookery.; class of Old Fort High school entertained at a Valentine" luncheon in honor of the board of trustees Tuesday, Feb. 14, at , 1 :00 o'clock - The rtable -was at tractively decorated in Ted'jjiwhjte and the f oUowihg menu was" served: Cream of Tomato ' Soup, Crbutons Filetof ?Pork with Apples Creamed peas - in potato custards, Candle light Salad, Saltine, Soft; Custard with-whipped cream, , and 'Gelatine hearts Gold cake; Coffee I Mis Bonnie Fortune acted as hos tess for the occasion and Misses Foy Dell Tate and Viola Gilliam : were waitresses; The other members' of the . class, are' Misses Emma Allison, Louise Fleming, Vivian ' Sawyer and Zura Walker. , . ;7l Miss Pearl Evans of Weaverville spent the week-end with 'friends Here, Eugene Keeter spent the week-end here. x - ' " ; ' . . '.. : vV ; i ii - m '.?.:' :yu. CRTOteDf'CTfiiSj.S' Old Fortr Rt. 2, Feb; 13.--ifrs. O. A. Davi&jfjs- visiting relatives on Broad RiverV - - Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Reel of Etaw Branch visited Mr. ,and -Mrs. Frank Turner Sunday g f04':' WW- Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Elliott are visiting- friends here. 3:f Mrs. James Lavender has been very ill but x is recovering : ; . Miss Lizzie Lonon is rit'ili..'.' 7;.; A number attended "a singing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Ross Sunday afternoon. l$M Mrs. Delia Burgin has been on the sick list for some time . ; Powell. Walker o v Fairview; was here on business the last of the week. Miss Perhie Ross spehtH Sunda; night vwith Miss Blanche Extine. Mry;4nd Mrs. G. G.- Morgan of Haw Brancvisited relatives on the. ereelc Satuxdey and Sunday. ,, , James Lavender made " a business trip to Hickory last Monday, v Mrs. Ora White of Old Fort is visiting relatives here. V , CURFEW , Old -Fort, rStarRottteFe Clinchfield spent the week-end With their; parents here. , Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Reel and child ren visited J. F;: Turner on Crooked Creek Sunday. v .' jy M. A. Parker made a business trip to Marion last Friday. . A.- C. Morgan has been right sick for the past few days. Miss Reba Noblitt, who is attend ing v school in- Marion, visited her mother, Mrs. G. G. Morgan, the latter. part of the week Mr. and Mrs. J Mr. and Mrs. John Reel visited the h , lf Ti latcer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. TJ Lail, in Marion last week. THOMPSON'S FORK. - Nebo, Feb. 13, Mrs. Mattie .Tate visited relatives in Nebo last week, James Bowman, made a business trip to Marion v last Friday. Mrs.1 Celia Craig is on the sick list. Miss Laura Bowman visited her sister, Mrs. Carl McNeely, Saturday and Sunday. y ' 3 . Carl McNeely and sister, Jessie CoeVere shopping in Marion last Saturday. :. Miss Pearl Gibbs visited her uncle, j dlark ; Janes, in "Nebo ; last; Sunday.;! . S. C. McNeely and Ivy Gibbs were in Marion on business last Monday. FEDERAL EXPERTS HERE; : MONDAY AND TUESDAY Both an Internal. Revenue - Agent and a United States .Deputy Collect-, or will he at the Merchants and Far mers 'Bank in Marion next Monday and Tuesday, February 20 and 21; to assist taxpayers in making" -out their individual income , tax returns as well as corporation income tax re turns. The taxpayers of 'Marion and McDowell are urged f to take advahfer age of this opportunity to get assist ance in making ;their; returns, as' the date indicated will be the only: one at this place; otherwise you t may not be able to get such help; if nededlii $ y These returns must be in the . office of th6 Collector by; March ;15tK.-;- y WEATHER REPORT. Thos. McGulre; IdeaX government weather bureau obseerporittho temperature and " rainfall ; at Marion fbr:the ' week as :i oUowsJf ; Maximuni,; ; degrees; ;";minimum, 25 s degrees; lain;1 1.70 inches;: suri- shinej per ' fejent,. .57. " - ' - - ..:t-'. A.;-. v.. ..-.. NEWS ITEMS FROr.I OVER THE STATE Items Conccrnmc Events cf In 1 .terest And , I m p o rtanco TnrbugHout the State. A heavy snowfall' at BlowingiRock : , the first of; last week left' an aver- -age depth of nearly Jtwo feet, and, in ; some places it was banked fifteen x feetleep, according to reports from Inoir.i-tt:txi yHt-.'y y-r-y -: TheVcontract ; for the ".erection of the Baptist chbspital ; at;, Wihstoh-Sa- j lem hasien iwe Jones Cohstructiccompahy Char-S lotte,; the h price; cbeing $133,690., Work:istO;be:at"once;and itas to,: , be completed within'a :year;:H The annual convention of the Dis- : trict J of v AshevnieEpwcopal ; church :. wiUIaJin:J 2hdt7pf'm then Grace . church. Approximately " 160 delegates are" expected to" attend the sessions. T -V yKKiS' f -' MASHBU RN-TAVLOitS$ r The, . wedding, of Missllf aeline" J Sandlin Masburn and MlRobtiyHart Taylor, o ;Vilson Which " occurred Wednesday ! eyehing ' at 6 o'clock in:OId Fort at the home of the ;bndes ; parents, Mr. "and Mrs e f Mashburn, will be of mter-tomaien and McDowell ; county. ' . The wedding was I simple in its airangements, . but r imusuallyf attractive; t Easter lillies and Jsuth mi from the reception hall to the-; draw-; ing room, with tulle streamers pend ant froxn the bouquets . of i lilies. ; An . altar f spruce and; nustletoe - f ormed;V an' ar under -whichs the ceremony Waj&rd iSiZIBride oflthePresbyterian'i rwasprfgranY playedj byMiss vMurrayfjOfnswn-iK Salem. x Shft hlride ' was?:att ended .by ; her .small ; cousin: Miss f Kannie Sue Sandlin, who JwbrJpreijyJ' frock of palelf pinliffbnl asdIabeCancar ried" 6seg Mr. Chester Taylor, of Birmingham, Ala.; brother) of the ridegroom . was best man, -?The bride iwas given in marriage by her- father. Shwrore & a' handsome suit 7 of Poiret ' twill, her smart hat being of the same shade of darlc f bluel'v; s SheJWre aorsagebbu-3; quet of lilies of the valley, sweet M peas and orchids- She wore also ia .-.' bar pin .of diamonds the gift of the bridegroom. ;. iC J SiK" S After the ceremony, which, ; was 'i witnessed by. a few close friend "and J relatives, a buffet; supper was '"serv- y ed. -Mr. and Mrsf Taylor : left; later in the evening for trisheville and are at the Battery Park hdtel ." " v - The bride-is a' graduate jof Mered ith college; and is : an; accomplished . musician, her ilent;intMs direct bein;well.toown in :the:.state.;;;; Mr. : Taylor is a. Member of ; Ithe ; Taylor : Construction company, . of Wilson- viUe, .Ma.,: and has. unoler his super- vision' thbnerete wbrkhthev OldS; Fort Imktfif ei;Ceng When the; latter ; contract; is complet- ' ed, ; Mr. "and Mrsl Taylor ; "be at hbminilsohvpife IRbGlUWFdltJjW MUEFlND ; IlIGHi A union tmeeting be held: at ; &ef Firsti; Methodist church ; Sunday 1 night in ; the l interest; of - the Jewish y Relief camp pro- gram has been prepared: ; v- - !HrstspeakerMritR EmmeCbriditibns econd speaker, Mr. ; W. ' Win- v "Famine Conditions in Rus- sia."x-: ;-;,;; . n.;;--.;.-' . Third spesJcerMr. s : R IChami; ' bers," "Depressed. Conditions .of. t the ewsVin; Russia,'&;2 Wv& l:y. ' FtohJeaj- 'Marion's Obligation to the Jews." , 7-p -JPatrio tic! Program at Nebo. ''f--- The v annual patriotic program, by -yj the f if th, sixth and seventh grades of r Nebq fHighi School will be given at 1 ' the;' high ..school auditorium at Nebo'. next Friday night, ' Feb. l7;-; at 8 o'clock. r;- -,- ; ' ;"- ::y'fy?yy:v!0-K:..' ."" . 'y -': .. .:; X v :5 ' : y'y' " 1 r-- i -