- - - - 7 . ------ - . - - - : - - - -, -V ' - - ' . . - - - - '- - - . - ' ' " - . - - - - -' . , - - ' - 5 " . a ' - J" . -.-. . y' i A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOEtE OIv Md5PWEU- IESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1922 VOL. XXVI NO. 32 t) 0 ii UTEMS OF INTEREST " . - FROM THE COUNTY 3rxef Mention of Some of , the f. :Hftpraisvin' McDowell ' Items About Home People. MXriON mill Marion, March. ; 27. The revival .faceting at s East Marion Baptist xrorch closed . Sunday night. The lator,r Rev. fMr. t Caldwell, preached v:eiry strong sermons each night.. The v singing was in charge of A. C. White TOT of: Hickory. His-leadership ad- :.;ed greatly to the services.. Several TB,to be baptize'd in. the near future 'a;-result-of the. meeting. lan Toney : and Miss Lula Suttles married at Ithe Methodist parr soilage Monday night, Rev. ' ? DJ' A. Xwis officiating. ' Only, a feW friends "WjEre present. We- wish for them a 'STeatf future. - v Jlrs.v W. J. Rogers, who has been ' Hi it or s6me time is improving. ;53ora;Mr,;ian'd;Mrs;-L, W. Dixon, llarch 26j a.son. , " VMrs. . C. C' Fisher is recovering "&oni aii illness of a few days. Oafiraay njgiit, March 18, the Pirni-Teacliers -Association of East Uarion school gave a play, "A-singing School oiYelOlden. Time." This "play was-gotten up and prompted by TIfs. Arthur M-r!17 Tho TOir?om was aecoracea "twenty-one characters' and each char acter dressed to represent th early v, , sang the old fa, so, la system. The f fvnd relatives here the latter entertainment was full of.fun frompaof wee' . 1 lirtms-.'-, ,.--- Chas. Burgin was called to jwjrxi v r?j --ucii. nice sum s realized which; the, Parent-Teach- joytm it very nrach. A nice sum Association rill us fbrthe Jwenefit of. the schools NEHO. f: tf Tsitrt wfcrt fa Ai,;no. of mir,,;0y - - - y ... - - apnt tfte weeK-end with homef oiks nei , rliss Matti Snines of Asheville - ------ -- r- 2BTJnt vesrterdav with nrfmfolks here. ' - - - ; oon B has iretarr;ea to: he? homej after spending some time with her son here. Ralph Tate,-who is teaching near d Fort, spent the week-end here, Old ' J. F. Snipes of Marion was a visit- r here Yesterday. , Misses Sue Tate and Thessa Jimer- son spent the week-end with relatives .-4. ai uiuucii vyiwjr. "W. . CI. Janes made a business trip -to Marion one day last week. Miss Sudie Alexander of Marionjto Forest City last week. spent the week-end with homef oiks Here.' - ' Fonze Tinley spent yesterday in FrebTXentz and R. F. Barnes of TTTdrt wptp visi'tnrs at thp. home of i.-.....ir. -uvxge cnm j "Born, to Mr. and Mrs. ,N. A.' TVoody, March 17,' a son. Born, to Mr. and Mrs.. G. A. Sim xnonSj March 18, a son. "There-will be "services, at the Meth odist church next Sunday, at 11 ar m. and 7:30 p. m. The morning "ser ice will be conducted by the pastor ndthf evening service by Evanger listg. Y. Williams, who will spend ten days heffe in evangelistic services. Services will be, held daily through- oTit the week at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. r" 1 he - xarenv-xeciicA rtwvw""" e'nst the presence of the public at tlie 'Sign 'School auditorium on Sat urday evening at 8 o'clock. Come, liring your friends, there will be jflenty fun-and p No charges if or admission- " v THe debating teams from Old Fort and Glenwood met he rian interesting contest. Tho af firmative from Old" Fort, was repre fited bv William Treverton and CaS- vie -Burgin. z The negative from Glen - W bv Ora Bright and Celia Haney. '0 'i ?Thedecision was rendered in favor "'vf the affirThative. . mhe $Jebo -basketball team defeated " S KJthcr Glenwo Jteam on the , Marion court last- Friday.' The game was o ; The iNebo boys will nter the contest oni County 1 Commencement iy. . The patrons of the school have had a satisfactory lighting rplant' installed in the school building. It has re sulted in a remarkable transforma tion in the looks of the building. OLD IbRT 4 Old Fort, March 27. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Lunsford tf Marion were visit ors here Sunday. Miss Louise Burgin of Marion spent the week-end with Miss Eliza beth Biddix. Mr. arid Mrs. Winfield Keeter and Mr. Eugene Keeter of Marion were visitors here Sunday. . The Piedmont Evening Star Festi val -closed its second annual concert series in Old Fort Jast Saturday eve ning. All the programs were of ' a very high order and were most skill fully and artistically rendered. The people of Old Fort and surroun.ding wraraunii .win pe graunea zo Know that they are assured of a similar prouucuon in xo as zne requireai number of citizens have already sign-! e up with the Piedmont Bureau for the coming year. Mrs. W W. Lefevre gave a birth- i day party Saturday afternoon in hon-( or of her daughter, Edith Graham, who celebrated her ninth birthday. There were forjy little folks present. After several games were played re freshments were served. The dining . 1 a in beautiful Easter flowers. Miss Mae Giles of Marion and Miss 'Mayme Druy of Morganton visited , - of he lr ?C erand!.n' " 0 . :' , , ?VM.;,MclDtOSh SPCnt Thurs"i , day in Asheville. J. DYSARTSVILEE - IrtsajJIarxOsa nef Taylor died"at her home on Tues- rlv M 5-rrh .vist: 5srto nnii hon on ,-.-.7- ""Tr,. I- Z " VV c1T Tt3. "C1 fnpnrfft Will rv crnirn r loafn nf W - rT ' " ueawi. urs. xayior was 00 years iy ol. . . .oia. oneia survivea Dy two sons, two daughters and a host of grand- children and many friends. F rtco a?iV ufY-, f Morinn .spent Saturday and Sunday with j homef oiks Mere. - Misses WOlie Jarrett and Etta Wal- ;ker and Mr. Cronje Laughridge were visitors at Rutherford hospital Sun- day. J i T.yr 1 t tt t , , 1 irir. aim mis. x. xi. Liauuriuge were visitors here Sunday. I J. P. Walker made a business trip; ; Miss Annie Spratt spent Friday and Saturday in Marion. ; Mrs. Henry Mangum has been right ill for some time. Miss Etta Walker and Jennie Lee T.fliiffhnH(rp wptp in Msn'nn FriHav I"T" 7" w vw , , 1am WeddinP' whieh was sirrmlv errand. J. L. Laughridge and family of Ma- -a-.j i.xi 1 0 1 ron ;-' 3UJ- in a very JS L . gtball last Wednesday Dysartsvule lost to tne vnncmieia mgn ocnooi is Iq 26. pected to be present on this occasion. El- E. Roper made a business trip The spelling contest; also the con to Marion last Fridav. Itests in declamation and recitation, a , 1 - r' - B m -w w - I Mrs; Mattie Jaquins was shopping in Marion one day last week. ' Miss Birdie Laughridge and little Ray Daves of Marion spent the week- end Tiere. Miss Rebecca Laughridge is spend ing some time with relatives in Ma rion. HARMONY GROVE Harmony Grove, March 27. Mrs. Tom Cuthbertson visited relatives in Drexel last week, ,Rev. J..SJ Pyatt made a business trip to, Marion one day last week. Miss Gladys Pyatt visited relatives on South ' Creek Tuesday. Fermon1 Pyaltt was in Marion Sat urdayiOfi .business. ls.vD..C.' "Anderson is visiting her sister at Gilkey. '; Mr andMrs. Tate Lewis were in Nebo ojlgC daylast week. , 'Mrs .AT Bowman was in Marion Tuesday. (Continued on page four) ' PtANS COMPLETED FOR COUNTY COMMENCEMENT Program Announced for Com mencement to Be Held m Marion Saturday, April 8. v The. plans for County Commence- frnent to be held Saturday, April 8th; have been completed. From the re ports and . inquiries coming to, the of fice of the County Superintendent of Schools great interest is being taken in this educational rally. The con tests are being keenly fought and a program of a very high order is promised on commencement day. The formal exercises will begin on Saturday." morning .at 10 ;30. o'clock,, when the school children, teachers, I committeemen and others will aSr wW e on upper Main street parellel with the Baptist church, led by the gchools are expected to Nimble and marcn in the parade .R the fol. lowing order. MarionHigh School, Qld Fort High School clinchfield School Nebo High School', Glenwood ffih School Marion Mffl Crosg MU1 Greenlee gtroudtown, Garden City, Dysartsville ciinchcross, Hankins, Chapel Hill, Sugar Hill, Fairview, Siloam, Cedar Cove, Ashf or d, Mace donia, Oakdale, Bethlehem and others which will be placed in order by Pa rade Manager H. M. Roland.- AlLiw schools that expect to be in the pa rade are requested to assemble at the place mentioned and take their place J in v a tqio a 0 rr,iA f Vikw Kv f l,4" parade manager. Flags will be fur- AAA VA MAVU V M. A J , nisnea nom ine omce 01 me vouniy 'Superintendent of Schools and every .nished from the office of the County teacher is expected to appoint tne county ; Superintendent at 10 o'clock, with an .order f rOm the teacher for vliSS;? w-n rr,, rffttim Mir, ' .. . . - . . to tfte court Aoe sra nd i assemble in order and stanrf at at - . .... . Mention until dismissed by the parade ! manager. The address of the occasion will be by Dr. E. C Brooks State Superin tendent of Public Instruction, and YFJ' CO?? J j:3 Following : the address of Dr. j ! ?ro2,ks e a hrt fpeech by Hon. ! a"a&ns in acnooia 01 clTowe11 .? ollowin r;' nuuKUls W1" ue the winners in the various contests and the award of prizes and medals. At two o'clock the athletic contest . . .. . . wlil taKe place. iwo games ot hask-iment , etDali are scheduled, and other con- tests, as already announced. Mr. John A- Poteat, Principal of Clinch- field High School, is manager of the ... .. 6 ..... ' , .f. ' . i ;atnletic activities, and will be in charge of this part of the program. The debating contest will toke , , - . ... Pace weanesaay evening, April txn, at the court house, when the winnino-' teams in the preliminary contest will be nitted against each .other. This ! tK. . f th. ' urerttae carts of the commencement : tejtmg parts of the commencement ' -w m-m m m-u I I I I l r u ?m a V I w X V K w w111 take Place at the court house on rnaay evening, npru w, w o o ciock. mucn imere is oemg xak- en m rnis parx 01 ine program, wnicn promises to De 01 a very nign oraer. Teachers are expected to have on display all exhibits not later than 12 o'clock Friday, the. 7th. The judges in this contest are expected -to in- spect the exhibits and make their de cision on Friday afternoon. The inspection of the improve ments of school buildings and grounds will begin Tuesday, A.pril 4th. The winners in these contests will be announced on commencement day. In the composition contest, the subject of which is "The Past and Future of McDowell County," all pa pers" are expected to be in tne office of the County. Superintendent of Schools by Monday, , April 3rd. The papers in this contest are expected to be not more than one. thousand .words in length, written on composition pa per and signed" by the name of the contestant. " .' ' . ' ' . ; ' ' ' ' . ..Among the prizes to be given are prizes for the largest number of Chil dren in the Darade . based- -, on - the- school census. Teachersare expect ed to pertify to . the office of County Superintendent the number of child ren in the parade and the school cen sus.' This will, be verified by the records in the office and the wjriners announced as a part , of the Com mencement Day program. r This occasion, promises to , bje theJ greatest educational event "ever, held in McDowell county. - A large, crowd is expected to be present ;The town authorities have promised every; regu lation and precaution with reference to traffic uf the protection of child ren andvsators. The "business men and .citizeris of Marion- are lending! every co-operation to jcnake the day; a success and a genuine pleasure to" all who attend the day's activities. ' PRESBYTERIANS TO ERECT HANDSOME MODERN. CHURCH The Presbyterians of Marion e.x- yj TT pect to let a contract abopt the .mid - 1 die of April for the construction of a modern and up-to-date house of, wor ship. The building will be of either buft or grayr brick, trimmed in Bed ford stone. " The, architecture pro vides for a building in temple style. According to the plans the building -e one 9 ne mo handsonte chiirchifedifices in North Carolina. The iiyrior arrangement provides a maiiCicetit auditorium of seven hundf ed adult capacity. There will be twenty class-rooms, pastor s study, - .""" - 0 , ,V1' v. las been made for .u- e. t,t rm.At.the time, of his death-Mr. CVVells ; ....,1 -j x . . . ..... ... -. advantage, xne. , ouHOing; ,wui DO' TT -2 -4 i - - . .. . v : ; " . . . ;He wasWeU And avoTahlv'. knrtwh- - iAwmW rx5 .1; Tr, i'0"1 the very beat mture. The location wiIRbe' on the An- i ivyr- desirable in Marion. ... . Fr some time the Presbyterian . folks" have been planning this new house of worship. It is said that a financial schem W been perfected wiU make it possible f or the church to be compieted and the debt taken care of without . any serious hardship on tjie folks. The Presby terians are to be congratulated upon . ' " takmer this move, which will mean ch toward the spiritual develop- and moral URlift of this entire section SCHOOL CLOSINGS. . . ; 0, . . Chapel Hill, Stroudtown, Greenlee and Garden City schools closed last j ...... t- i !",a. r:l'lrmml. iprosrram xor its unai exercises. ... . . The . program at Garden City con- f 1 .1 . Jl Mil 1 v slsted or a piay ana reaaings. J-ne-j .... j J -L 1. 5 I , way the children rendered their parts f reflected much credit to the teachers. The readings were especially good, I hear1ittle folks do'so weU do parents' hearts good. The program at Greenlee was of a miscellaneous nature, consisting of songs, drills, readings and a" -short play. The way the children rendered their parts was very creditable. The Rose Drill, 'with the little girls in their paper costumes, was very beautiful and spectacular. After, the1 program Supt. -N. F. Steppe made a short talk on better schools.' The building at Stroudtown was crowded : to. its full capacity by .pa rents and friends -who came to; see and hear thecildert to the closing exercises, f which were indeed ! splen did. The " cantata, "Mother Goose's Goslings" was worthy . of special mentioii. The little folks were quite prettylih- their costumes, and render ed their parts well. VThe program at Chapel Hill , was of a miscellaneous nature tod. ' The Lchildren showed the splendid training of their teachers, by the way they rendered their parts. . Regular services at' - the Sevier Presbyterian church next Monday night, April 3rd.' ; - . - H - NEWS ITEMS FROM ;' .1' I terns iCoernMgtentSiof In : " terest anS'tl ffiport;i;n': co Throughout the State. National; Republica Chairman John" T. Adams, Secretaryrbeorge B. -; Lockwood, Charles. Houston; "assistant secretary ; of omTnercearidxln Revenue i Commissioner ' Daid -V H. r . Blair ' habenined, fto speak-Jo theT RepubtfcanstaH;con it meets iniVinstohaleMpnl ll2r K The- grand lodge of North Caro- : ; lina Odd Fellows will? hlItnnnal convention at "Winston-Salem - on ilay" ; , v 16-18, with the: opening session ton . . vening at 4: o'cloJjkTudaytUafter- 3 noon. - Avpaaao wiuvoe;neia-on ; tne. second dayfpUoidnwj Baxter F. CycIoneMack) McLendon . ' will deliver fraternal, addressi . A' committee composed of Repre sentatives of the state" university,- N. C. state oollege and C. College for Women, at Greensboro, wniubeap ' :: t - . . .1.1, ; --r, ZJm -:-:-' - -- son to. discuss waysl and nans Tbf ,V . I consolidating- theses tiuej instHutions into one latge .school, ! to be .known " - :; ! - the .University ; ofr North Carolu- " . ; Under the jnoposefo :'' ;t: execunve, eachiristituton ;.wouid'sre r.-'::- main at its . present location, Vbu t: V yould be unordnsolfion: man-' J U J STL Gld Fort, davs?av-ftersfeorill njf - y8y s.rMWft .the tima. of his deatb. Mr. WeUs was 75 years of age, but' even in ius advanced vears.hevwas verv activei-, ; . mmmfm -Is--j "ilv-ky ford county, where interment v-.wr. fw- mana at f :nnn.H Ho-nfi.r .Knvnh n.w w . - .m i: w tails wss .0 nnTiWi'rt'rAr KmnmrkW ofM Rutherford CO"nf : Heed- :f : "and elve den OLD FORT WINS IN THE , TRIANGULAR DEBATE Beth the affirmative, and the nega- tive teams of Old Fort won .Monday',, night in the state-wide triangular de- t t 1 . -ii j - .rwrt " , "meuo aiiu Vienwooa. . nis; K"? . vlJr """ f1 participate in the final debate which i j takes place at Chapel Hill on f April 6 f and 7. : The affirmative was represented atv !at Nebo by Miss Cassie Burgin and wajjam--. Treverton4 The Negative ; "predated t;GlenwqodMI Sallie Epley and Miss Estelle - Laven-' der. - -V.-V'-V-;-" FULL TIME SECRETARY , . V ; FOR TEACHERS ASSEMBLY RaleigH, Mar. 25.e executive -committee of the ': -North Carolina ? teachers assembly today elected E. G. Coltrane, jsuperintendent of. : the r Roanoke Rapids' schools as full .time secretary ' and v cHoso ; . Raleigh v and . Thanksgiving as the place and; date T for the next annualmeeting r ' Mr:Coltrane,. who. succeeds T. Allan, who has f been serving without pay as secretary of tiie ; teachers as- 1 sembly, will assume his duties July 1 . His- salary will be four thousand dol- "r lars the year. , : ;'-vT. :'. x V- '. MRS. SALLIE NICHOLS DEADw X I Mv l4oiseof p. Nichc3s;fOld : ForiiedvonMari , 21st at the home of : her son ' near -Clinchfield Interment was made at (nooC deabpf ;Mrs Nidh- f ols brings sorrow to her manyr frihds and relatives throughout this section She is survived by . one son, Paul, and one daughterVMrs. . O." vV. .Hensbn. , r The closing exercises of the Han- , kins school will be given at the school. house -on Thursday nighV April 6. ' The progrn wMf recitations, a plays, etc;'; Everybody, cordially imvited. Admission f reei i . -. V v- V

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