'.T.-' " ""' '"- ' Hi nt ' " ' " . r , '.." . 1.. "."f' 1 .J. ' ' " ' ' , ' - - - " c? ,: A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE' OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1922 VOL; XXVI -NO. 33 1 v. ) CODpY COMMENCE . MENT NET SATURDAY Lfirge Crowd Expected Slate Superintendent Brooks to Deliver Address. - - : Prom 'reports ; coming to the office . of; the County Superintetident of Schools indications are that there williifhs were approved by the board and be6ne,of-the largest crowds here for ttocr; countyomrnencement exercises nxt..-tlirday'tiat)as.evier assem "blcd . ; in .Marion. School children - from all sections will be present to march in the " parade. ITie largest line -f. school .children evr seen in the cotxntyv will anarch- down Main street at 10:30 a. in., provided Saur--day is ar'f airtday. In case the weath er. should be unfavorable the speak A ing program will be given and otter 'parts 6F the exercises held without change. . ' The formal exercises will begin at 10:30 a; m., .when school-children as- X semble on upper Main street, form in line and march, under the direction of H. M, Roland, parade manager. At 11:30 tne people will assemble at the court house and Dr. E. C. Brooks1, estate superintendent of Public In- struction, will deliver the address of the occasion: Immediately, follow- ing the address by Dr. Brooks the an - Tioaanccment of the winners in the va - rious contests will-bemade and prfzes delivered to, the winning schools and pupilj who haYe won in the different contests. At 2 p.- m. the athletic contests will begin. A basketball game Jtetweeif the winning teams of the county and a game between Ma- rion anrf ' OlrT Port TTich shool5 wiir 1 given. ' This promises to be one of ing in the county new comfortable Mr. and Mrs.; J. L. Laughridge, ! Webb Walker, which occurred on" ..5- . ??f the chief-features Of the. day and the patent desks. jMrs. J. S. Cowai and daughter, liss Aarch 27th at the home'of his daugh- sipn jliss 0?epnle contest wiD be, "keenly fought. After PLan, for COUTltv summer chool Ruth, of Marion were pleasant visit- ter, Mrs. J. S. Condrey, at Alexander, ia r as .secrf ta -Jtg'L vt&Z thhSskethall. eamesracin jnmpiiig -contests will be held. , Mr. JohnPAi Poteat.-DriltciDal Of Clmcb- fildehoolt-winbe manager and di- rector; of the athletic exercises. -PracticaUy every school commit- ieeman in the county is expected to be on. hand. Citizens and frineds of education jfrom all.-sections -have in- dicated their intentions of attending these educational activities. : ESCAPED CONVICT JAILED - AFTER SHOOTING OFFICER V, . . . , Considerable sensation was created Itmone To8 arLf CrTes Hna tempting to arrest Charles Helton, a Se T3 vict frdm; the State prison, shot and seriously wounded Deputy ; Sheriff Biggerstaff the ClmchfieM section. - Biggerstaff and other offi- cers went to Helton's hiding place - . .... . for, the purpose of placing him under arrest. It is said that Helton made a break when he realized that the of- ficers wpre close at hand, that he ran a short" distance, then turned and lifted a shotgun to his shoulder, fir- ing directly at the officers, the dis- charge taking effect in the breast of Biesrerstaff. The officers fired on Helton as he fled but he succeeded in nia&ing-nis escape. Sheriff 'Nichols received mforma- u Pridav that Helton was. in iaU in Tennessee and proceeded to the Tennessee town, to get his prisoner. Helton was brought to Marion Satur- dayand placed in the McDowell county jail. 1 Helton was arrested in this neigh V Vrborhood some time ago and placed ill jail but succeeded in making his ; v escape. t It Js. said he bears a wuta- tfon.Of a jau breaJcer ana aesperaao Biggerstaff while .vms serious con ditiont Js expected to recover. At " f irstf his if e was. despaired of but the 1 latest reports are more favorable for , his recovery. irEA'CHERS EXAMINATION NEXT TUESDAY, APRIL 11 The "regular State examination for V teachers' certificates wiH be conduct ; . : ' - .gd in; the'office of the County Super jntendent of schools on next Tuesday S" -and Wednesday. This test is given ; W jfor all grades of . 'certificates and o teachers .who desire 'to take examina--U Cv-tion should be on hand ready for BOARD OF EDUCATION IN REGULAR SESSION The County Board v of Education was in regular session in its office in the court house last Monday attend ing to the usual routine of business and hearing'Various petitions and re quests from various sections of the county. Two petitions for bond elec- electionsare expected to be held at no distant date A school bpilding was ordered to be built in the 6d Carlyle district at the earliest possible date. The buftding . will be one of the best in the county and will be built along strictly .mod ern lines. Plans have been adopted for the building and the contractor is expected to begin the work at once. The board decided to make a sur vey and inspection of the school pro perty of the county for the purpose of determining the nhysical condition 0f school wfildings anoT making an'number of years. She was always estimate of what will be needed dur-1 ready when help was "flfceded. She ing the coming year along the lines of repairs and furnishings. More has been done during the past year in the away of repairs and furnishings than has ever been done in any pre-'J. vious Vear. A larsre number of build- ings have been completed, new roofs ; put and several hundred patent desks have been installed. The : Board of Education hopes to put -every building in the county in first class shape during the coming months. There are only a - small J number of schools in the county not eduipped with patent desks at this time, and k is thought there will be no difficulty in completing the pro- r ninn. ;n kmj .tt - expcctca" that arrangtfnrits will be a - 4.1. ui oi,,, rA ljj able to attend summer school at a very nominal cost Teachers a business trip to Bridgewater last ' above the elementary grades do not week. ' ! attend county summer schools, but Miss Etta Walker and brothers, state4summer schools The Board of Arthur and Erastus, and Mr. Cronje Education does not think it necessary and Joe Laughridge visited the Ruth - .for any school in the, county to be'erford hospital Sunday. - J taught by a teacher holding a second W. H. TayloV, Duck Walker and grade certificate. Considering the John Daves made a business trip to demand in the way of qualifications Marion Monday.. on the nart of teachers it is thought J- P- Walker Visited his wife at tie A t Rutherford hospital last-week. XsSlf Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mangunl were r , . M(1 Mowlav sTX SZSfig "nade a business Uip in. view the boarwill in- to, Marion Monday. ' It.VJSI lnm t.o Mr. and Mrs. James An- the staW and county summer schools;. t t i nu unit 1 ri y 1 1 iim v iiim v irirrMivM 7 - :r -7 tneir emciency Dy more training in the summer schools. STATE SUNDAY SCHOpL CONVENTION APRIL 11 ' M.r. D. W. Sims, chairman program committee, requests this paper to state that the opening' session of tta Qtt Sundav School convention will be nejd at 3 o'clock Tuesday after - noon, April 11, in fhe Second Presby- terian ehurch, Charlotte. There will be two general sessions on Tuesday afternoon and night. ihe program committee is sending out this week twelve thousand pro- grams pf the convention to the pas- tors, Sunday school leaders and su - perintenofents of tjie State. - 0 t ' he program is arrangea ior two general sessions also on the two fol-j- 1 - J -V xl Cl- lowing uays. jn me tu.teixiuuiia uij, April 12 and 13 there will be four simultaneous conferences ior worKers in the children's, young people's, adults' and administrative divisions. It is expected that these sectional conferences will be the ntbstfhelpf 1 and practical sessions of the conven tion. . '" ' One outstanding feature- of the program for the opening day will be the supper-conference and get-together meeting for county and town ship Sunday school association offi- cers. In the 53 organized counties in the State there are more than five hundred county Sunday school offi A large -number of these willfand delightful punch and sandwich cers. be in attendance at the convention. ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM TfrE COUNTY Brief Mention of Some of the Happenings in McDowell Items About Home People. DYSARTSVILLE Dysartsville, . -April 4t The news of Mrs. C. F. Kirksey's death, at the Grace hospital in Morganton, brought sorrow to her many friend and re latives throughout the county. ; ,The funeral service was conducted hy Rev. Pickens, of Morganton, Tuesday afternoon and irfterment vwas made at the Trinity cemetery. Mrs. Kirk sey was the daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. J. B. Landis. She has made hter home in Morganton ever sinc her marriage, -riearly fourteen years ago. Mrs. Kirksey was nearing her thirty fifth birthday. ' She has been a mem ber of the Methodist church for a !will not only be missed by her friends and relatives but she will be missed 'in the church and Sunday school. She is survived by her mother, Mrs. B. Landis and several brothers and!. sisters. Mrs. T. E. Satterwhite. Mrs. jc. E. Cowan, John, Ben and Bratcher ' Landis of Dysartsville, Mrs. J. L. I Laughridge, Mrs. J. K Cowan, W. E. Landis of Marion, and Mrs. Robert Daves of Glen Alpine. J ' Mrs. Mattie Jaquins was in Marion 1 Monday. A number of people from this place attended a singing at J. M. Walker's of Laurel Hill Saturday evening and reported some fine singing and a nice ;-,rA nr v 4Av. t w rivSMdar ' ' ; ,,- :r David andJCropje Laughridge, and Zeo nvM of . Marion gDent Saturday nicht and Sundav with relatives here. John and Alfred Laughridge made , derson, March 29th, a daughter. ! rs T,h' h- xwv h mc.aa&axaw'w - . ; na uip uianin "w. Miss Alice Manerum of Marion spent the week-end with homofnlks horo Jake Walker of Ninety-Six, S. C, spent the week-end here. Mrs. Henry Mangum is on the sick '-"'- list. rs Clyde Duvall has returned 1 1 D v,Q ' sister Mrs. McKinley Hutchiris, at Spindale. J I i Jim Spratt made business trip to at iwdav. - ' I The boys here enjoyed a game of basketball with the Marion boys Monday afternoon. The score was 30 to 24 infavor of Marion, ' R. E. Roper moved-to Marioh this jweek - . ' , ' V OLD FORT ' Old Fort, April 5- Jack apd Fin- ley Fortune of Asheville were in Old ort ounaay. Miss Glell Branham was, n Marion Friday. , . ' A jiumber of young people enjoyed ' a truck ride to Marion Tuesday night, where they attended the? debated J. M. Kanipe-returned from Glen- wood, Saturday. -. Irs. Goswick of - Winston-Salem Spent the week-end with her daugh ter, Miss Alva Goswick. The high school literary society gave a reception Friday afternoon in honor of the Old Fort debaters. A short musical program was rendered course was served by the domestic science classes.- ." - - - 7 Clarence Mauney was in Marion last Friday. - Mrs. K, C. Sawyer, who has been visiting her parents in Black "Moun tain, has returned home. , Roger Kahipe, who has been visit ing relatives in. Glenwood," returned Friday to Old Fort. I u liss K. Bailey and Miss F. Bruton were in- Marion Monday afternoon. j Miss Mary Greenlee. County Wei- fare officer,-was in Old Fort one dayiCommencenent erdsTTie 'Glen- last week. - - ',r -: - Our debaters leaveWednesdayOr-Viye 'side of the question, :hich;k,was-.. J ! ; -Chapel HilLto participate in the final j "That the nitedtate triariciilar Hhatp. Those poinp. Are T.Aamia rt-P'T'NTfilArio rVir-TKl rl -Wnr. 't- "r- '1C- Misses Cassie Burgin, Same Epley; Estelle Lavender and Mr. Wnt Tre vertoii. ' TChey will be chaperoned by Miss Ethel :Jsliller. , o o 7 o , , Paul Ditmore of Ann "Arbor arnv- ed Monday to visit his cousin, Mrs. G. W. Sandlin. J. tV. Kennedy has recently sold his house and lot to C. A. Snyder. Mr. Snyder will soon remove his family to Old Fort. Deputy Sheriff D. Y. Grant on March 31st destroyed one of the larg- , . tw1o located near the Miller place in Broad 'part of . the audience. Tttirfspech River township. Thrtollpwing equip-jes were well prepared anHe ment was also taken with the still: led:thei? arguments, not 7- as school - v Seventeen fermenters of beer, six -girls, butmore like veteraielti bushels of meal, 750 pounds of sugar! The decision of thedges i v and Ciif? gallons of liquon Mr. sealed and will nothe opened pbr an-; -Grant otso destroyed, small outfit nouriced , until Commencement Day , near Buck Falls on April 3. ! on Saturday. . JMu . . : evidence s.tQ whom-would iiiven LAUREL HILL the decision.' Both sides: were higMy ," - Nebo, Rt. , April 3. Word has hSi':G: MralfcelfBEi moved from this comntonitr where- he ha snent the Preater tiortfon of his life and wa well :andrfavorablv known by everybody. He was a Con- federate veteran, and was nearing his 8 ist Birthday; but notwithstanding bis advanced age he. had been very active up to a short time before his death. He is survived by three children--Mrs. H. B. . Brackett of Forest City, Mrs. J. S. CondrVy of Alexander, and J. D. Walker of this - place, all of whom were present at the time of Jus death. He had for a number of years been an active ,em. ber of the Baptist church and was ai- wav? honest and nnrio-ht in all his 3o5? 2 bring sadness to his many friends both here and elsewhere. , L..H. Whitener, J. M. Walker arid . , v. wprp Vlf,?rt,ss viai4nra - - v v Mnndv . . j Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Condrey of AlpYanHpr Ssnpnt. 't.Yte wppV-pti with relatives here. . Mrs.. B.-Walker and' Miss Nora McCurry were shopping in Marion Monday. A singing: at the home of J. M. Walkfcr on lat Saturda'y night was oirA hr a itro - ' i CATAWBA VALLEY. 1 A . ,A tuf- L, X? - . Margaret -Goforth ia visiting ffer sis- ' t - Margaret Porter has been tmite ill for tho past few days. David and Azar Griffin of Ridge crest snent the week-end with home- folks here. Wm. Porter of Swannanoa visited his brother here yesterday. John Porter 6f Kingsport Tenri is visiting his fattier, T. A Porter.'. Farmers are getting anxious to begin farm work. . :' t Mr. and Mrs. P. Parker of Green. lee visited ilie former's parents here Saturday and Sunday. T ; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. barker of Ma rion visited their parents here last week. ' The following young people went up Curtis creek last Sunday , on- a pleasure trip: Misses Annie Porter, Hattie Bradley, . Maude Sjlver, Min nie Bradley; Messrs. Chas. "Parker, Wm. Nichols, David Griflin and Ar nold Moody. . , (Continued on last page) HIGH SCHOOL DEBATE 5 HERETUDiAi; NIC5H1 Old Fort and Glenwood Pitted Against, EacnptKer The Old Fort High School and the Glenwood High School were pitted j. ; against each other last Tuesday night ; at the cdurt ' house, in" - the ;finalc de-rt. Kt.. which i a 'rkrt of" the icouritv - wood school renresented : the affirms-4 jf uv. vj iiawviwi . -j .v.-(F school 'debated th. negative ; ; side, v The representatives of the Glenwood J schoo V were Miss Mary Clay and TMiss Lela Marlowe; who acquittedL lAem- selves in most . admirable trjftnnr. Thse young ladies showed: jtery of the sub ject , arid-spoke ;With much ease and freedom. VKieywere 'the recinient of much annlause from the large crowd present. ' t V- The Old Fort school was represent-" : ed by Misses Sallie Epley and -Estelle'j '; Lavender. , These young, ladies were .. ij-.isS, t'i T TF ana mose present ; en-: Jyea ine ueoaie very nxucn. v -;. ' : VfP"vTipw ; MARION pISTItlCTIUEREr'' wnipoL aismct. 6rward jsiep; wnen representauves. appearea .r - - J561? BHm:r - f0 electlon oraem ri?-n school-distron- f !anr-ar buildmg fbrthe community, is,. one 01 tnB larest ms:c J-r-S::-- .county irom tne sap er of children, in--istrano;- -me -time ?eo have f elt - tot -fVfty? ment was .;inadequate.:!vrPlansS,haver.-- -r:-..;.v Jg. The pen approved : ; : v by the Board, of cation,and;th - unty Comxnisrsrderea election to be ; niaOn -May :th: From reports coming froni thisdis- ?: trict t aPPears that the -election , on ; Al 1 J - tne VOIlu 1HSUe unanimous, as tnere seems to ne. no . ,, -. peopi ox vne r community wil1 show their ajprecion of prthe? stand taken by the officials of the great manufacturing, plant , in this ?ommunit by 7.nn shoulderitd- 9lder with them in : thiS great move which means mucH ioir tne peo ple and for the children of the. Ma rion mm -secxion. . - . .. There are .about three r fiunlrod- : chjldreri in tl'lEastMaHoifVdistTlct: , The k&endance - for tlrcC uastr'few " :fla;a ,. mft: jV" the -school has madegreat ess.v With the erection of - a ? strictly rnpd ern building the efficiency of the' school will Jfc greatly ehancedJ The new building visto , be 'a' modern brick fttrtir.tnr! with - ttttmehintm " lilr a - -4-r " class - rooms; alitoriumfbfficeK'and other necessary roomsl It will oe ' furnished witbTUhVlt'; nninfnonJ thsoughout. Asheville was selected as the meet ing "place for the second annual, con vention of the North Carolina1 Chap ter; Disabled American - veterans ; of the World War athe closing session of"'theeehg'inlChaVlptte , opposition wnatever. - ine, autnon- ties of the .null are .snportingthe.v': hnd lssu beartily nd it is expected ; . :: - the next annual convention ,of "the, I North Carolina t Press association ' will 'f.f ' beheld at Shelby July; 6-2 i8 - r "work at 9 a. m. Tuesday, Apm 1 ltn. 1 - r f-r'.: -f - . ; r -y v . . - ; J- JC. -A.

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