r A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY;, T ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. .yTHURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1922 VOL! XXVI NO.; 35 '6 X o 1 . : ; i. - : McDowell democrats HOLD CONVENTION . , .. . . Large Attendance Strong Ticket Selected Delegates - to State Convention. - The Democrats held their county convention on - last- Saturday. Every ; .precinct, in the county was represent . d by' delegates and citizens- interest ed in the business of the convention. Mr. E;,H. Dysart -was called to the chair and elected permanent chair Tnan of the -rieeting. S. E. Whitten and Dr. J. B. Johnson acted as secre taries. Mr Dysart, after making a few remarks, called upon Mr. D. E. Hudgins to 'make the keynote speech. Mr. Hudgins came forward amidst much cheering, and spoke for more than thirty minutes on the record and achievement of the Democratic party in the Nation, State and County. Especial emphasis was laid by Mr. Hudgins bn-the record of the two parties in McDowell. He made re ference to the recent adoption of platform by the Republicans, under taking to show that the platform as -set forth was one of criticism and not one of progress. Speaking' of the democratic policy, Mr. Hudgins stat , ed that the Democratic party stands for progress; that it believes in con - i 1 " " . tt sixucuon ana . nox aesxrucxion. nejuiyde Duval, J. C Goforth, Mrs. W. dwelt at length upon the advance--B. Daves, Miss Mamie Goforth, J. L. ment of roads, schools and other Padgett, Mrs. H. H. Tate, Mrs. T. B. measures effecting the welfare of the Conley, Miss Mary Gordon Greenlee, -people. I Miss Elsie House, Gordon Page, G. S. AffAt- htt. ftdHrs Mr. Kiidnns fc nrHpH with t.h "business of nominating the various officers. J. L. Nichols. M. G. Po- teat and R. Fred Barnes were nomi- . . . nated by acclamation for sheriff, -treasurer and register of deeds re- .SDecthfay. Willlar.JIci-JBurgin draWn-an! he was.npt a candidate for nomination. James L. Laugh- ridge wai then nominated for Clerk ofhe Court. For county commis- Mr. 'Logan. Lackey, present sioners chairman of the board of commis- sioners, anu su. j. VA Ashf orL also a member of the pres- i i n r tr c fni.li.h -F nt board, were nominated to sue ceed themselves. For the third mem- .... - - lpr there were two candidates, Mr. Dei: mete wcic CVY " " ' fAt. T. WiUnn nf Neho. and Mr. Jesse Price, of Dysartsville. The tabulation of the vote gave the nomi- riation to Mr. Wilson. Dr. J. B. Johnson was also nomi- WMM.M.M. ' j j nated by acclamation for coroner, and L A. Haney lor surveyor. For the house of representatives Mr. W. W. Neal, who has been the Representative from McDowell coun- i;y for th past four years, was nomi- nated to go back to the Legislature, t-My- CS: W. Sandlin. of Old rort, to the.convention with a solid aeleatiSn from his home town for -him After the balloting Mr. Sand ' ' lin addressed the convention ana mr"" . rm: He1 P. Steppe spoke on, "What Junior - rnSSrH-S. Done for Our Public the vote was j. unanimous for JVir. indUC Wile Neal. , In the race for Senate D. F. Giles 4 was successful over B. L. Lunsford. Mr. Lunsford, at the conclusion of the voting,' in a few . appropriate words, requested that Mr. Giles' . nomination be made unanimous. The chairman" -appointed D. E. Hudgins, J. W.- Winborne, G. C. Con ley,' Johnson Ledbetter, F. M. Brad ley, B. H. Hennessee, O. F. Adkins, J. E. Nealr D. W. Adams, T. J. Fpr : tune, Mrs. J. Q Gilkey, Mrs. E. H. Dysart, Mrs. J. W. Pless, Mrs. P. D. r Sinclair, Miss Mary M. Greenlee on platform : committee The commit " tee retired and prepared the platform : upon which the democratic candi dates wiU wage the campaign m No vember. The platform was adopted amidst much cheering. It has been : - ; pronounced one of the strongest plat "Ever adopted in McDowell COUhty. An examination will - show that the Democratic "r" Hto ko ahead with its progressive and TZrncWe program jrf building up X the people of McDowell countypro : welfare and handling Tinni i ii v c&.xx - . . . , -, , - - . . ... 1 - i - i. m m m - i i ii . i . - - - economical and businesslike way. The convention was a success in every respect. If there had ever been thoughts of any dissatisfaction j or . any break such were easily dis pelled when the delegates and those attending the convention came to gether and did those things for the best interest of the people, of Mc- Dowell county and of the Democratic party. Everybody went away happy and with the best of feelings. One the week-end here with Misses Mur man, in speaking of what results ray and Bruton. may be expected in the November election, said that the Democratic party will win easily by a majority of not less than seven hundred and fifty. ' Delegates to the State convention were appointed as follows: I. V. Stroud, J. I. Nanney, W. A. B. Garrison, Hicks Morris, J. M. Gib son, L. A. Burgin, Mrs. C. M. Bur gin, Mrs. J. Bradley, Mrs. Sid Mauney, Miss Mary Burgin, Miss Mattie Tate, G. W. Sandlin, F. M. Bradley, T. J, Fortune, D. W. Adams, W. H. Hennessee, Bob Hennessee, Mrs. J. D. Avery, J. E. Wilson, M. L. Good, J. L. Wilson, Mrs. G. W. Con ley, T. T. Wright, A. D. Erwin, J. F. Wilson, Mrs. R. V. McGimpsey, Miss Mamie Stacey, Marion Simmons, Mrs. Addie Cuthbertson, Mrs. John Sig- 'mon, Carson Jarrett, James Upton. I - . . r Kirbv. Jr.. W, W. Neal. B. L. Luns- ! ford. Miss Julia Burton. W. H. Hill. Mrs. John Hogan, W. O. Ledbetter, W. M. Blanton, K. Jd. Neal, D. F. . Giles, C. B. Mitchell, Mrs. G. C. Con- . m . -w T -.t l ley, miss nnrae late, j. in. leiton, Lester Waters, Jesse Price, Frank Witherow, Mrs. C. B. Morgan, W. C. George Rhom, W. C. Rayburn, Fmk Morris, W. C. Wilson, J. D. Wilson, J. M. Snoddy, Mrs. S. L. Copeland, O. F. Adkins, Mrs. P. D. Sinclair, Mrs. W. A. Conley, Mrs. E. P. F6y, Mrs. B. B. Price, Mrs. A. W. Grayson, : l.hiiTl I .rT-Tfn in cr Mrs K H ( nr. ' pening, Augustus Martin, Logan - Tate, Avery Gibbs, Mrs. E. H. Dy- sart, Mrs. D. E. Hudgins, W. W. Guy, r t -r tTi ?i -nil? ivirs. uen iewis, mrs. virgn iiiiiis, . .. , . Mrs. Ed. Landis, Miss .Laura Merrill,! J. Q. Gilkey, Mrs. Chas. Burgin. The platform is published else- where in this paper. DISTRICT MEETING OF , JUNIOR ORDER IN MARION f district of the junior Qrder q North Carolina held its regul&T m'eeting in Marion April 15. meetmg wag called to order by R Q Noland at 2:30 p. m. After i , . . , , IZ "."nTod y lui .uncneon j y y - i "V"" Tl p a xr j tr v-wi'""iw"' I j . , . . 4. J -C tne junior uraer m tneir awrnu iui education and the work they have accomphshed in building up our edu- cational equipment and system. "Education is the foremost and most necessary factor of Americanism," he said. "The policy of education has been purposely ignored by rulers of many nations" in order to promote aristocracy, but Juniorism along with. the other organs of Democracy has brought the Americans from such a state of ignorance to a liberty loving body of Americans. The. Americans are learning to think for themselves. This is the result of our system of education. Education means self realization. Some fail because they fail to realize what is in, them. Edu cation gives a person inspiration and a hope. It is the hope of a future and with this hope it is impossible to keep a person or even a nation in the background. Let us stand shoulder to shoulder with our system of edu cation." The meeting adjourned to hold its next regular meeting July 21, with the Burkmont Council of Morganton, N. C. ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM THE COUNTY Brief Mention of Some of the Happenings in McDowell Items About Home People. OLD FORT Old Fort, April 18. Misses Agnes : Cox of Montreat, Bess Whitson and ,Marv Whitson of Swannanoa. spent Winslow Arney, who recently un derwent an operation for appendicitis at the Mission hospital is able to be out again. Miss Frances Artz, who is teaching at Charlottesville, Va., and Clara Artz of Asheville are visiting their parents here. The Junior and Varsity basketball teams of Old Fort High school were entertained Monday afternoon at a reception given in their honor by the Domestic science classes. Misses Ruth andX.Myrtle Holder of Glen Alpine visited friends here Sun day. Miss Mae Allison, member of the Junior class at N. C. C. W., Greens boro, spent the Easter holidays with her parents here. Miss Bessie Rue Fleming, who is a nurse at the Mission hospital, spent Sunday with her parents here. Jack Fortune of Asheville spent the week-end in Old Fort. Marion Nicholas was a visitor here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earley entertained a; number of yung people Saturday evening April 15th, in honor of the oifrnrnnnTn onniTrAwamr t their , daughter, Annie Those present were' .Misses Salhe and Natanp Knlev. Ari-T- : . ' . , die Thompson, Mary Hoffman, Palsy "eD"ieI- "d Heln CIarit: Messrs. u' rH"f; h P H"TO' "? ,PaICR " . . M ! ""f f tile ' S.?"? " " "" Mr. nd Mrs. Chas. Burgin. Ella, the 14-year-old daughter of an(j yjrs j g Owenbv died ' ' y' r." ro Sehad aDOUl lour weeJs lrm wncn sfte almost recovereo. one sutiereo. a re- Ians5e from whirh sh never rprnvpr f . . . . . fn ,np was n nntrnr. nrnmi qiti cr onr loved and respected by all her play- mates The family has the sympathy daughter. j Some unknown party or-parties en- tered the postoffice at Old Fort Sun-1 ' day, night, broke open the safe and removed therefrom valuables to the 1 amount of thirty-five hundred dol-' .lars. The things removed consisted, of postage stamps, liberty bonds, war! cash of th7s 4a thepeTsonll i v ' far clue has been found as to the guilty party. 1 Honor Roll fot April. ' ; First BHyamS Connor, Fred . wwuuui, uuoiu jwvcx, van a-ui umnc, ' Tri . t i tt i -r irrances urant, jacK nugnes, ressie Holland, Mamie Mason, Jennie May Nobhtt, Garland Oates, Virginia Hofoc on) TWr,oM Qtonno First A J. R. Harris, Guy Lewis, James Patton, Dysart Burgin, Pau line Byrd, May Connor, Dora Shehan. Second grade Ethel Byrd, Ethel Burgin, Jessie Davis, Beatrice Free- man, Evelyn Gilliam, Blanche Harris, Stella Sherrill, Virginia Vess, Horace Dover and Lytle Steppe. Third grade Clyde Nesbitt, Rus- sel Oates, Carl Rock, Kenneth Rhine hart, Catherine Finch, Mary Sue' Grant, Eiith LeFevre, Sallie Owen by and Vera Oates. Fourth grade Carolyn Mcintosh and Frances Sherrill. Fifth grade Edward Treverton, Margaret Rock, Ashby Robinson and Austin Harris. Sixth grade Pearl Harris, Ruth Hemphill, Anna B. Noblitt, Louise Swann, Annie White, Ralph Kennedy and Noland Gilliam. Seventh grade Ward 'Treverton and Gordon Kanipe. High School honor roll next week. Those making highest average in their respective grades for-March aire as follows: 1st B, Chas. Hall; 1st A, Guy Lewis; 2nd, Evelyn Gilliam; 8rd, Catherine Finch ; 4th, Carolyn "Mcin tosh; 5th, Elizabeth .Strickland; -6th, Blanche Lewis; 7th, Ward Treverton. MARION ROUTE ONE . Marion, Route 1, April 17. Mrs, W. C. Morgan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Morgan at Glen wood. Misses Rosa and Annie Morgan spent the week-end with Mrs. AI A. Jamison at Harmony Grove. Will Greer and Jesse Morgan are visiting friends at Lenoir this week. Miss Rosa Morgan and Miss Fan nie Gardin attended the box supper at Harmony Grove Saturday night. Mrs. Maggie Bright . spent last week with Mrs. A. V. Morgan. DYSARTSVILLE Dysartsville, April 18. Friends . of Mrs. J. P. Walker will be glad to know that she has returned home from the Rutherford hospital much improved. ' John Parker of Glen Alpine and Fulton. Land is of Lexington have been spending a few days with the latter's sister, Mrs. J. D. Laughridge. J. P. Walker and W. C. Mangum made a business trip to Marion Mon day. . . Z. V. Daves and family of Marion spent Saturday night and Sunday with relatives here. Miss Helen Wilson spent the week- lnA iuie0 w.TrrTTT noffva nf Tn. , Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Laughridge and Miss Mae Curtis of Marion were Ivisitors here Sundav. "Mi Alice Mangum of Marion . . r . snent Easter with her narents here. H. C. Daves and family of Glen Alpine werethere Sunday. 'A smgY Laughridge last Saturday night was. enjoyed by a number of friends. Misses Daphne and Ethel Spratt of Marion spent the latter part of the weelc with homefolks. Mrs. Everette Clontz and children of Morcanton are spending- a few - 'B"'" "a c bV.i&- , days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. lC" H' Manm' - j Misses Grace and Ruth Cowan of r . ! Marion were nere sunaay. : . . . 1 Curtis Hutchms of Union Mills r, o ioM--v-r Viavo QnirloT B L Lunsford of Marion was here business Friday. , G. K. Ayers lost a fine cow last Otto E. Stockinder on "Lange's Col week, lodial Gold Test"; and Dr. J. R. Mc- Charlie Kirksey of Morganton was ;Cracken on "Nose and Influenza. here tSunday. IThre wa general discussion of each A number of young folks last Sat--subject among the doctors, from urday enjoyed a trip to Pilot Moun-j which views of all angles .were pre tain. j sented. . - - Key Landis of Marion was a visit-j Upon adjournment of the meeting or here Thursday. ja sumptuous picnic dinner was served ! f Mfes ? -turned af- , terspendmg a few days w!th relatives ln M?n0n- A large crowd of. children here en- joyed an egg hunt Saturday after- noon in the grove near the Methodist church. t - - lAUKli.L. rllll ; Nebo. Rt 1, April 17. J. M. Walk - er, Jesse Price and' W. R. Cooper J HC 1 wfr. business visitors in Marion last jarouna in row Doats. vJtners en Saturday, 'joyed the motor boat. While others B. R. Foster of Cliff side visited rode around lakes and over the homefolks here last Saturday and i dams where nature n be fi j - i- aunaay. - Mrs. E. L. Walker and Misses vMyr- tle Foster and Irene McDaniel of Clinchfield spent Easter with friends and relatives here ,7;." i v..' . , , -r home from Forest City, where she , . v ,. . . has been spending some time. Mr. and Mrs. N. K. Walker spent the week-end with relatives in Ma rion. . Mr. and Mrs. L. Foster of Spindale are spending a few days here with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Foster. v- Some good singing was enjoyed-by quite a large crowd at the home of J. M. Walker on last Saturday night. A string- band composed of Messrs. Bost, Nanney and Early of Marion also rendered some very fine music" (Continued on last page) DISTRICT1EDICAL SO-' V cjety: meetsin hiARioii , The Medical.- Association of the Tenth District of North " Carolina -held its annual meeting in Marion on last Wednesday, April ;12th. DrJG- I S. JCirby the presidentjf the associa- '--tion, and his friends and associates -had arranged for the large number of visiting Doctors toehold their meet ing at the Cpnley Club; Houseof the . Western Carolina .Power , Company on Lake James. The oy was ideal, clear . and , warm. The visitors, wif re ; met and taken by automobiles to the . x Club House and themeeting ncas -. called to order at 11 J o'clock by the -president. -Mr?v..-W.rWinlwrnej''2o " the local T bar, delivered the address ' of welcome.. Dr. J. F. -Toole, of ' Asheville, . responded ; in rEappyl fash -ion, expressing great deUght; for. tiie recepTon accorded ', - the 1 'association. Then . followed the address, of ;-the . president, Dr. Kirby, his 4 subject be ing, "The Relation' of the State Hos pital for Insane to the " Medical Pro fession." He gave " gfapWcL descrip tion of the treatment insane persons . receive at the "State Hospital and " spoke in glowing terms of how well " the patients are- taken care of.Tn, ' the course of his address, he recom mended that each; of ' the JvicepVesi- dents call upon tlje boards of county commissioners . in their J ; respective counties and ask that places be fitted ; up in some , county institute,, other - tnan tne common jail, where insane persons can be ftakeh . care of while waiting commitment: to the -Morgan- ton Institutien. The ubject; ,was . splendidly ireatjnd;weUl'receired.v rpiiowing me presiaent's aaaress Tound - tabledis in k - !in in the association-: unanimously Posing resolution against the placing : ,of insane-persons, awaiting "transfer Jails, the practice being-scored in na ncertate;.terto-It;.waa.the(m . mms opinion that in this -day. en- IsHtened humanity- the w: counties should provide some place other than Prisoners' cell even f or temporary commeraeni oi xne uementeo. , v, , Several papers of unusual interest were d and discussed; The pro gram consisted of the following: t cj i ttz . j i - . - uwaru xwng reaa a paper- on ... i wnat tne General iTactioner bhould Ktioav About Tl1hp7rlnIR,,? , Tli -t. w. Elias spoke on "Treatment of the Sick Child's Alimentary Tract"; ;Dr. by the ladies of Marion. ; The Asso- ; ciation expressed great appreciation Lr the courtesy accorded by ; fhe j Western Carolina Power Company i and the ladies. '- . . j After luch the ihen f ! doctors were seen moving in all di rections taking in the many pleasures. of such an outing. : Some gathered UT) fisninc- ta ckl e and wentabo ut th- I fjic.u in h. eti0 n a j . . 1 w" " Z . ;its most srenir. hpantT Tho ft.h- all expressed themselves ai being highly pfeased with the day. Among those present .were Drsi J. LaBn.ce Ward, E.-B. Glenn. WmiaTa R. Griffin, R. G. -Wilson. K. R. Ivy, C ' T ' Jl E. Cotton, Joe B. Green, C C- Orf. - J- , ; , ZT 9 r eTre? o. j? otuwn, -j. vr.x.uas, vi. o. ien-: nent, B. RTSmith, F. W, GrifSn, R.:A. White, J. E. McRae, W. J. Hunnicu'tV J. W. .Houston, O. E. Stockinger, - A. B. Greenwood, W; H. Scruggs, H. H. Briggs, Edward King and A..C:Mc- Call, Kenilworth;Drs. Nofel, J. B. Milleiv I. G. Beal, TBlacl? Mountain; G. S. Kirby, B. L. Ashworth, J F. Jonas, G. ..B. Justice and -M. L. Jus tice, Marion; Dr. Guy Dixon; Hender son ville; t Dr. :W. M; Thrash, Weaver ville; Dr. J. F.? Abel and Dr. J. R. Mc Crackeri, Waynesville." 1- - -:ihe business of the people m an