'.- ,"-.v -.,, " v.. - 4. , ?; ; A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY, ;1 -.'..- ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C.f THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1922 AVOL., 39 MEMORIAL DAY FITTING LY OBSERVED JN MARION -IJ. Hold Exercises and ' Serve Dinner to Veterans f ; - Address by" Heriot Clarkson. -;v Memorial day was fittingly ob- served here last Wednesday in the court house, under the auspices of ' 'the Dauhtersjof the "Confederacy. TThe exercises were opened with sing ing America" nd "Our Own Stars and Bars Will live Forever," led by the daughters. . Invocation was offered by Rev. B. ' . S. Lassiter. r Mr. D. E. Hudgins de livered a brief and timely address of welcome in behalf of the daughters, saying that the daughters were not so much honoring veterans as they were honoring the daughters with their presence and that their deeds of yalor and courage will live through all eternity. Mr. J. W. Pless fol lowed with touching remarks of the , to the various schools. The' County Bridgewater lake. Those in the ideals for which they so nobly fought, ! Superintendent. i in position to rec-J party were: Mr. and Mrs. Winfield citing instances of the courage and;ommend good teachers to every i Keeter, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Duncan, heroism as. displayed by the old sol-scho1 that has not already secured Misses Mary Burgin, Mattie Tate, K. diers on 'different occasions, introduc-teachers for the coming year. Bailey; Messrs. Eugene Keeter and ing to the audience Mr. Carson as Under a rule recently promulgated John Finley. one of the heros of the 60s, who un-jby the State Department of Educa Mrs. H. C. Marley and Miss Mar der shell and fire carried his wound- tion the average attendance per'garet Marley of China Grove are ed comrade from the battlefield to a teacher has been increased. The visiting Mrs. I. L. Caplan, daughter place of safety. He ended by in-; State board feels that by reason of of Mrs. Marley. troducing the speaker of the day, j increased salaries and the higher Eugene Buckley spent las Safur Hon. Heriot Clarkson, of Charlotte, qualifications and experience of the day in Asheville on business. Mr. Clarkson's address was one Gf teachers tnat teachers can do more' Geo. E. Marshall has just returned the finest ever heard here, and was-work than has been done in the past, from a trip to the Northern lumber listened to with-rapt attention. HeTeachers who have been studying or- markets. gave' a brief history of the conditions ganizati?n of scno1 work now better' Mrs. J. B. Johnson and daughter, existing prior to the war and the understa'nd how to outline their Mary Margaret, have recently re causes leading up to it. He stated work and thereby do more efficient turned from a visit to Mrs. Johnson's that the soldiers of the Confederacy work than ever Defore- Schools that sister, Mrs. Allanack, in Charlotte, f oueht for an f deal in which th?v do not nke an average attendance P. H. Mashburn has recently added had the utmost faith and that the courage' ana neroi3m : aispiayea on every , occasion and on every battle field will always be a source of pride to every Southerner. He stressed the marvelous progress made by forth Carolina duringthe past fort; years, declaring it to be the finest ftate in th unfon. , Mr. D. F. Giles thanked the speak er in behalf of the daughters and the veterans for this very fine and time ly address. He announced to the veterans that free transportation would be furnished all who wished to attend the reunron in Richmond on the 16th of June. He also announc ed that the managers of the Oasis Theatre, Dr. M. L. Justice and E. J. House, cordially invited all veterans and their wives to attend the picture show that afternoon, as a special picture would be shown for their benefit. This was a kindly .courtesy extended the veterans and seemed greatly appreciated by them. The exercises were concluded by a ' brief memorial to the Confederate dead conducted by Rev. J. C. btory, after which a bountiful dinner was ... . served the veterans and their wives ' by the daughters. After lunch the veterans, together with the daugh ters, visited the cemetery in auto mobiles provided by the good people of the town, and decorated the graves of the dead veterans with wreaths and flowers. The daughters, under the able leadership of Mrs. J. Q. Gilkey, de serve much praise for the splendid entertainment they provided for the old soldiers, and7 they seemed to en joy it all. PADGETT-BRIGHT. - a mfl;n(f nf notable interest throughout the county was solemniz Wednesday evening, May 10th, at 7 o'clock at the Methodist parson age, Rcr. J. P. Hipps officiating, wnen Miss Ada .Bright became the bride of Marion PadgetVbotn of this place. The bride 'is the charming daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Davis Bright and was lovely attired in a French grey tricotine suit with accessories to match. Her bouquet were a corsage of rosesi . - The groom is the son . of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Padgett and is a young roan of sterling worth. .. ... . Don't forgef toe The Sheik to night. - : " - . . 1 SCHOOLS GETTING READY FOR NEXT YEAR'S WORK The re-organization of schools and assignment of teachers for the com ing year is now going on. A num ber of schools have already secured teachers, and the committee of those schools that have not secured teach ers are urged to communicate with the office of the County Superintend ent of Schools as soon as possible. It looks as if there will be more teachers this year than there will be positions. It is hoped to put a first class teacher in every school in Mc Dowell county this year, and the school authorities are working to ward this end. It is thought it will not be necessary for any school to employ second grade teachers. Those , teachers who have met the require- melits of professional training and iwho have demonstrated their ability Dy successful experience will be giv - en the preference in the assignments of more than 8? children .will not, be peimiiuju iu employ more man one ryv seaus anu vvnerwise nn- teacher, according to the instructions proved the appearance of his drug sent out by the State Board of Edu- store.- It now presents a very at cation. This will effect but few tractive appearance, schools in McDowell county. How- , D. A. Silver has recently opened a ever, there are two or three schools grocery store in the Johnson build- that employed two teachers last year tnat will De cut co one reacner, un- less these schools can make the re- quired average. The County Board of Education has no jurisdiction in this matter, but will be charged with the enforcement of the regulation. The purpose is not only to require teachers to do more work, but to keep down expenses to the lowest possible minimum. The attendance in McDowell coun- ty during the past year was by far the best in the history of the county. The school work on the whole was the most satisfactory year McDowell has ever known. Plans have already been made to have a still better year during the coming year. With the earnest co-operation of the commit tee and public the schools can be made still more efficient for serving DeoDle in training the rhildrpn who are to be the future citizens ROAD CONTRACT LET. The County Highway Commission ers were in session last Monday to receive bids for the construction of the link of road connecting the Dy- tT Z a Rutherford sartsville section with county, a distance of about 5 1-2 miles. A large number of contrac- , . . . ... i hpi i 4. u-j was by Justice & Company, of Ruth erfordton, the price being something over $14,000 for this stretch of road. The highest bid was something over $21,000. The commissioners feel that they have made a very satisfac- tory contract and expect to push the . J... ..u , . . completion of the work as a. oo 1 ao possible Fiddlers Convention Posponed. Owing to unavoidable circum stances and owing to the tact that many old fiddlers willbe unable to attend, the old fiddlers convention scheduled to be held in Marion on May 20, has been postponed in definitely. On account of rain, ; the auction sale of the Poteat place was post poned until next Tuesday, May 23. See The Sheik today. ITEMS X)F INTEREST FROM THE COUNTY Brief Mention of Some of the Happenings in McDowell Items About Home People. OLD FORT Old Fort, May 15 The commence ment exercises of the Old Fort High School will take place as follows: Friday night, May 26th, recitation and declamation . contest. Sunday, May 28th, 11 a. m., annual sermon in auditorium. Monday, May 29th, 8 'p. m., Senior play. Tuesday night, May 30th, 8 o'clock, graduating ex- excises and annual address. The Mother's Day exercises at the Presbyterian church Sunday night was very well attended arid enjoyed by all those present, A party of young people from Old : Fort and Marion spent last week camping, fishing and recreating on new fixtures to his soda fountain,, in If ing. . a. nu xrirs. owami spent oaxur- day in Asheville. Miss Harriett Platte of Marion spent Sunday in Old Fort with Miss Bertha Greene. Hon. B. L. Lunsford was a visitor in Old Fort Sunday. . Miss Elsie Drake of Asheville is visiting Miss Mae Kennedy, Jack and Finley Fortune of Ashe- "e sPent awhile in Old Fort Sun- -ay Misses Foy Dell Tate, Essie Mash- burn, Cassie Burgin, Nannie Nichols j ria&y. . I Boyce Hensley, Ethel Goforth Laura and Mae Jordan left Saturday f or j Thomas and Eugene . Vickers and Hensley, Cecil Rayburh, Edna MasH Union Mills to attend the county ! Walter and Glen Walker of Gilkey K,,r, ti w. d-.-. "u.ai.. summer school. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Mauney delight fully entertained the Senior class and high school faculty at their home Friay night. The class colors were pleasingly and effectively carried out m . . . . ... the house decorations. Delicious refreshments were served after sev eral interesting contests were pulled off. The time was very pleasantly spent. Those enjoying Mr. and Mrs. Mauney's hospitality were: Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Strickland, Mrs. Clyde Miller, Misses Ethel Miller, Clell , ' , .orannam, riorence Murray, Mrs. Spencer, Misses Bonnie Fortune, Vio la Gilliam, Foy Dell Tate, Emma Al- lison, Louise Fleming, Vivian Saw- Iyer, iviauei jrawxuiu, ouie jjuxgiii, i Messrs. Clarence Mauney, Royce Mc- Daniel, Kimball Miller, James Miller, Cletus Tate, Paul McCanless. . Col. J. J. Mackey, F. J. White, George Pickens, George Patton, J. - ,.. . V , . . .Gilliam, of Buncombe county, at- tended the old soldiers re-union here Sunday. CHAPEL HILL Chapel Hilf, May 15. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey of Manon, John Bailey and W. B. Roberson motored to Spartanburg last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Swann of Ma rion spent the week-end with the lat- fpr's narents. Mr. and Mrs. J. R.i Huffman. ( Mr. and Mrs. J. ;H. Barnes visited friends in Marion" Sunday. Services at the Baptist church the second and fourth Sunday in each month. Sunday school at 10 o'clock every Sunday morning. : Children's Day will be observed at Chapel Hill, Baptist church May 28. DYS ARTS VILLE Dysartville, May 16. Mrs; W. G. Bates died at her home near Gilkey last Friday. Interment was- made here Sunday. The news of her death brough sorrow to her friends and re latives here. Mrs. Bates was a good woman and had been a faithful mem ber' of the Methodist cjhurch since her youth. She is survived by her hus band and two sons. Mrs. J. S. Cowan of Marion was a visitor here Sunday. Mrs. Joseph Jlutchins : of : IJnion Mills spent tfiettter part of the week with her' daughter, Mrs. J. P. Walker. a, MrSi Ray Denton and children of Atlanta are visiting relatives here. ; Key Landis, who has been in Ma rion for some time, has returned home. Erastus imd Arthur Walker were in Marion Thursday. B. T. Daves and . little daughter, Zona, of South Carolina, are spend ing a few days with relatives here. James Spratt made a business trip to Marion Friday. J. P. Walker made a business trip to Rutherfordton last Friday. T. P. Satterwhite of Glen Alpine spent Saturday and Sunday here. Z. V. DVes of Marion spent Sat urday night and Sunday with rela tives here. Kev Landis and Mrs. H. C. Ma.'ley Gertrude Bledsoe. Polly : Finley gum were in Marion one day last week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Will Landis of Ma- rion "v Mr. Rena Laue-hrFdcB y Marihn here Sunday' David Uudge ahd little son b Marion spent the week-end here. Miss Annie Spratt was in Marion Saturday. J. P. Walker, Robert Cowan and W. H. Taylor made a business trip to Marion Monday. A singing at the Baptist church Sunday afternoon was enjoyed by a number of folks. Miss Annie Cowan was in Marion last week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Jackson were in Marion Saturday. Carson, Willie and Mrs. J. W. Jar - rett were in Marion Monday. Miss Etta Walker was in Marion 1 v . were visitors here Sunday. S . HANKINS Marion, Rt. 3, May 15. Miss El len Finley of Spindale spent the week end here with her parents. - J. M. Edwards of Rhoehiss is visiting relatives here. Mrs. Fannie Lewis and Mrs. Mur- tie Copper were shopping in Marion Saturday. George Hall spent Sunday at Car lyle. Mrs. Bartlett of Switzerland is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Ross Hollifield. Mrs. G. A. Masters of Marion visit ed Mrs. C. A. Hensley last week. J. R. McNeely made a business trip to Marion Saturday. The infant of Mr. and Mrs, Ross Hollifield died Sunday morning. Our sympathy goes out to the bereaved family. GARDIN Gardin, May 16. The following young ladies are attending the Sum mer school at Union Mills: Misses Sallie and Vera vacaser, Lela Mar- low and GoOdloe Haney. Mrs. Charles 'Craig visited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Craig Sunday! J. C. Carswell made a business trip to Marion last Saturday. A number of our people are atr tending the revival meeting at Glen- wood, i ' - 3 V The farmers are behind with rtheir work on-account dOf recent rains.' (Continued on page ten) vere visitors .here Monday. - , t Cr "vtrs r--v . .. U rtrra f Knhlnotf ' Hon)rf Annis r U' . PRIZES AWARDED FOR J PERFECT ATT- Moret 1 nan luLhudrenin McDowell Schools Have Per- , feet Attendance Record. During the present -;: school year there were more thaiT 1J0 ' children in the schools v of McDowell county who were awarded prices" for perfect' v attendance. ThesehilreAJ were neither1 tardynor: absent a single day throughout the school termjr; -" At "the opening- of - scKoolsllast fall announcement twas ' made . that rthose. who had a perfect record Cforattend- ance would be awarded! :A prise" at the ; close of. ischool. T completed and prizes - awarded. The complete Hist is published ' belowC i Burtie Turner, Lela Rashr Lee Roy Anderson, Helen Gray Clara Brad ley, George Rash, Nora Mortan'; Nel- . lie Hall, Paul Gilbert, Georgia, Green ; Bonnie Pitman, Whitman Allen, Bil- N ly Lusk, Daisy Davis,: Richmond Pox, - Willie Marie Moody; Willie Ander son, vCharlie Taylor, - - Leona 1 Baker Kjan xjuvis, xiurwjt; axoixon, ume, ai; len, Carl Jarrett, Lucile Baker, Jo-, sephine Buckner, Elizabeth : Wylie, .. . Pauline Atkins, Eugene Boboj O. P ". Copeland, Ethel , Epley, Millard Lind- sey, Carrie Miller, Reba . Koblitt; Lois Allen, Bettie Lusk, Myrtle ; Poteat, Mable Sprinkle, Eugene agle,- Hor-, ace Jack" Seagle;; Margaret Bledsoe, ' Edith Kiser, Wilson Bradley, Howard j Lewis, Robert- Evans, Ernest IV'OBrad-. Louise McCoy, Millard Kiser, Daniel iraay, j immie uraaiey, jw.ary soio- mon Dennia Ward," Leona- Toney, :wyer; maxieniztjaargie xatef iwcnara career, - ma jzabeth McGimsey, Lucfle Hemphill, , jEdwin Brwn, Laura Alexander, Bowman Hawkins, Claude . Pavis j02 Davis, Nellie Mlls Pavis, Glenn pavis Vera Maude Burgin, , Daniel Hitchcock Marjorie j Lytle, : .. ' CharIie Boone, Marion Davis, Louis Williams, Mabel. Gosnell, Ester Ellis; Marie Parker, Bill Reed Earl Lonoh, Erwin Hensley J. C. Walsh, - Mary jox, Thelma Bruner, Mary McCall, Robert Morris, Doris Morris, ija Reel Vena poforth, Vera Goforth, Ruth Gofor2l' Westmoreland, True- ' ' i man y esimui eianu, m.aicoim iviasn- : burn, James Goforth, Anna West moreland. Ruth Pvatt. Minnie firppr. X m mm a I . rw. m w srm. W - jTW IIW 1 M Wll fill rii , , . J wt 11, . marie ngiana, uuy . lirer, .Kalph Hensley, Verta Rayburn, Ora Bright Cread Hogan, Mary Ella .Upton, Tressie Hogan,- Will Upton, Grace Taylor, Mabel Waters, Nellie Lytle, Charles Lytle, John Lytle, Catherine. j Williams, Gudger Lytle, Clyde -Mc- Daniel, Terrill Stroud, Merriman Stroud, Jessie iMae Lytle, t Ewart Whitesides, Jack Reel, Ruby Nanney, ' Pearl Laughter, Nellie Brown, xBuof Brown, Joe Reet, Pearl Hall; - Hester Hawkins, Clarence Burgin, - James Walker, Jack Walker, Latha Moffitt; Dewey Thomas, Burnie Hollifield, Beulah Hollifield, Floyd k England,; Ben Flowers, Mae Wiseman, V-Zoe Wiseman, Florence Corpening, C Ada Mae Poteat, Fred Parker, Fannie Nichols, Mary Sue Nichols, fRuth Hemphill, J ohn Patton, 'Ola : Jimison, Sallie Tadgett, Mary .Padgett,r Ilamp- : ton " Hennessee, ;Wilburn - Davis Ira Davis, Carlyle pvisFlossie:EUiott, Glenn Laughter Ben LaughterRuby ' Hennessee, Frances Lonon.' - ; REDUCED ROUND TRIP f C A ' FARES TOCHARljqnrivr Account Mecklenburg Celebration, -Charlotte, N. C, May 20 th, -1922, . the Southern Railway Company will sell reduced round ' trip tickets "; ta Charlotte," N. C.,. and return;. -Dates -, of sale Mayl9th and 20th; final lim it Of tickets May,2-;;i922. 'Honnd trip fare .one. and One-half of 'one way farel r For further 'information ; ap- S" ply at Southern Railway ticket office. . ' See ' The Sheik today. r v 1 V

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