.- - 5T" J .-. -' i . -- Kv- -' a . , . 'm ". - : . : -, , : . - . . . - - - ? t - ' - ' . " r. -... -- . - y - v1 '- . , . t 4 . - - wmmm A; WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO TtfE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1922 A-- VIJL."- AAV low IMtl. -. ' i . . . ' 4 -. "! '."'fir-:' COUNTY COMMISSfONERS HdLD REGULAR MEETING Make Provision for Farm Dem onstration Work Jurors Drawn for July Court. Jhe Board of County Commission- ra -was ,in regular session last Mon- .and; transacted much routine business. Quite a number of peo ple were in town on business be fore the county, commissioners, who liad a very busy session. "A, yery forward-looking and pro gressive policy was decided ; upon when the . board of commissioners agreed rto renew the farm demonstra i tion'work : in - McDowell, Mr. E. ; S. iliUsap,. district 'agent of .the Depart ment;. ?f. Agriculture, was. present nd presented the matter to the Commissioners in a very forceful manner. v He agreed to , the appro priation for the expense of the work in McDowell county the sum of 3120.0, to be, used for Jthe purpose of paying thesalary of the. Farm Dem onstration Agent. After- discussing the matter among . themselves and wi .prominent people engaged in farming and. business, including T. W.- 'Wilson,'Jrf X. Morgan, J. M. Ha ney, W. P. Artz and others. Com missioner Wilson moveci: that , the. hoard -approve the work .-, and em motion Swaa carried 'and ; inuch com ment in-the way -of approval was lieard. Xt.tillf.be the .policy of the com missioners to secure the very best man a.M- vr. lnma. available. . Mr. MUllsap recom- mended a. young man who had had experience in this kind,xf work but S! JBX r . vk- man of .splend qualifications f is a graduatef :;the,Btate college at Ra- L'v t,: .JLzTu, w- leigh; kird' has ;hansidefable ex-1 perience ; m this particular . line o t work. It is the intention of the commissioners to :have the work be gin not later" than July 1st. Jurors: were drawn for . the July;Jr occurred at his home in Morgan- term of McDowell Superior court as rnmm . ' . First week: J. B. Burgm J. M. Goforth, E. P. Denton, J. A. Burgin, J. H. Keller, W. H. Simmons L. B. Ledbetter, E. L. Reel, A. M.-Hogan? Robert' A. Brinkley, E. V. Lawing, H. R. Ledbetter, L. G. Hollifield, J. A. Brown, J. F. Gilliam, J. W. Pyatt, Jno. H. Poteat, J. A. Daves, E. W.;toria McGalliard of Morganton and Davis, D. P. Gardin, Thomas Holland, at thfi time of his death was forty - W. F. Burnett, S. C. Morgan, L. J. P. one years Gf age. He was married Cutlar, D. T. Elliott, G. E. Cowan, :in january, 1912, to Miss Bessie Po-; G. CBir, W. H. England, Johnitea of this place, who survives him. Rich, J. A. Kader, w. ty farmer, F. Marlow, R. B. Carver, L. H. Whit-. ner. A C." Thomas. Second week: F. C Daves, D. C. j Bates; J. W. Walker, Boyd Elliott, or -p Triiinft Geo. M. Lentz, J. E. Crawlev.A. C. Owenby, W. H. Early, TV -fc - ' G. G. Pendergrass, S. L. Dobbins, Luster McCormick, G. E. Bird, DockJphiladelphia. and one brother, Fred, Greene, W. E. Cooper, T. Y. Bigger taff, W. S. .Greene, C. G. Wise. BIRD-LAIDLAW. frnm The xne ""-""ML;- Anarews pape. inenus uwc. VrWvv- U:; ! tenan Cnurcu iu iuuir..v.. . xf: T!nithLaidlaw. 4J11U OliU iuisu r drews, were united m tne noiy ouuua of matrimony, Rev. Liddell - officiat- -V. - .- , - - A lug.- : r. . t . . - The weddine was a -very quiet af . . " . . . . . - 1 1 J fair, no "friends 'being: preseiit Except J Prof. Nicnois ? ana axuss - w ler, of Andrews. : They trip "; to and from Murphy was made byanto. c The bride's home is in Marion, -N. C, but for .sometime she; haslbeen teaching school here, and has made a large circle of friends. . - ? The groom is the Presbyterian pas tor Kereand since , coming to - An drews jhe has made; a .host of warm 'friends.' r - ' i --"" i After the ceremony Rev., and -Mrs. Bird left, for-their cottage -tome, "Birds-nest, in v-This paper joins the many friends of -the young couple rin wishing, for them a - long -and happy married life. REPUBLICANS MEET AND NAME FULL COUNTY TICKET The McDowell County Republican convention met Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, In the court house. There was a large crowd in attend ance, there being quite a number of ladies present. , The convention was called to or der by Mr. W. "R. Chambers, acting as temporary chairman who asked the people to rise and be led in prayer by Rev. J. T. Bowden. The earnest words uttered in prayer by this devote pastor on such an oc casion undoubtedly had a profound effect upon the 'hearts of the people who heard them. Mr. Chambers then' asked that a permanent chair man be selected, whereupon "Mr. rTea wasnDurn -was selected and Siting her f ather, J . F. GHlfam. caUed to the chair, Mr. D. W. Craw- j JoseJK and Mrs. Atkins motored to ford was next selected as permanent Blowing Rock one day last week, secretary of the convention, and the i Several men from Old Fort took business of the convention was gone ! advantage of the excursion rates on into, the most important of which May 26 and made the trip to our was the nomination of the county . National Capitol. They report a candidates. The convention was en- great time. tirely harmonious, there being no j Mrs. H: C. Mariey and 'daughter, contests for the various nominations. J Miss Margaret, who have been on a Mr. P. H. Mashbum, who needs nog to Mrs. Marl ey's daughter, Mrs. introduction to the people of the L L Caplan, have returned to their county, was unanimously nominated ; home at China Qrove. for the House of Representatives Mr and Mrs. s F. Mauney have Mr. E. B. Baber then nominated for returned from Raleigh where they Sheriff; Alonzo Cowan, for Clerk of went to' see their son, Sidney gradu the Court; D. W. Crawford tor Reg- ate from the A. & E. College on the ister of Deeds; Frank Elliott for 30th of May. They also visited re County Treasurer; A. B. Halford for latives and friends in Salisbury and County Surveyor; Dr. B. L. Ash- Gastonia while away, worth for Coroner; Messrs. Clifton ; Miss Gertrude Dula, Mrs. Nadine " MpC11. niinrli - NVHlif nnH .Tahiti - YanceV for Countv Commissioners. Xhe 0 candidates accepted n0mmation in a few words of thanks appreciation, nd aU expssid entflusiasm. and beiiet m Kepubucan ; The convention endorsed Garrett D BaileV for Solicitor and J Q A 1 ?: Kaile for Solicitor and J. t. A. Michael for State Senator, DEA-rtf OF 'WlULIAM . McGALLIARt, JR. The death of William McGalliard. : frtT wHr.iHv nffpmnnn Mav 31 in rTi . i Laiter a long uiness. ine xunerai fservices were conducted from the residence there by Rev. Mr. McLean, j pastor of the. Presbyterian church, -aterment made in the cemetery in? jilrion Friday afternoon. . Mr, McGalliard was the eldest son Q William McGalliard, Sr., and Vic- J-(He was well known here and m Mor- and was a member of the Prflchvfprinr, rhnrfh. " jonn noyie, tne latter part 01 tne -Besides his widow, he is survived; Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Taylor are on'week , by his father, Wm. McGalliard, Sr.,'an extended visit to Asheville. j Mr and Mrs. Marn of Mt. of Greenville. S. C; three sisters,! Geo. Marshall has just returned ' tt , n x -r. Mrs. Coleman of MoreantoV Mrs. Cline of Savannah, Mrs. Hewitt of McGalliard ot t'ortsmoutn, va. The sympathy of the community goes out to his faithful wife and re- latives in their bereavement. Me.tinS .t Clinch. fielj p.-e.byt.ri.n Church Evangelistic services are m pro-; at the Clinchfield Presbyterian . , A- rocof rtT,lv one ser of.An-l"""' rv vice is held each day at 7:30 p. m. The attendance is good, and a great revival is expected. The services are conducted by Dr. J. M. Clark, the Evangelist of Concord Presbytery, assisted by Mr. D. R. Freeman, a ministerial student, who leads the nfsic. A cordial invitation is ex tended ,to the. people of Marion, as weft as of Clinchfield, to attend these services. Le Ha Majority Oreir ATery of Almost 17,000 Raleigh. June 6. Returns receiv i ed here un to tonight from 90 of the 100.. counties show that : Chairman W. T Lee of the corporatipn:commission has received a majority of 16,984 votes oyer A. C. Avery, for the Dem ocratic nomination for ' corporation commission. ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM THE COUNTY Brief Mention of Some of the Happenings in McDowell Items About Home People. OLD FORT Old Fort, June 5.- Mrs. Merrill and daughter of Statesville are spending sometime with Mrs. S. M. Hoffman. r Rev. L. W; Dawson of Spray be- Jgan a revival meeting at the Metho dist church Monday night. Mrs. Hatfield Brown died , last week and was buried in the old fami ly burying ground at Cherry Springs. Mrs. Henry Cole of Catawba, was iri Old TVvrfc r?p.Tvfc1v fnr suvrl r!va e ; i j r . x ouencer ana.iur. ana xars. Aixms JIj- ami. day Mr and Mrs D A. Silver and childrcn apent Sunday in Marion. visitin? Mr Mrs. Silver's . father. Sheriff., nV ZJ. " i TaZ Aia 7 W a welcomed, visitor in Old Fort one ;day this weefc ' " : J Mr. Poteat is installing his roller I ni ii J ' 'Jtf ready for oDeration. raiu iiiacuinery anu win soon ire iarrp frt nf t rwh. n n i j . ' 4 er house, and transmission lines to Mrs. George Cooper and Miss Lot- Ridgecrest and Black Mountain. HeUie Wise were shopping in Marion wm soon be ready to turn on the Saturday. . ' 1 lights in the two last nainplaces, , Mrs. E. J. McNeely and grandson He is also constructing a pipe line W visiting the former's daughter, "from the Falls to Old Fort for the Mrs. Rudolph McCullock, at Glen- purpose of conveying water to be i wood. ' used to furnish nower for his mill at' MUj: Fllen nH T.nTa Pinlev Vivp old Fort. returned home from Spindale. , Mrs. J. B. Johnson is still confined; A protracted meeting will begin 'to her bed with rheumatism. !at Caparnaum July 2nd. Postmaster Grant is on the sick! . list. Hope he will soon be out again, i CATAWBA VALLEYf Mrs. J. F. Gilliam and daughter of Catawba re on a visit to J. F. Gil - -4w o "0 1 from a business trio to Marvland. New York and other points. ! Mrs. I. L. Caplan and children are visiting Mrs. Caplan's parents in China Grove. . William Burgin and Hugh Tate'night th Mrs Don Davis have returned from the A. & E. Col-1 Wr nnA jur' r.Alnih,GiW nf lege, where they have c i . ... ompieteo a - successful year's work. They will leave in a few days for Camp Mc- Clellan at Anniston, Ala. Master tiyae JNesoitt ana master t Mamr WAhiitT nonnonon ta rna mie. ! fortune of getting their arms broken along all right. Miss Otelia Cathey is visiting her brother William for a few days in Old Fort. The Juvenile Sewing Club met last week with Miss Mary Willie Greene. This week it met with Miss Elizabeth : i Strickland. The. Old Fort baseball team has built a. new court and are now ready to play ball. Come on, boys, with your challenges. J. O. McDaniel and B. Y. Allison left recently for Middlesboro, Ky.; to accept positions with the tannery at that place. " LAUREL HILL Nebo, Rt.1, June 6. Quite a numben of people from this neighbor- hood attended the reunion and birth dayinner at the home of I. W. Walker, at Hysartsville on Sunday of law . week. All reported a very en joyable day. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Mangum of Erwin, Tenn.are visiting their daughter, Mrs. G. H. Ellington. Miss Myrtle Foster of . Marion rspent last week here with homefolks. T. C. McDaniel of Cliffside visited relatives here recently. f C f ' - Miss Leaffie Queen of Forest - City, and . J. M. Goode of Cliffside were visitors here Sunday. - - rZiXX'--, Misses Kate. Waters, Callie Dixon and Estelle Jones of Marion spent the week-end with friends and rela tives in this communityi . -' A string band: composed of Messrs. Bracjcett, Bost, Nanny, Early and others from Marion were visitors at the home of J. M. Walker on last Saturday night and rendered some very fine music to the delight .of the large crowd attending. We extend to them a hearty invitation to return again some time. ' ; - , Misses Vera Queen, Ethel Foster and Guy Cochran of Cliffside spent a few hours with friends in - this -community last Sunday. Jesse Price made a business tritt to Marion fast Monday. Mr. and Mrs. T. W, Walker, of Spindale, visited relatives ''here re cently. . Br F. Whitener of Spindale visited his parentsMri ;and Mrs. L. H. Whitener last Srke. ; j . J; L. Waters ,as in Marion Mon day on business. HANKINS . .'D. , T - T I Marion, Rt. 3, June o. L..C. Bur--, brother. ir,J r WL -JillS-i. f I VISi Te"vetNo. 2deraU an Morganton Monday. ' nZ Miss Annie Waif the week-end here. George Hall made a business trip esw jihodehiss . .7 , . v ' . spent . the week-end here with rela- . . - twi f aaiUo ,Hcif0 i,ic fofov , , al i o j Mi Mo rtiHim nf Rrond p,Ver' visited her sister Mrs O. A Davis iast week Miss Hattie Gilbert snent Saturday - Arden are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John"' Davis. Misses Carmel and Fannie Melton of Marion - spent the week-end with their narents here. r I n rrr -r i -mm- n0,j Lender of R6ck Hill. S: C..L iXL tS SAl0klltL MX I AIAVX XfXX t3 'lit JjaVs ? r V fw w , . 'rm:--Mr.ish-hadbeltew Lee- Lavender of Wake Forest is, - . ji;'-! t inj?h?-z ' ' at home for a short vacation before of P"?def Me? h.fo. . . returning to summer school.. . ; CtSt'frS ' V Thomas Beach has, gone-toV Char- br? -f&sK iSW? : . , . . v " - ' j ? . of his many Methodist , friends? and : lotte where he has accepted a posi-.-,- iAS::- -vr, tlOn. . - nn. lil&i CHAPEL rflLL Swann of Marion spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. ! Swann. . - W. C. Goodman of Flat- Rock' was a visitor here, the latter part of the week.s .v . f 'Mrs C. D. .Holland, who. has been iD, is improving. , yj, V" : '-XContinued-onlf iast page) NEWS ITEMS FROM - .v jua a . t t .t5::?.?-;; Items Concerning Events of In Merest and Importance HV Throughout the 'State. The annual, convention of North Carolina ' Bararra-Philathea associa- ' :' tion will be held, at Hendersonvillel for four days, commencingThursday, . -". June 15: . ' ;; ' rZ'ZfZ tM&MM'i - The Catawba county strawberry crop. sold for more than $20,000, ac-r .f business man, who is sail 'y to handled more of the bernes ;thatf axiy VF ( 5..- ' . - .... .V .' .- . Asheville, Jqne leaders today declared 'thaai cial count ; will be necessary v to ;'4e t ermine the winner in the tenth dis trict . Renuhlican congressional -con vara, ana jur. w. rregram, oi vjan- : ton.- ; . - , .r- - - f '.vyft , A part of the. Ip6,930 acres offpr-;; J: f :? est land atithorized by. the national : : ' v 1 1 T TT? T ' - - T- '- - ' . forest reservation .; commission . to ; be : 4 h are in vNorth ibarolina, This i;ltf!4'0i0: $2,000,000 ,recommehdedfashe;id cet of 1924 for the nurchaniad4fivi !; X ditional forest lands;, by the; govern ment. The acreage : of ,i' the .Horth' i Carolina purchase, as has ;beenjec-MjxsS ommended, is 1,027. one K"ii.fTrri and Tlxn rM,; jAHUTOue - vinzca, .n -. .. .. .-, :;7:v'" Gilbert 'Smithof -t)ldForty v .;. . - , ;.tf tf i .i . , - lern:,iratlr6iy; ptillihg freiightMMn . V.T"'- ; " information receivsd in raUroad ;lr. : :. tr three men were trespassing onv thet - , - - . n when thA. acnioent naniin;'t Thft' V W . ' , eraient, occurred Dendr; L A ?? WS " -fT'i from Ashevilleo. " bring, m theass- "f"80 fmtram N:f?;h bury,-and ey: were trarreanay, .arrived m the several limirs late. - ! ' . - . "X .. J. L. WALSH PASSES. - -. ; J. L. Walsh, an aged and; highly respected citizen of this community,,; 1 died at his home on. v Friday May -26th, after a prolonged illness. '7Mr. Walsh had lived in this section for' many yearsand was 82 yearspld.at the time of his death. He was a na- ,. - . . v . ,tlve of Germany-haying CQme,ta;thui county -when a;! Walsh left his native countrywhen- a mere Jad, being about 14 years old. ffe landed New 0rleS, - thont fnendsor fun?s- In, a short time . UCfc,,ccu "t" - ..n!??am5;-f?? t??1 .youth Mr, Walsh enlisted m the ser-.v.;t vices ol Confederacy. iile;in.:0 Vio comno ho twof hn ritH o - M(..? r T Z 1 Z':ltt&FZ Dowell county boy and at the close of the war he came here and settled. He married a Miss Krausewhosur- vives; also one son,' L."" B7 Walshjl' of " Uhis place. ? T funer WS :?feffe The sympathy of the .entire . com- . 1 munity is t extended -toi the sorrowing : , reiabivcs m uicix uuur ui uia-, -. ess DAVIS ' Jeter: C. -Davis and MissvC Ueona; Young : were' quietly, married ? at the home of iMr and .: Mrs. .Martin Toimg, parents of the bride, Saturday, after- ' noon,f Jyne 3rd. A;-:-f eintimattf JC; friedV witnessed the ceremony which ( : was performed by Rev3 J. .T Bowden, ' - : ? 4 i" t .. ...--r z- : St 1 SRepublicanstf 'ggx c ; ;." - X i. . . r . -. 1.. . : -t ' r5'--;f r-' C.'-V' r . -ViV'''V'.

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