AM A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1922 VOL. XXVI NO. 43 J! STROUDTOWN SCHOOL BOND ISSUE CARRIED A Modern School Building, With Equipment, Will Be Erected Before Jan. 1st. The election at Stroudtown on last Saturday on the question of bond is IPsue for a new school building was "'carried by a nattering majority. The polls were promptly opened at sun rise and voting immediately began. A majority was cast in favor of the bonds by 10 o'clock, but the voting continued throughout the day in fav o y of the new school proposition. No organized opposition developed on election day and everything passed off quietly, without any disorder -iatever. Only eight; votes Were cast against the bonds. The school authorities expect to begin at once to make plans for the erection of the new building. For some time the people have felt the need of more adequate school facili ties and as soon as the bonds have been disposed of it is expected ac tual building operations will begin. A modern building, and equipment, will be provided. It is the purpose of those having the matter in hand to erect a building in keeping with the demands of the district and to pro vide opportunities in the Stroudtown district equal to those in other dis tricts in the county. The course of study will be enlarged and a high school department will be added. It is hoped to have the new building and equipment complete not later than January 1st. AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT NEAR MARION A rather serious automobile acci dent occurred last Sunday afternoon near the home of Mr. G. C. Conley, oil the Nebo road, when a car driven by J. Mask ran into a car from lix V. The occupants of the two carswere ' badly shaken up and four of them were more or less seriously cut from the broken glass of the windshields- In the car from Lenoir were Eugene McGinness, who owned the wrecked car, Fred Warren, who received slight injuries, Miss Alley )eer and Miss Grace Warren, both of whom were slightly injured. Charles Puckridge, who was in flask's car, was mpre seriously in jured than, any of the others, he be ing rather badly cut about the face. The others in the car with Mask were Ava and Josephine Puckridge who were only shaken up and suffered no ill consequence from the experience. All the injured persons were cared for by local physicians and were able to go to their respective homes Sun day afternoon. McDOWELL VETERANS TO GET FREE TRIP TO REUNION By order of the county commis .sioners here last Thursday the coun ty will pay the round trip fare of all the Confederate veterans of Mc Dowell county who may want to go to the reunion at Richmond, Va., June 20-22. Veterans desiring to make the trip are requested to file ident ification. Wank and make request to Treasurer M. G. Poteat for trans yortation. The veterans will entrain here June 19. MAN KILLED BY TRAIN. J. Bas. Finley, whose home was near1 Cirn'chrjeid, was killedJy tram number twenty-two near Bridgewater Monday. It is reported that Finley ) was sitting on the track and it is thought that; the train struck him be- " fore he had time to get out of the way of thCtrain. He issurvived by a wke aha-bne chad. He was a younglnan Bout 23 or 24 years of age. llnterment was made Tuesday afternoon at Oak Grove cemetery. Deputy Sheriffs J. B. Ledbetter andKnneKreportthe destruc tion ota stiU on Broad Biver recent ly. Ities S1S Zlt on modVsaestroyeda frlant on Buck Creek on June 7th. AoOVER-CONLEY. A very quite but beautiful wed ding occurred at Cottage Home Tues day morning, June 6th, at 9:30, when Miss Anna Conley became the bride of Mr. Kirby Hoover of this place. The home was beautifully decorated in pink roses and greenery and the vows were spoken in the spacious parlor before an improvised altar of roses and evergreens. The bridal party entered to the strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march, played by Mrs. E. N. Giles, sister of the bride. Preceding the bride the groom entered with his brother, Mr. Howard Hoover, as best man. The bride entered on the arm of the maid of honor, her sister, Miss Jennie Conley, who was gowned in a charming frock of white organdie with georgette picture hat and carry ing white roses. The bride was very becomingly dressed in a traveling suit of blue tricotine with grey ac cessories and carried a shower boquet of white sweet peas. Rev. P. H. Brittain, pastor of the bride, performed the ceremony dur ing which strains of "Barcarolle" was softly played. Only the immediate family and a few friends of the young couple were present. Follow ing the ceremony the guests were in vited to the dining room where re freshments were served. The decor ations nere were pink roses and ever greens. The bride is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Conley and is very popular in Marion. After leav ing the State College at Greensboro in the spring of 1919 she has been a successful teacher in the county schools of McDowell. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hoover of this place and holda a responsible position with the Marion Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Mr. and Mrs. Hoover left for a short trip through "the Western part of the state. They will be at home in Marion after June 15. BEAMAN-PADGETT. A wedding of much interest took place last Monday, June 12th when Miss Pearl Padgett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Padgett of Nebo, be came the bride of Mr. Ernest Beaman of this place. The wedding was quiet affair, wit nessed only by relatives and close friends of the bride and groom. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. C. Story of the Presbyterian church. Mrs. Beaman is a young lady of culture and accomplishments. She graduated from the Asheville Normal College a few years ago. She taught school in the county and for the past few years she has held a trusted posi tion with the Beaman Lumber Co. Mr. Beaman is a native of Tennes see. For a number of years he has lived in Marion and has been engag ed in the manufacture and sale of finished lumber. He is a member of the firm of the Beaman Lumber Company and is a young man of sterling business qualities. Mr. and Mrs. Beaman will make their home in Marion. The out-of-town guests for the wedding were Mrs. Ruth B. Aston, Mrs. Chas. Biddle, Miss Elizabeth Beaman, of Knoxville, Tenn; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. English, Miss Ola English and Miss Ruth English, of Asheville, and Miss Margaret Highsmith of Ra leigh. NEAR EAST RELIEF CARDS. Mrs. D. F. Giles, chairman of the Near East Relief campaign, who is at present visiting in St. Louis, has left cards in the office of the County Su perintendent of Schools to be handed to persons who desire to send pack ages, to be forwarded to sufferers in the Near East countries. These cards are to be attached to packages and carry all necessary information that is needed in sending these packages. These cards ' can be secured by mak ing application to the County Super intendent of Schools. Services at St. John's next Sun day at 11 a. mi ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM THE COUNTY Brief Mention of Some of the Happenings in McDowell Items About Home People. OLD FORT Old Fort, June 12. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Nichols of Marion spent the week-end with their daughter, Mrs. D. A. Silver. Misses Nannie Nichols and Essie Mashburn, who are attending sum mer school at Union Mills, spent the week-end with homefolks. Alfred Gibson of Asheville visited friends here Sunday. S. J. Fortune of Asheville spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. J. Y. Gilliam. Finley Fortune of Asheville spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, T. J. Fortune. Harry Ditmore returned home from Chapel Hill Saturday and will spend his vacation wit his sister, Mrs. G. W. Sandlin. Misses Bonnie Fortune, Vivian Sawyer ahd Louise Flemming left Tuesday to enter the summer school at Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Hart Taylor and Mrs. P. H. Mashburn spent Saturday in Ashe ville. Mrs. D. M. Mcintosh and children left Friday to visit relatives in Rich mond, Va. Misses Frances and Lula Hicks left Tuesday for Asheville to enter sum mer school. F. M. Bradley left Friday to visit friends in Alabama. J. L. Lackey made a business trip to Marion Thursday. MisesHie and Bula. Kanipe, May Allison and Gertrude Durham returned home from Greensboro Col lege last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Hart Taylor left Tues day for Abbot, Ala., where they are building a big bridge. Mrs. James Gilliam and daughter of Catawba returned home Sunday, after spending a week with Mr. Gil liam. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Grant of Greenlee spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Moody. Miss Mamie Lacky and Charles McGee of Waynesville were married June 5th. ! BETHLEHEM i Old Fort, Route 2, June 12. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Morgan spent Satur day night at the home of C. N. Ho gan. . Marie Jackson spent the week-end ,with Ethel Carr on Catawba, j The W. O. W. of Old Fort decorat ed the grave of Robert Poteat here Sunday at eleven o'clock. ' Rev. C. P. Holland, who has just returned from the State meeting of the P. O. S. of A. at Charlotte, will preach a sermon on the order here next Sunday. Everybody invited. Thomas Holland of Old Fort was a visitor here yesterday. Mrs. J. F. Parker of Marion spent the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gibson. Thomas Parker of Marion is spend ing the week with Frank Mills. Charlie Gibson of Catawba spent Sunday here. Rattlesnakes seem to be plentiful in this section. Five have been kill ed here recently. Due to so much rain the farmers are all behind with their work, but corn is looking very good. CARLYLE Nebo, Rt. 2, June 12. James W. Edwards, one of McDowell county's best known and most highly respect ed citizens, died at his home here Thursday, June 8, at 3:30 o'clock. Mr. Edwards is survived by his wife and eleven children Marion Ed wards of Rhodehiss, Millard Edwards, Mrs. Henry Arrowood and Thomas A. Edwards of Nebo; John L. and Wesley M. Edwards of Alliance, Ohio; Charles and George Edwards of Moorefield, Ohio; Floyd Edwards of Canton, Ohio; Bert Edwards of Spruce Pine, and Mrs. Gordon Er win of Marion all of whom Were present except the latter. He is al so survived by forty-seven grand children, eight great grand children and one brother, William Edwards, aged 78. Mr. Edwards had many friends in this section and his pass ing brought sorrow to many. Farmers are getting along splendid with their work. Charles Buchanan of Hawk was here last week prospecting for mica. Fishing is fine on Lake James. If you wish to spend a pleasant day, visit Lake James at this place. ASH FORD Ashford, June 12. Ashford was not dead, but sleWping. Dewey Brown and Miss Liddy Heff ner were quietly married a few days ago. They are now keepink house. Mrs. E. R. Stair of Dungannon, Va., is visiting her parents and rela tives here. Mr. and Mrs. Greene of Johnson City, Tenn., are visiting relatives here. Miss Beatrice Brown will attend summer school in Morganton this year. We are expecting to have a Child ren's Day exercises at Concord church some time in the near future. Ray McCall has returned home from Morganton where he has been working. ' - On tlast Tuesday, June 6, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. English of this place had a reunion of their family at the old ant Gardens cemetery, inv McDowell' home place. This was also their county, were set in motion at yester golden wedding day. Every member day's meeting of the McDowell-Er-of the family was present except wi.n Clan A committee composed two. It was wonderful to see that of William and E. McDowell, of large family gathered around a long Asheville, and A. M. Siler; of Weav table covered with good eats " ' viUeyaiappo ' grave- and formulate ' plans for the HANKINS j erection of a suitable monument in - Marion, Rt. 3, June 13. Mrs. ' Memory of the Revolutionary hero. Murtie Cooper and Mrs. Fannie Lew- Joseph and Charles McDowell partici is visited relatives in Morganton Fri- pated in the ' Battle of Kings Moun day. tain and while the. grave of Charles Misses Cora McNeeley and Edna McDowell at Quaker Meadows, Burke Whetstile were shopping m Marion county, is marked, no monument haa last Saturday. ever been erected at the grave of, Mrs. M. A. Craig and grandson of Colonel Joseph McDowell. Glenwood spent the week-end here. During the business session of the Born, to Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Erwin, clan yesterday William A. Erwin, of a daughter, June 9th. Durham, was elected chief; J. E. Mc- George and Joe Hall were visitors Iowell, of Asheville, vice-chief; Mrs. at Carlyle Sunday. Margaret McDowell Siler, of Weaver- A unmber of young folks from ville, re-elected secretary; W. M. Mc Carlyle were visitors here Sunday af- Dawell, of Asheville, re-elected treas temoon. urer. J. C. Burnett made a business trip In the absence of Chief F. Boevard to Marion Saturday. " McDowell, of Charlotte, who was un- R. D. Barnes of Marion visited his able to attend this year's meeting, daughter, Mrs. J.. C. Burnett, last Vice Chief J. E. McDowell, of Ashe week. , villp, presided over the session yes- jterday. A revision of the constitu- NEBO. tion and by laws constituted the Nebo, June 11. Mr. and Mrs. J. 'principle business handled. The re C. Mason and little son returned vision included a reduction of the home yesterday after spending some amount of annual dues, time with Mrs. Mason's mother near lt was announced that books giv Glenwood. ,in& the history of the McDowell and Watson Wilson, of Marion, spent Erwin families would be revised, the week-end with homefolks here. i Miss Lonnie Snipes, who holds a CHURCH -NEWS, position in Marion, spent Saturday ' There were one hundred and twen and Sunday with homefolks here. jty young men in the Baraca class at Misses Betty Bowman and Georgia the Krst Baptist church last Sunday Sigmon were shopping in Marion last morning. The photographer was on Saturday. hand and made a picture which is to There will be preaching at the(be used in the State work to show Methodist church next Sunday night ;what can be dne by the men when at 7:45 o'clock. ithey get together. This was a great GARDIN Gardin, June 12. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mason of Nebo have been visiting relatives here. James Morgan made a business trip to Glenwood last week. n A large crowd of young people of this place attended Children's Day exercises at Bethel, Sunday. A singing was given at rthe home of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Wacaser Fri day night. Miss Mayme Bowman of Marion spent the week-end with homefolks. Crops are progressing nicely. CURFEW Old Fort, Star Route, June 13. -Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Morgan visited C. N. Hogan Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hawkins of Marion visited the former's parents NEWS ITEMS FROM OVER THE STATE Items Concerning' Events of In terest and Importance Throughout the State. Christian Endeavor societies of North Carolina witf meet in Char lotte Friday, Saturday and Sunday! It is believed some 600 delegates wiU be in attendance. wiiiie riee uoiortn, aged zz, oi Winston-Salem, died Saturday as result of injuries which he sustain Thursday at North Wilkesboro when he fell 56 feet from a smokestack he was painting. E. B. Cozort, prominent farmer of Durham county, claims v the prize cow of 1922. Thursday, according t6 Mr. Cozort, the cow in question gave 41 quarts of milk at one milking'; It is said that four people helped in the milking and it took two hours to complete the job. - Plans for the apple show to - be held in Asheville this fall, will be disT cussed at a meeting to be held June 23 at the Swannanoa test farm of the North Horticultural society. This organization includes practically all the large apple growers of Western North Carolina. TO ERECT MONUMENT FOR JOSEPH M'DOWEIX Asheville Citizen, 10th. J Plans for marking the grave of Colonel Joseph McDowell in Please occasion and a splendid victory for the boys, but they say they cam and will go one better. Next Sunday they propose to have one hundred and fifty. This class, will, have a delegation at ' the Baraca-Philathea convention which is in session , at Henderson ville this week. They will bring back inspiring .reports for the class next Sunday morning. Saturday night and were the guests of Mrs. R. D. Parker Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Reel and child ren spent Saturday night at J. , W. Hogan's on Crooked Creek. ; The farmers of this section are busy cutting grain. ; ... ' Mrs. J. F. Parker and children of Marion spent the week-end with"her parents Sfr. and Mrs. J. M. Gibson.' Grayson Pert dergrass arid- family of Greenlee were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Morgan Sunday. ' : ) ! 1 ! i it v 17-; ;.--- -