A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY! ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1922 VOL. XXVI NO. 47 SUPERIOR COURT IN SESSION THIS WEEK Judge Bryson Presiding Over Term Number of Cases Disposed of on Criminal Docket. The July term of McDowell perior Court convened Monday mom mg with Judge Thad D. Bryson, of bryson City, presiding and Solicitor has been started for the erection of a Garrett D. Bailey prosecuting for thelnationaI memorial university in non State. Robt. A. Brinkley was made'01 of those who fel1 in France in or' foreman of the grand jury with G L 'der that clvlhzation might be pre Poteat as officer. A number " of served and ' cases were mntin., Q-oo ;a "Whereas, committees have been etc : named in all parts of the United The following cases have been dis-' States to raise funds for the construc" posed of: ion tms institution, and George Walker, manufacturing, Whereas,,nature has decorated the not guilty graves of those who fell in Flanders Roy Brown, transporting, judge-1 fields with PPPies' and the ce ment suspended on payment of cost. man m charge has decided to ask the Floyd Buckner, carrying concealed youn wo1men of this city to sel1 pop weapon, not guilty ipies on the streets of this cy, Sat- D. P. Lenhardt, carrying con ! urday, July 15th, coaled weapon, fined fifty dollars "Thereforf L H- H- Tate, by the and cost power vested in me as mayor, do call r ruM vr i u P. . upon the people of this city to re- Ijreo. Walker, Melvin McGinnis, Al , . x. J , r'xwn. r- j tit i tit 1 1 j member the valor of those who de- ijreorge Condrey, Mack Wajker and . . , . Frank Condrey, disturbing worship, not guilty. Will Jackson,, assault with deadly weapon, fined ten dollars and cost. Will Clinton, larceny, sentenced to twelve months on roads. C. D. Koon, forgery, sentenced to :five years in State prison. Frank Haney, gambling, fined ten dollars and cost. Will Lynch, larceny, sentenced to twelve months on roads. John Bolton, gambling, fined ten dollars and cost. George Bryson, gambling, fined ten dollars and cost. BUILDING AND LOAN The shareholders of the McDowell Building and Loan Association held their annual meeting in the court , t , o j a . . M , . jonty of the shareholders was rep- resented. The report of the secre- tary and treasurer for the year end- , v . , . . . me June outn wa. reaa, wnicn snow- , T . - u i j j ed the association to be in splendid condition. The shareholders elected the following directors: Thomas Morris, J. L. Morgan, D. E. Hudgins, J. Q. Gilkey. A F. Hunt, Boyce SpnnkJe, W. fll. Sweeney, c n. Dysart, J. H. Tate, F. 1 T TT M. Bradley mna rj. neai. rnsirfprable interest was shown by the shareholders in securing sub- aenpwons xor Hfe and directed his energies in every The secretary reported that about transaction. Pages could be writ six hundred shares had already been ten on the noble old Irish family subscribed for the thirty-sixth series family from which he sprung; many , . . , f 4, -nn-up. sources could be named from which and it is expected that che number h& havg inherited those finer will be increased considerably during eiements Gf character that marked the month of July, in which time the him as a man who stood head and subscriptions will be taken. 'shoulders above the crowd; but when - , . QfHftnrT1 ail is said and done we can come to The directors met after adjourn- conclusion that that a man ment of the shareholders and re- ig master Qf his own destiny and that elected the following officers: he demanded and exercised this God Thomas Morris, president; J. L. Mor- given right. Biographers could r- -jjlf.-T V Mpfll ec- cord the many honors conferred up gan, vice-president, J. L. Neal, .ec o hfm foy the political party the xetary and treasurer, and D. tiua- iodges an(j the church of which he gins, attorney. was a member. They could refer to (his goods, and they were many, and Mirun, q Ar aim WITH to the fact that he gave one tenth 2 NICHOLS AGAIN WITH ' hi substance to charity; but any STATE COMMISSION eulogy would be incomplete which Raleigh, July 8. The Corporation does not refer to his even temper, Commission announced today the re- his ideal home life and the beautiful . , . . , .morit nf character which entwined itself like tarn to its banking department of naiumbIe benediction ar0und the the former Chief Bank Examiner lives Df those less fortunate than he. John G. Nichols, for the past three His pain-racked body sleeps that rft one of the vice-presidents of dreamless sleep, but his life flows on . T,f rnmnanv at ' in an ever widening stream and r the American Trust Company at h fais devoted wif e, his stalwart Charlotte, Mr. Nichols was with the gong and affeqtionate daughter each State Banking Department for seven succeeding generation will furnish beinc made chief examiner , proof to, the world that George Con years, ... . ley did not hve in vain. upon reiumniK - i fnrthe war. Mr. INlcnoia rcux occasion for the department is -an irratification hy the Corporation Commission and Chief Examiner arence Latnam. WEATHER REPORT. Thoa. McGuire, local government weather bureau observer, reports the temperature and rainfall at Marion for the week as follows: Maximum 91 degrees; minimum, 61 degrees? rain, 1.24 inches; sun JshiB per cent, .71. SATURDAY IS MADE "POPPY DAY" BY MAYOR Mayor H. H. Tate, in a proclama tion, officially designates Saturday, July 15, as "Poppy Day" and urges the citizens of Marion to buy poppies for the fund to erect a national me morial university for the soldiers Su-!who fel1 in France during the World War. His proclamation follows: "Whereas a nation-wide movement conflict of arms recorded in the pages of history, and request that all citi zens of Marion purchase from these young ladies the poppies which they will offer for sale on the streets, and call upon them to contribute liberally to the great cause for which the com mittee is making every effort to raise the necessary funds, and I hereby designate Saturday, July 15th, 1922, ."Poppy Day." "Given under my hand and seal this 12th day of July, A. D. 1922. "H. H. TATE, Mayor." GEORGE W. CONLEY. .. . It is... not-enough to say that the passing of George Conley removes from McDowell county one of her best citizens. It can be truthfully said that he was a man of industry, , . a man of benevolence, a man of public spirit; but greater than any of thege attributes was that finer and beUer q hig ,.fe whkh ma(Je , . , xjuuj him a devoted husband, an affection- . A, , . , , , ate father, a good neighbor and a lover of mankind. His presence in any group of men had a purifying influence; his frankness and honesty inspiring all that was best in the lives feUowmen He was not , man . , radi-al rfis- v, ( t - position, yet he always made his presence felt because of the simple m .., , . , , , i- i faith with which he clung to the high and lofty ideals that permeated his D. W. CRAWFORD. Marion, N. C, July 3rd, 1922. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Look at the printed label on your paper. The date thereon shows when the subscription expires. For ward your money in ample time for renewal. Notice date on label care fully, and if not correct, please noti fy us 'at once. Subscribers desiring the address of their paper changed will please state in their communica- tion both the OLD and New address: ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM THE COUNTY Brief Mention of Some of the Happenings in McDowell Items About Home People. OLD FORT Old Fort, July 12. Mrs. Cox of Gastonia is visiting her daughter, Mrs. D. Y. Grant. H. Grady MUler of New York City is visiting at the home of G. B. ; Strickland. Mr. Miller has achieved quite a success as a musician n the j East. He possesses a very pleasing voice and has toured the United States several times. The Orphans from the Odd Fel lows Home at Goldsboro appeared at the school auditorium last Friday j night. The program was well pre sented and enjoyed by all present. J Tom Thumb Wedding was given at the school auditorium Tuesday eve ning at 8 o'clock. About seventy .five children took part and acquitted themselves well. The exercises were given under the auspices of the Pres byterian church. A neat sum was realized. I S. M. Hoffmon was in Marion Monday on business. j Jas. H. Young, who has been ill for some time, continues very low. ! Mrs. J. B. Johnson, who has been confined to her room for several weeks, is very much better to the de light of her many friends. I Franz Strickland left Thursday for Asheville on an extended visit to relatives. Deputy. D. Y. Grant has been ac tive for the last few days in running down illicit distilleries. He recently captured two on Broad River, one large one near Catawba Falls and one' in the lower part of the township. He destroyed a good deal of material but did not capture any men. Don Mashburn of Asheville spent I Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mashburn. ! Mrs. Wade Jones is spending the week visiting friends in Marion. ! Mr. Roughton of Charlotte has bought the Sandlin hotel and will continue it as a hotel. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sandlin have 1 moved into their new home, f Grady Nichols made a business trip to Marion Monday, j Byrd Burgin of Asheville is visit ing his father. Mrs. C. C. Wyche of Spartanburg is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crawford. I Mr. and Mrs. Stone of Virginia will make their home here, Mr. Stone having accepted a position with Noyes Land and Lumber Co. i Mr. and Mrs. Dunn of . Asheville have located here. Mr. Dunn is en gaged in forestry work. Ed. McCanless of Bryson City spent the week-end with his aunt, Mrs. J. C. Sandlin. Mrs. Florine Smith of Winchester, Ga., is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. Cranford. Mrs. G. W. Sandlin and two little daughters are visiting relatives at Arden. D. W. Adams . motored to Spruce Pine Monday on business. 1 Mrs. George Bradley and little (daughter of Forest City spent the week-end with the former's parents, , Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hicks. DYSARTSVILLE Dysartsville, July 11. Mrs. Plato Spratt of Bridgewater spent Thurs day night here. Mrs. D. C. Laughridge and child ren of Marion were visitors here last week. A number of people from here at tended the celebration at Rutherford ton July 4th. James Laughridge and family of Marion were here Sunday. Arthur Walker was in Union Mills on business Saturday. Charlie Patterson and family of Asheville were visitors here Sunday. Miss Alice Mangum, who has Deen at work in Marion, has returned home for the summer. Thomas Glass and Arthur and Erastus Walker were in Glen Alpine on business oneday last week. Key Landis and Jimmy Goforth were in Marion Saturday. Mr. and Mpsl George Satterwhite of Bridgewater were? visitors here last week. it Aldon Hutchins and family of Cliff side were here Sunday. " Curtis Hutchins of Union Mills was a visitor here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred La'ughridge and children spent Thursday and Friday in Marion. Miss Mamie Goforth of Asheville spent Sunday with homefolks here. Mrs. Obe Biggerstaff , and children spent Sunday with relatives in Burke county. Ed. Laughridge and family of Shelby were visitors here Sunday. Will Engle and family of Union Mills were here Sunday. Gatha Higgins and two sons of Bellwood were here Sunday. Miss Hattie Mangum has gone to Marion to accept a position. Miss Vernie Rollins of Asheville is home on a visit: Miss Edna Metcalf of Rutherford ton has arrived to spend some time with her aunt, Mrs. Mattie Ja.quins. Ray Morrison of Union Mills was here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Laughridge of Marion were here Sunday. Miss Blanche Patterson of Ashe ville was a visitor here Sunday. Miss Etta Walker and Cronje Laughridge were in Rutherfordton last week. LAUREL HILL Nebo, Rt. 1, July 11. A birthday dinner in honor of the 85th birthday of Mrs. C. L. Elliott was enjoyed by a number of friends and relatives at the home of Mrs. M. L. McCurry on llast Sunday. ' Several people ' from out of the community were in at tendance. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hair of Spin dale are spending a few days here visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Ellington. Miss Effie Walker of Marion spent the first of the week here visiting her sister, Mrs. J. F. Foster. Miss Hessie Waters went to Ma rion Monday where she will spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Queen of Mooresboro visited friends and re latives in this community last Satur day. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. G. H. El lington, July 10th, a son. Mrv and Mrs. E. L. Walker and Miss Myrtle Foster of Clinchfield i were visitors here last Sunday. Mrs. C. H. Dixon returned home Monday from Marion after spending a few days with relatives there. J Mr. and Mrs. L. Foster of Ruther fordton spent the first of the week with relatives here. A singing given at the home of Mr. J. F. Foster on last Sunday nignt was enjoyed by a large crowd of young people. Farmers are most all through with "laying by" now and are making the best of these hot days in the shade. GARDIN Gardin, July 11. Miss Sallie Wa caser of Shelby is spending a few days with homefolks here. Mrs. J. C. Carswell has returned home from Buck Creek after spend ing the week-end with relatives. J. S. Morgan made a business trip to Marion yesterday. A large crowd of young people en joyed an ice cream supper given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Millard Holland last Saturday night. Miss Mayme Bowman spent the week-end with homefolks. C. D. Wacaser is on the sick list. A package of letters, pictures and a pocket book containing some money was found by James Morgan last Friday. CARLYLE Nebo, Rt. 2. July 11. Mr. and Mrs. James Gray of Marion attend ed service at Oak Grove last Sunday. Mr. Brown and Bob Childers left EWS ITEMS FROM OyER THE STATE Items Concerning .Events of Iiw terest and Importance Throughout the State. Miss Edna Almond, aged 18,. a student of the summer school, .r was drowned in Valley river at Murphy, Monday afternoon while in bathing. John B. Blanton, native of Cleve land county and ex-sheriff of Ruth- erford, died at his home at Forest City Sunday evening at the age of. 83 years. . I The annual session of the Grand Encampment of the Independent Or der of Odd Fellows in North Caro lina will meet at the Oceanic hotel at Wrightsville Beach August 15-16. MASONS TO HOLD PIC NIC AT THERMAL CITY The Masons of the 44th District are making plans to have a picnic dinner, speaking and other features, to be held at Thermal Cty on Aug. 3rd.. A letter has been sent out by J. W. Winbome, District Deputy Grand Master, and other officials of the various lodges of the district, in viting all Masons to be present w,ith their families on this occasion. Ot 1 111 I 1. xl opeaxmgs win oe pari, oi wits piu gramx and it is hoped that the Grand Master will be there, as well as other high officials of the Masonic fra ternity. The lodges of this district have all made substantial gains and it is thought that the "get-together, meeting which is planned to be held at Thermal City will mean much in the way of inspiration, to make still further gains. It will also offer an opportunity for brother Masons and their families to get acquainted with eaeh other and llnmlff9'11? on in the various lgeiipro gram as formulated is ' orfe that should bring out the Masons of the entire district in a great meeting: It will certainly mean much to the cause in the 44th district. J. W. Winbome, Deputy Grand Master of the district, is putting forth every effort to make this the banner district in North Carolina, and he is meeting with much success. He hopes to have a great gathering: at Thermal City on Aug. 3rd, and expects the occasion to be one of great pleasure and much profit every one who attends. PLACES AND DATES FOR FREE DENTAL TREATMENT Dr. E. J. Griffin the dentist sent to McDowell by the State Board of Health, to give free dental treat ment to school children under 13' i r n l i i . I jicaii3 yjx. age, vy 111 a, bite luiiuwiug i i u j 4- - , 4-: i . pictcca Jii nic virtues liicxibiuiieu. Harmony' Grove, July 13th. Pinnacle, July 14th. Vein Mountain, July 15th. Dysartsville, July 17th and 18th. Glenwood, July 19th, 20th and 21. Flat Creek, July 24th and 25th. Pitts, July 26th and 27th. Ashford, July 28th and 29th. Woodlawn, July 31st and August 1st. Chapel Hill, August 2nd. Garden City, August 3rd and 4th. Gowans (Buck Creek), August 5th Greenlee, August 7th and 8th. Siloam, August 9th. Bethlehem, August 10th. Cherry Springs, August 11th ad 12th. Stone Mountain, August 14th. . Old Fort, August 15th, 10th and 17th. Monday for Ohio. ' Mr. and Mrs. Guss Gray of Mor ganton were visitors here Sunday. Miss Myrtle Arrowoow and Ben of Miss Pearl "Bivens last Sunday. H. , G. Arrowood visited : friends' and relatives at Glenwood last week, M. N. Arrowood -of Glenwood visited his brother nere last week. r. We are sorry to learn Mrs. J. W, Edwards is not improving in health! Services at St. John's next ' Sun day at 11 a. m.